Jun 19Liked by Alex Ilex

Ignorance of history and the movement of borders over the centuries underlies the mass support for Ukraine in this conflict. Maybe the supporters are just the noisy ones, I don't know. How can people be so dumb as to believe in the 'white hat-black hat' propaganda and not consider the role of the CIA, biolabs, NATO aggression, money laundering, rigged elections, ethnicity etc etc. It's all simplistic posturing following a childish narrative of 'goodies' and 'baddies' promulgated by the msm.

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Sorry, Betina, but in a list of white and black hats you forgot another group you belong to - a foil hat with propaganda BS about CIA and biomass, etc.

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'Bettina' not 'Betina'; 'biolabs' not 'biomass'. Back in your box!

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Just a note I believe in the beginning Putin was thinking about trying to find a way to the ocean 🌊 to protect his country if war broke out ? I read that a long time ago though !?

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You mean to the sea? He already got it with Crimea. No need to attack Ukraine itself.

And if already did why to leave Kiev and Chernigov voluntarily as he did as well? Many things don't fit here.

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Yup, some typos do have place, but they are much less substantial than your lack of knowledge and unfamiliarity with logic.

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Your English isn't the best....

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I think Ivan is the 3rd person I'm having to block here on Substack.. I thought all the simpletons were on X, now they're infiltrating here?

Look at his first reply to your comment... ad hominem about foil hats, and his accusing others of being victims of propaganda while he himself is totally indoctrinated and as unaware of what is and was going on Ukraine.

Sheesh! I don't need to hear anything more from such geniuses.

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" I thought all the simpletons were on X, now they're infiltrating here?"

Oh they're here too. No mistaking their presence. Truly the backside of what benefits this Internet thing provides humanity.

Simpletons abound, why we're in this world-wide mess after all.

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Actually, the CIA admits to much of what you prefer NOT to believe and what you call “tin-foil hat conspiracy.”

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I don't call anything a 'tinfoil hat conspiracy', you must have confused me with someone else.

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Intended for Ivan Yu - sorry

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Good read. I'm no fan of Putin. I don't have any concrete answers, but I believe: Most of what we are told about Putin is not true and is propaganda. The U.S. State Department essentially carried out a coup in Ukraine and installed an easily bribed and controlled puppet dictator (who used to be a cross-dressing comedian on TV and is now EXTREMELY wealthy). Biden then bribed Ukraine into firing officials who were investigating corruption involving the Biden family among others. I do not believe Putin blew up NordStream. I do know the Biden, Blinken, U.S. State Dept. Boris Johnson and Germany torpedoed an agreement between Putin and Zelensky's delegation before the invasion.

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Jun 19·edited Jun 19Author

Yeah, US government and NATO definitely lied a lot on Ukraine and Russia.

But Putin lied a lot too as I has shown here.

What's really going on we don't know but I'd not be surprised if the whole Ukrainian psy op was a two man con where both Putin and NATO are swindling us together to achieve their own hidden goals.

Don't forget Putin is also a former KGB agent and WEF member, so he could easily play a role of double agent in the Kremlin.

By the way I didn't mean Notd Stream pipeline which was blown but a new Nord Stream 2 pipeline which was finished by the end of 2021 but which was frozen by Germany because Putin attacked Ukraine, that's why I said it was stupid of Putin to attack or there's again a two men con.

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I’m open to ANY theories. All I know is most of we’re being told is bullshit. The U.S. is fronting most of the money on the Ukraine side, and Ukraine is known for corruption and money laundering. Ukraine also has tremendous amounts of natural resources. All those assholes in Congress waving Ukraine flags have me very suspicious. ‘Follow the money’ as they say.

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Yeah, I'm not defending Ukraine and NATO. I'm just saying that as a half Russian I know for sure that Russians were fed a lot of bullshit by Putin too. It might not be that obvious for Americans without a Russian background, but it's obvious to me. We are all being played.

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I know you’re not. Your whole article was stated as a question, which was good. You’re ½ Russian, you would definitely have a more accurate assessment than I on the Russian people’s or Putin’s perspective. But that’s the problem, the U.S. has censored information the American public from hearing any Russian perspective, or dismissed everything Putin says as propaganda. Did you watch the Tucker-Putin interview. What did you think?

