Jun 30Liked by Alex Ilex

Great article Alex. You’re right. So many bands I can’t listen to. So many movies I can no longer watch. However, although the vast majority of celebrities are either brainwashed or silent, we DO have Kid Rock, Roseann Barr and Ice Cube 🫤 🤷🏻‍♀️.

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Well, we also have Morrissey and Manic Street Preachers, but they're less famous and influential just like the ones you stated now.

We have JK Rowling among the most famous and influential celebs, but she's pretty much standalone, and even she exposes only trans agenda.

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Jun 30Liked by Alex Ilex

True. Oh, I forgot Ted Nugent! 😆

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Oh, and him I don't even know...

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Probably because he’s been canceled for so long, lol

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When I was a young man (19) serving my first couple of years in the Army as a Military Police officer on the largest installation in the United Sates Bruce Springsteen came out with Born in the U.SA. I was and still am a stubbornly independent conservative and patriot, but I can no longer even listen to those songs/ballads that I used to love. The “Boss”became a sellout, a grifter, a kiss ass, to woke-liberal Gubmn’t ideology supporting DEI and ESG. I like to listen to Serious XM, Classic Vinyl channel and now as soon as one of his songs comes on I immediately change channels. My current girlfriend and best friend finally asked me about why I would change the channel and I informed her. She said that she gets it, but I had never informed her before a few months ago why. We are the same politically, socially and have the same world-view and while watching the debacle of our supposed Commander in Chief, the other night, both became almost sickened by the fact that we were duped by the DemonRats and RepubliCons for a complete failure to put America first and push this eff-ing treasonous, Marxist, dementia laden, incompetent bastard out of office!

They (the pronoun Gubmn’t establishment) have been lying to “We the People” for years about this prick and though I became cynical long ago about our Gubmn’t, this 90 minutes proved that we have all been duped.

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30Author

Yeah, I cannot bring myself listening to Evanescence or Neil Young again too, sigh.

With Biden - well for me and smarter part of us his condition was obvious all along but our voices weren't heard until now due to media gaslighting.

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Jun 30Liked by Alex Ilex

So excellent🎯👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼. I knew Sarah Silverman’s family long before she became famous. I enjoyed her comedy at the beginning…., and then out poured her loathing for US and all that is stood for.

Jews that piss on the US will always we a mystery to me. I love the Jews/ Israel and I personally wish they’d destroyed Iran et al long ago. But it’s a non-stop culture to vote themselves back into the gas chambers…..,

and here we are ….

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Have never been a fan of Sarah Silverman and it has nothing to do with her religion. There is no need to make inflammatory remarks which include gas chambers. That's a broad statement and propaganda about how 'all Jews' vote. I have also never been a Neil Young fan. I had a friend many years ago who knew his wife at the time and let's just say he treated her and their young son badly. Never liked his music either. I grew up in NJ and saw Bruce when he was w Steel Mill in Asbury Park. His music wasn't all that back then either. These 'celebrities' are not to be placed on pedestals or idolized, they are, after all, only human.The truly talented can be admired for their talent. Having grown up exposed to 2+ generations of really awesome music I have to say that most, if not all, music today really sucks. In fact there are some really

interesting videos on YT about the decline of the.music industry. I also caught an interview w one of my long time fav musicians who is extremely successful, multi-talented and at 81 yrs old not only still musically relevant but still tours. He is also beloved as a human being by everyone he comes in contact with fans and professionals alike, a rarity these days. Sooner or later everyone's true colors come thru, better to not set yourself up for disappointment.

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Jun 30·edited Jul 1Author

Didn't know that of Neil Young. Sick.

You see,I never really idolized those people - 'idols of my youth crushed' was rather a poetic exaggeration - but they rather inspired me as talented and successful people.

I also believed them to be good and smart people overall. Yeah, I knew of their drug abuse and occasional scandals and temper outbursts, but they're human after all and that could be forgiven. But overall I believed they weren't bad.

Now I don't think so anymore. Seeing their obnoxious regime sycophancy now, I conclude that they're either brainless imbeciles or complicit corrupt regime bootlickers, or both. Either way, it's pretty bad and pretty disappointing.

