Jun 7Liked by Alex Ilex

The big difference between conservatives and leftists/fascists are that people like me are all, “Live and let live as long as you don’t push your BS onto me,” and they’re, “If you don’t think like we think, you’re wrong and we’re going to hound you to the ends of the Earth.”

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Jun 7Liked by Alex Ilex

Keep writing Alex, we need independent voices. People may not always agree, that's OK, the important thing is we can continue the conversation. This is the life blood of Democracy. We have socialists in Australia where I live who do there best to shut down anyone they dislike, they use police to quell protests with rubber bullets and capsicum spray, but actually fund and protect protests they approve. Free speech is under threat in Western democracies and when it's gone so will all our freedoms.

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Thanks for your message! Your support is important. Out of curiosity, could it get better in Australia, what do you think?

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Jun 7Liked by Alex Ilex

I don't think so. Unfortunately the leftist have infiltrated the education system and indoctrinated a generation with nonsense. What people accept as truth is utterly astonishing. Start with Lee Harvey Oswald killing Kennedy...we are fed lies constantly. The younger generation think climate change is going to end the world...stressed out. Don't tell them about the nuclear weapons that could incinerate the world in 30 minutes, the real threat. So, there is no hope for this lost generation.

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So just like American, British and even some Russian youth... Sad. Well, at least you're awake, maybe you could wake some Aussies up too.

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Thanks for having the courage to begin your substack. By World standards, the USA is still an infant nation. I suppose it’s fitting we adopted and are proud of a reputation as the cradle of free speech. This freedom always chafes the insecure and the echo chamber dwellers (whose echo chambers double as their or their parents’ basements - sorry, that was catty.) insecurity and fear, when combined with authority and power often make a big pot of good -smelling soup that is nonetheless poised and ready to fall on our heads and scald us.

People who speak out and up might keep that baby freedom from being smothered in its cradle. Stay with it and keep a heat-resistant umbrella handy.

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You're correct. Thanks for your message and hopefully I could show that American freedom is still worth of something.

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I am so happy to be one of your followers, Alex, because you give a view of the world that Americans don’t always see. I follow a few Russians on Instagram for their history content, and it amazes me how different it is from what we’ve been told.

Courage, sparks courage, so keep writing and telling your truth. You are inspiring the rest of us.

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Thanks, I appreciate it! Well I indeed have Russian, European and American perspectives combined in me. Pretty unique I guess.

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Another great article, Alex. The unquestioning, mass compliance with regulations is so depressing.

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I think all the time how wrong it is that politician scumbags like Victoria Nuland can create hatred in our hearts for other countries over nothing. She irrationally despises Russia and it is insane she is allowed to create a proxy war with that country and everyone goes along with it. Americans are so incapable of realizing how much propaganda we are subjected to our own selves. I hope Russian people understand many of us have respect and love for other citizens of the world. At least Putin isn’t subjecting Russia to this nightmare of unchecked immigration. I have really enjoyed reading your columns lately, so happy you’re here and wishing you the best in your endeavors!

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Thanks for kind words of Russian people. But sadly, there's also massive illegal immigration into Russia, it's just coming from different countries and isn't covered in the West. There are millions of illegal migrants from Caucasus and Middle Asia in Russia. There are over 14 millions of Muslims in Russia, over 4 millions of them is in Moscow alone... You should see Moscow in Ramadan! It's a scary sight... There are also Muslim grooming gangs and terror attacks like in Crocus City Hall in Moscow most recently. So, just like in the West.

You'd ask why Putin isn't doing anything about it? Well, he loves Muslims and welcomes them all, just like Western leaders. Also, Putin is heavily depending on Chechen leader Kadyrov who is a radical Islamist and who perpetrated gay Purge in Chechnya. Chechnya already lives under Shariah, not under Russian law. But Putin is scared of Kadyrov because he doesn't want another bloody Chechen war like in 90s. Russian people hate Kadyrov though who is a monster, rapist and murderer, but Putin loves him.

I think I need to cover this more here on Substack since Americans aren't aware of Islamization of Russia and that Putin is just one more fraud.

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Have you seen Rolling Stone attempt to pull its review of the new Star Wars show because the journalist thought it was average and not “stunning and brave”?

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Jun 8·edited Jun 8Author

Nope, but I'm not surprised, sigh. Used to like Star Wars in the past, before the last already Woke trilogy.

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Yeah they pulled it, people realised it and called them out and they re submitted with changes. Let me find where I read it.

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Thanks. Holy fuck. Clowns and sycophants. The levels of absurdity are sky high.

This is how they create a pseudo reality I guess where regime sycophancy is 'stunning and brave'.

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You’re stunning and brave!! He’s stunning and brave. WE’RE ALL STUNNING AND BRAVE 😂😂😂

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I see you loved this particular phrasing 😆😅

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It just makes me laugh. If everyone’s stunning and brave then no one is stunning and brave 😂.

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Jun 7Liked by Alex Ilex

You're doing a great thing. Your fight for freedom and truth inspires others and we need all the fighters we can get!

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Thanks! That means a lot for me.

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Jun 7Liked by Alex Ilex

You're most welcome!

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Jun 7Liked by Alex Ilex

Awesome 👍

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Jun 7Liked by Alex Ilex

And I thank you Alex for all of the above! Some of my family is from Russia and Ukraine and I couldn't be more proud! I would love to visit Russia..

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Thanks for your message too! From which parts of Russia-Ukraine are they?

Maybe you could visit it one day when all this madness is over - or when we’d end this madness ourselves to be more precise.

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Jun 7·edited Jun 7Liked by Alex Ilex

I am not really sure which part of Ukraine, I only found this out fairly recently. I know one Grandmother, supposedly, from Galicia area which I think borders w Ukraine? My paternal gfather Russian National. What does that mean? Btw my fav Russian is GI Gurdjieff, I am fascinated by his life and of course his teachings. Georgia and the Caucasus look amazing.

Have you ever been to the Altai? It looks incredible.

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Galicia should be in Western Ukraine I think.

Haven't been to Altai but my family is from Ural - also beautiful mountain region. There are Finno-Ugric folks living there too, and my mum is actually an Udmurt, hence my connection to Finns and my later Finnish background too.

I have read some of Gurdgieff stuff, interesting indeed. You know madam Elena Blavatsky too perhaps?

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Jun 7·edited Jun 7

Yes, I've tried to read Blavatsky many times but can't seem to get into her. Curious to know how many languages you speak?

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Didn't like Blavatsky much too, she's too unnecessary complicated in my view, though correct on many issues.

English and Russian I'm fluent in, plus can speak Finnish and French, so at least four languages.

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