To follow along on your conspiracy theories, this new trans train wreck that we are all forced to watch, is just a bigger plan coming to fruition. If it looks sinister and hyper evil then maybe we should look to who is really behind it. I look at this current world that we exist in and I see Sodom and Gomorrah on steroids. We all know how that story ended. If anybody believes in prayer, I think it might be time to do that.

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Jul 11·edited Jul 11Liked by Alex Ilex

Good, points, Alex. It may indeed be the case that in the future if you're "caught" doing/being gay, you get to choose b/w execution and trans "therapy." That said, as their main goal is depop, they may not care one way or the other after they get their population numbers where they want them (IF, they get them, I should say, because I don't think that's going to happen.)

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Hope you're correct about IF not WHEN part, and agreed yeah

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