I have heard three Liberal women recently talk favourably about Islam and, one included Marxism in her ‘thoughtful’ openness. Of course none had read the Koran, the Hadith, and/or Das Kapital. But they heard a podcast by someone who spoke well. Ignore all facts, but if someone can say half truths about something sweetly that is pretty much enough if it allows you to also put down those richer than yourself and/or white men.

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May 12Liked by Alex Ilex

"The woke mind-virus is communism rebranded."--Elon

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I Whole heartedly agree with the sentiment expressed by Alex

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Thank you, I really appreciate it.

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It's intended to attack family by sexualizing children, then drawing them into ‘kink’, & into living out gender identity as a malleable matter of choice. Finally, the call for tolerance of all this is made, a tolerance that is, in effect, depravity, a tolerance of evil.

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Yeah, the final goal here is to 'de stigmatize pedophilia', I'm sure of that, and every sane and decent person straight or gay, right or Left, should stand against that shit.

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It’s long been said that the road to hell is paced with good intentions. These so-called intentions are siblings to ignorance.

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Paved worh good intentions sorry for typo

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No problem, I understood your meaning still!

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The older I get (I’m currently 53 years old), the more philosophical I tend to get, and I don’t see “woke” culture going away on anyone’s timetable. With all the history behind what created “woke” culture (this includes people who were around as early as the 1920s if not earlier), I don’t see it vanishing within my lifetime even if I’m lucky enough to live to the age of 90. It may wax and wane at different times, but I don’t see it vanishing at all.

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Well, you have a point here, but don't also forget that things are changing really rapidly now, even within the Woke orbit.

10 years ago it was about gays and immigrants for them, for now it's this trans queer non binary cult and 'Palestine'...

So we don't know what happens next. Those new trends might disappear into oblivion pretty fast.

Our efforts should be directed at replacing them with something decent, and not yet one more Woke guise.

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It's repulsive!

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It is indeed.

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Not to mention that good intentions don't guarantee good outcomes...

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The entire woke agenda, from DEI to climate change and everything in between, is nothing more than a massive class war against poor and middle class people of all colors and creeds worldwide.

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I would add that the entire woke agenda is also -- in essence -- a global money laundering operation for the Democratic Party...

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May 13Liked by Alex Ilex

Well put Alex! And agree with Elon, woke mind virus is communism rebranded

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This image is gross. I wish it weren't real.

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I wish it wasn't too...

But it illustrates my point pretty well though. This kind of shit doesn't have any moral right to exist.

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Brought to you by: The Jews

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So what is the full image?

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What do u mean?

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