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That's why you're lucky to have me I can give a real Russian perspective free from both Putin and Biden regimes propaganda

Yeah, I did watch. As I said, I didn't like Tucker didn't ask any really tough and important questions and just gave Putin a space for his propaganda.

Which questions? For example, Putin claimed he was concerned with NATO on Russian border and that's why he invaded Ukraine, but he now had gotten 1300+ km of border with NATO via Finland (another country where I lived), and Finland would have never joined NATO if Putin didn't invade Ukraine, so how could he rationalize that?

Putin also claimed that he attacked Ukraine to guarantee Russian safety but Russia became much less safe place after the start of this war because Ukraind regularly bombs border Russian regions like Belgorod and sends drones straight up to Moscow, so how Putin could rationalize that?

What's about Wagner Group riot and their leader Prigozhin mysterious death, and, more importantly, of his claims about Wagner being bombed not by Ukrainian but by Russian forces? What could Putin say to that?

But Tucker didn't ask any of that, and I was slightly disappointed with it. But I guess the purpose of his interview was to initiate a dialogue not to corner Putin with tough questions.

What I liked about the interview was Putin's history lesson. He was mostly correct on history of Ukraine, for you to know. Ukrainian state didn't exist until Lenin created it artificially mixing Russians and Poles together.

Ukrainian nation is a fictitious concept too - Western Ukrainians are ethnically close to Poles, and Eastern ones are ethnic Russians. There are also some Hungarians on the South of Ukraine. But where are the most revered Ukrainians? None. It's fictitious, artificially created and made up nation, just like 'Palestinians' who are ethnically Arabs.

Perhaps that's why there are so many Nazis here in Ukraine, because they do realize deep inside that their nation doesn't really exist and have a hard time accepting it.

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I was going to mention the possibility of Putin just playing a role in the grand chessboard of Committee of 300 geopolitics, but you're already there hinting at it as one of many possibilities, and the interesting thing about this particular possibility is very similar to what I've commented about regarding the possibility of Putin having poisoned a large segment of his population:



I would have a really hard time believing that Putin wouldn't care if Russia was plundered by other nations, I could be mistaken, but he strikes me as a proud Russian who wants to see Russia remain strong, proud, and independent, but as a Russian, perhaps you could comment as to whether or not you think it's possible that Putin would allow Russia to be annexed within a global organization and lose its self-determination...

Putin is no fool, he is very cunning and wily, so if he were playing a geopolitics game with players from all over the world, again, a Committee of 300-like organization, how could he leave himself at any disadvantage, in any vulnerable position, how could he trust that the others would not betray him?

I believe, but don't know, that at the very highest level, such as the Committee of 300, members of this group would be expected to strictly adhere to rules, codes of conduct that would strictly forbid competition within the group, betrayal of the group, and that the group as a whole, for all of everyone's interests to be secured, would castigate or "excommunicate" anyone breaking the codes of conduct, thus insuring that they all equally benefit with the riches and control of the world, without having to worry about anyone taking from anyone else within the group.

This is the only way I could see Putin playing along with that game without having to worry about all the many ways he could lose as you state, be it economically, politically, or as I was conjecturing in my comments elsewhere, his not having to worry about losing control of Russia's resources, since we all know by now that the next global system is going to be a Technocratic one, whereby complete control of all global resources and their allotments is going to be the next all-encompassing economy.

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Last night I was looking for info on the French Kissinger Jacques Attali and his eugenic mad ramblings about society needing to euthanize anyone over 65 yrs of age, since in his estimation these people cost too much to society, while he, at over 80 yrs old hasn't yet offered to off himself *facepalm*.

I guess he thinks he's useful to society so long as he's able to come up with more ideas as to how to murder people in large numbers... to save the planet of course.

Anyway... I ran across this, which I'd seen some time back but had forgot about: https://x.com/IamTheStory__/status/1721180773020279259

So could these criminals have been cooking up this Ukraine conflict as far back as the early 2000s or earlier, and could Putin be playing the part he was given in this game to bring about a global cataclysm that would "necessitate" the creation of a global government?

I myself think that unlikely, but it may not be completely out of the realm of possibility.

