May 10Liked by Alex Ilex

The lockdowns were a huge social engineering experiment to see how far they could actually go taking away our rights. We were played- Big time! Shame on us.

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Well, smarter of us weren't played but still couldn't have done anything about this shit because they forced us using gullible majority as a leverage against us.

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Grateful to be Floridian.

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Looking back, I often wonder if the government regulators and media were really stupid enough to believe that you could shut down the economy, then turn it back on, like flipping a switch, and no lasting harm would be done.

Much of the inflation we now suffer is the result of the damage done to the supply chains by the lockdowns. It will be years before the damage is repaired, IF the government regulators will allow the economic system to repair itself. Which they probably will not. Because they probably are really that stupid. Vicious, authoritarian, and stupid.

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Well I believe the architects of this shit knew well what they were doing, and that was exactly their point - to fuck up economy and the middle class and to transfer more money to the elite.

But absolute majority of the officials and media pundits are indeed that stupid I believe. They're just doing what they are told.

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In Australia (in particular Victoria) the middle class is mostly composed of the Laptop Class, the public service, healthcare and police. Most of them kept getting paid despite having much less to do - the services provided the public were cut, elective surgery and scans were stopped, nobody was allowed to go out so the police had nothing to do except suppress protesters, and so on.

The working class, around half kept working, but they got roundly abused by the media and social media for spreading the virus - which they did because they had to leave their houses to keep the electricity on for the laptops, to keep bringing food to the middle class, bring them purchases from Amazon, take away their rubbish and so on. And these working class then went home and gave the virus to their household, which was much more likely than the middle class household to have someone elderly who could actually die from it. And the abuse continued.

The other half of the working class were made unemployed. The federal government gave them some money but the states implementing the lockdowns did not, and this money eventually was cut off. And when the working class protested at lack of freedoms and poverty, they sent out the riot police.

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Yeah, I heard lockdowns in Australia and in Victoria particularly were pretty oppressive.

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May 12·edited May 12Liked by Alex Ilex

I should add that while many businesses were closed, among the "essential" businesses allowed to stay open were liquor stores and tobacconists. For public health.

Heading to the greengrocers I usually passed one of the tobacconists, and was always amused to see the tobacconist and customer dutifully masked up - to protect their lung and heart health among all that tobacco.

The people with strained marriages and alcoholic spouses were, no doubt, grateful that the government had the liquor stores remain open. "But what about people dying of alcohol withdrawal?" So they valued the alcoholic over his battered wife and children. Truly progressive values.

In the gym we have a saying: load amplifies imbalances. Add a barbell with weight to someone, and you discover the weak link in their chain of muscle and bone. The same's true socially: a social load amplifies the imbalances in society.

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Yeah, agreed. Doesn't it also prove 100% that pandemic response was a scam one? They did not really care of our health but only how to make money on the Big Pharma vaccines.

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Victoria had six separate lockdowns (where "lockdown" is defined as "stay-at-home orders") for a total of 282 days, or 300 days for certain postcodes (some public housing towers were locked down without notice, with 600 police surrounding 3,000 people in their homes).

There's not really any good articles giving a full overview of these. But below is one written at the start of the sixth and last lockdown, which lasted almost 3 months in all. Schools were closed, restaurants, gyms, etc. People were only permitted out alone to shop for an hour a day, and alone to exercise for an hour a day. There was a 5km travel limit and an 8pm-6am curfew, with helicopters flying overhead.

Protests started becoming more common and angry. Eventually one appeared in the city, and the police channelled the protesters to the Shrine of Remembrance and kept them there, surrounded by riot police, horse-riding police and Special Operations Group paramilitaries in armoured cars, 1,200 for some 3,000 protesters. After several hours the police drove them off with rubber bullets and tear gas. A story on this (unsympathetic to the protesters) is linked below.

Lockdowns were eased not long after. This would be less to do with the protests directly, and more that to allow states to lock down and make everyone unemployed, the federal government brought in JobKeeper - an AUD1,500/ftnt payment for everyone unable to work because of the lockdowns. This was abolished after March 2021, but with Victoria going into yet another lockdown, the federal government brought in the Covid-19 Disaster Payment. However, this was tapered off as the country became vaccinated, and was starting to disappear in September 2021, and was gone by late October 2021. This accounts both for the protests and for the state government easing lockdowns - politically they couldn't keep them up without federal support.

Apart from the obvious distress caused by being confined to homes, what I think caused psychological and social harm were two things.

Firstly, the state Premier's daily 11am press conferences announcing case numbers and measures, and gloomily rebuking the population for not following the rules. At one stage he did 120 of them in a row. It was simply depressing to be rebuked every day.

Secondly, there were no specific metrics or goals established by the state government until the very end, eg "when we achieve X cases we will revoke Y measures," or "when we achieve X% vaccination in the over-70s," etc. One of the horrible things they did to us in the army was take us for a run and not tell us how far it'd be. It turns out that 5km when you don't know it'll be 5km is more tiring than 15km when you know. Humans can put up with all sorts of misery and suffering if they know when it's going to end. Having it be uncertain leads to much distress and drama.

