Aug 11Liked by Alex Ilex

Average U.S. lifespan is 76 years.

Average COVID death is at 82 years.

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Excellent and valuable observations, Alex. Seems that government colluded with "health care" (including Big Pharma) in controlling the masses and forcing vaccines, and in executing a staggering transfer of wealth. Covid was a windfall for both sectors. A massive, huge, staggering, enormous windfall. This little graph contains a high-level view, up to 2020, using the year 2000 as a benchmark:


Company-by-company research on the topic is depressing, unless you are an executive in the health business, or a bureaucrat that likes to spend other peoples' money.

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Thanks for your comments and an insight too!

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Great question. This should be a head scratcher for all of us and I do think Solomon Asch’s conformity experiment explains a lot.

About the same time that Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence, the 18th century professor Alexander Tytler connected the dots in forming his theory of the cycle of democracies, taking Plato’s ideas that warned why democracies never last (essentially too many voters make up an uneducated electorate).

But, what if it is more than that – the theory that everyone is at a different soul level:


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Because most of them are stupid….

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Sadly concise and true.

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We, in the West have become lazy. It’s also true that we take our freedoms for granted! It’s a real shame. It will reach a boiling point…but when?

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A good question. When indeed?

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Aug 12·edited Aug 12Liked by Alex Ilex

'All of this despite that there never was solid evidence that strict lockdowns worked better against the virus than voluntary social distancing, and mask mandates - better than mask recommendations.' ... I distinctly remember "Look, We Know Lockdowns Work" coming out of the Swamp News Talkers mouths... many, many, many times... I had visions of Flash Unmaskings At Walmarts At 3 by busloads of feisty old lady descendants of the Sit In Activists, Front Seat Bus Riders, Water fountain Drinkers... wheelchairs and canes... Some choreography ...Theme from Summer Place ... I got Zero... Mostly Peaceful BLM/ANTIFA Demonstrations that look just like arson and looting and All That Chaz... Trusted Town Criers Town Cried Constitutionally Fictional Mask Mandates As Non Fiction To Live By... As non fiction as the War Of The Worlds Content Broadcast Irresponsibly... Monies obtained as a result of peddling Fiction as Non Fiction is 'Snake Oil' revenue... not Contractually Up-standing... ill gotten... and that includes Everything after the STRONGLY SUGGESTED HEADLINE LINE... I got sick to my stomach reading the upcoming scientifically calculated mandates to save lives Day, Date and exact time the Danger levels will rise so high, only mask mandates can fight off the impending Plague Like Bring out your dead level Slaughter science says is coming ... unless the Gov saves us with a mask mandate ... at that exact second ... no sooner no later... I bitched about it... called the Gov fuhrer ... said if I die of COVID don't use it as an excuse to step all over everybody's Endowed Liberties... I got It's Not Too Much To Ask ... 'if I can Save A Life' Replies... I Was Like WHO'S ASKING? ... The Swamp Trusted Town Criers Didn't Tell The Govs Sorry, Strongly Suggested Is As Far As We Can Go... They have yet to pay their judicial damages and Ill gotten gains Penalties/Reparations for their fake/Snake Oil fire 'News Product' yelling/peddling... All I could do was wear the V For Vendetta Mask over the mandated science following cloth bandanna at all COVID Mask enforcing Establishments...both went on walking in... came off walking out... had a pleasant cubicle face to face bank meeting like that... The Seas of COVID Masked Submission still make me sick...

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Aug 11Liked by Alex Ilex

When we accept abnormal behavior as normal; and our kids/grandkids are taught to hate America and immigrants don’t assimilate this is the result. I believe we are in the same situation as the UK in that people who come to this country want to fundamentally change it. America was/is the last bastion of freedom. Freedom is never free, we must fight to preserve it and the sacrifices our veterans made for future generations.

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Yeah, if America falls this December to Kamala, the whole world is doomed.

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The Dept of Education has helped eliminate the ability of the younger generation to think for themselves. Not everyone, of course.

In Texas—where I am blessed to live—we listened to Fauci for a month or so and then went about our business. Slowly restaurants and businesses began to reopen. Some never closed and so we continued to patronize them heavily to help out. I enjoyed driving with all the libtards cowering at home. I think that many of us learned just how truly bad our government is. They are not here to help us. We must go about our lives with as little involvement with the government as possible. We must be responsible for ourselves. I will not take any further mRNA vaccines. I will not live in fear. I see people who live that way. I can see the fear in their eyes. I feel pity for them. I am gonna live one day at a time. I cannot fix the world but I can try to be a force for love and kindness where ever I go. I can vote. I am absolutely not going to get in a shouting match with crazies who hate my country. I am so proud to be an American and a Texan. I think our Constitution is an amazing document. It has held our country together through many storms and it will hold us through the current storm, with God’s help. Panic is not a plan. Mr. Trump must articulate his policies clearly and refrain from attacking people. Any and all people. That is a sign of weakness and these times call for strength. The kind of strength that he displayed after the Deep State tried unsuccessfully to murder him. We must al Fight Fight Fight for our country, our freedoms, and the good of all true citizens of the USA. Illegals need to be deported. Veterans need help. People need work that provides a real living. We need to consider what is in the best interests of our people here at home. We need to stop financing wars without purpose that never end. We are $36,000,000,000,000 in debt and going higher daily. The interest on that debt is colossal. Why didn’t we listen to Ron Paul or Ross Perot? Why have we spent money that we cannot repay without creating more money that creates more inflation that makes the dollars in our hand or pocket or account worth less every month? Why is there no outcry about this? We keep giving billions and billions of $ to this country and that country and we are BROKE. Don’t worry—we will distract you by manipulating you with everything you see on Social media or TV (do people still watch TV?) We will try to make you think that “folks aren’t folks”—but they are. People are people everywhere. It is not us vs. them. Not really. It is us. We are all in this together.