Even though he did participate in the WEF's Young Global Leaders program way back, I assume that this is because he was, in his early days of his presidency, being courted by the West and he likely thought at the time that he would be able to show good faith and that the West would decide that he could be dealt with, and as such Russia and the West could do business and everyone would profit.

I've always thought that Putin was a die-hard patriot, a defender of Russia, a person who was proud of Russia and proud to be Russian, and that Russia had been incredibly lucky that Putin was there and ready in the 90s, because if he had not been, Russia would likely have been plundered by Western corporatists/bankers.

While all the above is speculative and cannot be known, I'm wondering Alex, regarding the latter part, what you think the possibility of Putin being a patriot as opposed to a globalist who would sell out Russia in order to secure himself a position into the new Technocracy?

Most likely patriot, or globalist? I know you can't know for certain, but what do you believe is the likeliest? Or do you think that this is as unknowable as all the rest?

Or do you believe that there other completely different possibilities or perspectives that I haven't touched upon?


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People are weirdly uptight about their “historical rights” to a chunk of land. Americans at least don’t have these weird hangups. We took it. Now it’s ours.

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Jun 20Liked by Alex Ilex

Nailed it, you and Tucker. I would recommend any to read David Baldacci’s book, “The Whole Truth”.

Chilling, almost a direct narrative about legacy news, social media and feckless immoral compass social virtue signaling warriors and their guileless beliefs. The cite signalers are so easily manipulated as current events in our country and abroad clearly prove.

Is Putin a great guy, maybe not. Is he any worse than Biden, zelinsky, et al. I do not know but I suspect NOT.

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Jun 21Liked by Alex Ilex

Those in Congress waving Ukrainian flags to me are of the same cloth as those who abound here wearing keffiyehs protesting Israel's right to defend itself against aggression. The World hasn't learned shit since the Holocaust 3/4's of a century ago; in four generations the perfidy of the Nazi regime has become world-wide.

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Absolutely agree. Recall also Trudolf and all Canadian Parliament applauding real SS Ukrainian Nazi officer Hunka for 'fighting Russians bravely'. It was an absolute new low.

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Jun 21Liked by Alex Ilex

This is such an important point - Putin is a member of the WEF. I think all these globalist leaders are playing a role. Netanyahu is another one. None of them can be trusted. These placemen should not be equated with the people of the countries to which they belong. The leaders are pursuing their own agenda and it is dressed up as something else for the benefit of the populations under their control.

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Jun 20Liked by Alex Ilex

Wondered about that. You know, the clandestine bungled misdirection attack by Biden’s and western fans dark ops. What a farce that was, trying, with less grace, like a grade schooler to say, “I didn’t do it, he did!”

Infants running the world. Keep Joey in his playpen so he does not destroy us all.

Biden admin loves their poorly disguised contra operation. The only moron who can make Putin into a sympathetic figure is gropin Joe.

I hope a few knuckleheads might group together enough brains to deep dive navalny. Another western media creation. He might have been just slightly less (not nice) than Putin- hero, angel or martyr- not close. Many of his fellow Russians did not like or trust him. Just another western prop like shell-in sky. Grifters all.

Interesting, and no longer covered, even here, is that a few Ukrainian states had voted to reassimilate to Russia. Coincidently ignored to this day. So much for fairness and “democracy” - I say de-Mock-racy. Such a sham from a comedian (sad ass one at that) whom Joe installed as president who has now imprisoned political “enemies”, suspended elections (Putin has not done that), and trampled free speech. Who are the bad guys again??? Sounds like the political despot has learned well from his master! You know, shellstinky and bitem sniffem and grope’em.

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Thanks for your message. Yeah, you're correct, there was so much lies and cover ups about this wat particularly.

What pisses me off particularly is that people don't think critically here and are taking sides instead - and spout either NATO or Putin's propaganda uncritically. And when I object to them and tell them that something bigger is going on, they accuse me of justifying either Putin's invasion or Ukrainian Nazi... Under this very post I argued with BOTH pro Ukraine and pro Russia person, and both of them were convinced I took side opposite of them - the irony of it! - when I took none.

They don't even listen to me or my points. For Ukrainian warmongers I'm 'Putin's agent' and for pro Putin folks I'm apparently NATO and ZelenSSky shill... It would have been funny if it wasn't as sad.

