Aug 20Liked by Alex Ilex

Here's another one, Alex. I read in the newspaper today that a homosexual UK citizen was released from prison in Qatar (he'd been arrested in a sting operation because he was gay) and the newspaper called him an LGBT person! Hang on a second.....how can he also be lesbian, bisexual and transgender? Why is he not simply a homosexual or a gay man? Why do they want to lump everyone who isn't heterosexual into the alphabet soup? They are distinct things! I find it disturbing for a reason I can't quite work out...maybe because I'm heterosexual? Don't know, but I find it sinister.

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You nailed it too, and it's very disturbing for me as a gay man too because it feels like they're trying to erase my gay sexuality again. They do not call people gay anymore, instead using 'queer' and 'LGBT person' mingling me with the rest of the Alphabet soup I don't really relate to. It's done on purpose to erase biological gay sexuality (just like biological sex) and to replace it with 'queer' political identity.

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Clearly the newspaper pundits need "controversy" to justify their otherwise untenable position.

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There is strength in numbers :

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What do you mean now?

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I think you absolutely nailed it. It’s funny (disturbing) how so many wokesters don’t understand even the simplest of terms or biological needs.

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Yeah, the sky high levels of their delusion are scary.

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I would propose that there is another angle to consider. Those who have been sexually abused struggle to have sexual feelings. There is also a phenomenon worth looking into regarding extreme religious intervention with sexuality. What I mean by that last statement is growing up in a religion with extreme anti-sex teachings can result in someone repressing sexual feelings for so long that it becomes a diagnosable (re: unnatural) problem. There is a great book on this called SEX AND GOD: HOW RELIGION DISTORTS SEXUALITY.

What I am really trying to say is that people who "identify" as asexual are in trouble and need help. I hate that they might be convinced they are part of a sexual orientation.

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Yeah I absolutely agree with you on religion forcing people to suppress their sexuality, especially gays, as a gay man I can relate.

I have nothing against asexuals as people - whether they're voluntary or involuntary celibates, victims of rape or religious suppression of their sexuality. I am against asexuality as trendy Woke sexual identity. It's wrong and unfair to people who are considered asexual as well.

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Of course you don't have a problem with them. Nothing in your article conveys that. I was only chiming in because I have noticed no one seems to be talking about this angle and I think it's important to consider.

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Yeah, it surely is.

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I also find it strange that even though much diversity is contained within the acronym used in the media (LGBTQI+), this individuality is not identified within the media's portrayal of this very diverse grouping of sexual preferences/orientations. It is not unlike the habit of using the pejoratives "conspiracy theorists", "normies" etc. in many ways. Lazy reporting that lumps individuals across a very broad spectrum into a single group which then gives the impression of conformity, where there is likely none. Lazy reporting coupled with lazy thinking leads to gross generalisations that are about as far away from individuality as one can get. But I suspect this is the underlying rationale: to make everyone either part of the in-group or part of the out-group, and further within each group to seed the concept that everyone is the same. This feels like the propaganda of totalitarianism (far right and far left versions). And the so-called woke ideologies appear tightly bound with totalitarian propaganda - I say this, because there are those who demand that others conform to their way of thinking.

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Aug 20Liked by Alex Ilex

Asexual or just Arseholes grifting away looking for something else to enrageall us normal people.Best thing to do is ignore or make fun of their ridiculous ideas.Comedians will be our salvation until they ban free speech.

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Aug 20Liked by Alex Ilex

Thank you 👍🏻 The only letters that I only respectfully identify myself with are my initials.This is a little long but is a copy of my thoughts, feeling and opinion i posted with a link to this article. Live long and prosper 🖖🏻

Nailed it 💯%! I repost this with no malice or intent to harm or offend. Just as you might not feel this this was appropriate in your opinion but please this is also my opinion and feel it's time time that either realize my opinion and how I feel about some things needs to also be shown respect and be not be misconstrued as hate speech but to be held not just being as valid, equally vital, of importantamce but also be respectfully heard, understood recognized and acknowledged as just another individual on this rock floating through space that doesn't need, want or feel it necessary that my preferences and lifestyle choices be referred to as a letter or letters of the alphabet or how I “identify" myaelf. My demeanor, character, sincerity, empathy, moral decency, and generosity benefits, helps and worth more to a harmonious society then angrily disrupting it because individuals feel the world needs to stop spinning and every hear where they stick what and where in someone or thing or don't stick anywhere. Cheers, peach out! 🎤💧…

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You're welcome, and thanks for time message too!

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example . . there are 12 year olds who self-identify as "non-Binary" . . .


is truth stranger . . . . (?)