It seems to me that the only way to remain sane is to drop out of insanity. Cut the cord. Get off social media. Limit your time on Substack which is quickly becoming like social media.

Alex, you are a gem. Thank you. Do not despair. Many people care deeply about freedom. They may live in a different place and they may not engage much on Social media. They are busy living their lives and taking care of the family and going to the park, or growing a garden, or a zillion other things. But they are here in the USA and the tide is slowly turning and we must help those who live in fear to overcome their fear and live free by showing them how.

All the best,


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Thank you too for this detailed comment and a compliment! Hope you're correct about more people caring of freedom than it seems.

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Aug 11Liked by Alex Ilex

Absolutely true that Americans take their liberty for granted. My mother was a foreign-born American citizen (her father (my grandfather) was a naturalized US citizen). She was raised by extended family in China. Family emigrated to Hong Kong, refugees from the 2nd Sino-Japanese war. Mom came to the US when she was 16.

It’s her stories, her gratitude for citizenship, that makes me grateful for mine. She made me a student of history, and of civics. Our freedom has been unthreatened and untested for generations. We’ve forgotten that freedom isn’t free, that people have, and still do, die for ours.

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Yeah, absolutely. If people take their freedoms for granted, they're gonna lose them.

I guess people from not free countries realize it better because they have to fight for freedom daily.

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Excellent insight.

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What if we’re under a spell? What if the more education you receive, the deeper the spell?

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At this point I'd not be surprised at that.

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because it is color of law simce 1861. A benevolent martial law that turned malwvolent. MK Ultra works very well sin 1946. Paperclip amyone.

. 62.5% will not say the truth to the de facto. Yes sir; no sir ! 3 bags full Sir. on the left, 12 to 15% are too stupid to qualify to join the military. 16.25% on the right are smart enough to figure it out but will not take action; 3 to 5% on the left control the stupid et al. evil and those that acquiesce to evil ; On the right 3 to 5% of us will return all of us to a Constitutional republican form of government this year 2024. A solution that works is published at www.orsja.org.

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So you actually believe we could win because of those 3 to 5% on the right?

Your analysis is fascinating.

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you saw it. 62.5% will not stand up to tyranny or anything else. They do as they are told. Who ever is giving the olders. 12 to 18% are on the side of evil doers. 3 to 5 % wil take us to TheUnited States od America's Constitutional republican form of government this year 2024. Once the 16.25% the smart ones are hurt bad enough they will act to protet and defend. Cowards fold, hide, surrender.

When his Excellency George Washington would come to do battle with an Army of 5.000 and no cannon. On the morning of the battle 15,000 men with Cannon appeared to augment his 5.000.

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You give me hope, man. Do you think Trump would win this year?

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I think the election will not happen.

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So what will happen then?

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We win.

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Aug 11Liked by Alex Ilex

Even the churches caved into the mass hysteria and pushed vaccines on their members as to be good neighbors by misusing scripture. Of course they even accepted they were non essential businesses 😂 Now they are asking why people have not returned to church after Covid. They still think they did the right thing by helping their neighbors. Very few pastors in America stood up for what is right. Obedience to Government is cool with them even if it kills them. I’m done with them too. I continue to stay in the word and pray but I don’t need the church anymore

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Yeah, churches are corrupt, they accepted transgender ideology too.

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Well, it goes in stages, and we are at the stage now where so many people take their freedoms for granted and are so socialized, and so dependent, that you can control them and they wont fight back until its too late. Look at the UK right now... little old ladies getting arrested for a face book post.

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It's not better in US when Woketards and DemonRats with their pet Antifa and BLM violent radicals and Trump assassination attempt aren't extremists while MAGA Republicans are...

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100% agree.

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For my generation who grew up in the post-war economic boom the "peace through security" promised by NATO and the EU, the moral superiority that came with being on the "right side" in the cold war, and the constant propagandizing that came with all of that, the promotion of Western Medicine and Vaccination as a victory over the pandemics of the past. It was all propaganda pushed by a trusted mainstream media that seemed to speak for us, made us feel safe and in good hands. It's all crumbling now, has been since 9/11, and our generation fi d ourselves being blamed for what happened since then, the increasingly frequent waves of economic boom/bust, foreign wars without end, the failure to pass on the prosperity and security to the new generation. Yes, we trusted too much, enjoyed the self-endulgence and hedonism too much. Believed the lies about freedom. That we were a beacon of hope to the rest of the world. All propaganda. We can see that now, or at least some of us can. I can't speak for the new generation. I don't understand their world view. They grew up with play stations and MTV and internet and cell phones and believe the world is just one big video game. Another level of mind control, but we are all walking into the same totalitarian nightmare with a backdrop of Armageddon and environmental catastrophe, that by the way was previewed for us in every disaster movie and dystopian fantasy they used to prepare us for all of this. Those of us waking up into this nightmare need to understand the power we have given away to these psychopaths and perverts who have been using us as pawns in their games of power and control for centuries and will gladly lead us into another total genocidal war to keep their grip on power intact. But to defeat them we first need to take back control over our own minds and lives, and freedoms, and destinies.

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Very good analysis, thanks. Yeah I also think they used dystopian novels and movies as manuals instead of a warning, that's actually creepy.

And yeah people should never have been lulled into blind trust to MSM and politicians. If anything, JFK assassination should have been a wake up call back in 1963 already but alas people missed it.

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Aug 11Liked by Alex Ilex

Agreed. I really enjoy reading your articles.

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