Jun 18Liked by Alex Ilex

How come it's so obvious to us and yet millions will go the election polling booths in 3 weeks time and put their cross by the LibLabConGreen grifter candidate 🤦🏼‍♀️

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The toxic combo of human idiocy and media propaganda...

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Jun 18Liked by Alex Ilex

Very well put! You write so well....

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Thanks, I appreciate it!

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Jun 18Liked by Alex Ilex

Thank you. While I find your wording harsh perhaps it needs to be in this moment in our country. I am firmly centrist - Independent - so have both sides screaming at me relentlessly. My confusion is with those who will not accept at this moment, we have only 2 choices: another 4 yrs like the last 4 or 4 yrs of at the very, very least, closed borders, returning to defunding terrorist states like Iran, returning to ending wars (yes the administration from 2016-2020 crafted the Abraham Accords and started no new wars), negotiated w/big pharma to have US drug prices as low as other countries' prices, had Russia quiet - no matter the reason "how", had N. Korea quiet - no matter how, stood up to UN & others who weren't paying their appropriate funds.... My biggest concerns this election are: our out of control open borders, energy independence - not just due to the price of gasoline rather primarily as it relates to the safety of this country, the unequivocal standing with our allies, the current insane crime wave and the insane enrichment of terrorist states and enemies of our country. Only one of the two options available will address those concerns for the betterment of our country.

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Jun 18Liked by Alex Ilex

👍 Your title pretty much sums it all up Alex. Don't even get me started w Meghan Markle. She and her dimwitted husband are a bigger threat to the West than most people are aware. He should be deported forthwith and she should be locked up whether in prison or a mental institution bc she is literally criminally insane.

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You know more on them than me? I just can't stand it when rich princess who looks almost as white as all of us by the way plays victim just because British Royal family didn't fully accept her.

Well, it's because of her disgusting arrogant behavior and not her almost not visible slightly brown skin color.

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Jun 18Liked by Alex Ilex

Actually they did accept her in spite of having to whitewash her online history. Was she blackmailing them? I'm sure you must be aware they also covered up Harry's past indiscretions as well? He's an animal abuser and committed violence on sex workers to the point of disabling at least one. They both pay for silence. The whole racism thing is just part of her manipulation. Frankly, I'm surprised the Q allowed this but at this point she was probably just weakened by age. I could go on...

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Holy shit, thanks for sharing. Didn't know, since I'm not a Brit, don't follow British politics that closely...

Who's KC though?

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Oh yes . I think Megan (no) marbles was black washing all who cared to listen to her incessant sniveling. Now that she is “privileged”, being white like is cool.

Wasn’t harry a frequent visitor of upstein’s (intentional) old geezer fantasy island of adolescent girls?

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I have never heard of any connection between Hairless and JE. However, there def was one w the yacht girl wife. I believe this is where she learned the art of 'honey potting' ie. blackmailing w sex.

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God gawd almighty. Must be money, why else would any self-respecting female schtup that hairless mongrel, yuck. I don’t think Julia Robert’s could stoop that low. Maybe RG could shed some light 🙄

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Jun 18Liked by Alex Ilex

OMG, like I said, don't get me started. These two are nefarious. Do you watch The Royal Grift on YT? Laura Poirot good too. Good place to start. They are dangerous, seriously, besides being really literally insane. Been following from day one. I believe KC is COMPLICIT.

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Jun 18Liked by Alex Ilex

King Charles

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Jun 20Liked by Alex Ilex

Bravo, well stated !!!👏. I am in complete accord.

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Jun 18Liked by Alex Ilex

This is communists in a nutshell to me:

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”

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Ag, just like socialist “democrats”. Leave it to Bernie, fauxcohontas, et al to improve upon the woeful record of millions upon millions murdered. They are the two to get it right this time.

I am sure Bernard had written a book, or at least a number of essays extolling the virtues of women who secretly desire to be raped, singular or gang. All good to him. I wonder how many females of unknown subconscious desire he fulfilled the wishes of? Clinton/bidenesque maybe?

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