Free Speech is Paramount!
We Should Be Able to Listen to Different Opinions even if We Find Them Immoral or Unfounded
Again, this is an entire point of a free speech - that you should be able to listen to things you don’t like to hear. Anyone can listen to the things they like to hear, it’s not a big deal, and no need to protect it under free speech umbrella. It’s exactly controversial and provocative opinions which challenge groupthink and mainstream dogmas, and even conventional facts and norms, and thus make many people angry, scared or uncomfortable - it’s exactly those opinions which need to be protected and even treasured I’d say because they make as develop as a society.
Again, we will never develop as human beings and as society as a whole, if we will be living in eternal echo chambers without anyone challenging our dogmas and beliefs. Again, if your facts are correct and your beliefs are good, you have nothing to worry about. Truth isn’t afraid to be challenged by lies, and goodness isn’t afraid to be challenged by wickedness. Lies and evil, in the contrary, do not like to be challenged because they know they aren’t attractive enough to win in an honest battle, hence they apply censorship and try to suppress opposing ideas. So, if you wanna suppress ideas you don’t like or just can’t even hear them because they ‘make you upset, neither truth nor goodness is on your side.
For example, as a gay man I’m not scared of homophobic bullshit because I know it to be both evil and false, so in an honest competition homophobia would lose against gay rights. Similarly as a Russian I’m not scared of Russophobic bullshit because it also stands no chance without censorship and massive propaganda abetting it.
Ofc, there are limits to it too. For example I believe open calls to violence against say Russians or gays should never be tolerated and shouldn’t be allowed because they might cause a direct physical harm. But it’s pretty much the only exception I allow for the free speech. Everything else apart from direct calls to violence should be allowed no matter how much you disagree with it or dislike it.
I wish more people would realize it. Again, if you support free speech only for your side, you do not support free speech. If you support only the speech you like, you do not support a free speech either. It doesn’t matter how you frame the speech you dislike - ‘hate speech’, ‘misinformation’, ‘blasphemy’, etc. - you still are an enemy of the free speech and hence my enemy too.
You might say that you don’t want to ban speech you dislike, but you don’t have to hear it and hence have a right to unfriend/unfollow people who say things you don’t like to hear. Technically, you’re correct, but upon closer inspection, not as much. You see, it’s just one step from unfriending people you disagree with to censoring them because the sentiment behind both unfriending and censoring is essentially the same - your pathological inability to listen to the things you dislike. So, if you can’t tolerate when your friend or family member says something you disagree with, you equally wouldn’t like when a stranger in public says it, and would try to ‘protect yourself’ from his speech. And what’s the best and surest way to protect you from the speech you dislike? right, to censor it, to ban it.
Hence, it’s just one step from unfollowing people you disagree with to censoring them. I thought Woketards had proved it when first they created echo chambers on social media and then began to actually censor people outside of their echo chambers too. Because, again, people living in an echo chamber cannot tolerate the real world and seek to turn the whole world into one big echo chamber. That’s why echo chambers are so dangerous by the way.
Hence, congratulate yourselves - if you can’t tolerate my fact-based criticisms of Putin, you’re exactly a totalitarian censor who prefers to live in the echo chamber forever and later to turn the whole world into one big echo chambers where everyone would be always agreeing with you on everything. How boring and how awful actually.
Many Conservatives Also Prefer to Live in an Echo Chamber - HOW are They Better than Woke then?
This last point brings me to another alarming issue - that many conservatives also prefer to live in the echo chamber. It was largely believed that it’s mostly Woke progressives who live in echo chambers while conservatives are in general smarter and more critical. However, I’m not that sure of it anymore, especially after all the negative overreaction and ‘cancel culture’ I was subjected to by some conservatives here on Substack over my view on Putin.
Extreme negative reaction from some conservatives to my fact-based criticisms of Putin, exposure of Putin as a WEFraud and traitor to Russia, etc., and significant subscribers’ loss over it taught me that many conservatives sadly prefer to live in a echo chamber too, just like Woketards, even if they should have known better exactly because they know how radicalized and detached from reality Woketards had become due to living in an echo chamber. Yet, it taught conservatives nothing and they prefer to live in their own echo chamber too. Very sad and very disappointing.
It’s not just about Putin. Try to disagree with any other conservative agenda even slightly, and you’d get even worse reaction. Try to critisize Trump even mildly and fact-based, and MAGA people would attack and unfriend (unfollow) you too. Try to critisize say Israeli actions in Gaza even very mildly, without calling it genocide or justifying HAMAS, but you’d still be accused of Antisemitism and also unfriended. Try to express your support for early term abortions on the first month of pregnancy when there’s no fetus even yet or abortions for rape victims, and you’d be called a ‘Satanist baby murderer’ and also unfriended. Try to express your support for affordable healthcare and education, and some libertarians would immediately smear you as ‘totalitarian statist’ and also unfriend.
Again, it’s with everything. You must fully adhere to every conservative position, or you’re an enemy - ‘statist, demoNrat, Woketard, Antisemite, baby murderer’, etc. Tell me please HOW is it different from Woke attitude when you must fully adhere to every Woke position however ridiculous, or you’re an enemy too - ‘fascist, racist, white supremacist, sexist, transphobic, Islamophobic, Putin’s shill’, etc.? I see no difference whatsoever, and it disappoints me pretty much.
So, people who claim to be free open-minded critical thinkers turn out to be not that critical, not that free and not that open-minded either. They mindlessly swallow all the agenda of their ‘side’ and can’t tolerate any disagreement with it, however mild and fact-based. Just like Woke, again.
That is a very worrying sign, especially taking into account these people should have known better looking at the Woke. But alas they don’t. It seems most people overall are pretty weak despicable creatures with inflated egos and over sensitivity who can’t really listen to anything they don’t like and prefer to hear all the time only what they like to hear. Disgusting and pathetic.
Again, it’s very, very dangerous attitude. Truth dies in an echo chamber. If you won’t listen to what you don’t like, you essentially blind yourself from the truth because truth is almost never what you like to hear. Truth is something which doesn’t care of your feelings or your cognitive bias. Period.
If your bias or ego prevents you from accepting ‘inconvenient’ facts and evidence, you’re NO BETTER than Woke, and as radicalized and as dangerous and as detached from reality. Period.
I quote this passage from John Milton's 1644 essay Aereopagitica a lot, because it bears repeating:
"Let truth and falsehood grapple. Whoever knew truth put to the worse in a free and open encounter?"
We need more grappling!
I am not informed enough to take a solid stance on Russia and Ukraine or even Israel for that matter….but I am learning.
Nothing is ever black and white as our media likes to portray it.
So I read….mull over what I read and then read some more.
I do not ever want to be an example of the Dunning-Kruger Effect🤔