May 29Liked by Alex Ilex

Another takeaway is that the Left including Rich woke Leftists and Neo Conservatives just hate poor and working class Whites that elected Nixon , Reagan and Trump and they fear they could conceivable bring a Putin or Hitler to power

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The title of your post is priceless👏🏻. Let’s make the ‘rich’ famous for their hypocrisy. Without money these people wouldn’t make it past a job in Walmart. In the ‘self-check’ line.

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I appreciate you loved the heading of my post!

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They really don't. Some people really are blind, gullible, and stubborn, completely immersed by what they want to see and not what is in front of them. I've confronted some people in the past and it's always the same thing: it's always a defined target that gets the blame, and they can't even explain why that target is the target, they just repeat the same thing over and over, and if you push harder they snap and get angry at you for daring to confront them. On the topic of the rich x poor(one of their preferred topics), they see the rich who complains about other rich as a sort of Chosen One, an enlightened being that is pointing out the ugly of the world and is "one of them".

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Yeah, you're correct probably, but it's still sad though.

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It looks like I broke the thread by mistake 😓 And yes, it is very sad. I wish people took time to think about the things they do and say. Many people really don't know how to use their brains for more than mechanical functions.

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You're SO right! And it pisses me off so much!

I talked to one of those guys. He said he'd better leave complex problems to 'experts' and just do what within his 'expertise'. When I said that it's a lazy approach, he replied that he 'values his time'. When I said that he just can't delegate responsibility for his life to people whom he doesn't even know, he said he 'trusts' them. It's impossible to reason with those people.

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May 30Liked by Alex Ilex

Cognitive dissonance. They reap what they sow and so here we are. The old horse to water cliche. I choose to think of it as a necessary culling. That may sound cold but what other way to explain or justify it?

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It is impossible, yes. They just want to follow, so they don't even bother to have an opinion. They'll follow the leader straight to a chasm if that's where it ends.

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I think of it as a smoke screen. If those people keep shouting that they should tax the rich(when they are rich themselves) it distracts people who are already not aware of what's going on from the real thing: the bottom will always take the brunt of it.

Poor people see that their money isn't lasting, that they keep paying taxes, but they don't see *why* that happens. And if the people who they consider having more power than them(who they stupidly idolise and respect) keep trying to switch the focus away from them and towards the rich(in the eternal class war), they will keep looking away from their own problem and have something to blame that is not the real root of the problem.

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Yeah, I definitely agree, but why on Earth poor people keep swallowing their lies? Can't they see that those shouting 'Tax the Rich!' are themselves the richest?

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It’s a bit strange watching the most consistently progressive demographic in the West, the people who gave the world Marx, Trotsky, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, George Soros, Julius, Rosenberg, Abby Hoffman, etc., pretend to pivot to the right now that their little sandbox ethnostate that was founded by a cadre of socialists is out of favor with the more malleable workforce/electorate they imported into the West from the third world to suppress us.

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The terms “ Left” and “ Right” are very outdated in describing American politics , especially the Js here in USA.

The terns “ Left” and “ Right” are left over from the days after the French Revolution describing where delegates stood in the French Assembly .

Those who favored an absolutist Catholic hereditary monarchy stood on the far right , those who favored a Constitutionalist Republic with a limited monarchy stood more in the center , those who favored universal suffrage , confiscation of all Catholic Christian church property , atheists stood on the far Left .

Islam , Gays and Js were nit factors yet . Napoleon emancipated the Js from their ghettos

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Thats largely true.

Yet Jews remain statistically overwhelmingly progressive.

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And what s really “ Progressive “ about American cities, schools , good paying jobs going “ third world “? Traditional White Americans especially us men are becoming second class citizens in a 3rd world country . Je&s from Lib Leftist Democrat , BLM open borders immigration Left to Je$ish Neo Conservatives , corporate CEOs, Wall Street stock speculators to Soros , Hollywood $ Billionaire oligarchs all demand open borders no restrictions on immigration , mass migration , the Great Replacement of our people here in the USA and all of “ The West “ . And this mass migration , great replacement is presented by Js on various forms of supposedly Right Wing Conservative Libertarianism .

Of course Js in Israel and AIPAC Israel supporting Js in the diaspora reserve Israel and soon Gaza as a Je$ ethnostate with 100% secure Israeli border walls.

With Js it s ;

DEI , open borders , invite the entire world for us

Nationalism, j mono culture , ethnic cleansing of non Js ,Palestinians like Menachim Begin and the Irgun J terrorists did to our White kinsmen the British in 1947 .

Js will either lie about what they are doing or insist this isn t a contradiction

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I think you operate with outdated categories. Gays aren't Leftists anymore, and neither are Jews.

Islamists and trannies are on the Left.

Also what's the Antisemitic trope to equate few Jewish billionaires with all Jewish nation.

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May 30Liked by Alex Ilex


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May 30·edited May 30Liked by Alex Ilex

A real hornet's nest of antisemitic low brow morons who are only able to think in generalizations to validate their propagandized idiocracy. Most of the insanity in the world today goes back to Rome and the Vatican where there is not a "J" in sight. It's so unfortunate that none of you know how to do proper research instead of being led around blindly and completely misguidedly.

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I'd add that the rest of insanity comes from Islamic world - pedophilia, genocides, rape, female oppression and gay persecution, etc. - and no one gives a shit.

But Jews are existential threat because George Soros is evil, right.

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May 30Liked by Alex Ilex

Amen 👍🤦

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