Agreed I have always had democratic friends who did not stand for what we are seeing. They also understood the dangers of communism. Now the narrative from so many on the left is anti- America. How does this address our issues and promote problem solving. My horror comes when I hear words and narrative from our US leadership that mirrors Fidel Castro. How do we have individuals in Congress that hate our ways but offer no better alternative. We Ilhan Omar than comes from Somalia a nation that can barely stand. The level of of hypocrisy can make you insane. Does anyone in Somalia have the standard of living, opportunity or freedom of speech she has in this country. Same with so many leaders from African nations at the UN criticizing democratic nations such as US and Israel while their people live in extreme poverty. I really believe we are living in upside world.

I am not enamored by any one politician that I will support repeating we did not see what we saw during the debate. A frozen candidate who could not put a sentence together. On Saturday some news outlets were attempting to tell us that we did not see an assassination attempt. We cannot be so blinded by any party that we refuse truth.

This has gone beyond political parties this is indoctrination at its best. The desperation to control thinking through absurd narratives dumbfounding.

Sub-stack writing gives me hope in particular the comments. We cannot be so stuck on an ideology that we force everything to fit int that box. Especially if the solutions are not evolving from that ideology.

I have seen no benefit in “Woke ideology” only the death of critical thinking.

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Yeah, Woke ideology has no any benefits for anyone, not even for racial minorities it pretends to care about, and it's not for totalitarian sexist homophobic pedophiliac Islamic countries like Somalia who execute gay men on regular basis but legalized pedophilia as a 'child marriage' to lecture Western democratic countries on anything.

To be sure our society - not just American but Western society overall - wasn't perfect prior to the rise of Wokeism. There ofc were welfare and crime issues, human rights issues, healthcare, etc. But it was the best system in the world still, with numerous middle class, some social guarantees and some human rights and freedoms observed. Now fascist lunatic Woketards are destroying it all using regressive abominations as Somalia as an example...

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Jul 15Liked by Alex Ilex

Hence the saying, “The left thinks the right are bad people with ideas and the right thinks the left are people with bad ideas.” Most liberals cannot understand or do not have the critical thinking skills to understand the major difference in that phrase.

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They stand for power. Thank you for summing it up so clearly. Anyone who would vote for a leader, who is incompetent, is showing exactly who they are. Winning at all costs, even if it means taking down the country.

They are the human version of chemo therapy. Poison the body, and see if anything survives.

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Human version of chemo therapy is a nice metaphor!

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The left is for power under the EVIL -WEF and NATO and the UN. All very EVIL

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Jul 15Liked by Alex Ilex

My Dad was what they use to call a 'blue dog' Democrat. If he were alive today, he would be heart broken & appalled at what has happened to his party. Also, he was a bit of an enigma in that he retired from the military (Korea then National Guard) with 37 yrs of service, & was a career union representative. Go figure.

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Perhaps he was just an honest and smart guy, hence eventually abandoned the system.

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Jul 15Liked by Alex Ilex

Anti-right? No not just that. Anti-everything that is not them i.e. Marxist-Socialist dogmatic envy.

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Jul 15Liked by Alex Ilex

Makes total sense Alex…never thought of it like that 😘

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Glad to help to expand your outlook!

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The opinion shared on this particular topic extends beyond US partisan politics, IMHO. It reminded me about who Canadians think they are in a shared national identity, which is delineating who they aren’t - which is a false concept to start with.

Consider that two sided encampments really started up after Facebook was launched. It became too easy to look at the number of “likes” and simply alter opinions. Reminiscent of the Asche experiments in the 50’s/60’s on conformity.

Consider also that it plays people right into a Hegelian Dialectic concept made easily manipulatable by the real powers behind anything - which are Corporate interests focused on their bottom lines. (Won’t get into the discussion about whether Voters hold sway over their elected representatives anymore.)

It’s all about the question when people started losing their minds. Was it the murder of JFK and RFK that demonstrated Ike Eisenhower’s warning of the Military Industrial Complex taking over? Was it because of Facebook? Was it from the start of introducing GM foods in the 1980’s or the depletion of essential nutrients from mass produced farming? All of the above? Whenever it was, or the reasons for, lack of meaningful discussion has allowed special interest areas to gaslight the public on topics we should be discussing in depth at the street level.

I’d say we’ve come a long way to accepting Mainstream’s manipulating of Mandates and Narratives from what John Kennedy had envisioned and shared in his 1961 speech at the Waldorf Astoria, addressing the Nation’s Press. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zdMbmdFOvTs

To quote Marlon Brando’s line in “Viva Zapata” - “A strong people need no leaders.”

Please do not reply with a “like” or otherwise. Better to just go away and think about whether we’ve lost our way.

Thanks, Alex.

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Well, like is a good way to show people I noticed their comment and care of it but don't have time for a full answer. But since your comment was thoughtful, I might answer in more detail.

I think things gone wrong and people lost their mind for sure in 2015-2016 when TDS appeared in US and Brexit happened on UK on the background of massive refugee crisis in Europe.

But did it happen out of nowhere? I don't think so. People were brainwashed and divided enough already prior to it. Part of it was indeed social media with its divisive algorithms showing people only what they wanted to see. But if you want a turning point I'd rather say that it was 2012 when Obama allowed CIA to propagandize Americans, this is when it all noticeably started to go downhill I believe.

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Aug 2Liked by Alex Ilex

Yes, Alex. Discussion is the way.

Have you or any of your followers seen “A Good American” - the story of NSA’s Bill Binney who worked on a spying program turned unconstitutionally against the American people (and likely others)? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=N6KeImNEmgg

Also, modifying behaviours by using Metadata available from purchases and search patterns, the chilling “Shadow Gate” 1 https://archive.org/details/shadow-gate-the-documentary (banned for some time) and 2 https://www.millennialmillie.com/post/shadow-gate-2-0-full-movie

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" - American philosopher George Santayana

Cheers to all.

Thanks, Alex.

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Thanks you too and for sharing as well!

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