I really like your take on this. But here’s another perspective. Replace the word Woke with Marxist.

I’ve been deep diving into Australian Marxist activities. My conclusion is that the hatred/rejection of the gay community by Marxist happens because most gays etc don’t concede to the Marxist demand to accept that they are part of a collective class of oppressed (gay) persons. Instead gays etc see themselves as individuals. Therefore the rage of Marxists who go looking for another group (trans) that they can assert are a class of oppressed persons.

This Marxist (woke) behaviour gives a coherent explanation that applies to any of the issues. That is Marxists are parasites clutching onto any issue where they can push the collective, class agenda against individualism.

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That's a good point tio. Gays don't go with 'oppressed group' narrative especially after they had gotten their rights, and overall are more individual as you pointed out. That's why I hate Marxism too - I'm way too individualist for it.

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Jun 12·edited Jun 12Liked by Alex Ilex

Very good point Ken.

A good parallel is the black community and the apostates, that are being demonized for realizing that as individuals they do just fine, but when shackled to a radical, militant group, they are stunted and alienated from the rest of society, intentionally. The control mechanism of these militant groups is - infiltrate, capture and radicalize to extremes - in order to alienate the outside world. In doing so, the members are unwitting hostages, since they now feel the only safe place is the militant group. The alienation from the rest of society is intentional and a method of control. "They all hate you, we love you (if you behave), so you can't leave".

Conversely, blacks are finding that the victimhood and oppression lies they were sold, by the marxist modeled activist groups, evaporate when they deal with the world as individuals. What James (a black man) has found more times than not is, he's given a fair shot, an equal chance, respect and consideration - when he shows up as James - not when he shows up as card member 523 of the BLM, Black Panthers, Antifa liberation front- carrying a chip on his shoulder that's 200 years old and has nothing to do with today - on the whole.

The same applies to the gay community. If Alex moved in next door would I rush to meet and greet, with a cake to make him feel welcomed? Nope - but I wouldn't do that for anyone, straight gay, black, white, martian or otherwise. Why, because they are people, nothing special, just air breathers, no celebration needs to be had. If he knocked on my door and introduced himself and need to borrow a tool or needed help with something, I'd more than likely help. Now, it may not be apparent, but at this point if Alex is just being Alex, I probably wouldn't know if he was gay or not. He's just a dude, that needs a shovel. However, if Alex showed up in drag or looked like a Target pride display, then all the things the lgbtFU radical militant group wants me to think about Alex, will happen. And more than likely, because of the group (and by design), Alex won't get the fair shake, or consideration he might have as a non-group member.

All that to say, while it may be human nature to gather and associate in groups of similar people, thought and values (which is now called racist), after a short time these groups are usually infiltrated and captured by the radical marxist ideology (tailored to the group). What ends up happening is for the sake of power, influence and "rights", the members of the group agree to be pushed into being radicals- "get in the face of the enemy". The "enemy" is now any and everyone, who is not pushing group think and messaging (apostates) or anyone not in the group (the rest of the world). And as we have seen, the now radical militant group must go on raiding and destroy missions- because it knows it's only power comes from destroying anything that is not it. So you get the grooming, the nude parades, the disgusting perv twerking in a child's face, the leather daddies with horse tail butt plugs and BDSM gear and even street fairs where sex and play is cheered. All meant to destroy the enemy (society), not liberate the members.

Alex, I agree, it's time for homosexual people in all stripes, to leave the group(s), but here's a suggestion. Refrain from creating another group. But if you do, guard against it becoming radically activated.

The rest of the world - on the whole -will accept you (the individual gay man) more readily, than they will accept lgbtqFU member #86597 holding pride parades on their neighborhood street. The same is true for individuals of any other group, that have been fed a version of their identity, based on a reformulated recipe of fear, victimhood and extremism.

People make friends with and respect individuals, not groups and most especially not militant groups.

