May 27Liked by Alex Ilex

I too have one of those extremely sensitive bullshit detectors, a life long cynic, having been lied to on a regular basis within my previous professional life.

No amount of word salad air freshener gets through….the smell is distinctive!

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Similar stuff but also:

- character and evidence over identity / name calling / branding in whatever they tell me.

- objectivity over emotion in my response to whatever I’m told

- that to believe is nowhere near enough. I to understand, or I do not. E.g. I don’t believe the jabs were safe and effective. I understand that they weren’t and so on

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Yeah, agree with all your points too.

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May 27Liked by Alex Ilex

Sounds like you have my partner’s bs meter and my manipulation detector!

Hi fam! 💕

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May 27Liked by Alex Ilex

So glad to find like minded my friend. Where I’m from, there’s not many critical thinking ppl.

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Where are u from?

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No. 6 tells me you’re a punk rocker, at least in heart. 🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼

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Thanks, I'm an inborn rebel indeed.

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May 27Liked by Alex Ilex

Mostly agree with everything but one statement “your inner truth”. There is truth & facts. Most who say “my truth”is some sort of fabricated fantasy the live. Spot on with the rest though.

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May 27·edited May 27Author

I guess by that I meant what I believe to be right, morally right. But good remark still, thanks.

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May 27Liked by Alex Ilex

That makes more sense

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Inner truth trumps everything for me too. My gut has no agenda—everyone else does.

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Haha I enjoyed the tips especially the one about not caring about our reputation and also critical thinking 🤔 is essential to navigate the matrix 👍👍

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Thanks, man! I remember you by the way. It's you who were sharing with me hot rock and metal music with cool political message, right?

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You pretty much summed me up Alex … I am a left hander.. the church hates us because we creatively think with our hearts and head . I have always analysed what people say and do and never form opinions about anything til I have decided if they’re some kind of grift or grifter ( Sad arse pontificating guru you know who you are ) I can take to Mooji for an interesting conversation or listen to Donald Hoffman . Only warming to these two guys after listening to more than 20 hours each before deciding to slot their musings into my consciousness. No political leaders parties or television talking heads , no formal religious types . Still deciding on Darius J Wright .

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May 27Liked by Alex Ilex

Well written and accurate on how many of us feel but to scared to challenge the narrative driven by leaders of fake story tellers

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Considering you know yourself best, and want the best for yourself—it’s only logical that you have the last word—about yourself.

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May 27Liked by Alex Ilex

Apparently 50 miles North of Chicago.

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Don't tell more, I already feel for you my friend.

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🤣 you’re stuck in the Matrix

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You're stuck where the sun don't shine, and never will.

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