"Arabs conquered half of the world back in 7th century (including land of Israel..."

And Muslims enslaved Constantinople, the world's first Christian city, and most of Spain, and parts of Eastern Europe (almost succeeding in conquering an enslaving Vienna). The Crusades were a counter-attack.

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Yeah, I was telling that to people about Crusades for a while, to no avail. We need new Crusades now.

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Jun 12Liked by Alex Ilex

Since the 1970s, racism has been used as an excuse for why people are incapable of exercising personal responsibility and achieving some semblance of success in life. Ever notice that nobody talks about supposed 'oppressed' people bearing some responsibility for their failures?

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"For all have sinned . . . there is none righteous, no not one." Romans 3

Much of the talk about the evils of whiteness is nothing more than a political tactic to destabilize the current society so something more advanced, progressive, and "fair" can take its place.

I was going to say "all of the talk" but some people have come to sincerely believe the leftist propaganda.

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If you let them control your speech, they will eventually control everything.

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That "People of Colour "contrivation has been created to form what is effectively a caucus who have nothing in common with each other except existing as an "oppressed" aggregation in contrast to the historical oppressor and privileged white population. This is then accepted politically, culturally, legally etc which has the potential to bring rewards financial and otherwise to any member of that caucus when they're in opposition to a white person. But of course white women and gay men can plead victimhood too and escape the relegation exclusion and erasure which is oftentimes the fate of the average white heterosexual male

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P. S. While white straight males could 'identify' as trans, non-binary or queer (all of it means nothing) and score oppression points which they actually do.

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White women and gay men can no longer do that, they had fallen from Woke grace and are 'transphobic bigots' and TERFs now.

And 'people of color' sounds downright racist just like 'colored people'.

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Jun 13Liked by Alex Ilex

I’m a Slav. The OG slave. I want reparations plus interest.

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Jun 17Liked by Alex Ilex

What's OG?

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Jun 17Liked by Alex Ilex

Like,I founded a community garden in my neighborhood and managed it for years. Later I turned it over to the younger group involved and they call me the OG gardener. Makes me smile.

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Jun 17Liked by Alex Ilex

Original gangster. My grandchildren taught me that lol

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Thanks for elaborating, didn't know that!

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Jun 14Liked by Alex Ilex

A wonderful novel “The Sword and the Simitar” by David Ball, published in 2003 is a great read. The folks reading your article might want to consider reading this fine book.

Your article should be passed along. I will certainly do that.

Thank you!

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Thank you for both book recommendation and sharing my article!

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Excellent post! The Islamic conquest continues to this day! Mostly accomplished in Europe. Not far behind in America.

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Jun 20Liked by Alex Ilex

Why do we have Arabs in congress

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Because it's Jihad facilitated by Democratic party.

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Exactly! And Europeans still fail to realize they're conquered...

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The EU controls every aspect of life in the whole continent. Even countries that are outside the bloc like, Norway, Switzerland and in the most hideously ironic and self abasing sense post Brexit Britain. There the Tories knew that to make Brexit work in any way at all they would upset the global capitalist order and their ultimate boss on the world stage-the US and so weren't even going to try. All that happened was they got rid of free movement in both directions from the EU but opened up to a flood of the EUs open border illegals and increased African and Asian immigration up to 6x. Cue wipeout in the upcoming elections but they don't care as they're globalists to their fingertips. Which us to Peter Sutherland the "father of globalism "and his speech to the UKs House of Lords in 2016 where he outlined how mass immigration and miscegenation is the way to destroy the identity of each and every European nation in the name of globalism. This is seen in stark reality in Sutherlands birth country Ireland where the sheer number of immigrants in just a few years has altered the fabric of the nation and the flood will continue. But the well paid Irish elites know what's happening but they too don't care.

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Yeah, I'm aware that EU is 100% globalist puppet and totalitarian entity but didn't realize it's that bad with UK. So Brexit made illegal Muslim immigration even worse? Sad.

Thanks for the information on Sutherland too, I did not know all.

What's the solution in your view though?

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It's hard to see any solution to this at the moment. With the EU having been strengthened by both Brexit and Putins self destructive invasion of the Ukraine. With less and less native young people in each European country the chances of a stand being taken for national identity is going to decrease even further in the future. A desirable "great reset" rather than the one being spoken of would probably require an economic shock resulting in a radical political response.The aforementioned recent events have not only strengthened the EU but most of all NATO and I've come around to the opinion that the transatlantic alliance itself is the straitjacket that will always prevent a change of direction in Europes fate.