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30Liked by Alex Ilex

Read what Gurdjieff says about actors and celebrities. He explains way better than I and probably where my knowledge came from.

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Ok, thanks!

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Jun 30Liked by Alex Ilex

Thank you. I sincerely apologize, yes I clearly understand the strength of that phrase and admittedly I use it to shock in order to make a simple point. And that point about Jews liberal voting/activism

in the US is a fact…, only once have I gotten an explanation of the reason why Jews have this propensity. As we see today(in the US!😱), we see the completely accepted and encouraged antisemitism via the universities, pop culture, government, media…, and its global. It’s no different, NO different than the 30’s in Germany only this time it’s whole damn globe chanting “from the river to the sea”. This tells me it’s appropriate to use the term gas chambers- I want to know! My respect and admiration for the Jews is beyond measure. But as you know, the world has indeed gone to shit- and as you say real music is dead. I believe it died around the 90’s with black American culture of hate/violence/racism/evil via rap. And the global media began its worship of it. Add digital music production and the murder of music became complete. It’s a perfect analogy of what became of humanity. I’m sincerely sorry, the last thing I’d want to do is steal any bit of peacefulness you can glean from your day.

We agree on so much.

God bless. And God help us.

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Thank you for that. Be careful where you get your 'facts'from. I think that the Jews, blacks and Hispanics voting Dem has been taken for granted for years. Fortunately, I don't think that will happen this year.

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Yes. I do understand that many vote “progressive” and not all for the same reasons. I am, very careful about trying my best not to relay misinformation. I welcome, hunger for true correction. If you can disprove any statement with factual information please due so. I’m very close to your age. Like you, I’ve seen first hand and up close and for well over a half century.

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Jun 30Liked by Alex Ilex

Yeah, I am well over half century also. It never ceases to amaze me how they are called 'progressives'? I make it a habit to never believe polls or generalizations about anything, I don't understand how blanket statements can possibly be true or absolute. My mother taught us to question everything, probably to her own chagrin.

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Blanket statements can be approximately true. As generalizations have an indisputable % of truth. The Jew’s history isn’t hidden. Jamie Raskin, Chuck Schumer, Bernie Sanders, Dan Goldman, Tony Blinken … this list is long and their power massive. Mark Levine is a very good source re: Jew hating Jews. We hear very few Jews openly speak for conservatism. I cannot accept my statement as blanket until you provide me with solid evidence.

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Jun 30Liked by Alex Ilex

Interesting piece, but I don’t think their sycophancy goes far beyond virtue signaling to their “crowd.”

There’s little thought that goes into their decisions.

Most of these stars want desperately to hold onto their celebrity status. If it means harming the nation, so what?

They’ll always have the resources to live lives of luxury as they decry capitalism, and whatever the leftist cause of the day happens to be.

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30Author

I understand, but you see, the rock stars are supposed to be rebels, that's why it's so especially disgusting with them.

And as for fiction writers, shouldn't they be smart enough to see to which disaster unchecked regime tyranny might lead? Surely they had read 1984 or Brave New World and it's likely influenced their own fiction too. So, they still fail to see an analogy which is right there?

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Jun 30Liked by Alex Ilex

They won’t hold onto their stardom long if they go against the “politically correct” mob. The nation, the people in flyover country, mean absolutely nothing to them other than a paycheck.

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30Author

But the irony is that if the regime would indeed fully take over, it would have no need of them anymore as well, they're pretty expensive to keep after all.

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Jun 30Liked by Alex Ilex

Right, especially Sci-Fi writers. I don’t get it!

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Jun 30Liked by Alex Ilex

Check out Larry Corriea, his Monster Hinter International series is great. He’s not a brain-washed brain-dead lefty. https://monsterhunternation.com/ is his blog, you can also read some chapters of his books there.

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Jun 30Liked by Alex Ilex

Don’t forget Clapton. He stood up against the jabs and was cancelled. Same with Aaron Rodgers. There are some famous people who aren’t afraid to speak out, but very few. I think their colleagues don’t back them because they’re afraid, or just plain stupid. Easier for them, and financially more advantageous to follow the narrative. To be part of the elite clique. I think Aaron Rogers has come out somewhat ok because he’s too valuable to the team, or even the league for his ball-playing skills. Plus he is a really strong person deep down.

