Aug 17Liked by Alex Ilex

Hi Alex! I love your work and am impressed with your argument that Woke=Communism. Not enough people look at it this way, and this has resulted in the US being ideologically taken over. Then, when the radical Socialist Harris/Walz team takes over this November, it will be more than just an ideologically coup, but the complete deal. Why am I so sure they will win? Because the younger generations in the US weren't/aren't taught the evils of Communism, all they think is "free stuff and equality." And the younger generations are the majority of the population, along with 10+million illegal immigrants who are, state by state, quickly getting their rights to vote THIS NOVEMBER. Quite frankly, I believe we are done. The America we had for over 240 years has indeed fallen.

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Thanks for a compliment to my insights, and I sadly share your worries. Kamala might very likely win either vos MSM propaganda or downright election fraud, and then DemoNratic regime would make sure to turn America into Communist tyranny under WEF globalist new order. That's pretty scary prospect, and that's why we need to do all we could you prevent it from happening this November.

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It’s not the US that hated Russia, but the group that took over the world with their money magic.

As I’ve leaned from reading Russian posts on IG, America was once part of a greater Russia with AK being the last holdout.

Ever wonder why Russia was being taken over by a German queen around the same time America was ‘winning’ her independence?

More like Russia was losing the last of her empire, the same one-world we all shared before the invasion of the 💴 lenders.

I know, shocking and ridiculous, but it’s what history tells us. And that’s why Russia has to stay our enemy. Look at a picture of the Russian army—it looks like a snapshot of America in the 50s.

So you’re right. It’s not communism that offended us, but a takeover by a group who shall not be named.

Look at the countries on the bad-guy list. What do they have in common? No 💴 people.

America is slated for elimination anyway. By way of our food/pharmacy/media/education. No country on earth is being pounded with the constant onslaught of poisonous media, food and medicine.

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Not that Russia is much better off now, war torn and heavily sanctioned and isolated.

You make an interesting argument though. So your point that those money-lenders submitted Russia to Catherine II and gave independence to US so they could rebuild the world? Can you elaborate on that please?

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Let me find the Russian post. It’s fascinating. I came to my own conclusion about 1776 being a takeover not freedom from Britain.

I mean, who celebrates their independence by bombing themselves—figuratively.

What started me off was a historical letter to Lincoln.

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Which letter?

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I have a letter written to Lincoln, addressing him as Your Excellency. I found this strange so I look it up and apparently this is how you address someone from either high up in the Catholic church or an ambassador.

Was Lincoln an ambassador sent to ‘run’ the new territory?

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💣🌐The murder of the Moscow Tartaria in 1776.

This is why is it that our Emperor Alexander is located exactly in the center and takes a leading position over Abraham Lincoln and IZE with him on some bank note? ☝🤔

So, the independence of America and the destruction of Enia Romanov, the last capital of Moscow Tartaria. ⚡

So, - I dare say that t. н. the North American civil war for independence in 1773-1775 was just a fencing!

The seizure of huge territories of American lands of the Moscow Tartaria, left without Central control! And immediately following its end the formation within the existing borders of C. .. А. , in 1776, - only confirms it.

Well, - S. .. .. were formed in 1776, just after the end of t. н. civil war 1773 - 1775!

Thus, everything falls into place at once, - apparently The War for Independence, in North America, was actually the seizure of the huge Moscow Tartaria Lands that were left without Central control. In order not to be late in the task, the American troops divided into the West and Northwest. As we know, the first American president was George Washington, basically he became the first ruler of the former American lands of the Moscow Tartaria.

The struggle of C. Ш. .. The Moscow Tartaria continued until the 19th century. Alaska, until the last remaining Russian land of the Moscow Tartaria, was fraudulently "bought" by Americans only in 1867.

So it turns out that the United States of America was formed from the American fragment of the Great Russian Medieval Empire. Namely, - from the American part of the Moscow Tartaria, - the heirs of the Empire! Of course, - this situation was quite quickly hidden on the pages of the textbooks around the World! Why, - at first it was simply forbidden to talk about it.

The separation of Siberia and North America.

