Sounds like a narcissist. Hmm.. 🤔 it’s hard to find solid stats on the percentage in society. My theory on that is the people in charge of stats are narcissists. They hate being called out. They never apologize, and it’s always your fault. They like power and control, and tend to be in leadership positions. Most are charismatic & live without regret. They are fake & broken. Just like our many agencies and most government officials. Broken leadership leads to a broken system which rewards broken people. Rinse, and repeat, until the good guys wake up & wash the whole damn mess.

Or our God does it for us on Earth. No question it will happen on judgment day. “ Mere Christianity” explains the rise of evil after every society implosion. It’s by C.S. Lewis & brilliantly written. Know Jesus in your heart. HE changes everything. 😇💕

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Yeah, the Leftists are narcissists for sure, 100%.

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May 17·edited May 17Liked by Alex Ilex

I suffered a smear campaign some years ago.

Numerous horrible stories were spread.

I even got a [edit] chain mail message from a Facebook friend saying I'm a hacker and should be deleted and blocked.

I pointed out to the fb pal it was me they were talking about.

Her response, blocked.

Once the smearers were exposed as crooks scammers and shiesters I'd have thought the people who attacked me would admit they were wrong.

Nope, all I got was silence.

People don't like to admit they were involved in an evil scheme to atrack innocent people.

Just like all the stories they are coming up with for reasons to hate Israel and Jews.

Once the narrative shifts, like sheep they'll be diverted elsewhere.

If I'm wrong about something I'll admit it.

Own up.

Take responsibility.

I'm an adult.

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May 17Liked by Alex Ilex

The one smearing me caused all of this, accepts responsibility for none, and sees himself as “the victim” (which should be the tip off in such a disparate circumstances).

Gotta be right runs deep! What a hill to die on. 🙄

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The levels of both derangement and narcissism of these people are sky high.

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This is an important lesson. I'm firmly convinced that many people defame their opponents and label them bigots because they're sub-consciously aware that their level of certainty doesn't match the evidence at their disposal. Instead of considering alternative evidence and viewpoints they take an epistemological shortcut: demonizing everyone who disagrees!

I've run into this tendency a hundred times when discussing adult material in schools or anti-CRT laws or even abortion policy. People make claims that homophobia or racism or a desire to control women is really at play. When I challenge them to find a SINGLE tweet or quote or piece of data to support that general claim they never can. If they would just listen to their opponents they might realize that EVERYONE is motivated by what they perceive to be the evidence, and very few people are motivated by 'negative' stances (hatred of other groups or a desire to hurt people or restrict their rights). Anti-CRT legislation is proposed by people who really believe there's a problem in education. The lack of curiosity on the Left (in this example) as to to the nature and extent of that problem is really breathtaking.


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Yeah, a very good example. They're absolutely incurious too. This is because of this cultist and narcissistic CERTAINTY I believe - those people were brainwashed so hard that they're absolutely convinced they're 100% correct on everything and their opponents aren't just wrong but 'haters and bigots'. This mere stance and pathological certainty is mental illness in itself I believe.

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Very well pointed out, Alex. The Marxists you describe have been indoctrinated to become the dismantlers of our Constitutional Republic.

Just like the ones who vote Democrat radical policies in Blue states: they ruin everything, from the economy to the education and security, everything. But they refuse to acknowledge that it’s precisely the policies they support what destroy the economy, education and security in their communities. They blame climate change, white supremacy or Christian nationalism. Whatever is the mantra they have chosen for the day.

Anyway, they end up realizing that the streets where they live aren’t safe, the schools where their kids go are shit and the economy that once gave life to their community has gone down the drain. So what do they do? They pack and relocate. Bye-bye Massachusetts, California, Connecticut, etc… and so they find a new place to settle down. Normally a more Conservative town where the same Leftist policies have not yet destroyed the public safety or the local school or the local economy.

Now they feel they can unpack and settle down. They are happy things feel definitely better in their new place now. They see a more robust police presence, their kids aren’t threatened at school, American flags are still visible all around, businesses are still alive. And so the next town council meeting or school board meeting takes place and the newcomers -from whichever failed Blue State it was- decide to go and “participate in their new community”… and they unapologetically and resoundingly vote for every Leftist proposal presented by the local Democratic party leader of the place. More newcomers arrive, more Dem voters again…

And in no time, they manage to put in place the very same policies that ruined the communities they had to escape from. The same policies that give more power to the local authorities espousing their Leftist agenda. The same policies that inevitably lead to the deterioration of the local safety levels, the failure in their schools and the worsening of the local economy.

No worries. In their minds it’s always us Conservatives who are wrong. There are plenty more counties to colonize and destroy with their Leftist policies.

How do you call those who expect a different outcome when doing the same thing again and again? And how do you call those supporting policies they know are cancer to every society in which these policies are implemented?

Yep. You got it. Keep it up, Alex. Keep on calling it as it is.

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Thanks a lot, I appreciate it! Very good analysis too. I'd only add to it that this Woke Leftist behavior reminds me a lot of Muslim one. I mean Muslims voting in Islamist terrorists and tyrants like Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS, HAMAS, Taliban, Ayatollah, etc., basically themselves destroyed their own homelands as well. Then they run away from the shit they had created to the West - most notably to Europe and Russia but to US too sadly - ONLY to start building mosques and push for Shariah which had ruined their OWN lands in the West....You know how many mosques and 'Shariah courts' are in UK already despite Muslims are still tiny part of population? Chechnya in Russia already lives under shariah too despite all Putin's fake Russian nationalism. What would happen next to Europe and Russia I'm scared even to imagine.

But see the pattern? Muslims act EXACTLY like Leftists. They turned their own homelands into shitholes with their Shariah, now the're escaping only to turn the countries which hosted them into same kind of shitholes...Also, no any self-awareness whatsoever - it's always Jews, gays and 'infidels' are to blame for all their shit, never ever Muslims themselves.

This actually explains why Muslims and Lefties love each other so much - same narcissism and total absence of self-awareness, same idiocy and self-destructive trends, same judgmental mentality towards everyone but themselves, same hive mind... Both Lefties and Muslims are cancer, really. They would colonize and destroy the whole world if not stopped.

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Blinken comes to mind. Talk of educated people walking around with blinkers.

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Nice pun with Blinken and blinkers lol.

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May 17Liked by Alex Ilex

This is why I don’t ism. Always some damn nonsense to get lumped in with.

It’s better to say we don’t know and learn something new than this entitled know it all attitude, however they align. Anyone claiming to know everything is surely lying.

Narcissist behavior is rampant now (thank social media). Hard to sneeze without hitting what was once possible to skirt around and avoid. So those stats won’t be static either. 💕

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You've just described my husband. I so desperately want to move. However I am on SS and very small pension.

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Oh, my condolences then. It's bad enough to meet this kind of people on the Internet daily, it must be much worse to live with one of them.

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Believe me it is. Takes so much patience and energy.

Kids and grandkids don't come over because of him.

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Wow. Are you stuck there? Doesn't sound like yall gotta while Lotta love going on.

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Yes stuck is exactly what it is

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Hi Elaine, I'm in the same boat. You're not alone.

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Thank you for that.

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