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30Author

Good you brought thosr guys up actually!

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Let’s not forget Jordan Peterson, Tucker Carlson and the guy who wrote Hillbilly Effigy. Non-fiction writers who are exposing the left.

Btw, I was in a rock band in the 80s and, except for the drummer-the supposedly least intellectual one in a band—everyone was a lefty to the point that the 2 guitar players are speaking to me any more because of my views.

From my experience, musicians get into music because they were too small for sports and too introverted to do anything else. They looked for approval through their instrument.

They are not rebels, just shy guys trying to get a date.

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Well, if that's true and it was just about getting laid for them, and not art of music itself, then it's even more disappointing. But what's about female or gay musicians though?

Oh, which band were you in, which style exactly did you play? And what was your part here - singing, playing some instrument?

Well, to be a Leftie back in 80s was pretty excusable and I'd say even somewhat commendable. To be a Leftie now is not just inexcusable, it's either idiotic or evil or both.

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The band was Widow. EBay advertises our record as female-fronted heavy metal, but I'd say I just sang rock. I play guitar and I know my way around a piano but with no natural ability.

I was the lead singer/songwriter and then I spent years doing a solo act without breaking out in any way, except for our concert in Canada for 7 summers off the back of a boat in Desolation Sound. I'm a legend in the boating world;)

The gay guitar player was the biggest leftie and I worry for his mental health now with all that's going on. He is a smart, squared away guy and there's no way he's buying into what's happening now.

Women? The most cutthroat women I've ever met were in bands. They aren't rebels and would sell their souls for a break. Mean girls with talent.

Though I did start out I playing with a gay woman and she was one of the best guitar players, and people I've ever met.

It's an unnatural world. It's like children playing at the grownup world for their approving parents. It's never a safe bet to get your approval from outside of yourself--because when the music stops, you have nothing. And it always stops.

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Cool life you had, and I like female led bands actually! Do you have links to your old songs? I got curious to listen.

You portray the world of music with much bitterness though. Is it really that bad?

Your last phrase sounded especially bitter but you have a point I presume I didn't think of. On the other hand, music always starts again at some point, doesn't it?

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Jun 30Liked by Alex Ilex

All true, although there are still ‘celebrities’ who are fighting back like Mel Gibson for example, whistleblowers. Some Science is still legit but the truth is censored on the ‘Surface’ Web (I prefer Commercial Web) as all of the content is served to you from massive server farms where the ‘Elite cabal’ (the ‘Woke’ are just the easily brainwashed) control ALL of the content you receive.

If you want to find the truth you are going to have to break your programming regarding the Deep Web. It’s the original http://www…. Are there criminal elements? Only if you know the exact address to find them. Do you get high jacked, tracked, hacked & stacked? No. The dark web is the internet that debuted as the World Wide Web way back in 1993. The original “web” is Peer to Peer, one computer to another from individual personal servers around the World. Way safer, far more private that’s why they terrified the sheeple they would end up with a hit man at the door if you used it.

You see? All by design. The soon to be One World Order started Agenda 21 in 1990, the internet debuted in 1993. This was followed by cellular for everyone, (1999-2000),Social Media (2000’s), Smart(?) phones etc. see the pattern? All tracking & data mining technologies. They take more detailed personal information everyday to build your ‘personal’ profile.

This is all a part of the Elite plan for Global domination. We are up against a Fascist German (Mad) Professor, Schwab, 176 different governments, over 300 Corporate Partners, the UN, WHO, WEF, IMF, ICC, NATO (The Global backbone of the One World Order). I have been dedicated for the past 4 yrs to getting this message out anywhere I can.

We can still stop them but the window to strike is closing rapidly. United we succeed, asleep we become enslaved or worse. Herr Schwab has no tolerance for “Useless Eaters”.

We need more to shake off their programming and see the wolf at the door before it’s too late.

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Absolutely agree with all your points! Is it still possible to use this Deep Web though?

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Jul 1Liked by Alex Ilex

Download a TOR Browser, most popular is the Onion Browser. install a VPN, Hint: go with a private company not a publicly traded one. If you see Black Rock or Vanguard or anything connected to them stay away. They Aquire for the WEF and like all media corporations are loyal to Agenda 21, they don’t want to know you for your benefit.