The British encyclopedia of 1771 stated that almost all of Siberia was formed as an administrative unit at the end of the 17th century, as an independent state with the capital in Tobolsk. And it was the largest country in the World!

In the 19th century, the Siberian state of Moscow Tartaria stretched from the West from the Volga and Nizhny Novgorod, - to the China Sea in the East.

The capital of this state in the 18th century was the city of Tobolsk, which is marked on maps of the time, as Tobol. And Tobol, is also a biblical term; In the Bible, the Great Medieval Russian Empire, is named as: Rosh, Meshech and Fuval, - t. е. Ros, Moscow and Tobol!

The question arises - where is this huge state? And as soon as we are puzzled with this question, - facts immediately begin to emerge showing that it existed until the end of the 19th century.

Moreover, the traces of this state were attempted to erase from the pages of the World iToria, masking its absence.

But, as the plural of maps shows, the Moscow Tartaria existed. But it was desirable and unavailable for Western Europe.

They don't know them well, and the west coast of America didn't know at all. Tobolsk authorities simply did not let them in! And they had very good reasons, as we now understand.

However, at the end of the 18th century, after the victory over Pugachev, (the last king of Tobolsk), the situation changed drastically and greatly.

The Romanov troops, and in fact the army, led by mass Suvorov, began to conquer Siberian lands and the Far East! (Google the names of these servicemen).

And in North America, the Land of the Moscow Tartaria, began to rapidly conquer Western European troops, advancing towards t. н. The "Wild West", simultaneously destroying millions, and millions of those who are now common to call Indians, among them t. н. The "redskins" were outnumbered. In essence, Western European colonizers staged a genocide of our Slavic peoples, who inhabited the Lands of American Tartaria.

This is what led to the creation of exactly after such a war - the purge, S. .. .. within their existing boundaries!..

So, - what happened at the end of the 18th century? In the light of our general reconstruction of the history, the answer is clear, - in 1773 - 1775, the last battle took place between Western Europe and the Russian state of TarTaria!

The Lion has defeated the Unicorn! And in the izToria textbooks, these events are described as the peasant-Cossack uprising of Pugachev of 1773-1775!

A detailed description and section of Siberia and North America, as well as the history of the emergence in 1776 C. Ш. .. ; You can find it in Chronology G. .. Nosovsky and A. Т. Fomenko.

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Thanks, I'll look I yo my Russian sources. There was a factual mistake though - Siberia was conquered by Ermak, not Suvorov, and I haven't heard of any part of America but Alaska ever belonging to Russia.

Letter to Lincoln is mildly interesting though, do you have it at your disposal?

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I was taught in school that AK belonged to Russia and that we bought it and called it Stewart’s folly because we bought an ice box.

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Aug 18Liked by Alex Ilex

I totally disagree. Yes a rebellion. But a natural one. Ruling party 3000 Miles away and providing nothing. Just wanted taxes

Sounds like wash DC to me

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I don’t really know my way around substack yet, but I gave you what I have from the Russian channel I follow on IG. It was translated on Google, and then I cleaned it up some more. I hope it make sense.

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The US government from the early in the FDR administration was infiltrated with communists (Eleanor was certainly a good leftist). The Democrat Party had strong anti communists such as Harry Truman and later Scoop Jackson, and J. Edgar Hoover certainly made a career out of it (as well as black mailing his enemies) but the bureaucracy was filled with communists and leftists of various stripes, which undoubtedly undermined any effectiveness to the anti communist efforts; not to mention the CIAs efforts to destabilize governments that weren’t conducive to doing the bidding of US corporations.

Your take has its merits.

Also academia was going pink then full blown red over this time.

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Very accurate.

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I think the problem is that they infiltrated the USA as they explained in the manifesto and now we can’t get rid of the communists. China stayed under our radar with their we are weak act. They read The Art of War. Then they stealthily bought our politicians and bureaucrats. The rich love communism because it gives them total power. That suits them fine. Now we are up a creek without a paddle.

