Sitemap - 2024 - Alex’s Substack

Woke 'Moral' Zealots have NO Actual Morality

Not All Villains are Woke!

Woke Corruption of Race Language

People can Spot Conspiracy Far Away but Not Under their Own Nose

False Narratives and Fake Emergencies

'If You aren't With Us You're Enemy' is Fascist Dichotomy

My Substack Summer

Stop Waiting for a Savior!

Lost Debate isn't a Lost Election

JK Rowling Brought Leftist Politics into Her HP Books

Scientists aren't Gods

DemoNrats have NOTHING to Offer to Americans

Woke Nightmarish Un-Reality and Joyless Un-Life

A Massive General Strike All Over the Country if DemonRats would Cheat this November

DemonRats are 100% Anti-Family and Anti-Children Party

DemonRats are Worse than Nazis

All Red Lines were Crossed in the West

Asexuals are Just Voluntary Celibates

Celebrities are NOT Our Buddies!

US had NEVER Really Fought Communism

There's Nothing Truly Left left of Modern Western Left

Why Don't Americans Appreciate their Freedom Enough?

Woke Moral Guide

Majority of People are Quite Happy to Live in a Concentration Camp

Everything is Deep Fake now in the West

Woke Gospel

Satanic Agenda of the Elite: Grammys, Eurovision, Olympics

Woke Virtue-Signalers are Entitled Narcissists

Democratic Priorities Gone Totally Wrong

Crisis of Public Trust to Institutions

Identity Politics is a Marxist Fraud

MSM Gaslighting on 'Far-Right Violence' Must End

How the Woke Incorporated Racism into Their Marxism

‘Trans Men’ are Also a Problem, not just ‘Trans Women’!

Why Transgenders Gained So Much Power?

The Left Never were Anti-System, just Anti-Right

Woke Sick Obsession with Kids

Ghoulish Leftist Reaction to Trump Assassination Attempt

Wokeism is Fascism in Disguise

Wokeism as a 'White Guilt'

Trans Activism is New Homophobia

Woke 'Moral' Gaslighting

The Key Difference Between Conservatives and Woketards

Left Liberals are Worse than Woketards

Many 'Normies' Largely Underestimate Danger of Wokeism

The Woke are Racist to Literally Everybody

What would DemonRats Do Now After Debate?

True Ugly Face of the Woke

The Emperor is Finally Naked – Now What?

Why Almost Every Celebrity is a Regime Sycophant?

To Woketards Accusing Me as a Gay Man of ‘Ingratitude’

Was Debate a Setup or Genuine Democratic Failure?

Gays Against Woke Queer Trans Groomers

Finnish Selective Memories on Russia

Climate Scam Actually Harms the Planet

Putin's Treason is the Real Reason for Wagner Coup

Gays and Jews are Again in Great Danger

Climate Scam Lures Mostly Young People

Democratic Voters are a Problem

MSM Blow Everything Out of Proportion

Why had Putin Really Invaded Ukraine?

Walk Away from the Left

Stop Being Scared of Racism Accusations

MSM News Inject You with an Attitude Now

Victim Mentality is a Problem

The Left would Sacrifice Gays under Islamist Knife

Woke Myth of Innocent 'People of Color' Part 2

Woke Myth of Innocent by Default 'People of Color'

Woke Rock - Evanescence & Garbage

Wokies don't really Like Gays Any Longer

The Woke don't Really Believe Their Own Bullshit

Why I Decided to Do Political Blogging and Journalism as a Career

Nine Most Prominent Features of Demon Rats and Woketards

Woketards Don't Care of Data and Facts

Who is Worse - Stephen King or Neil Gaiman?

Woketards Rendered the Word 'Hate' Meaningless

Trans Activism is a Trojan Horse of LGBT Movement

Democrats Put their Partisanship Above the Law

Consistency isn't a Woke Forte

Bill Gates Power Grab

Woketards are Just Billionaire Sycophants

Trans Activism is Pushed from Top to Bottom

How to Stay Awake in the Matrix

Alex' Golden Rule of Finding Everything Out

Our Elite isn't Incompetent - It's Malevolent

Media Distract You from the Real Thing

Mainstream Media are Trumpets of Their Billionaire Owners

Corporations Rule this World, not Individuals

New Fascism is Coming from the Left

Sure Signs of Woke Totalitarianism in US

Queering as a Woke War on Normalcy

Gays and Lesbians aren't 'Queer' Enough for the Woke

Who Would Inhabit the 'Woke Paradise'?

Most Palestinian Supporters are HAMAS Apologists INDEED

Lefties and Normies NEVER Admit They Were Wrong!

