Why is there no mention of NATO?

No mention of Nazi militia being involved in military actions against the citizens of Donbas?

No mention of the loans which will be lost if Ukraine loses the war?

No mention of various world leaders encouraging The comic actor Zelenskyy not to enter peace talks?

The Ukraine story is more complicated than just one man

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Well ofc, but it's too much yo unpack in one post but I do agree with you here.

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"Again, Putin isn't an idiot. He SHOULD HAVE expected a HUGE backlash from the West in case of his invasion into Ukraine, and yet he still invaded. Again, it is OUT OF HIS CHARACTER. Cowards like Putin don't do this"

"Out of his character"?

He already invaded Georgia, Transnistria, Crimea, Donbass, ...

What else does he need to do to prove his character?

Do we have to talk about for example poisoning candidates in other countries elections that are against him? That happened.

Do we need to talk about killing journalists?

That happened too, several times (Navalny wasn't the first).

You know fugg all about what you are talking about.

In fact I am quite sure in 2017 when Trump sent 700 million dollars to Ukraine (you probably didn't even know that but I will give you the benefit of the doubt), you clapped and oh was so happy that "Trump is standing for democracy".

But now? Nah.

Let me guess: pulling out of Afghanistan to end an ethereal war is bad.

Giving support for Ukraine now? Ah, now it's bad!

Intelectual midget.

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Putin never ever launched full scale invasions before. All you're describing was local fast cowardice military ops with which he had gotten away. Here he was warned he wouldn't get away, and yet invaded. Killig journalists is exactly cowardice weapon too.

Putin never really did anything bold. It seems in your infinite delusion you mistook my description of Putin as of a coward as of his 'defense' - so special for you, coward does NOT mean a 'good person'. Putin is evil, but a coward.

Afghanistan disaster? When Biden handed Afghan people who trusted him including women and gays, to murderous extremist sexist and homophobic Taliban? If you cheer for it, you aren't just an idiot but also sexist and homoohobe.

Trump sent money to Ukraine to safeguard peace. Biden is sending them for more war, death and destruction, and for naught. If you support this perpetual slaughter and genocide of Slavic people both Russian and Ukrainian ones, you're an inhuman monster. Period.

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Again: full of hyperbole and weak interpretation of selective facts glued together by ad hominems. Proof any clown can get a Substack. I am surprised by my own lack of discipline burning down your disinformation like if I was killing ants with a magnifying glass (satisfying but useless).

I love it how conquering parts of another country is "cowardice military ops". Really? Did you ask the Georgians about it? Or Moldovans? Have you even been there and talked to them? Do they even exist to you outside your air conditioned basement? I suggest to go to both. Georgian food and wine is incredible. Same as mamaliga in Moldova. Some of the culture might do you good. Oh wait, you get your insight from Tucker Carlson, right, who thinks the Moscow subway dug by forced labor is a sign of civilization.

Was Crimea a "coward military ops" too?


Please get a passport and go see reality on the ground and read a few books. I can recommend you a few books if you want.

If this was 1939 you would be against Lend Lease.

If this was 1776 you would be against French assistance.


But you love Reagan, right?


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You're really a braindead idiot. Again, cowardice does NOT mean 'good'. Learn the meanings of the words before starting to write.

You're really stupid as fuck aren't you? A real cultist.

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I think Putin was partly misled by his generals. Probably not intentionally, the generals themselves had no idea how much corruption had screwed up his military (though they had of course benefited from said corruption personally).

But yes, I'm also sure he expected Zelensky to bail Kyiv and set up some government in exile which would support limited resistance inside Ukraine and I strongly suspect he got that data in part from the US state dept and EU foreign ministries who expected precisely that themselves.

Zelensky defiantly saying "I need ammo not a ride" screwed up all sorts of plans because all these people prefer plucky losers to people actually trying to defeat evil (see also Hamass / Israel)

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