Aug 31Liked by Alex Ilex

Wow, eye-opening way to look at this!

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Thanks. I guess in Western philosophy you could call the Woke nihilists in an absolute, non metaphoric way.

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Yes. Maybe it's also an anti-reality. Like anti-matter obliterates matter, woke anti-reality destroys reality and leaves a kind of nihilist vacuum.

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Very well said too.

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None of the 3 letter agencies were Authorized by Congress

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Aug 31Liked by Alex Ilex

Hey, Alex, a friend and I were just discussing your article and wondered what you see as the solution (if any) to this Woke -un condition.

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Eh, if I only knew the solution! This far I have only recommendations. Homeschool your kids. Put a pressure on universities to be completely reformed - get rid of DEI and of foreign funding too, particularly Islamic or Chinese one. Speak up yourself against this shit whenever you have a chance. Find like-minded people.

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Aug 31Liked by Alex Ilex

All good suggestions.

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Woke-ism claims to have an answer to the world's woes--but only on a material level. If we look inside we can feel our spirit--then we start to see spirit in everything and the world comes alive--because we see God. The magic is there waiting for our spirit inside to light it up. My study of anthroposophy--Rudolph Steiner's work on studying spirit, has given me insight into the world and most importantly--peace.

I see the Libs being captured by the Lucifer wave which we fall into by indulging our physical vices to assuage inner unhealed trauma.

I see the technocrats riding the wave of the mind--anti-Christ inhuman--trying to live forever in the physical world instead of going within to find the narrow path of the heart. Like a triangle these two forces tempt us to leave our pain unhealed and to hide it behind physical pleasures or mind pleasures.

Our salvation is to use both to propel ourselves up the triangle/pyramid to the top where the eye opens and we see God. A teeter-totter of sorts.

The 3rd way is the answer. Opening the 3rd eye shows us the way.

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I think it's even worse - Woketards don't have an answer even on a material level. Their answer is un-answer, complete denial and negation of everything. They deny their country, their race, their faith, their skin color, their body, their sex, their sexuality, their everything. They ignore their common sense, their empathy, their critical thinking. They deny, reject and negate everything which makes us human at all levels.

Just look at their philosophy - it's denial and negation of everything! It's only un-, non-, de-, and anti- with them. A-theism, Non-binary, Anti-Christianism, Non-White, de-colonization and de-constriction. It's complete nihilism.

They have nothing positive to offer, they can't create. They can only destroy, deny and negate - everything including themselves. It's an absolute nihilism in its worst shape.

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Aug 31Liked by Alex Ilex

And the woke even have lost the consolation of the one and only UN-cola, Seven-Up, which still exists but widely unavailable.

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Actually I liked 7 Up more than Cola! Good fun point you're bringing..up!

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Aug 31Liked by Alex Ilex

I just read up on Seven-Up and apparently the “7” was the atomic number of lithium which used to be a part of the original formula. That would have made the beverage similar to (but not as toxic as) the “bromides” that used to be used as a nerve tonic. According to Dr. Michael Nehls, who has his own Substack, small doses of lithium are essential for the processing of memories and preventing senility. He wrote an alarming book about how the globalists are seeking to control our minds through unending fearmonging. https://www.amazon.com/Indoctrinated-Brain-Successfully-Global-Freedom/dp/1510778365/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?crid=2DLWXRT8PUHS5&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.7cUfjcKSafAAq7o4KTcY7uiftdzWwR2CcwyVtQwxWf18depVKAGBrwTpkN5SDNC9bn8bPGu6fQEzgzMomax6J2Kt4kWH5-idSFBnMJuXwk39PwRjrbkLl5Koyxk9EWoPSai_XKgaJLPHTfYIDGg67N4ESAr9V21zsI_W-Ca4e15qu4x19NZEk1Saunnn07m6oYzH0Ufdes1EdbuN8JTOsw.AuE7L_FMPaFbEtuViNbqSYPK9HepUmz7M99Z6tW_rQE&dib_tag=se&keywords=michael+nehls+the+indoctrinated+brain&qid=1725107132&sprefix=michael+nehls%2Caps%2C186&sr=8-1

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And now we have lithium batteries for our cars. I wonder if we're trying to make them human at the expense of ourselves?

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I'd not be surprised that soon even cars would look and act more human than Woketards.

After all cars refuse to move without a fuel but Woketards can live without a brain.

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Interesting, didn't know. So, lithium in 7 Up was a good thing then?

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Sep 1Liked by Alex Ilex

In Christ Jesus I will always have hope. He is my present and my future.

Loved your substack as always

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Thank you!

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Self imposed bureau of parasites use our tax dollars against US while whittling away our security

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Asset seizure freezes any & all assets all at once they're collective powers end on asset seizure alone anyone & everyone involved get removed from our shores

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It's all Morons stealing our assets out from within the very system they designed to safeguard US 🤮👉🗑️

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Give me the Authority we can end this saga in 15 minutes flat 😡

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Take the funding GAME OVER 🙏🙏🙏

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Capitol research center com Search WOKE

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They are unhappy, ill adjusted both mentally and physically, and in many cases evil individuals. They see society as a collection of mean people that are out to get them. This leads to evilness. They are also not particularly intelligent which is why they make great useful idiots.

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Well said. Un-happiness is also perfectly Woke condition.

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Great piece, isn’t it a common theme with them of living under moral relativism and a Godless world.

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Can you see the picture now

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All funding comes from US CITIZENS via grants subsidies etc get a hold of OPENTHEBOOKS.COM

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