Turn your VPN on, start up your Onion browser and welcome to the deep web. Now find some criminal activity and tell me how long it takes you to find it 🙂

Look up the best settings for the browser (YouTube) & apply. You are now sending truffles across the internet and they will get there in one piece guaranteed! Crappy analogy but I couldn’t think of anything else quite as valuable to use as a comparison.

Don’t freak out when you start your browser and see a regular old search window, not quite as flashy as what you’re used to no one is going to guide you through anything so use your head, be cautious, don’t give out your personal information, don’t use your real name etc.

The difference between the commercial web & the deep web is that what you search for is catalogued over a ‘Web’ of personal servers NOT from a server farm where algorithms strip your data, analyze it, assign it in a database under your name with another algorithm to send you back what your daily habits have told them your into.

If you can’t find what you’re looking for research wise via TOR it likely doesn’t exist, or was never digitized to begin with.

Please folks you need to take your privacy seriously now. Us nerds in the late 90’s/2000’s weren’t kidding. Ditch Alexa, Siri, wireless security monitors, turn your microphone off if your not talking, cover your phone camera if you are not taking your own picture every 2 seconds 😉 having been involved with Technology since the ‘80’s I forget the majority of the people using the internet today do not know much about how things really work once you hit enter.

Advice: If you wouldn’t provide the information you are being asked for, to a stranger on the street, don’t give it out online.

Privacy, Security, Autonomy.

Peace 🙏

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Actually, I regularly use VPN albeit without Tor, and never used Siri, Alexa or other such bot shit - apart from privacy concerns, they're creepy and annoying 🤣

Absolutely agree with you on privacy issues, we need to take them seriously now.

Is it too bad if I'm not covering phone camera though since I'm taking a lot of pictures actually, not of myself but if everything lol?

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Jun 30Liked by Alex Ilex

Very disappointed in the "creatives" too! Was all the rebelliousness just an act? They all folded when we needed them the most.

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Yeah, I feel the same - betrayed and disappointed.

So much for both 'rock rebels' and 'very smart' authors.

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Jun 30Liked by Alex Ilex

All the creatives who have been named were anti-establishment liberals who were rebelling against conservatism. Society has been remade in the way they desired. We withdrew from Vietnam, and though we have been to war over and over, our ruling class carried forward their distaste by never allowing the military to win again. Their fashions became mainstream. Their music and political opinions became mainstream. Free love and drug use has been normalized. The rebels became the establishment. They won.

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Well, you have a good point, but don't fully agree. There's still ongoing proxy war in Ukraine which all those anti-war hippies cheer for, doesn't Vietnam come to their minds? Woke trans cult and Islamism they shill for now endangers not just conservatives or kids for whom only conservatives seem to care sadly, but also women and gay rights which those people were supposed to care for? And yet they don't. So I can't explain it all away by their agenda becoming mainstream, there are still new threats even to it and visible contradictions which they're either too dumb to spot, or are complicit.

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Jun 30Liked by Alex Ilex

Alex, you often think things through more thoroughly than I do! I look forward to more iron sharpening iron.

I am at a loss to explain the Ukraine situation. Even my ideas about Ukraine are confused. Having been a Cold Warrior, my distrust of the Soviet Union and all of its former parts is deep and apparently indelible. I immediately thought we should support Ukraine. It's how I am trained to think. When I woke up in bed with Biden, I was stunned, and my brain still hurts. This is going to be a long process!

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30Author

Well, I'm just trying to see the bigger picture and also pay attention to detailsthough, but thanks!

To be fair, now I think that all this Cold war anti Soviet sentiment was also manufactured by CIA propaganda. The real enemy was Communism, a toxic totalitarian ideology, not Russia. Russia was just its victim. Now US are gonna be victims of the same ideology which rebranded itself as Wokeism and occupied the White House. Ideologies are real enemies, not people or states.

But American government craftily substituted freedom fight against toxic Communist ideology with their geopolitical imperial battle for power with Russia. As s result, USSR had fallen but Communism survived and hijacked America from within.