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Aug 25Liked by Alex Ilex

Soviets also often gave up their «struggle for world communism» in favor of geopolitical considerations. It lead to situations where Third World leaders skilled at intrigue could play USA and USSR against each other, and milk both. («A gentle calf sucks two mothers» – Russian proverb)

A chrestomatic example is Egypt's Nasser who arranged a bidding war for the Aswān Dam contract. Soviets supposedly «won» it, but did they derive much benefit from their victory? Not really. And later on, USA plunged shiploads of cash into Egypt, too.

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Yeah, it surely goes both ways - it was more about geopolitical dominance for Soviets than about spreading Communism. Good point, thanks for bringing it up.

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Nor really defeated it for it lingered under our feet waiting to rise up.

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Not defeated because US never fought Communist ideology to begin with, and it's impossible to defeat something you aren't even fighting.

US fought a geopolitical opponent - USSR - and that mission was accomplished, and USSR collapsed. But US didn't fight Communist ideology hence it just redressed as Wokeism and came to US.

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Aug 19Liked by Alex Ilex

Very true, because the tribe who invented and spread communism was funded and sustained by american bankers (from the same tribe). They just created another enemy just to scare people and taking their money

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Aug 19Liked by Alex Ilex

They ruled the both sides making countries to be in one of these blocks, but in both cases, under their control.

I'm afraid that what we see now in Ukraine, is another replay, and both sides work against people

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Yeah you're absolutely correct on Ukraine. Putin is also WEF member and a puppet of the same global billionaire elite. He attacked Ukraine under WEF orders against best Russian national interest. This war is 100% scam.

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Aug 18Liked by Alex Ilex

Fascinating take—quite the paradigm shift! Never thought of it that way, but it makes sense.

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Thanks! I'm happy to have a paradigm shift effect on people.

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But Communism is in USA INC!

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Communism self collapsed in Russia and after that in the US it seemed to be forgotten. Sure it was still around in China and Cuba but for years China wasn’t see as a threat. Because we have stupid people in this country stupid communism has returned. You can’t cure stupid.

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John Brennan was an open communist in his younger days IIRC, never saw where he renounced it.

BTW, communism, Marxism, socialism, fascism, leftists, all differences with out any practical distinction; different flavors of chocolate (or rather more accurately shit). All atheists who are Satan’s minions who are busy convincing the world that Satan doesn’t exist.

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Like your work Alex, please keep it up. One comment I have though, being old enough to have seen the opening of China and much of the Cold War. The soviets were openly trying to spread communism and we fought that expansion. That was the Cold War. China, on the other hand, always maintained that they had no interest in spreading communism further. While the truth of that might have been questionable, most people at the time bought into it and because of this China was not perceived to be the threat the Soviets were.

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Again, were Soviets spreading Communism or just their geopolitical influence? I think it was more, latter than former. Recall than USSR had a huge influence over Middle East back then but didn't turn it Communist.

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Soviets were definitely trying to spread it. They were supporting revolutionaries all over the world, many successfully. Including Castro. One of the interesting things we learned after Yeltsin opened up the Soviet archives was that the Soviets were genuinely true believers in communism, they continued to believe long after evidence that it was never going to work was in, and they had many practices that amounted to religious rituals.

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I'm not convinced. My experience from post Soviet Russia where I'm from tells me that Communist Party loved just an unlimited power. They gave their people free education and healthcare so they wouldn't rebel against tyranny. Cuba? Again a geopolitical interest to counter US. Again, the whole Cold War looked much more like just a geopolitical fight between two large empires - American and Russian ones - when both capitalism and Cimmunism were used just as an ideological justification of this competition. Just like space competition between US and USSR too.

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I think it went beyond a mere love of power. They saw their having absolute power as being essential for a just world. Power in the hands of anyone but a communist meant evil was being done.

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Again did the party leaders believe it themselves, or used it to brainwash the population and regular party members?

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Aug 17Liked by Alex Ilex

That’s what made it surprising. I think most assumed the elite were using it to brainwash the lower levels and population, but the records indicated they were true believers, even in their interactions with each other.

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CIA and deep state fomented the communism you see today. Are you kidding?

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See my 4:18 mountain time post

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