May 5Liked by Alex Ilex

Perfect recent examples:

1. Sacrifice yourself with an untested poison to protect others

2. Even worse, send your kids to the slaughter to get the untested poison to protect Grandma and teachers

3. The whole Critical Race Theory curriculum

4. Reparations by ppl who never owned slaves to ppl who were never slaves

5. White “guilt”

6. Ppl of color don’t know how to or are somehow unable to get ID

7. The whole Diversity, Equity and Inclusion agenda

8. The Climate agenda

I could go on…..

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Yeah, very good example. Add there all the trans insanity too...

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May 5Liked by Alex Ilex

Yes. Let’s all take our kids to Drag Queen Story Hour and scare the crap outta them so they have nightmares for weeks and never want to go to the library again😡

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But it's all to 'support LGBTQ+ people' (non-existent category actually - there are just LGB and then all kinds of kink and mental illness with far Left touch).

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May 6Liked by Alex Ilex



INDOCTRINATION.. is what they actually practice, and promote, hoping no one will notice. 🤨

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You won't get anyone to join a campaign if you tell them they are acting for evil.

Tell them they are doing good and point them towards "bad people" and they'll do all you ask and utterly believe they are acting in human kinds best interest.









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Yeah that's my entire point - no asshole ever admitted he acted for evil, not even Hitler. He was saying he was 'cleansing the world from evil Jews'.

Only really dumb sadistic psychos might admit they're actually evil but EVEN they are good at pretending and passing for normal people as movies tell us, or at justifying their maniacal murders with some 'holy' bullshit as well.

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I started a story about the use of sheep to get evil people to achieve their aims.

I didn't get far because I have another story on the go.

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You're a creative writer? That's cool. Which genre you're writing in?

I used to write stories too, fantasy and speculative fiction but then realized I'm more into political blogging but I have some finished stories too.

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This story seems the most popular.

I don't really have a genre.

I have written 37,500 words of a romantic comedy.

37,000 words in an epic fantasy.

I'm turning my hand to writing erotica as well.

Basically wherever my base desires turn my nose.


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Oh, so you like vampires? I love them too, read a lot of vampire fiction actually.

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Mine is different.

Very different

I think I could expand it way beyond what is there.

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On Substack I've a few I trundled out.

I've more on the back burner.

If I could stop working I'd love to write full time, I'd just need to turn off my Internet while doing that.

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Good luck with that! And I'd like to have a blogging career. Well hopefully I'm gaining some traction here on Substack too.

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May 5Liked by Alex Ilex

Every single person in the history of mankind is born into this world with a fallen sinful nature.

Which gives license to take that predisposition to whatever extreme each individual chooses, on any given day.

We also come into this world with a sense of what’s ‘right’ and ‘wrong.’

The origin of every thought begins in the heart. As free moral agents, we’re free to choose. It’s our consciousness.

Public schools, and all the rest of liberal academia, teach our sons and daughters all about MORAL RELATIVISM. Which completely throws out every notion of what is right or wrong.

‘The message of the cross is foolishness to them that are perishing, but to us who are being saved, it is the power of God.’ 1 Cor 1:18

Let Him, The Great Physician have His way with you, and be set free!

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May 5Liked by Alex Ilex


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They’re really disgusting, miserable, physically and emotionally ugly people dumber than dirt. Their virtue signaling they think makes them holy. When in actuality it just shows how fake, evil and moronic they really are. They should be mocked and ridiculed endlessly. The ones that wear the jock strap across their face wear it on their face.

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May 5Liked by Alex Ilex

Excellent analysis and Insight. Nice work Alex. Agree 100%.

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Thanks a lot, I appreciate it!

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May 9Liked by Alex Ilex

Antiracists are the most racist

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Speaking of intentions. The Hamas terrorists believed they were doing good. Slaughtering Jews was a positive, life affirming action for them. In their culture, they were judged by their peers as to how many Jews they could kill. So intentions, really all boils down to perception. Same with 9/11.

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Yeah, just like German Nazis.

So Woke good intentions mean nothing if they do actual shit although at this point I don't believe even Woke intentions are good either...

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Shut your lying Jew mouth. You are obscene.

Hamas have F16s?

Hamas have nukes?

Hamas have Patriots?

So shit your Jew lying PieHole.

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Haha. Jewish. Again. You're just lying cultist.

HAMAS is armed. Period. Armed enough to slaughter over thousand of Jewish civilians.

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Arm the other side and I’ll call it a war.

We armed the Jew in the other conflict and he’s getting his ass kicked.

That’s a war.

Notice how it’s always some fucking Jew.

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HAMAS are very well armed by Iran and Qatar, stop lying. They were regularly sending rockets into Israel and launched October 7th massacre.

If HAMAS are hiding in the tunnels using Gaza civilians as human shields, whose fault is that?

Your problem is that you forgive everything to HAMAS and nothing to Israel, and this lies and monstrous double standard just won't pass.

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You squeal when you get defeated every time.

You are a genocide loving satanic punk.

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May 8·edited May 8Author

'Get defeated'? Hahaha.

It's you who constantly get defeated because you do NOT have ANY argument. You constantly misuse the word 'genocide', calling a war genocide, and you believe that the more you repeat it the truer it becomes? Nope, it would only serve to make your sick obsession, lies and Nazi hate to Jews obvious to everyone. So keep going.

P.S. And yeah, war is NOT genocide, no matter how often you and other sick Nazi cultists like you repeat it so keep going.

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Stop the Jew GENOCIDE

Arm Israel’s neighbors for rightful self defense.


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You're clearly an obsessed sicko, right? Seek help. Check up at psychiatrist.

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Bigot Defined:

Anyone the Jews say they don’t like for any reason.

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May 8·edited May 8Author

Right, only I'm not a Jew and this post isn't about Israel.

In fact, bigot is anyone who calls everyone they disagree with 'Jew' or 'Zionist' and brings Israel topic up everywhere even when it's not relevant because they are clearly obsessed with Jews and Israel due to their bigotry and Nazism

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AI stricks again!

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deletedMay 7
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You meant your own comment? Yeah, it certainly was, just like you.

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deletedMay 7Liked by Alex Ilex
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It's pretty telling you call a fact-based criticism of your ideology an 'incel BS'. No connection with incels whatsoever. Perhaps another projection. Iron Law of Woke projection indeed.

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