Great article. Nothing new, history repeats itself. The French Assembly trembled while Robespierre gave threatening speeches and read out lists of people, until one day, in the middle of a speech before he could read another list, they jumped on him and accused him of being a traitor. In the end, he ended up on the guillotine. That's how woke will finish one day, soon.

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I hope so, will suit them right.

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Jul 3Liked by Alex Ilex

What an interesting and correct RANT about dealing with a WOKE dope.

My suggestion in dealing with them: is to avoid them at ALL costs. Anywhere - Anytime

If they make the mistake of attacking me with a racist remark or other, I would look them right in the eyes - smile - and say “BYE, I care not what you say to me or think of me”

And in my head I am saying “go fuck yourself asshole”

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Racist? You are

Fucking white! 🤯

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You can be racist against people of ANY skin color, idiot.

The fact that you think it's impossible to be racist against white people proves 100% that you're Woke anti-white racist.

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Jul 3Liked by Alex Ilex

Pretty dismal analysis, but how else would you explain how decent folks would sign onto being wrong on almost every substantive issue.

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Excellent article. thank you. forwarded it to my son in college who is inundated with this nonsense that aggravates him to no end

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You're welcome and I'm happy to be of some help.

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Jul 4Liked by Alex Ilex

"Not good, kind, or smart." Sadly true. I've tried many times to explain things to wokes - like, putting a male double rapist in a female prison just cos he suddenly decided he's a woman, is an egregious risk to the female inmates. (This was an actual case in Scotland last year.) And then they freak out and object - including female wokes - proving they don't actually care about women. It's all about the virtue signalling, and to hell with anyone who suffers as a result.

BTW George Floyd - I wrote about that case here:: https://www.healingtruths.org/george-floyd

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Jul 3Liked by Alex Ilex

In case there's any doubt from anyone out there all you need to do is to see all the 'wokies' out there STILL riding the Biden submarine despite the very obvious scenario of the past almost 4yrs. It's mind boggling how the cognitive dissonance can cause such total blindness, destructive, Anti-American behaviour and complete idiocy. SMDH.

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Indeed. I especially love their 'vote for the Party not President' new chant which they with their TDS fail to apply to Trump for some reason.

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Jul 3Liked by Alex Ilex

I guess I missed that bit of genius. I can't follow these idiots. They all need their vaxxes. 🤦

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Well, it's brand new, they started to say this only after last debate which finally exposed their dementia potato for who he really is.

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7 hrs agoLiked by Alex Ilex

Good observations, helpful - thanks

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Jul 5Liked by Alex Ilex

George Floyd autopsy findings revealed the cop did not kill him. The drugs most certainly did. Must’ve been that half a speedball he scarfed down when pulled over, in addition to the car-fentanyl and meth. Just a guess. And even with this information, the falsely accused and convicted cop will never see the light of day. What a travesty

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These people are monsters. They're ready to condemn an innocent for life just to push their sick ideology.

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If you haven't watched the fall of Minneapolis yet it's worthy of its reveal, the prosecution ignored

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I did and it seems poor Derek Chauvin is innocent but no one cares.

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Jul 4Liked by Alex Ilex

Just saw Lyen Newsum on tv. He reminded me 10s of generations white , brown, and black were proud before Barrak and Machell came along. I don’t believe those two are smarter than millions of Americans I am proud to be an American how bout you?

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I believe those two are dumber than most Americans.

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Jul 3Liked by Alex Ilex

Oh how I love this. So fckg outstanding. 🎯💥👏🏼

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It makes me happy when people really love my writing.

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Jul 3Liked by Alex Ilex

No lip service. 🎯

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Oh, I believe your compliments are genuine! Remember you're one of my old subscribers!

Were you also my follower on X before they suspended my account here?

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Jul 3Liked by Alex Ilex

Yes. Hilarious! They’ve banned me every way possible! I can’t encourage you enough😼! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🎯🇺🇸❤️

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They've banned you on X too?

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The faces of madness, IMHO.

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Rightwingers do it ALL THE TIME

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No, they don't.

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Yes, they do. Get your head out of your ass!

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Jul 3Liked by Alex Ilex

Pure fantasy.

Sorry to hear your gender care treatments aren’t serving you well.

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