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Jun 20Liked by Alex Ilex

I read, Alex and I agree with many of your thoughts. I have 0 Russian heritage, but I do understand critical analysis and finding truly objective opinion/analysis (which is becoming exceedingly difficult to deep dive.

**Side note, I did a very, very deep dive regarding Biden’s first (real) wife and daughter’s catastrophic “accident. Somehow I found the complete Sheriff’s report. Very, very disturbing. Either a Hillary style hit job to silence wife and daughter when he was found diddling his first daughter. Most telling, Biden reported not to pursue further investigation (at that point it was simply cursory). His wife and daughter died a horrific and exceedingly strange death, yet he shut down investigation wanting to silence the truth. You know, further investigation would have called for autopsy and Joe did not want his dna found in or around his young daughter’s genitals.

So yes, I fully believe Biden is worse than Putin in many regards. Disgusting beyond imagination. The proof is there everyday presented by his bedmate media charlatans. The worst, most morally depraved and corrupt in our country’ history. Biden has lapped all 10 times- and counting.

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Yeah, I believe you about Biden. Since Ashley Biden diary proved genuine, nothing would surprise me about this corrupt pedo monster. Could you link me this Sheriff report you mentioned in DM please?

But this being said, I'd restrain from comparisons who's worse. Even I might not know the full depth of Putin's depravity - though I know more than many people - and there were rumors of Putin's pedophilia too by the way, and his wife Ludmila divorced him, why? Also, it's subjective for different people - e. g., Americans would naturally care of Biden crimes more while for Russians and Ukrainians Putin and ZelenSSky seem bigger problems.

Either way, my point is to encourage people to think outside the box, to analyze data themselves and not give in to warmongering narratives on either side.

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Jun 21Liked by Alex Ilex

US carried out a coup in Iran too, remember? See where THAT puts us more than half a century later? Mad mullahs with nuclear warheads should give us at least a moment's pause for thought, while Biden et al is doing everything possible to smooth their path.

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And Obama/Biden gave/give billions.

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Yes, exactly, thank you

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Poroshenko became President after Euromaidan. Zelensky defeated him in an election.

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Jun 22Liked by Alex Ilex

That was as much an “Election” (Biden got excited when he heard about a Ukrainian erection) as was “our” 2020 sham.

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So it was legit you're saying?

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Jun 22Liked by Alex Ilex

Knee slapper royale!!!

Sure, as much as bitem and his muppet shill-insky are Mensa quality brainiacs

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Don't pay any attention to the man behind the curtain. Nothing to see here. Move along.

Not only do Western leaders seem incurious about Putin's motives, they LOST THEIR MINDS when Tucker Carlson went to Moscow to ask him about his motives. How dare a journalist try to find out answers to questions no one in power wants answered?

From the beginning, Biden and other leaders have tried to hamstring the Ukrainians in their defense against Russia, while American Congress gave hundreds of millions of dollars to Ukraine which insanely were invested by Zelinsky in Sam Bankman-Fried's FTX crypto scam. Sam then gave $60 million to Democrats in the last election cycle.

You figure it out.

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Yeah, I agree that it's just money-laundering scam.

And about Tucker's interview it was just a shit show - Tucker just did his job of a journalist. Yeah, he didn't ask Putin real tough and tricky questions I might have asked, but he at least interviewed the man and tried to initiate a dialogue. How many more our journalists dared to do the same? Not a single one.

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Jun 20Liked by Alex Ilex

Who hamstrung ukrain efforts? Sure as shit not Biden and his feckless team. Sending trillions of our tax dollars to that comedian grifter for his offshore accounts. I say, Ukraine and western politicians created this new Vietnam money pit quagmire. Get your g’damned hands off my money. I do not support this endless war. Media tells us Ukrainian citizens are all in, let them fund it. Let Joe write a personal check. Keep your damned disgusting hands out of my hard earned money!