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Excellent piece,Alex. This is why, as a gay man, I only see myself as LGB and not LGBTWXYZ, who I see as attention seekers and fantasists as well as being manipulative bullies in a lot of cases. Organisations such as Stonewall should now be seen for the evil entities that they are and sanctions applied. But that will never happen as they have governments in thrall

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Douglas Murray and Julie Bindel have an awesome conversation on this matter on YouTube

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Thanks, love Douglas Murray!

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Definitely check it out then, you’ll enjoy it immensely

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Jun 12Liked by Alex Ilex

Thank You. Definitely will be tuned in. Much appreciated. Douglas Murray is astute. Very intelligent man. Never listened to Julie Bindel.

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I believe that the main reason that so called “Gay/ Lesbian / Bi organizations (like the HRC or GLAAD) have latched onto the Gender Neutral / Trans issue is simple. It is $$$. In the US and UK (and much of Western Europe) Gay and Lesbian rights are “fait accompli”. So how to keep those donations coming in?? (‘And remain ‘relevant”). So the Struggle continues and the Fight needs to continued to be fought (and “yes” you still need to send in those donations) to liberate All. How else are all those staffers at the HRC and GLAAD going to keep getting paid if the battle is won? You just have to follow the money to see who is doing what to whom.

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Yeah, that's also a very good point. Those organizations should have been dissolved after fight for gay marriage was won.

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Yes, show me ANY organization that has declared “Victory” and dissolved itself. Few and far between.

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It's actually interesting question we're raising here. Should we get by without any organizations at all now? Or set a rule on them to get dissolved after their goal was completed?

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Always follow the money!!💰

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Great piece. I have just one quibble:

"...the Woke have another favorite minority groups at this point whom they want to use to push their ideology..." Is it truly an "ideology" if the leftists don't really believe their "beliefs". And instead their ideas are tendentious lies, used to advance their political agenda?

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Oh, so you remember my previous posts like about Woketards not really believing their own bullshit, and you call for consistency here - good, very good.

I agree with you - perhaps word 'agenda' would for here better.

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"Oh, so you remember my previous posts..."

Never forget that I have my eye on you. One of these days I will convince you that, no, corporations do not control the government. It is the government rulers who control their minions, the big corporations.

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Nice someone is keeping an eye on me! I still believe government is in Big Corp pocket though, why do you think otherwise?

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I plan a Substack on that issue soon. So watch out, I have a folder full of evidence with the working label "Corps did not take over gov". It will be overwhelmingly compelling!

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Ok, will wait.

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HI Alex! Nice article! The Left's hypocrisy never ceases to amaze me. Well written. Shared!

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Wokests are worse than locusts. Consume and move on.

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Excellent Post Alex.

I said in a comment below. People need to understand that individuals are more readily accepted, than militant radicalized groups.

This is true no matter the group, ideology, agenda or purpose.

The marxists who infiltrate and capture these groups know this, so they have to nullify that pathway.

They do that by radicalizing the members - so that they see the enemy (society) as a mortal threat. So long as they believe society hates them they will stay in the group. So the group leaders ensure that's the case, by ramping up the militant and destructive nature of the group.

Of course the demands for membership become more extreme in order to maintain the alienation from society and the members are faced with more and more problematic choices -on that the new level of extremism, finally crosses a moral line for them - and it always will get to that point.

in this case the line for many in the gay community, was kids. I contend, that line should have been orchestrated alienation from the society, they had worked for decades to be part of.

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Thanks a lot! Didn't have time to respond to your long message, but I agree with many of your points, and I also love when my subscribers start threads of their own in my comment section - I enjoy reading your train of thoughts, guys.

As for your fun point about me as a new neighbor knocking on your door - there are only two ways you could find out I'm gay since I don't wear all this rainbow ammunition - either you're hot and handsome single young guy so I might be inadvertently hitting on you, or you asked me which type of girls I like and so I'd honestly answer I like men xD

And as for your points on gay community as such, I believe its main problem was that it was heavily politicized. If it was apolitical like for example birdwatchers or dog owners community, it would have been harmless. But alas it was hard to avoid politicization when it was about fighting for gay rights, and not just exchanging gay love experiences between community members. If we could turn it into the latter, however, it might become harmless indeed.

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