I think MOST people have false courage online and the anonymity/distance makes people inclined to be especially antisocial... but there's definitely an element of mob psychology at play when it comes to social justice. Woke people don't just believe you're wrong-they believe you're a bigot, even if they know you personally (and therefore know better). Their worldview demands this. If all Trump voters weren't xenophobes and transphobes (etc.) then social justice types would have to grapple with the REAL motivations behind their beliefs and would have to consider the points that are actually being made. It's much easier to strawman their opponents and dismiss them out of hand. Ask a woke person why anti-CRT bills have passed in Florida, or legislation limiting youth gender surgery is in consideration across the country, and you will never hear anything about the racist beliefs of the CRT ideology or their push to segregate students according to race or the rising rates of de-transitioners or the ruinously high gender dysphoria diagnosis rates among autistic and anxious teenage girls. They don't know about these things and they don't want to hear about them. It's much easier to just attribute all disagreement to moral values and dismiss all other beliefs out of hand.




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Apr 1·edited Apr 1Author

Yeah that's what nags at me too. Most of those people who knew me from uni turned away frome when I started to speak up against COVID, BLM and trans insanity in 2020, even if they knew me personally and should have known better. Yet it was easier for them to believe that I all of a sudden turned into 'bigot and hater' (or always was such and was just pretending before them at uni apparently), than to at least consider that I might have some valid points, and something wrong is with the modern world and their ideology, not with me. But nope, no self-awareness whatsoever.

And even if I turned into 'bigot and hater' according to them, they were not even curious WHY! I mean if my friend suddenly gone bollocks, I would be at least curious why he did it, and maybe he needs some help. But they just didn't care and just began to target me as their other 'enemies' instead. There's something inhuman in this reaction if you ask me.

And yeah, the Woke don't listen to our arguments even. They assume by default that all our arguments are just an excuse for our 'bigotry and hate', and even if we'd provide actual facts to them, they'd dismiss and deflect them. Like, 'you exposed trans and Muslim pedophiles to me? Why aren't you concerned of Catholic pedos? It's because you hate trans and Muslim people and don't care of pedos', and so on, you know it all. It's impossible to argue with them when they have such default attitude.

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People who are confident in their beliefs do not feel the need to shame others or cut off contact. If you knew someone who was entertaining dangerous ideas or conspiracy theories would you cut them off? No... you might try to reason with them or stop reading their posts or messages but you would feel no particular need to isolate yourself from their ideas because you're not threatened by things you think are incorrect. They react the way they do because dealing with people who believe differently creates an unpleasant feeling of cognitive dissonance for them, and because they are following the lead of the other people in their group. Those people are also uncomfortable with different ideas, though. Ultimately no ideology can exist if it needs total unanimity or assent to exist. This WILL collapse at some point, and when it begins it will happen quickly because it's essentially a group psychology phenomenon. Unlike the things I believe their ideas require a huge crowd of people in agreement, all participating in reassuring each other and punishing dissenters. This mode of group belief comes more naturally to women, I think.

Once it has collapsed none of those people will admit that they believed the things they obviously believe. The bad news is an ideology like this can do a LOT of damage before it crumbles. It can even bring the entire temple down upon our heads.

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Apr 1·edited Apr 1Author

Yeah, to demand everyone agree with you on everything is just insane. The best one could expect I believe is a polite, respectful disagreement and civil debate, with an open mind to other's viewpoint. But ironically the Woke themselves are pathologically incapable of all of it - they can't civilly debate or respectfully disagree, and never have an open mind to other's point of view.

This is because of their very toxic delusion that disagreement means an attack on them, hence they are 'insulting back'.

Also, I understand if people have SOME sensitivities, so I could avoid sensitive topics. For example for me myself my sexuality might be a sensitive topic. But gosh, for the Woke EVERYTHING IS SENSITIVE! They can explode over EVERY part of their agenda!

This alone explains that all their agenda and all their sensitivities are entirely manufactured by propaganda and reinforced by their groupthink. Because well, real sensitivities are usually rare and personal. I can get sensitive over my sexuality since it's personal for me, but I can keep a calm head on literally every other issue. For the Woke every issue is sensitive.

Also, sensitivities are usually personal, like my sexuality. But which personal connection the Woke have say to Palestine or to Ukraine to get triggered by those issues so much? They don't even know what's exactly going on there and most of them haven't ever been there. Yet they react as if those were their most personal things in the world. Which exactly proves that Woke rage is entirely manufactured because it's totally unnatural for say American people to go into full rage mode over Gaza. They can judge what's going on there fair enough but rationally NOT THAT EMOTIONALLY as if they were Gazans themselves!

So here we have Woke clown world. These people go out of themselves because of something which is going on thousands of miles away from them but don't give a slightest shit of what's going on right under their nose like sterilization and genital mutilation of minors.

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