Pooners are a big problem, creeping on gay men, trying to bust into the men's club. Yet they don't rape and murder and molest children the way men do. That's just stats. They're killers, yes - see Audrey Hale. Perhaps OD'ing on testosterone to be more manlike is part of the problem - it makes them aggro/violent.

Yet it IS tranny men doing the raping and molesting. Tranny women? Disgusting pooner manlets. Check the crime stats, it's the tranny men the biggest problem because men know they can smash women, even the T-roided ones.

See also my YT video about 'autopeniphiles' (I call them that), the ghastly women invading men's spaces. It's not that we 'hate' men, it's that men are doing most of the crimes/wanking in our loos etc.

Testosterone is levelling us up, but we'll not figure in the crime stats the way cockfrockers do.

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Jul 16·edited Jul 18Author

But those pooners are also child abusers, you ignore that completely. They first get swollen with testosterone and then give birth to prove 'men can get pregnant too'. You think their testosterone filled bodies would produce a healthy baby? And even if by some miracle they would, you think they would be good mothers when they believe they fathers?

It's downright child abuse and medical hormonal experiment on the unborn. Why do you ignore it?

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Exactly, Alex! It is horrifying that they get pregnant and carry a child to term stuffed with testosterone. And then there are the trans “women” taking hormones to “chestfeed,” with all the drugs going right into the milk. All of it is horrible child abuse perpetrated on innocent babies who have no choice in the matter, to gratify the delusions of these mentally ill narcissists.

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It's disgusting and I've called it out more than once.

Yet STILL I find the tit-sucking of men by babies more egregious. The abuse of infants by tranny men to validate their fetish.

The women are fucked. I changed the locks on the door the minute these silly pooners left the sisterhood. No way back from me.

Yet it's the men raping and bashing us and putting cats into blenders ALL WHILE BEING CALLED WOMEN. Check out Reduxx.

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Oh fuck no. They're ghastly.

Yet men commit 95% of crime, bro. Skirted or not.

I haven't IGNORED it. I find the whole shit-show vile. It's that the clear and present danger to women and children has always been, and still is, from men.

Have you seen my mocking posts and call-outs of the silly manlet women? Pooners are a danger, look at Ellen Page the daft cunt.

Yet who is doing the raping and killing and bashing of women? www.terfisaslur.com these men.

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I just told you how those delusional women harm their own kids, you agreed with it, yet immediately said 'the danger to kids is only from men'. I call bullshit, hypocrisy, sexism and misandry. That's why my post is needed. Danger to women and kids is NOT just from men. In fact, often women possess more danger to kids, even if because they take care of them more, hence abuse them more as well.

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Oh, by the way, I've muted you bro. Can't be fucked with your 'you're a misandrist!' I called the women out over a year ago.


And off you fuck. #QueenoftheLastWord I ain't read anything else of yours past this last post above. Bye!

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Call it all you like - did you check out my YT from a YEAR ago calling these cunts out?

Or just want to call me a man-hater?

Bit late to be saying you're leading the charge when I did it a year ago. I've also written about the Munchie Moms and how their heads need to be separated from their shoulders, but you're all 'man-hater!' LoL.

Pick and choose the bits you like, Alex. What a shame, bit lazy too.

I LOVE men, some of them regularly ;) You haven't answered about the tranny men putting cats in blenders/murdering/raping. Just straight to 'you're a man-hater!'

Please. Check my work. As I said above, I changed the locks on the sisterhood the MINUTE these stupid pooner cuntheads left the sisterhood. Same for the abusive moms. You carry on thinking me worrying more about tranny men is man-hating haha. What a joke, bro. Men are bigger, stronger, faster and commit 95% of all crime. Fact.

I'd separate the teacher heads from shoulders too, inculcating maggots.

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P. S. If male physical strength mattered so much as you believe it to be, then physically strong men would have ruled the world. But also they don't. Physically weak, old and fat men rule the world - our billionaire corporate elite. Physically strong men are just their security service and guard. So maybe, just maybe, it's NOT about physical strength?

I never was physically strong actually. Moreover, I have poor physical health, had few surgeries, and physically weaker than an average woman, teen or old person. Yet, physically strong men follow my leadership, including here on Substack. So, maybe it's NOT about physical strength?