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It's just another example of obsession with sexuality that (along with the other alphabetic designations) is constantly expounded by click bait anxious digital media tycoons.

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No disrespect intended to those whose preferences may differ from mine. My message is directed to the inane content of communication coming from MSM and some social media platforms.

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You make many good points in your article. One more that could be added: even though a person may choose to abstain from sexual intercourse with others, they may well regularly engage in self-sex or masturbation. This would confirm your point about the cloudiness around the definition of asexual.

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Yeah, I think I mentioned masturbation too in my article but it's good that you added that we can't really prove if anyone is actually celibate or secretly masturbating. Same as it's impossible to prove if someone is really straight or secretly bisexual.

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Thanks Alex … you did of course make mention of masturbation ☺️

As an addition, I have been celibate for over 10 years through choice, but would not describe myself asexual - as an older person I’m simply pursuing other forms of energy instead 🥰

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Yeah, it's perfectly ok to be a voluntary celibate for various reasons. But to make a new political identity out of it is not okay IMO.

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💯 agree with you - very much appreciated your article 👍

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Very much appreciate your comment!

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It's not an "identity." It's a function of physical issues, mental health issues or advanced age. Having a sex drive and acting on that sex drive, as in finding someone to "act with" or "self act" isn't the same. It's like claiming a person that's been hospitalized due to stroke has a "stroke victim identity."

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Actually, you nailed it. It's another issue with the Woke - they're artificially separating sexual action from attraction. The same shit they're doing when 'de stigmatizing' pedophilia when they fraudulently separate 'harmless' pedo attraction from Harmful child abusing action as if the first one didn't lead to a second one.

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There are lots of normal people coming out here.

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What do you mean exactly?

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I didnt realize that you are gay but not queer. It is the queer trans activists that I have trouble with. It looks like we agree that XY males cant become females. My uncle is gay but I could never understand it. Are you American, and what generation are you from ?

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I'm a Russian but emigrated to the West, and I'm in my thirties currently. About understanding gay - it's easy. It's just like straight but sexually and romantically attracted to the same sex, and indifferent to the opposite one.

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I dont think the idea that asexuals are voluntary celibates is a fake illusion. Women choose blokes based on having good genes, or being diligent providers, and asexuals arent good at either. These unwanted males dont want to own that rejection, so they are hiding behind the virtue signaling of being their own free choice to be celibate. They can hide behind each other and call it a normal trend, but it is all decided by womens mating plans.

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P. S. Also, I believe you're approaching it from an old-fashioned angle which isn't relevant anymore. Men don't have to 'provide' now when women are not only working but often have bigger salaries than men (and nope it's not a sign of 'male weakness' but of a feminist strife for gender equality).

Similarly, it's not that hard to find sex now with dating apps, night clubs and overall less societal restrictions on sex. In fact I believe one must be especially ugly or dumb not to find sex now.

It's different with finding a husband/wife and long-term partners overall - here are ofc still a lot of mutual demands to a partner (and not just to a man, to a woman too just in case, and not just about appearance) and difficulties due to it. But to find just sex and not relationship is easier. That's why I believe it's more likely that modern celibates are voluntary than involuntary. Makes sense?

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How do you know, have you been in their heads? Why do you assume they're incels and lying about being voluntary celibate? In your view men can't be voluntary celibates at all, they're like sex machines who always want sex and if they don't have sex, it must mean they're rejected? Why? I believe your view is actually sexist towards men.

What's about women who choose voluntary celibacy?

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I have read about a cohort of young males who are resigned to being rejects and cant find a girl, and they sounded like who you are referring to. Also, old fashioned celibates that I am familiar with were spiritual aspirants who were trying to transcend sex, unlike the rejects you are talking about. Women and men are way different, but you will never understand because you will never experience the animal magnetism they share. I have heard of women who choose celibacy, but it is usually just a phase between boyfriends. I have met women who are abstaining from sex, but a little desire can change everything in a heartbeat.

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I know a gay bloke who has got a daughter, so how does that happen ? I got the impression that my uncle has never been near a woman, and never would. That is hard to understand.

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Maybe he's a bisexual - attracted to both sexes - and not gay. Also there's a possibility just to give your sperm away to a woman without sex, you know? Like sperm banks and stuff.

Also, it's not absolutely impossible for a gay guy to have sex with a woman or for a straight guy - with a man. Sometimes when drunk people do it even if regret afterwards. Though the last part is hard to understand even for me - I don't see myself having sex with a woman in any scenario, but I heard those stories though.

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