Jun 28Liked by Alex Ilex

I’ve been thinking a lot about this. There are a few possibilities:

1) we can’t see as many steps ahead as they have already planned, and at this point it’s difficult to imagine why they would purposefully do this and they know we would be stumped. However this would require some really savvy, masterful strategists behind it all;

2) the people around him and in charge truly are just as immature and narcissistic as we all believe they are, and when you lack maturity and humble spirits, you lack the ability to know when to back off, when to be honest, and when to make the tougher but wiser choices, sometimes meaning laying down your fight for the sake of the humanity involved. They really are a bunch of bullies and mean girls that never graduated socially from the middle school playground; or

3) most of those calling the shots really didn’t know how bad it was themselves, choosing to get their “facts” from their MSM friends and underlings, and a twisted, sick First Lady. Maybe anything they saw firsthand was explained away. Maybe they saw him on his more coherent days. Maybe he’s been shielded so much that no one critical saw firsthand, due to the childish, self-absorbed crowd around him. But Obama saw firsthand and had to lead h off a stage! So this one is unlikely.

4) Maybe in Joe’s more coherent, capable moments he stubbornly convinced everyone he was OK and refused to back down. How can they remove a sitting president if he refuses to go and there’s a chance for a coherent moment to make them look like liars? Maybe his decline was slow at first but rapid this year??

So I’m with you, if it’s number 1, we need to stretch our minds and see further into the future as to why on earth they would ever throw the leader of the free world under the bus so badly.

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Great analysis too. Yeah, I also don't think it's 3. It's either 1 or 2 I believe. I wanna hope it's 2 but I'm afraid it's 1 though...

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Jun 28Liked by Alex Ilex

That’s my fear too. I lack the master chess player’s mind and I know I’m limited in that kind of fifty-steps-ahead-calculated thinking. I do hope those with more gifted minds spend some time thinking on this and then offer us some better reasons.

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Well, I can sometimes have insights about it but the problem is we have much less information than them to make guesses upon.

We're seeing just some fragments while they have the whole picture at their disposal, that's why they're always ahead of us, no matter how smart we are, and it sucks.

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5. They believed all along he would step

Down. Perhaps he said he would for $100M in a Swiss bank account. They were paving the way for Gavin or Michele. But Gavin is vastly unpopular. Michele hates America and has enough money now. Who knows how much Obama grifted. And suddenly Biden says ‘Come on Man. I am not stepping down.’ Kamala says ‘I want to be the first female President’ and it is right in her grasp. She might get it before November. They now realize there is no Plan B. So they will grift another $10B or so in the next few months.

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I would bet a lot on #4.

Hanlon's razor.

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Because he is spent and he is no further use to them

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To me, that whole thing last night was done with purpose. It has been my opinion that Obama and his cronies still in the WH are running the show and have been from the start. Last night was done so the sheep of the DNC will now be forced to pick a replacement and fast.

What is sad is that the sheep will bow to whatever master is selected, and I see Hounchell (however you spell her name) being picked. For several reasons. Pure blue pill firebrand.

I guess we shall see, but honestly we are in one of the scariest times in our Nations history, the Cuban Missile Crisis was not even close to presenting the danger we are in right this minute.

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Agreed about scariest times. I think the whole world is at one of the scariest times gio, taking into account wars and stuff.

But if Dems just want replacement, why couldn't they have just prompted their Poopy Puppet to step aside quietly?

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I think they tried, and he said no.

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You think he has any agency to say no? Not sure.

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I think he has Jill, and she is driving it, and the hate for all things MAGA.

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Fair enough. Then she must have been a real bitch, to submit her sick husband to this.

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Oh yeah, any good woman would have forced him to retire before the first run.

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I agree, I think it was a set up. The issue was certainly forced as you say.

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I had all the same thoughts. Regardless of why, the Dems showed their weakness. I would like to see the Republicans ride the insurrection narrative into November. The White House has run an insurrection by lying to the public even as recently as 2 days ago. There is no President. No one is accountable for the shit show going on there. Who has the nuclear football? Surely not the corpse standing at the podium. KJP, Kamala, Klain, Mayorkas, the entire cabinet would all be going to prison if they were Republicans. Everyone knows it. The Congressional Republicans will no doubt miss this opportunity because they are allergic to success. If Trump is going to be “disqualified” for being an insurrectionist, that same brush should paint everyone associated with the Biden WH.

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Yeah, that's the scariest part - we have no idea who is running the show. We might make guesses, but we don't know. Is it Obama? Or CIA? Or George Soros? Or Klaus Schwab? Or BlackRock? Or all of them? This is the shittiest part. I'd never forgive dumb blue voters with TDS for inflicting this situation upon us all, upon the whole world. Well, if last election was indeed stolen, it's not really their fault, but still.

