Jun 29Liked by Alex Ilex

Totally agree! Woketards supported gays only when it was trendy to do so. They’ve turned their back on gays now for the latest trendy thing. It’s currently trans and child abuse getting all their support but who knows, next year it might be eating our pets.

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Taking into account they're already saying pets are 'bad for climate', I'm afraid you might be correct...

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I am one of those women who appreciates Gay men. Also, I don't want to know what goes on in anyone's bedroom. It's morality that is the common tent we can all get under and anyone can be moral.

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Jun 29Liked by Alex Ilex

He is a commercial airline pilot. The major airlines are heavily into DEI. He was thinking of applying to another airline as the one he is flying for is experiencing bad press from flight mishaps ( wink wink). He told me he doesn’t stand a chance as he doesn’t tick off the boxes being a white male. Our family is very irreverent and asked “ why don’t you play the gay card on your application?” He told me the day he used his sexual orientation as a way to get ahead rather than the merits of his resume was the day he would stop flying. Love that boy.

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Yeah, a great contract to pathetic entitled Woketards!

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Jun 29Liked by Alex Ilex

Totally agreeing with everything you say at the moment, Alex. Keep up the good work my maxim is’ I would rather be awake than woke.’

Convid, BLM, Ukraine, trans bollocks, planet change And other issues all misrepresented by MSM.. Wonder what the next issue will be for the Wokes to jump on?

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I'm scared even to think of it but I'm sure it would be nothing good sadly...

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How one uses language is either in ignorance of its meaning or with full understanding of what it is they are exactly saying. Some words come with a stigma attached to them because of their common usages by bigots, hateful, disgusting people who only want to cause injury.

My grandfather was deaf and dumb. That was the old way of saying that he couldn't hear or speak. I remember one time as a child if that being called dumb bothered him, because he clearly was not "dumb", only in the definition of the word. He explained to me that words only have power over you, if you let them. Then went on to tell me that by definition he was also physically retarded as well because his body mechanically did not function properly, but that word did not bother him either because he learned that retarded or not he was as fully functional as the next man.

Rights is a word that carries great power. When we talk of our rights we must first define who is granting them. Is it God? Government? Society? Or Myself?

Often times as social norms change, Society would influence and infringe on one's rights if allowed to do so. Government will do the same, often catering to misguided social norms.

The topic of this article is one such discussion on rights. Does the word Gay carry a stigma? Only if it is allowed to. Are Gay Rights being threatened? Yes they are, as are the rights of parents to protect their children from the new accepted normal of the Trans and pedophile movements. Which the government appears to be all in on.

Personally I supported Gay rights before it was trendy, not because I knew someone or had some weird irrational bleeding heart. But because it is not just gay rights, it is our rights. We who with rationale understand moral and ethical obligations to our fellow man.

We only have the rights we are willing to die for. If we let an entity take them, it's our fault, just as if we let words have power over us.

I will stand beside you.

Please forgive my retarded blathering.


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Nope, it's not blabbering at all, thanks for your great message of support!

As for our rights and who should decide them is a very interesting question, but my guidance here is 'Live and let live'. If you see other people or government trying to infringe on this fundamental principle in the name of science, safety, or even God (burn all 'sodomites' abd 'sinners') and human rights themselves (that is, abuse kids, women and gays for 'trans rights'), then you know those people are your enemies.

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Jun 29Liked by Alex Ilex

In my brief humble opinion no they do not care about the LGBT community all they care about is about the money that they get if they support the LGBT community through businesses.

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I think your opinion is the correct one, that's why I'm saying loud and clear Fuck Off to them!

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Jun 29Liked by Alex Ilex

Alex, my son is gay and he sounds so much like you. Keep speaking the truth!

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Thanks, and good for your son! The worst for a gay guy in US is to be brainwashed by Woke queer propaganda and to still support Alphabet Mafia. Good he doesn't.

