yes, I noticed the change. unfortunately a lot of democrats have no idea there's been a change.

They grew up in the belief that loyalty is the supreme virtue; better than honesty, better than self-sacrifice, better than anything. It doesn't matter how much of a scoundrel wears that label, they will be loyal TO DISPLAY THEIR OWN GOODNESS. This matters to them more than truth!

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Aug 13Liked by Alex Ilex

This is what I see top. Totally not understanding how the party they bki m d follow is nothing like the democratic party of 60s,70s. Scary. They left me behind. Probably 15 years back but I didn't notice the severity until they went TDS in 2016.

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Yeah I also started to wake up in 2016. Democrats had betrayed all their previous electorate - independent career oriented women, gays, classic old school liberals, working class, etc. Now it's just illegals, trannies and brainwashed college students for them.

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I'm in a traditionally Democrat area that is changing. It was inevitable -- the Democrat party has left its base behind. I found I have greater success getting my neighbors to think, if I ask questions -- instead of trying to explain anything to them. It's a slower approach but works in northern Minnesota :-)

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Spot on about our woketard left. Any good the left once represented is gone.

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Just a little note that we have a smaller political party in UK called the Liberal Democrats. They play both sides of the political spectrum. I call them LieDoms because they have always lied about everything they can do, only to get your vote. Currently the puppets of Liebour.

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Lol. I lived in Finland for few years and there's a similar party called Keskusra (Center) - in truth they're whores who join whichever winning coalition, Left or right (and Finnish government is formed from winning coalition of parties, it's so-called multiparty coalition but in truth they're cooperatinu only with the party of a similar ideology, so it's still right vs Left plus centrist whores).

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One of the LieDom member of parliament is Layla Moron (an apt name) she always says that she is pan sexual. Which means she doesn’t mind having sex with anyone or anything 🤷🏽‍♂️ the LieDoms as a whole are traitors who actually went to the EU to advice them on how to set harsh conditions for the negotiations on UK existing the EU.

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Pathetic treacherous whores indeed. 'Pansexual' is another Woke scam term to incorporate all their 100+ genders into sexuality. In truth she's bisexual because there are only two genders.

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Aug 13Liked by Alex Ilex

I wish there was a way to share this to Facebook

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I might try though they already censored a lot of my posts and sent a lot of warnings to me so not sure I wanna get completely banned here just like on X because I have some old friends here whom I don't want to lose track of. Well technically we can interact via WhatsApp too but FB gives more opportunities with pics, etc.

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copy the URL to your "clipboard", on a separate page go to your Facebook, then paste the clipboard contents onto a new Facebook post.

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Aug 13Liked by Alex Ilex

Excellent piece! Thank you for the comparisons on how the Left has "evolved".

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Aug 12Liked by Alex Ilex

Good piece. Thank you

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Short Head Clown Version... Nikita Khrushchev has been covering 'It's Just A Matter Of Time' at the Country Karaoke Lounge For The Really Patient for a blink or two... "How Do You Like Me Now" is up next... versus Trump's MAGA Cover of 'It's Your Love' to The Flag...

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Excellent summary! Add UN, EU and WEF active US backing since 2020, and really confusing stance on Israel, Ukraine, Green Energy (west) spewing ever more of evil CO2 (east)😜😉

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Aug 13Liked by Alex Ilex

Thank you. Excellent comparisons. Very true. Scary is what I see. It's like a stamped off a cliff.

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Their focus is self importance, virtue and beliefs of grandeur. They’re as fake as Jill Biden being called a doctor.

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