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Jun 21Liked by Alex Ilex

Putin isnt the problem our state dept and cia is. The ridiculous sanctions which backfire and accelerated the collapse of the dollar and expansion of BRICS. We forced him to ally with china NK iran etc total idiots in DC

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This war is because the US needs a war. They had massive amounts of armaments that needed to be expended before their ‘best before’ date. Trump clobbered the MIC by not going to war. They hate him for that. So Biden got two wars going. Massive grift going on with pols and generals. Kickbacks being paid to them. I doubt half the money being spent on the war is going anywhere near the war. That is why there is a war. As for Putin: Putin wanted an Eastern route to the Crimea. And there is no way Russia would allow a NATO presence in Ukraine. Russia would no more allow a US military base at its border than the US would allow a Russian base in Tijuana. Just me opining on something I know absolutely NOTHING about. Nada.

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Jun 19·edited Jun 19Author

Now, doesn't it strike you as weird that US badly needed the war but it's Putin who started it? Made me suspect nefarious play on his part to begin with.

Putin would not tolerate NATO on his border? Then why did he allow Finland to join NATO as I actually mentioned in this article, have you read it? Russia got 1300+ km of NATO border via Finland. Finland also made a nuclear agreement with US and Finnish border is just two hours from St. Petersburg. So if Finland indeed got American nukes it could completely eliminate St. Petersburg in less than a second. WHY had Putin allowed it if he's not traitor to Russia who acts in American and globalist interest against Russian one?

Again, if Putin didn't invade Ukraine, Finland would have NEVER joined NATO. So, Putin had achieved exactly what he claimed to prevent - NATO and American nukes on the very Russian border. Putin won't tell you that ofc. But for me it's pretty damning evidence of his treason.

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This is all too complicated and confusing for me.

All I can say is that I am thankful that God is in control, and he is Good.

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BIDEN/DC started this war. I know DC govt employees & military and they said DC would start war in Ukraine MONTHS before it happened; & not long after the HORRIFIC DEBACLE ENDING AFGHAN OCCUPATION.

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I don't deny it. I'm saying that Putin just played along. He had invaded after all, in full agreement with Biden. It's all propaganda shit show.

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YES, however, BIDEN-DC are playing checkers while Putin plays 3D chess.

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Putin plays in the same team as Biden. He's 100% globalist traitor. He pushed COVID scam in Russia, climate scam, digital currency and ID, slaughters hundreds of thousands of Russian young men in Ukraine and filled Russia with over 14 millions of Muslims which is over 10% of Russian population. You know nothing of Putin while I know actual facts on him, so please stop it.

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Interesting points.

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Jun 20Liked by Alex Ilex

As for Crimea, Ukraine leased back to Russia. Mucking about with that, cutting off the water. Jeez.

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Jun 19·edited Jun 19Liked by Alex Ilex

Very cheeky Alex. I was fully expecting an answer at the end of that read! But wait, what? You say Putin was responsible for tearing up Nord Stream 2? I thought FJB was getting the blame for that? Now I'm confused. After reading a bunch of reader comments on different postings yesterday and seeing the thoroughly twisted, or lack thereof, thought process of fellow humans, I'm officially throwing in the towel. I just can't anymore.

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Nope, you confused two Nord Streams. I didn't say Putin blew up the Nord Stream pipeline but there was a new, second Nord Stream 2 pipeline which was finished by the end of 2021 and which they were preparing for exploitation but Germany had frozen it in February 2022 after Putin invaded Ukraine, so this is what I meant by Putin fucking it up.

Yeah, I did not provide the answers now though I have some hypotheses as I stayed because I wanted to encourage people to think for themselves here and just pointed out the inconsistencies of both NATO and Putin's narratives respectfully.

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Jun 20Liked by Alex Ilex

I agree, seems he has attended too many Mad Hatter Tea parties. Many words led us nowhere. I am still head scratching after trying.

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Jun 19Liked by Alex Ilex

It’s that pesky NWO!

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Jun 19Liked by Alex Ilex

Well thought out , I too (like about everything) am very skeptical about Putin's thought process and logic . I do not think he's a nice/good guy..... anymore than the west who's attempting to "stop" him . I for one see it as a ruse to cover up something far more sinister than we'll ever know. History will show as it will with the Hamas invasion of Israel what the real reasons are for the turmoil created.

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Jun 19·edited Jun 19Author

Thanks. Yeah I don't understand people who shill for Putin same as I don't understand those who swallow NATO warmongering propaganda whole.

It was crystal clear from the very first days of this war that something just doesn't fit there, just like it was clear with COVID scamdemic.