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Alex, I do appreciate your Substack and your intense writing. I will say as a heterosexual woman who had many gay men friends in my youth and early middle age, I also fell in love with many of them. That was the difficult part for me, having my heart broken repeatedly...and then watching the AIDS crisis begin and rake a wide swath across my dear friends. It broke me along the way. As for Christians, I am a woman of God and follower of Christ, a former pagan and Leftist and Prodigal for many years. I will humbly and respectfully say that scripture is very clear about God's plan for sexuality, male and female, in order to keep the human race going, as the union of opposites. I do not condemn you in any way, as I myself was bisexual for a time in my youth. I see the FILTHY house that HETEROSEXUALS have made and the PROFOUND need for straight people to clean up their own mess. Most of my beloved gay friends were mistreated by family and fled to defend themselves. Humans need to humble themselves, myself at the top of the list. I have simply learned to cast the whole messy pile on God's mighty shoulders every single day and ask for HELP HELP and more HELP. I cannot do this any other way. Keep going, Alex, you are going forward with your sincere writing and I enjoy your site! Humble blessings to you, Wendy

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Well said Wendy, to be facetious; XY is XY no matter how it’s dressed. XY will never understand how the female heart & mind really works.

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GenX1966, heck, I am a biological female and barely comprehend being a woman! Tough being female OR male! WEW

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Jun 29Liked by Alex Ilex

Anyone born after 2000 (debut of Social Media) have been subjected to subliminal messaging. The true purpose of all of our “Digital” toys is to track you, to save your personal, shopping, banking, credit card, transactions. Your health records, tax records, every bit of data they can squeeze out of you to build a profile of you.

The Woke, as much as I despise their ideology have been indoctrinated without even knowing it. Weak minds are easily controlled. The purpose is the same as all the foreign men who flooded into North Americas over the past 3 years, disrupt society. Clearly it’s working. If you think about it why else go after kids? ‘Cancel’ people you disagree with? Why would the media & socials so concerned with bleeping out words like rape, sexual assault, gun(s) ‘allow’ the deranged ideology of the Woke to persist? Because it serves their ultimate Agenda, Global Government by a bunch of un-elected Elites.

Mark my words, the USA Corp ‘election’ is merely an excuse for Civil unrest. Trumpty Dumpty & the Stroke (Biden) are both members of the One World Order club, just as in Canada, and 174 other countries, the leadership has been compromised. The Deputy Prime Minister/Finance Minister of Canada works for a corporation, the WEF, Board of Trustee’s. The rest are Young Global Leaders graduates, traitors. You see? It doesn’t matter who you vote for, it’s a vote for enslavement. See Orwell’s 1984.

Once you watch this interview you will see how you have been manipulated for the past 20 years.

See this video: https://youtu.be/3GE3HoJMEMw?si=ha64v4diU76KDXA5

If this doesn’t prove most of what us “Conspiracy Theorists” (Truthers) have been saying, I say most because the presenter and interviewer aren’t looking beyond the USA tech sector & government.

Agenda 21 is a global coup and all big tech & media corporations globally are a part of it. The interview is 2 hrs long, make time to watch, our freedom depends on it.

Kay Wells

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Jun 29Liked by Alex Ilex

Thanks for the heads up. I’ve started to watch the interview. Will catch up later. I use other search engines. Haven’t used google for years but I am very interested to watch the rest of the interview.

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Jul 1Liked by Alex Ilex

Thanks Donna. If you have a suspicious mind this interview will confirm those suspicions 🙂

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Thanks for that. I actually agree with all you said, I don't trust Trump too and I was exposing WEF globalist agenda a lot here too.

Thanks for your comment and for sharing the interview!

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Jun 29Liked by Alex Ilex

I agree with you 100%❤️🙏❤️

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Jun 29Liked by Alex Ilex

😱 anything is possible!

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Jul 3Liked by Alex Ilex

I have so many issues with the alphabet "community". As a straight man, I do not seek attention from either fellow mankind or the government when it involves my sexuality. In fact, my sexuality is a very private matter, and I am oft called a fascist for thinking that is precisely how it should be. I remember as a young boy in the late '60s and early '70s, when NOW was striving for relevancy. I knew then, as a child, that the only purpose of their demands was to give the government overreaching control over traditional marriage and relationships. It was an orchestrated scheme for people to unwittingly relinquish control to the state. If the state could divide up the family unit, it could devise ways to impose control measures. I understood even then that the primary purpose of this was to create the "two-income" household dynamic. Two incomes meant all the more tax revenue for the state—very important for a government that has a major spending problem. Hence, the faux "equality" mantra that was being bandied about. Equality between men and women may not have been fully recognized at the time, but it was gradually evolving to arrive on its own, without government interference—and would have, eventually, as old Victorian attitudes were simultaneously dissipating during the same period.