Yeah, I have no doubt establishment Republicans would miss all their chances, sadly.

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Jun 28Liked by Alex Ilex

It’s arrogance plain and simple.

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So they just don't give a shit what we think of it and dropped any pretenses of democracy even?

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Jun 28Liked by Alex Ilex

I thought Trump did well. Even if he hadn’t, the difference between the two men’s mental faculties staggering. They don’t care. It doesn’t matter. Biden is just a puppet at this point and will not survive the next four years. He hasn’t been making executive decisions for a long time. Trump will not be elected. It might be for the best because then ALL American citizens will absolutely see the corruption that exists. I fear there will be a Civil war. Sometimes everything has to be torn down to rebuild. This lunacy feels like end times and I’m not a religious zealot.

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Me neither and I also have a civil war feeling. Or could people put up with four more years of Democratic fraud again?

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Jun 28Liked by Alex Ilex

I hope to God not. But that is what is behind the social censoring and cancelling. We are being trained to keep quiet in public lest we lose all that we hold dear. Relationships, employment etc. it’s all intertwined. To make us timid and compliant.

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Yes and I'm actually scared of 4 more Democratic years more than of Civil war even...

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Jun 28Liked by Alex Ilex

You're right. They tried to keep us away from friends and family so we wouldn't talk to them or discuss the plandemic, so we would loose community. Closeness. They tried to keep us 6' away, they closed schools, restaurants and businesses. They tried to demoralize people. And I think they succeeded in a lot of cases.

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Jun 28Liked by Alex Ilex

Exactly. They know the election will be rigged. In their favor. No pretense of Biden being competent is necessary when the outcome is in the bag. Who cares what we think?

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That might actually explain it, and that's even scarier.

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I agree, nothing has changed since 2020. They just got the supreme green light to censor all conservatives. They have already proven they can elect a pet rock and we can't do a darn thing about it. Too big to rig might get us Trump but that doesn't stop them from stealing the Senate and House. We are in serious trouble. That's why we need leaders playing offense. In Nebraska we tried to get some of those through the primary but the money and name recognition keeps putting the same do-nothings back in. But we all need to vote. Complacency is our enemy. I tell everyone "someone is going to vote for you, so it might as well be you."

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Actually I heard people saying that voting is useless because election would still be stolen and most candidate are frauds.

But you think voting still might be helpful though?

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Jun 28Liked by Alex Ilex

It’s all we can do. Obama is still running this country. This “ administration “ reeks of him.

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How do they steal the ballots? They see who is registered but unlikely to vote because it's all public domain. They request a mail-in ballot in that persons name. Have it sent to a PO box most likely. Fill in the ballots and put them in a drop box. (10,000 Mules). If they fall short on election day, they truck in the fake ballots and run them thru the machine. Then spend the next several weeks assigning those fake ballots to a person who has not voted. Or an illegal or dead person. Have you wondered why we have machines that can count 2000 ballots an hour but it takes weeks to count them? It's because they aren't counting, they are creating a voter for each ballot. That takes time. That's why I say, if you don't vote, someone will do it for you. Everyone needs to vote. If you can't stand to vote for president fine, support your school board and city council which is probably more important to your life anyway.

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Yeah. Get Trump 90 million votes. It might take that. Joe likely only got 55M last time. Legitimately. What this time? 40M? You can’t steal 50M votes.

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Jun 28Liked by Alex Ilex

Never ascribe to malevolence, what can be explained by hubris and/or incompetence, I think some one said once…

Or as Slick Willie said the are too smart by half.

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Jun 28Liked by Alex Ilex

We need somebody to demand immediate accountability for who is in charge of what. Why no one has yet is beyond me, but after last night our republican leaders MUST demand answers to who has the war keys and who has the nuclear football and they must demand to know this week!!!

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I absolutely agree with you but I'm afraid the red hooligans would fuck up their lucky chance yet again...

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Look for the needle that isnt in the haystack, another sub off my list

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What? Since when to ask questions became a bad habit?

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I think it is explained by mindless groupthink. A certain scene from the novel Atlas Shrugged comes to mind, in which a decision is made that no individual in the group wanted:

"There were only five dissenters who voted against it. Yet when the chairman announced that the measure had passed, there was no cheering, no sounds of approval, no movement, nothing but a heavy silence. To the last minute, every one of them had hoped that someone would save them from it."

A perfect description of life in a Collectivist system.

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Perfect, and scary.

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They are setting up a switcheroo. Last minute tag out to Gavin Newsom or Big Mike Obama.