That is to say, I deeply mistrust Putin too as a former KGB agent and current WEF agent, but never forget that our real main enemies are toxic ideologies though.

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Jun 30Liked by Alex Ilex

Try a dose of Ted Nugent for a good cleanse from all the woke performers.

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Thanks, I should perhaps.

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Jun 30Liked by Alex Ilex

Let’s take a look at something that recently happened.

Biden criticized the ICC for its anti Israel activities. Amal Clooney is one of the lawyers on the committee.

A week, or so, before a planned fundraiser for Biden, George Clooney visited the WH where he was reassured nothing would happen to his rancid, terror supporting wife. The fundraiser went on as planned. Celebrity carries influence as long as they support the regime.


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Monstrous. Never liked Clooney much but it's too much already.

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Jun 30Liked by Alex Ilex

People need to start getting in the faces of these Hollywood mopes.

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Agreed. Maybe that would teach them at least if everything else failed.

But well even that would fail sadly - they would just play victim again and set police upon us.

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Jun 30Liked by Alex Ilex

Doesn’t matter. Day after day of listening to people loudly criticize them wherever they go will have an impact.

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Yeah, good point. These people would understand only that kind of language.

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Jun 30Liked by Alex Ilex

Yes! Like they did with DiNero!

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That was actually beauty.

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The hotel where the revolting Clooneys had the English celebration of their marriage, half a mile away from my house, has a spa called 'Spa Illuminata'. I always thought that was a bit of tell - who owns it, I wonder, every time I drive past......

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Jun 30Liked by Alex Ilex

Seems to me that at the core of all of what was described is a lack of virtue that has taken a turn into the diabolical. Pax

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Jun 30Liked by Alex Ilex

Could not agree more

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The only time AOC DOESN’T sound like the planet’s biggest dumbass is when the “stars” speak.

Kinda really never did give a damn about what John Cougar Mellonhead things, and Barbara? Still trying to stay relevant.

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Maybe it's easy to explain. Since the 1960s, artists of any kind have supported leftist causes, including the most prominent war in Vietnam at the time. That was considered rebellious, and it was. Years passed, and suddenly, their ideology became a ruling ideology. Former rebels are now regime supporters.

The right made a terrible mistake in the middle of the 20th century and surrendered culture and academia to the left. That terrible move is bearing fruit now because no one can create a new rebellious wave in the culture.

Not all artists are left-leaning, but there's peer pressure and fear of losing jobs and exposure due to their ideas. Not all are as courageous as James Woods. He is a perfect example of what happens when you're in opposition: You're ostracized and removed from acting jobs and the public.

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1Author

I already replied to the similar comment, you have a point, but I don't fully agree. If these authors are so anti-war Leftists why do they cheer for Ukrainian war? Why Vietnam doesn't come to their minds? But they do. For example Neil Gaiman and Stephen King forbade to sell their books in Russia - which is disgusting regime sycophancy and actually an act of pure Russophobic fascist discrimination, depriving of the whole nation from their books. Stephen King fuck him ten thousand times went even further and openly cheered Stepan Bandera, Ukrainian Nazi SS officer and modern day Ukraine 'hero' who had slaughtered tens of thousands of Jews and Poles, and Stephen King cheered that man. Also King said that Russia is a 'terrorist state' and should be destroyed. So where's your anti war Left? It's a rock bottom of human depravity, I hate Stephen King.

Also, the Left of the past supported gay marriage and women equal pays with men, not destruction of female sports by men in dress and not transing the gay away. So, modern regime sycophants betrayed classic stances of the old Left as well.

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It seems to me that there are multiple reasons. One reason could be that no Westerners are dying in Ukraine; otherwise, there would be a lot of talk about an "exit strategy." Another reason is that a series of related ideas and movements have merged into the official ideology supported by the state apparatus. At this stage, the official ideology has gone to even greater extremes. Many people do not see the glaring flaws in this ideology, and some do see them but are afraid to speak out and react because the woke ideology does not forgive.

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Jun 30Liked by Alex Ilex

Seems we are back to a “follow the money scenario”. Corporate riches and power are the ultimate audience that the majority of performers cater too. Until the corporations that own the performers are effected by we the audience turning off our dollars, their profits, nothing will change.

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"Screw your freedoms!"

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