And as for physically weak man, all feminist arguments about 'male strength' are always lost on me.

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I didn't know you one year ago, relax. But if you condemn 'those cunts' only once per year while crying of trans women daily, there's a clear misandric bias though. If not, then not.

I didn't know of troons putting cats in blenders what's the fuck? Can you share the link?

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I completely agree. I suppose it’s because trans men have not yet gone in for whole style baby making. It is agreed that the trans issue is bad for both gay men and women so it does come up in that forum.

However you are right that the debate is too one sided and helps no one in the end

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Exactly. Sometimes it looks more like anti-men than anti-trans for me.

And I acknowledge all the shit biological men in dress are doing, but it's only half of the story, and we need the whole story.

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Jul 19Liked by Alex Ilex

I think we hear more about trans women than trans men as they are much more demanding and visible. I agree entirely that trans men shouldn’t be allowed to give birth. If they were so determined to be ‘men’ they wouldn’t still have female genitalia. I hate the idea of trans women suckling a baby. It’s obscene.

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All of it is trying to destroy humanity

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You are all going have to give me definitions for some of those terms, what is a poorer? LOL sorry I'm dumb. But I agree, it's definitely a threat to children

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Pooner. A derogatory word for a transgender male. Derived from the word “Poon” meaning a woman's vagina. 'I think Ayden is a pooner, he's too short to be a cis'

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I gotcha lol, when I was in HS, we named our trumped up band that we hastily assembled for the HS variety show "Sweet Poontang" LMFAO thinking of that now, the school librarian announced us, not knowing the word.

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Anyone thinking they're not what Mother Nature made them has a mental health issue. Plain and simple. Maybe where I draw the line is that someone over age 21 is free to have (and pay for on their own) procedures to "appear to be the other sex." Assuming they've been given a list of the many complications and dangers. Like disfigured fake genitals. But in no way do they have the ability to force me to play into what they've done.

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Force ?? 🤔How 🤷🏻‍♂️

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I’m gay and I’ve been with a few trans dudes. No one is forcing anybody. Gay is a spectrum. A gold star gay male, being born through caesarean section, has never touched the V. They would probably shriek in horror at V. Some of us are not 100% Gay and therefore we are ok with the V. When one is on high levels of testosterone, they are mostly rendered sterile. But every trans dude either supplements with birth control or gets tubal ligation. Also, being on testosterone makes these young transitioners extremely concupiscent, and they feel safe with the bi/gay male. And if we’re being honest, the poon feels so much better than buttsex, which you have to deep clean, and there’s always the risk of a little Jack Horner incident.

Trans dudes out number trans gals probably 2:1. Why? Because as Abigail Shrier said it best: it’s a mind virus, and young insecure teen girls are prone to want to fit in. MOST trans dudes I know are NOT on board with most of this radical activism stuff, and would consider getting pregnant as a failure of transition. I’ve also never heard of any FTM dudes pressuring guys on Grindr, or getting all indignant over someone preferring sausage to wild cod.

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I'm sorry but gay is NOT a spectrum it's a Woke lie. Gay means being attracted solely to biological men. Period.

If you're attracted to biological women who present themselves as 'trans men' too, you're bisexual. Most likely closeted one if you refuse to admit it.

Not everyone is bisexual though, don't judge people by yourself babe stop promoting harmful Woke trans lies.

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It’s a spectrum. Life is rarely black and white, but many shades of grey. I suggest you look at the gay community. Why do straight guys turn gay in prison and then turn back to heterosexual when released? It’s because there’s a spectrum of sexuality that’s divorced from societal norms once inside prison.

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Nope, no one 'turns gay' in prison. They just use 'male holes' out of sexual need when no female ones available.

What you're saying is first unscientific and second homophobic. As a gay guy I won't allow Woke bisexual dudes like you redefine my sexuality for your nefarious ideological purposes. Period. Piss off.

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😂 "gay is a spectrum" what? when did this start? I mean it's been decades since I've been to a gay club but I'm pretty sure it meant dudes who like dudes 🤣

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Me too. It all started when Woke Marxists began to occupy gay community with their sick gender ideology.

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Bs. It’s a power thing in prison.

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