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Sure but why hadn't they done it quietly asking Biden to step aside, why such drama and embarrassment? That's what baffles me.

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They need to build the premise. How does one go from the media narative of: the most honest Joe Awesome, best at everything, brilliant and wise, articulate and profound, he just cares so much.... to......replacement?

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Well, fair enough, might be.

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I think there needed to be an exposure to the public-who they convinced to all vote for him in the primary. They may have underestimated his ability to f

things up as Obama once said. He won't go quietly even now so the issue needed to be forced. All speculation of course

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Jun 28Liked by Alex Ilex

I’m more inclined towards the notion that this was a genuine Democratic failure. And it wasn’t just the Democratic Party’s failure. It was the establishment media’s failure. I believe that the anti-Trumpism in both of those entities blinded them to just how compromised President Biden’s state was.

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I actually inclined to think so myself, don't believe they could have on purpose set up such a disaster for themselves, unless they ceased to care of public opinion altogether ofc.

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Jun 28Liked by Alex Ilex

Ah Biden like Reagan in his second term is senile .

That s not a conspiracy that s just the way it is

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Yeah, he surely is, but why did they have to show it for everyone so openly when it could have been easily avoided?

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Jun 28Liked by Alex Ilex

The USSR used to have this same problem with Kremlin watchers - seeing when really old guys weren t allowed to be shown in public , or Stalin not shaking his hand ( a couple of NKVD heads got dissed on the reviewing stand this way )

Did you see the British comedy movie “ the Death of Stalin “?

IMO very funny and 100% accurate .

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Nope, but maybe I should. Well, USSR at least didn't pretend to have elections like we, sigh.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28Liked by Alex Ilex

I agree w you Alex that this was probably not a setup. IMO they didn't make Biden look any worse that he already does, that is if you're paying attention. 'They' already have complete control of him be it clone, bot, cgi, or whatever or whoever the hell he really is. I do not think that Trump is one of 'them' either. I just hope there are no further debates, I for one, have seen quite enough.

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Jul 5Liked by Alex Ilex

The lefty public is being prepared for a quick switch AFTER the Democratic convention when the rules change and primaries are no longer a requirement. Just keep your eyes open and watch how it plays out.

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Jul 4Liked by Alex Ilex

I have heard theories the Dems are playing the long game. Willing to lose this election in order to win the following 3.

The US financial system is a built up house of cards and is going to fail and make the Great Recession look like small potatoes. They want Trump blamed for it.

Or they already know how to cheat to win with whoever the candidate is? 😜 Alternatively, it could be Too Big to Rig, so they are scapegoating Biden.

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I'd not be surprised if that's their plan all along but it's terrifying though.

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What if the Trump people are really in charge and hired an actor to play Biden to slowly get people to see the evil of socialism? To see that our government agencies are out of control?

Just having DJT win in 2020 would have allowed half the US to keep slumbering through life unaware if the true evil in their midst.

What is there are higher beings in charge who orchestrated the above scenario to save souls?

What if the lesson for humanity is to see and confront evil while they are still man enough to do so? Before they succumb to one more pharmaceutical-farce that takes away all free will along with a technological money system that makes resistance futile?

Maybe our better angels are working overtime to get humanity finally grow up before they all sleepwalk into the arms of an evil where there is no escape?😈

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I really wish you were right but I was so bitterly disappointed with people that almost lost all hope...

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If the handlers truly want the White House resident removed, they will need to invoke the 25th Amendment. He and his wife are power-hungry and want to keep the flow of money coming in. In fact, our enemies would support him more because he has his finger on the nuclear football, and they only have until January 2025 to complete their plans to destroy all the freedoms that are left.

We live in a dangerous world, and the only true help we have is in Jesus Christ.

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Evil don’t forget is always stupid. There is no such animal as an ‘evil genius’. At best there is evil with a surface cleverness. You might be assuming there was a reason why they did what they did. There might not be any reason. 1000 evil stupid selfish people all doing what they can to get what they want from Biden and the US led to this moment.

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I actually hope you're right. If they indeed are as stupid as their voters, it would be easier to defeat them.

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I am thinking the evil has run amuck. The evil has the idea that it is too powerful and has the ability to do whatever it pleases. As challenging as this sounds, the people are coming to a time of limited choices. The people have to rise up and swing back. Most governments do not serve the people, they serve people who want to impose corruption and tyranny. The time to resist is now.

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Jun 28Liked by Alex Ilex

There was no way I would of watched that train wreck of a debate. Biden isn’t capable of debating a child which was evident long before last night. Trump is rotten as well, controlled by the same masters.

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