Here we are, within the first quarter of the 21st c., and the new "equality" mantra has been all about sexual orientation. Why? What purpose does it serve for the state to directly involve itself into people's private choices involving lifestyle and sexual orientation? Just asking the question should bring a bit of clarity. It is another tax revenue grab by the state. If Bob and Tom's marriage is legally recognized by the state, then governing constructs can be made to dictate the terms by which they must abide and pay for the privilege. It also erodes that pesky First Amendment Right of the Constitution that so frequently gets in the way of the government's steamroller. Primarily, it erases the liberty one has to disagree with an issue that the government has injected itself, under the misleading and corrupted guise of "protecting." If you doubt me, just ask business owners who have lost their businesses and assets, even having gone to jail, for refusing to be mandated into complying with ideologies they, as individuals who should be protected by the First Amendment, have chosen to disagree with. Those individuals have not only been denied their Constitutional Rights, but they have also become targets of unscrupulous people seeking payday lawsuits that have the strong arm of an armed government to enforce the warped perception of "equality." Now, not only must one not disagree with perversions and abuses of long-established law, but people are also being forced to accept the government dictates that undermine the Second Amendment. Do you doubt me? Ponder the reality that the federal government wants to make it a "hate crime" for not utilizing someone's "preferred" pronoun. Is the picture beginning to become clearer, yet?

At the end of the day, despite the squealing of the Useful Idiots, the issues are not about one's gender, sexual orientation, or religious beliefs; it is all about relinquishing individual sovereignty by rescinding their Constitutional Rights, allowing the government to have complete and total control. It is tyranny, pure and simple. Once you give an inch, the government will take a mile, all at the expense of your once guaranteed precious liberties and freedom.

Think about it.

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I agree with your message overall but you're wrong about gay rights though. You have been behind the times with this regard - Alphabet Mafia isn't about gay rights and homosexuality anymore. It doesn't even consist of gays any longer! It comprised of transgenders which is mental illness, of queers which is political ideology, and of 'non-binary' which is a fraud. But not gays. Moreover, they're pretty homophobic and trans the gay away.

State has no need of gay marriage either. Gay rights movement started from bottom to top, by people, gay men because they were really oppressed and prosecuted, and homosexuality was criminalized. Hence, gay men rebelled at Stonewall, and elites had to accept them.

But later elites hijacked gay rights movement with trans and queer to first make it political and second to bring Big Pharma trans agenda there. Big Pharma make billions of dollars on expensive trans hormones and surgeries - that's why they need trans shit. Got it now?

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Jul 3Liked by Alex Ilex

I am not arguing against nearly anything you are saying, as I pointed out my issue is with the alphabet community, which, as I alluded to and you point out, has nothing to do with someone's personal sexual orientation.

However, the state has everything to do with it, as I attempted to detail in my previous response. Before dismissing my earlier statement, just take some time (at least a day or longer) to think it through in minute detail. What you refer to as the 'elites' are indeed the Statists.

Anytime you witness a movement that usually forms within a social Petri dish somewhere in America, Afrika, or France, and that movement suddenly becomes worldwide, whereas the members of that movement somehow dominate the media narratives of the day for months, years, and decades, and, whereas those activists are all parroting the same statements in a multitude of different languages around the world, I guarantee you that movement is a choreographed media show that is being staged by the Statists for their attempt to strengthen their grip on control.

For example, George Floyd was an unknown criminal in America. In the commission of a crime, he suffered a cardiac arrest as the result of a Fentanyl overdose, and he died. The media orchestrated a false narrative that Floyd was instead choked to death by the arresting officer—using the specific narrative that vilified all law enforcement as being systemically and inherently racist. Within a month's time, the name George Floyd became the battle cry for rioting and looting not only in every major city across America but across Europe as well. Do you think any of that was the result of an organic assembly of outrage? Absolutely not. Why would ANY European know or care anything about such a normally insignificant event that transpired in an otherwise mundane city in America? Yet, the rioting and looting took place across Europe by hundreds of thousands of criminals, many who were carrying tens of thousands of professionally printed signs, all saying the same thing, in a multitude of languages. It was bread and circus brought to the public by the Statists (or elitists as you like to prefer to call them). Why? So that governments could implement a greater degree of political authoritarianism and tighten its grip on the policy by enacting perceived "needed" policies—which ended up restricting personal liberties of law-abiding individuals in the name of public safety and condition the public to expect the once unacceptable, all whilst allowing criminals to riot, loot, and burn down cities without any hinderance. It was as if the State was promoting the lawlessness, because it was.