Striking Similarities Between BLM Violent Riots and Cancel Russia Campaign

People Can't Recognize Evil Right Between Their Eyes

Eurovision 2024 was Carnival of Depravity

Woke Culture Has No Excuse and No Justification

Cost of Lockdowns, Not of Pandemic

Russians Respect their History and Elders More than Americans

Woke Hatred of Police

'Virtuous' Capitalism or Global Corporate Marxism?

The Woke are Actual Bigots

Pedo Groomers Within LGBT+ Community Would Smear Our Community Beyond Repair

Fatties, Troons and COVIDiots as Victims of Medical Industry

Ukraine is just a European Palestine

Appalling Hypocrisy of pro Pally Rioters

Good People Often Do Terrible Things

People Are Falling for Noble Slogans

Majority of People are STILL Clueless

Living in Narratives - Why It's Dangerous

Woke 'Cite Your Source' Gaslighting

Wokeism is a Self-Immolation of the Western Civilization

The Left NEVER were Really Pro Gay or Pro Women

Ukrainian War was Two Men Con All Along

Republicans and Democrats Reversed Their Roles

Could NATO Really Protect its Members?

Majority of People are Mean

Ignoring Ukraine Nazi Problem Helps Putin, NOT Ukraine!

Woke Agreeability and 'Safe Spaces'

Woke Split Personality and Schizophrenia

Christian Conservatives didn’t Learn Shit

Why SO MANY People were Actually HAPPY with COVID Pharma Fascism?

American 'White Guilt'

Diversity Divides Us

Why are Mostly Young People Lured into Dark Net of Wokeness?

The Woke Appeal to Emotion to Manufacture Outrage

Do We Really Need a 'Fact-Check' Industry?

Creation of False Media Narratives: Technology

Trans Women vs Trans Men

Ukrainian War is WEF Staged

Trans Activism is a Revenge of Patriarchy on Gays and Women

Erasing of Biological Sex via Attack on Gendered Language

Muslim Hive Mentality

The Difference Between Political and Institutional Power

A Correct Approach to Putin and His War

Woke 'Anti-Racism' is the Worst Racism

The Importance of Being Critical

Kremlin is VERY UNLIKELY to Assassinate Alexey Navalny

Who and Why had Assassinated Alexey Navalny?

Obvious Connection Between Tucker-Putin Interview and Alexey Navalny Death

Great Reset, or Great Corporate Fraud

Leftist Politicians as a Tool of WEF Great Reset

Woke Movie Destruction

Woke Cancel Culture Harms Vulnerable Minority Groups the Most

Putin Interview is a Propaganda Farce

Legacy Media Meltdown Over Putin Interview is Much Worse than Interview Itself

Modern LGBT+ Activism is a Sick Gender Ideology

Putin is NOT a 'Resistance' to Globalists - NEVER was and NEVER Will Be

Climate Carbon Scam Does Actually Harm the Planet

Mostly Left-wing Governments Adopted COVID Pharma Fascism

COVIDiots' Un-Life is Worse than Death

COVID Pandemic started with a Big Lies from the Very Beginning

Striking Similarities between Navalny and Trump Prosecutions

Modern Totalitarianism Comes from Regular People More Often than from State in the West

Islam and Christianity Condemn Homosexuality for Different Reasons

Islam is an Arab Colonialist Movement

Islam was Designed to Convert the Whole World

The Importance of Understanding Bigotry

Dangers of Writing a Political Fiction for Kids

Examples of Woke Gaslighting Technique

The Woke Decided We're 'Haters' Before We Even Opened Our Mouth

Neither Putin nor NATO are Failing in Ukraine

All Woke 'Popular' Opinions are Manufactured

What's Common Between BLM Riots, JK Rowling Trans Row and COVID Pharma Fascism?

Liberalism is an Answer to Wokeism, not Conservatism

Trivialization of Evil as a Way to its Acceptance

Woke Lunatics Aren't Really Progressives

Why Socialism is Bound to Fail

Why All Global Shit Begins in Early Spring?

Will WEF Stage WWIII Indeed?

New 'Weak Tyrant' Political Model

Why Globalization is So Dangerous

We LGB Just Can't Let Literally Anyone into Our Community

History of a Forced Marriage Between LGB and TQ

Gay and Trans Agendas are Exact Opposites

Trans Homophobia

Reject ALL Woke Agenda, Not Just Parts of It!

Wokeism is Worse than Even Religious Fundamentalism

'Trans Women are Women' is a Fraud

Our Negligence and Gullibility Allowed Our Media and Governments to Go Corrupt

Transgender Problem Starts from Mere Definition

Bullying in School as a Precursor to Social Injustice in Adult Life

Extreme Woke Naivete is Astonishing and Actually Dangerous