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Yeah, I'm sadly agree with most of your points and with your NATO assessment. Only if EU would be broken, there's hope. But EU is as strong as ever sadly...

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Jun 12Liked by Alex Ilex

Thank you for this education!

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"(...)go and Google. Fact check me,(...)" is a modern oxymoron.

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Jul 4Liked by Alex Ilex

In my opinion Google is an oximoron. You used to google something to get an answer now you get bull shit that is political.

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Kiev doesn’t exist. Kyiv is not “russian city”

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Show me someone whose favorite historian is Howard Zinn and I will show you someone I do not fear in a contest of world historic knowledge.

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Yes, your account of Islam's conquests, enslavements and worse the Mongol, Tatar conquests of Russia are true. And yes certain Islamist sects such as ISIS are back in to slavery, child sex slave auctions against non Muslims, sexual grooming gangs in Northern England cities like Rothrham.

All true.

I do think you should at least read up on some other viewpoints, other historical views about the JQ. It's simplistic to state that Js have always been victims or worse that all ethnic, racial Js are God's Chosen People in the Bible and now.

Here is a rather interesting historical analysis on 15th Century Spain in the clash of Civilizations between ruling, occupying Arab Muslim Moors, occupied White Spanish Catholic Christians and this 3rd people and in between people the Js.

Arab Muslim Moors were all expelled from Spain in 1492 as were Js, or those that were allowed to stay had to covert (under threat of Spanish Inquisition ) to Catholic Christianity, the Js that coverted were/are called "Conversos" and they have always been suspect same as Js now in the USA, UK, the West who say they are now "Conservatives".

Here's the link to the 15th century Spanish history :


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I didn't say Jews were 'God chosen', I'm neither Jewish nor religious.

But Jews were victims of Arabs objectively though.

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The question should be, given their small numbers, have they sought to imprison entire populations, put everyone in chains?

Enslave entire populations?

This is what Muslims do.

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Very good point. Jews and gays never sought to harm anyone, just be left in peace, yet society relentlessly petsecutes both of them (and still are at it).

Muslims conquer, enslave, rape and downright murder everyone who is on their way since the very moment Islam was born back in 7th century, and yet our society shills for them.

I started to believe it's about cowardice of our society, its Woke Left part primarily. They can attack only weak opponents like gays and Jews, and are scared to say anything against Muslims who would explode them for any slightest criticism. It's cowardice at it most ugliest.

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Alex :

“Very good point. Jews and gays never sought to harm anyone, just be left in peace, yet society relentlessly petsecutes both of them (and still are at it). “

I respond :

I m afraid that s either extremely naive or just dishonest .

Sone individual Gays like John Wayne Gacy and Jeffrey Dahmer have most definitely sought to harm others and they did so .

The disruption of our traditional education systems , the end of all restrictions on porn , Sado M ouves and videos , public morality in once safe , clean places like San Francisco - individual and certain homosexual groups have done bad things

As for Js…

How about the likes of Harvey Weinstein , Roman Polanski ? How about J Communist reign of terror Trotsky , Bella Kuhn, Kurt Eisner ?

How about J sponsorship of pretty much all black anti White groups and causes from the NAACP to BLM?

Who ‘s destroyed American border security and ejected all those horrible BLM DA s like our chicago ‘s crazy Kim Foxx?

George Soros and now his evil son are most definitely J

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Heh, to generalize from some individuals on the whole group is both factually incorrect and morally wrong.

Some straight whiteen had done horrible things too, should we persecute them all now?

Some men are rapists, should we castrate all men now?

It's rotten, ridiculous logic.

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I believe it's because of Satanism.

They want to turn the world over to Satan.

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Well, that maybe WEF globalist puppeteers behind all this shit.

Regular Woketards are just cowards and idiots.

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Like I said, Satanists.

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I take it you aren t familiar with the Bolshevik, Soviet J directed Ted reign of terror , NKVD, the Gulag

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"Ted reign of terror"

Typos can be hilarious

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Did you know that when men were sent to Siberia their women went there as well of their own free will?

Russian women are awesome.

I remember a story from decades ago.

A Russian army officer was sending people to Siberia.

He chose a young mother to go she screamed the house down.

Then within the hour another woman went to see the officer and explained that the young woman had recently given birth and there was no one to look after the baby.

The officer had his list in front of him.

He saw there was another free seat on the truck so he sent that woman too!

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I'm a half Russian, so ofc I know. Only I'm afraid it was not always as romantic - often women or their babies were threatened by Tsar too, so they followed their men not out of loyalty but fearing for their or their kids safety.

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