In the last lockdown, after a month or so they set metrics of vaccination levels. But they later broke those promises and shifted the goalposts further away, which was another contributor to protests.

Overall, towards the end the social fabric of the state was tearing significantly. People were very polarised, if you look back on reddit posts and so on you can find people at the time saying that the army should have been sent in to kill the protesters, and people saying there was actually no virus it was all fake, that sort of thing.

I hold the government and media wholly responsible for the social and psychological damage done. They deliberately created fear and inflamed tensions, and made a public health problem into a social and psychological problem, too.



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There was no virus. There was “ the flu”, the same flu that’s been kicking around humanity for eons. Then there was a poison injected into people by other people with authority, or assumed authority, that made them highly susceptible to that flu that only kills 60 K a year here in the states, which decade deadly to so many more. There was no pandemic. There was a way to get pdt out of office. Because you know those evil Russians were about to become the greatest ally we ever had,when Obama , Jarrett, nuland were all swinging. The crimes committed in Ukraine by “our dear leaders”,Trump was about to prosecute,with Putin’s help. Yeah. Imagine, the largest, whitest, most Christian’s nation on earth being our friend instead of our enemy. “ But we have always been at war with Oceana.

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I think it's possible to critique the response to the pandemic without going down the rabbit hole of conspiracy theories. Let's leave the denials of reality to the left.

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There's no any 'conspiracy theories' - there was countless data exposing both COVID lab leak, vaccine side effects and inefficiency, lockdowns and mask inefficiency, etc.

It wasn't just 'incompetent response to the pandemic'. It was a malevolent scam and medical crime for Big Pharma profits.

I advise you to keep your views up to date.

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Well, probably better expand your horizons then, because I’m pretty sure that way too many professionals, and doctors, and virologists agree. Had they been capable of isolating the dreaded pirate jack covid, it might be believable. But alas, it appears it doesn’t exist. But the damage due to the shots certainly does. And now, to explain away that damage, they’re calling it long Covid? lol. Sorry, but you lost me at conspiracy theorist.

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May 10Liked by Alex Ilex

And guilt. “Your grandmother will stay “safe” if you get the jab….” “You’re doing it for others…” Horse 💩 all. Psyops.

Kids were affected negatively the most by the whole charade. I am fortunate enough to be of a generation taught to think critically assessing all information. And recognize the “game” once the two weeks got stretched out….longer and longer. Trump got played. I realized it all (imo) was given the green light when Brows Pelosi ripped up his SOTU speech. And why did it happen? To get rid of a president the DC uniparty felt threatened by. Get back on track for the one world government experiment they intended to commence with Hillary’s election. My thoughts, my theory. I’ve traveled, lives up close and personally beside communist countries and I cannot believe what we are experiencing now here. Many parallels abound. Thanks for your articles/comments. I enjoy them.

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Yeah I know a lot of USSR too, and what happens now in US is painfully close to Soviet reality - the same pervasive toxic Marxist propaganda everywhere, even in biology books...Just replace Marxist 'class' with Woke 'gender' and 'race', and you'd get classic Marxism.

COVID scamdemic served to transfer money from the poor and middle class to the rich also, fill Big Pharma pockets and push us to global Communist concentration camp under WEF billionaire elite.

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Notably Japan did much better than we did. They never locked down, and by the summer of 2020 were actually subsidizing people to encourage them to go out and travel. Covidians went full retard, and want to pretend it never happened. No forgiveness. No quarter.

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Yeah. South Korea did better too I heard - they traced and isolated all virus cases on the early stage due to excessive testing, but later were in relaxed mood compared to the Western lockdown insanity.

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Thank you Alex, you are absolutely correct. And you bet words matter!! Globalists have been using them deceitfully for decades!

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Sorry for the typos!🙃

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Your point is interesting and jarring. We all went through so much. I was teaching in a public school. At first I taught on line real time remotely. Then went back in. We spent so much effort being safe. Teaching while being masked ( I bought a microphone), constant hand sanitizer, 2 air purifiers in my classroom and having windows open when it was 20 degrees out. I taught in my down jacket. If a student had blow their nose he/she went into the hall. Students still wanting to constantly hug me and hang on me. The I couldn’t wait to get home every night. So really Alex, I never had the time Or energy to think of these things. What sits with me ade 2 things: 1) that in the very early months of 2020 before we knew what was happening , teachers in my school got sick and then unwittingly spread the virus to their grandparents. I have 2 friends who feel they killed their respective grandmothers. 2) Two fellow teachers refused to get vaccinated. They did not wait to be fired, they resign and started other children in teaching pods. Why others who refused vaccination have recouped some, these two did not because they were never fired. They resign first. And so they lost a tremendous amount.

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Yeah I understand that being busy not everyone can find time to think but I believe at those troubling times all of us should learn to think though.

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