True about HAMAS invasion. Although I hate those genocidal Islamist terrorists and support Jewish people of Israel with all my heart, it did strike me as weird too that HAMAS were able to take Israel off guard despite its one of the best defense and intelligence in the world.

I'm not saying Netanyahu on purpose allowed HAMAS to butcher his people to have an excuse to invade Gaza like pro Pally shills are doing, but something definitely sketchy was behind it too which a smart and observant person just couldn't have missed.

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Jun 19Liked by Alex Ilex

I wholeheartedly support the Jewish people , Netanyahu is not the Jewish people he's the head of the Israeli government who was in turmoil with a civil disobedience situation prior to this conflict. He effectively disarmed his people prior to the invasion. It all looks extremely suspicious to me. The Mossad , the iron dome , one of the best defense walls (both physical and technological) in the world is breached by terrorists flying ultralight aircraft ? We see in media what we are wanted to see, regardless of media, independent or msm. The floating dock only capable of handling potentially a 2’ wave was used to kill 200 + civilians. Between the U.S. and Israeli forces being the “best in the world” can't find a bunch of haphazard terrorists holding captives ? They should be able to individually target the terrorists. I don't support any war or harm against any foreign nation, I don't think we should be tying ourselves to anyone's conflict. They all look suspicious to me as a way to perpetuate another war to support the MIC.

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Jun 19·edited Jun 19Author

Yeah, I agree, it's all extremely suspicious. I'm just not sure what might be behind it here. Were there traitors in Mossad or IDF? Or was it Netanyahu? And why did they need this war most importantly? So many questions without answers again just like in Ukraine.

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Stupid question. Is Netanyahu Jewish?

Regarding the invitation to massacre, anything is possible these days, but my gut says no. Govt bureaucrat incompetence, sure thing. I just don’t believe that was an intentional open invitation. But what do I know. Kinda like Pearl Harbor & 911

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Just like the Kennedy info coming out there are too many sus questions and timing is everything. I for one don't believe in coincidences. Just like Pearl and 911 .

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The west is clearly complicit in all cases

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Had the CIA not at least had something to do with just about every coup I might disagree.

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True, most but not all. We have deeper, far more nefarious government thug arms that make the CIA look like 5 year olds playing tough in the sandbox. Clandestine service anybody?

Almost as effective as black ops. FBI. Homeland US citizen terrorist branch of feds. Christian, straight, conservative, anti jab, pro life? We’s a com in’ for ya.

When they come for me I will protest that I am a pro-hamas (I call them hummus), rainbow tranny worshipping, baby vivisection loving, needle jabbing lech. That will throw them right off. As I greet them with my “Let’s Go Brandon” shirt.

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Watched an interesting documentary about the octopus, a guy was investigating them and was found dead with all of his information missing, clues left behind were very suspicious in a hotel in Martinsburg, W.V. Danny Casolaro.

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Jun 25Liked by Alex Ilex

Crimea, offshore oil. Donbas, shale gas. Follow the money is probably a factor, if not the factor.

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Jun 24Liked by Alex Ilex

Agreed Alex….the portrayal of Putin as the stupid bad guy is ridiculous always has been….particularly when you compare to that clown Zelensky…just a puppet for the Clinton/Obama/Biden brigade…there’s way more going on here…it will all come out eventually (maybe)…the media have a lot to answer!!

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That’s the most puzzling thing. Putin is far from dumb.

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Kamala went to Ukraine say one week after Russia said If you promise Not to invite Ukraine to NATO We will not invade. So that Kamala can go to Ukraine and say We welcome you UKRAINE to NATO with arms wide open.🤦‍♂️ The logic of these people.

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This whole war could have been avoided had they explained to kackling Kamala Special favors meant blowjobs and leg spreads Not an invite to NATO. #Makelovenotwar I mean democrats should practice that preach. The more time they spend with a wiener in their mouths, the less they can say to screw things up.

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Jun 19Liked by Alex Ilex

Actually, I fail to a trap and expected the answer, but after all good clarifications about possible reasons, the author returned to a square one. He has no answer, but his goal was to stimulate thought process. It's a noble intention.

I don't see any rationale in Putin's behavior, maybe he is not mad in medical sense, but he is absolutely out of touch with reality.