The point is not to compare the two issues as being alike in terms of reasoning, but rather to point out how the State manipulates public narratives en masse that subtly and covertly, but directly, impacts the public's thoughts and attitudes about specific topics for the state's control mechanism. It is similar to the way casinos lure addictive personalities for the sake of gambling away all their money, despite knowing that the odds are greater than sixty-per cent in the house's favour.

If you witness ANY movement that originates on main street USA, England, Germany, France, or even Australia, and that movement is instantly and professionally organised on a worldwide scale, similar in fashion as to how troops are deployed for warfare, it is the result of the State's involvement. The purpose serves only the state and not the individual, the catalyst being the state's desire to implement and exert greater authority.

The alphabet "movement" is no different. In the United States, in the State of Florida, an eighteen-year-old boy was charged with a criminal felony for spinning his tyres on a "pride flag" that is painted upon the pavement of a city street. First, intellectual logic forces an intelligent person to ask themselves why the "government authority" (the State) would paint a pride flag on a street within a major city? Obvious, as it is the State's way of forcing the public to accept something that the majority of people do not give a rat's arse about. Further, why would the State charge a very young man with a criminal felony for leaving tyre marks upon a pride flag (or, ANY flag for that matter) painted upon the PAVEMENT of a city street? Let me know when that begins to make any logical sense, as the idea behind it lacks any basic intelligence. If it were any other street, the young man would have received only a public nuisance ticket at best and reckless driving ticket at worst, ONLY if he was caught in the act. So, why were law enforcement and taxpayer resources wasted on an entire investigation to apprehend and charge an eighteen-year-old with a criminal felony? Again, it is all about the state's desire to exert authoritarianism over the public whilst incrementally devising ways to erode individual freedom and personal liberty.

In the meantime, bake that cake for Suzy and Jan's wedding, or the State will arrest you and seize everything you own! Oh, are you suggesting the First Amendment gives you a right to refuse to bake that cake based on your religious belief? The State disagrees, as the government has exalted itself to be your god and the Rainbow Coalition is today's religious flavour of the day. Now, go bake that cake or face the consequences! Are you arguing with the State, because you suggest the Second Amendment offers you protection to dissent? Go ahead, the State will charge you with a hate crime and imprison you in an effort to silence your voice.

You are correct that the alphabet community is not about gay rights. It is not. However, you are incorrect in believing the alphabet community (or any special interest group of our modern day) has nothing to do with the state. Quite the contrary. The alphabet community is merely today's Useful Idiots of the State.

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Oh, but I'm fully agree with your analysis, and manufactured outrage over George Floyd death all over the world. Agree also about Alphabet mafia being useful idiots for the state, for various purposes.

My mere point was that gays have nothing to do with it any longer and are persecuted for going against ideology as well. For example 12-year-old gay teen is investigated for extremism' for saying there are only two genders and he's gay, not queer. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13581155/amp/Boy-12-referred-counter-extremist-Prevent-officers-school-declaring-two-genders-Im-gay-not-queer.html

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Jul 3Liked by Alex Ilex

I agree.

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Jun 29Liked by Alex Ilex

Alex, you are defeating your own purpose by giving these buffoons too much recognition and a platform. You've (and I'm implying the collective you) have stated your case and once should be enough. There have always been gay men in my life and some have been besties. I had a dear trans friend in late 70s long before it was on anyone's radar. The problem today is that they're shoving their sexuality down our throats at every turn. No one wants or needs that. It's gross and obnoxious. What you do in private should be kept private. Geez. Don't pander to these fools, that's what they want. A little decorum please.

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But I'm not pandering to them, I'm condemning and exposing them in the contrary.

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Jun 29Liked by Alex Ilex

Exactly, you're giving them exposure.

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Well said!

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Jun 29Liked by Alex Ilex

Great short article. Well said Alex.

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Thanks. Yeah, sometimes I like concise articles to make my point better.

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You still misled people even of out of ignorance.

But yeah I forgave you as I said. Peace.

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