Jul 15Liked by Alex Ilex

How is it possible that Kyle Rittenhouse shot three attackers and all of them turned out to be child predators? Where did these people come from?

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From the Left, apparently.

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Aug 26Liked by Alex Ilex

And I was reported for misinformation on social media, my comments were turned off…but I tried!

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Wear it as a badge of honor.

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Aug 26Liked by Alex Ilex

Good point!

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Aug 26Liked by Alex Ilex

Thank you for your thoughts on this topic. It makes a lot of sense and very scary for children and parents. What do we as parents do? I do not send my kids to public grade/high school. I try to tell people the truth about trans ideology being damaging to children but get pushback…oh we have to be compassionate…or obviously worse reactions. We can vote obviously but I live in a “blue”voting city.

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Homeschooling is one way. Moving to a red state is another. Apart from it, an average person can't do much I guess.

Woke compassion is just a pure hypocrisy. Look how 'compassionate' these people are to those who disagree with them and their ideology.

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Aug 26Liked by Alex Ilex

I am in a red state but with a blue governor…hmmm..don’t understand that one except he is probably owned by teachers’ unions

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Aug 26Liked by Alex Ilex

He touts his strong Christianity..he’s a church elder…but pro- abortion. He denies that any sex change surgeries were being done on children in KY but it came out that it was being done. I’m not sure about now…I think a state law was passed

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Holy fuck. Yeah, that's pretty bad. So you're in Kentucky then? You have Rand Paul there at least.

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Aug 26Liked by Alex Ilex

Yes, Rand Paul and Thomas Massie!

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Classy Thomas Massie lol.

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Then vote him out next time! Which state you're in by the way?

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Aug 26Liked by Alex Ilex

I hope he will get voted out…but he has helped people in rural communities who have been affected by floods/tornadoes and he comes across oh so compassionate. Named every person who died from Covid (in the beginning) yet shut everything down forever except the abortion clinic so he’s not fooling me.

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You can stop them by not sending your kids to public school.

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Jul 22Liked by Alex Ilex

Pedophiles belong in prison, on life long sentences. This is me being KIND, because that isn’t my first choice for their sentencing

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And chemical castration.

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Slight pedophiliac touch? Hardly slight. About as slight as Will Smith's hand on Chris Rock's face!

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The first shot across the bow was "It takes a village" from Hillary Clinton, that great Bastion of Knowledge and cookie baking housewife.

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Jul 17Liked by Alex Ilex

This is so heartbreaking what these children and parents are going through, pedophiles are so evil they need to be hung for their crimes , It needs to become a law!

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It's part of the Luciferian agenda to destroy God. It's so ridiculous to us but God will literally blind them to the truth because they love the lie. 2Thessalonians 2:11

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Hear me out without hate. I have no hate in my heart, but love. I propose that gay is the first socially acceptable kink. This is the beginning of all of it and then it morphs. I have gay people in my life, at work and neighbors, whom I treat with respect and they reciprocate. I'm not willing to ignore that homosexual behavior is against our nature, and against nature in general.

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I'm sorry but gay isn't 'kink', it's human nature. There are plenty of homosexual animals too so your statement of it being unnatural is false. The only homophobic animal is a human though which tells us what is really unnatural - homophobia.

Again, I'm not attracted to women in any sexual way and am attracted to men, and I was born this way. If for you it's 'kink', you're sick.

I'm honestly tired of this shit that when I'm trying to help, to expose sick pefo grooming shit of the Woke queer Alphabet mafia, the only gratitude I get from conservative fellows is unhinged paranoid Homophobia rooted in religious ideology. You're no better than Woketards if not worse - incapable to learn and understand, overconfident in your ideology, arrogant and hateful. Piss off, I'm not gonna tolerate your sick homophobia and your 'slippery slope' paranoia. Woke Marxists had hijacked everything - feminism, eco movement, racial justice movement, yet homophobic sickos like you remember only gay rights movement because it suits your religious ideology.

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Jul 14Liked by Alex Ilex

Pedophiles and

Supporters of pedophiles

Need to be

Dragged into the streets

Publicly beaten to a pulp

Hanged and left to feed vultures

Failure of law is

Denial of justice

Necessitating street justice

Eliminate the treat




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Jul 18Liked by Alex Ilex

The Bible says that we are to love the sinner but hate the sin. Your life is your own. You have the God given right to live your life however you choose. God is not about subjugation. We are all given a free will because God wants us to come to him by our own choice. If you choose not to accept him, then that is your choice. If you are right, you will have nothing to worry about. If you are wrong, you risk the judgment. But that judgment is to come from God, not us. God is the only judge. If we dare to judge, then we are trying to place ourselves on the throne. Believers know the magnitude of what that means.

Me personally, I feel that sex should be a private thing. As long as there are no children involved, do whatever you want. I, for one, don't care to watch two people crawling allover each other in public. Hence the phrase, "get a room". What you do as consenting adults is none of my business and I don't want it to be any of my business. But, that's just me.

Just leave the children out of it. I will lay down my life to protect a child. If you are harming a child and I get my hands on you, I will lay your life down. That may be a sin, and if that is so, then I will face that judgment. But until that time comes, I will very much remain a deadly enemy of pedophiles.

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God did not create man and man and women and women, it's not of God. You need to repent, how you got caught up in this like many of you, is baffling to say the least" no you were not born this way' , wake up'😳🙏😇

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You clearly don't have any respect for my views. That us, I strongly disagree with you, I don't share your ideology, and I dispute homophobia even in Christianity. If you can respect people with different views, you should be able yo respectfully disagree. If not, you're no better than Woketatds, push your ideology down my throat, and I'd block you because I don't need to listen to your bullshitting and homophobic insults. Repent yourself of your sick aggressive homophobia, you understand zero from what Jesus said. Don't judge and don't be judged and love each other. You judge people for love. You directly violate Jesus words even twice. Shame on you.

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Romans 1:22-31. Please read it. Even if you you think it will somehow prove me wrong. I'm not sick. I'm loving you by telling you the truth. God gave you free will and you've chosen your way, not God's. 🙏🏼

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I do not give a slightest shit of what corrupt homophobic Pharisee Paul who twisted Jesus teaching to adapt it to Romans said. I do not accept Pauline theology and I don't blindly trust anything written in two thousands years old books, unlike you, and shame on you for it.

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I don't share your Ideology either, many of us don't, I am not homo phobic, I'm not shoving any thing down your throat, you need to respect my views with out without insults because my views don't match up with your's🙏😇

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You are "shoving". What consenting adults do is their business, not yours. Unless a public sex act is being performed in public whether homo or hetro, for children to witness, then that's illegal and immoral.

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No you DO shove your ideology down my throat by telling me to 'repent'. It's direct disrespect to my views and direct insult and pushing of your ideology. I don't come to your page to ask you to repent of your homophobia and your blind trust to old book which also approves of slavery and wars. You come to my page to push your homophobic bullshit, hence you disrespecte and I won't tolerate it. Period.

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The “old book” doesn’t approve of slavery and wars...if you read it all the way through you’d know that. The homophobic accusation is lame, you have no idea whether or not someone has a phobia of perverts.

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I didn't even know you were gay, and for the record I have gay friends, I just don't share the same views about their sexuality.

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So you're constantly coming to them and telling them to 'repent', really? And how do they react I wonder?

It's even written in my profile information here I'm gay.

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Pedophiles and

Supporters of pedophiles

Need to be

Dragged into the streets

Publicly beaten to a pulp

Hanged and left to feed vultures

Failure of law is

Denial of justice

Necessitating street justice

Eliminate the treat




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