The only clarification I would like to add is that he didn't wait till 2014, he invited Georgia in 2008, and before that rebuild military and financial muscles. Russia didn't had resources in early 2000s to attack anyone, except small Chechnya.

As soon as Kremlin assumed they have enough military potential and political will including subjugation of political opposition, they attacked. The smaller Georgia for a snack, then they have more and more appetite and start biting Ukraine- not much in 2014, and much more in 2022.

Most people who comment this topic have a very superficial understanding of the subject and are not willing to think independently (I'm glad that I subscribed for this thoughtful and though provoking blog!).

Ex-Soviet countries are pretty different in cultural and historical backgrounds, Americans/Canadians/Brits etc know too little about that region to connect the dots. Sorry for a big comment.

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It's still weird though. Why to wait for 6 years after Georgia and for 8 years after Crimea? Putin just gave time for Ukraine to get stronger. Ukraine didn't have an army at all back on 2014, Putin might have taken it all back in 2014 and get away with it. So why exactly to give an enemy time to prepare for full scale war? Something doesn't fit here again. I'm inclined to believe it's money-laundering scam and Putin and Biden are both in it.

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Jun 19Liked by Alex Ilex

I am inclined to think Putin was trying to avoid war but the line was crossed when Zelensky declared in the Duma that Ukraine would be a nuclear force again. The Russians have neocons too. His hand was forced. It is surely not a coincidence that the SMO was declared the very next day.

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Jun 19Liked by Alex Ilex

What exercises my mind is wars are fought for resources. Ukraine and Russia have everything the West needs.

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That might be actually true, and then both Putin and Zelensky are traitors betraying their people to the West.

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Jun 19Liked by Alex Ilex

I was wondering if NATO might actually be the aggressor. Or more pertinently the US.

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American military industrial complex to be even more precise.

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Jun 19Liked by Alex Ilex

Seems slightly barmy to push them into the arms of China.

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Clearly Putin is not. He has gained nothing. Shellinsky on the other hand.

This war was no surprise. I truly believe it could have been avoided. We all knew the winds of war were whispering long before attacks started. Biden was itching for a war (you know, those gentle peaceful dovish war whore democrats. Yet another massive miscalc by gropy Joe, thinking he would create a new war to save his political ass (as though idiot Americans cannot learn from his monstrous Afghanistan Cluster F—-.)

He has us engaged in another money pit, all to protect his self-interest. That IS the only reason he has us so deeply imbedded. Remember their history together, I hope. President Trump gave us the precursor. Most are too stupid or blind to see what is in front of them.

Remember the 2 western leaders who do not support the war act? Yeah, thought so. The Japanese Prime Minister was adamantly against, “surprising” assassinated in public! Outcry, no. Media cover from legacy, NO.

I do not remember the other dissenting leader, but that was the plan. Forget the voices of reason and bury them.

Yes, Putin started the war which I never support. But (not justifying war!) he did legitimate nation concerns that the west gladly brushed away.

Old country proverb, “Never back a big bear into a corner, the outcome will rarely be good for you!”

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Jun 19Liked by Alex Ilex

Odd article. Entitled "Why had Russia Really Invaded Ukraine?". Final tenth paragraph: "I do not know the answer".

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Lol. Well, the point of this article was to all this question and to encourage people to think for themselves.

There is SOME answer though. If both Putin and NATO explanations of it are false as I hoped to prove now, then the real reason is hidden and probably relates to money.

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All very good points in this article!

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Thanks. Just to encourage people to think, not just repeat NATO or Putin talking points.

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Yes I got that! Good job, 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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I don't think it's possible to unpack what the personal temperament & ambition of leaders like Biden, Putin, the German Chancellor, & UK's Johnson, or what the real territorial/security goals were in expanding NATO & Russian Federation, or why Germany caved to the US attack on Russia's Nordstream 2, or why US/NATO keeps offering NATO membership far & wide. Russia originally hoped for membership in NATO in early '90s. Or why the US removed the elected leader in 2014 & installed Zelensky. Or what the globalists' plans for Ukraine were, if any. It's far more complex than I'd realized. Putin has gained the upper hand simply by staying humble, calm, methodical, reasonable, diplomatic, & making jokes with Tucker Carlson. 🤣

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