The woke ‘think’ they will be excluded from whatever happens to the ‘others’ but they forget that there is no honor among thieves.

And they will be next when the woke-nest of vipers runs out of victims.

If they hadn’t trashed our history, they would be able to see this clearly.

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Jul 11Liked by Alex Ilex

Yep. Been saying it for years.

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Jul 13Liked by Alex Ilex

You have hit all the salient points quite elegantly. In order to turn the tide we need aggressive action beginning with educating our children and having public discourse ( very loud public discourse) stating truth and fact. We need to outlaw transgender surgery on minors, and ban biological males from competing in women’s sports. The courts need to defend and enforce our Constitution, period!

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Jul 13Liked by Alex Ilex

Wonderful work, sir.

The part about burning books really struck me. While I haven’t personally witnessed people literally burning books, I do recall when wokeness started gaining momentum by banning/canceling old cartoon characters or Dr. Seuss books because of something about them being somehow offensive. While that’s technically not setting fire to anything, that’s literally the disguise in action; banning and canceling are the new “burning.”

Really enjoyed this. Thank you for the opportunity to comment, sir, and thank you everyone.

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You're welcome! Glad to be of service.

Yeah, it's exactly modern definition of book burning. They were taking Homer 'Iliad' and 'Odysseus' from some school libraries too I heard.

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It’s so hard to watch seemingly insane people gang up and destroy history simply because ‘they’ feel it’s bad, offensive and undeserved to exist.

I truly don’t like when anyone tells me how to feel or think!! AT ALL!

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Jul 12Liked by Alex Ilex

I agree with you.

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If we lose America there is no where to run. R.R.

He was warning us of the Bushes and NWO/WEF

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I agree 100%

Personally, I think the disguise is easy to see through.

But, it seems to be good enough to fool masses of people.

It's really quite scary.

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Indeed, especially when actual fascists call you a fascist for exposing their fascism. Truly Orwellian.

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That is a core of the playbook. "Always accuse ur enemies of what u are actually doing"

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Jul 11Liked by Alex Ilex

I see a change in thought going on against wokeism minds are changing people are looking at it like the whacked concept it was , the ones who were on board were mask wearing ,vax pushers and shamers . The climate is changing , now we see where some are asking for forgiveness for pushing the narrative and the subjugation of those who didn't bend to their will.

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Really? I'm not seeing much of it.

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Jul 11Liked by Alex Ilex

Upstate ,the redest part of NY yes there is a conservative part of NY , some businesses with worldwide ties still on the agenda but average Joe NY is pretty done with the narrative.

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Are you from NY, Upstate? I lived in NY too and it's interesting - although it's overall pretty Woke, there are some cool conservative guys and places. But didn't think it turned so much better, you're giving me hope.

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Jul 11Liked by Alex Ilex

Steuben county is the redest county in the state actually there are far more red than blue counties , I've been pushing #dividenys on Twitter (X) for years @Divide_Nys is a thing . I've personally been trying to talk my wife into WV, VA ,TN, NC last choice being KY. In the '80's I drove to school from fall through late spring with a shotgun in a rack in my truck's back glass and nobody batted an eye.

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And now how do they react?

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Jul 11Liked by Alex Ilex

Gun laws and taxation are my biggest reasons for wanting to leave , everything I did as a teenager would get me in trouble. I loved growing up here but it's not the same.

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