Jun 8Liked by Alex Ilex

I completely agree. I also think that they do it for attention. They're addicts and the "normal" attention they received on social media just wasn't enough anymore - they needed more of a high - so now they add these "beliefs" to the fire. The only question is when that stops being enough what will they resort to next?

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I'm afraid they had already shown what can they resort to - violence. They're trained militants basically.

That's why it's a bit bigger problem than deranged attention-seeking kids I'm afraid, though both derangement and attention-seeking are huge part of it.

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Jun 8Liked by Alex Ilex

Ah, yes. And with no repercussions the violence is being encouraged. Scary.

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Yeah, violence on their side is encouraged while free speech on our side is suppressed. It's a clown world.

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Yes! We used to be a society, a nation built on rules, on laws, and the expectation that WE THE PEOPLE are dedicated to God, family, and all that is based on the structure of orderly progress, of a work ethic, of a justice system focused on the rights and sanctify of the individual interacting within the mesons, the atomic glue of promise and possibility of the great Melting Pot.

Sadly, the majority of those concepts, expectations , hopes and promise were called into question starting with the so called “counterculture “ destruction of the infantilisation of our young people!

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Add to that wrecking ball of the infantile hissy fit of the hippy movement and those who just wanted to “ tare the system down, down to the ground” and the naivety of the ignorant “educated classes “ who wanted to play God and create a new utopia on earth. This movement was scaffolded thanks to the sirens of socialism ( a doublethink moniker of the real vision, communism!) In the Twentieth Century alone approximately 100 million people around the world perished under that infantile and inept governmental attempt at consolidation of power and “the expected utopia” of total control at the expense of all notions of individualism, prosperity, freedom, liberty, and God himself!

The new gig of both NAZIism AND COMMUNISM Is THE STATE, of course controlled by a dictator or a small “ elite” of the so called governing body, which exists solely at the will of the dictator!

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Finally, I do believe our nation is at a crossroads we need to understand and take very seriously!

The so called justice system and our so called “Justice Department” has

Lost all integrity ! Talk about doublethink!’

The breakdown of civility in our country literally is a predominant factor where we are at the point of civil war !

Thank God the ineptitude of the so called sniper in PA was a spark that might well have kicked off that probably of war, which if the Civil War of the 1860s was an example would be bloody and perhaps totally destructive!

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One last thought: If I hear the dangerous and corrupt comment from another member of one party in our country … “we need to reimagine …” I could scream! That silly slogan is a pathetic attempt to change and thus control the political conversation ! Moreover, that slogan is NOT really sincere, and it is

An abrogation of responsibility and civility!

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Indeed perhaps Civil War is needed even now though it still would be pretty destructive.

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Thanks, very good message, and I agree that globalists now combine Nazism and Communism in their new sick vision of the world. People need to rise up against this shit.

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It is not possible to be on the right side if no one agrees with you

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Yeah that's exactly how they think I believe.

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Weak people with power is the most dangerous thing on earth.

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Actually why?

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Because they inflict their trauma on the world. We become strong with we face our shadow and heal it—The Hero’s Journey—but if we can’t face our shadow we can inflict it on the outside world.

Imagine a tyrannical mother who had never faced the trauma she received from her parents. She now has power over her children and can now reenact her trauma on those under herself to feel powerful.

She doesn’t feel the need to confront her demons because it would be painful, so puts her demons outside of herself and onto her children. They are now punished for the sins of her parents.

Now put her in politics. Her demons can now manifest into another country. Or the world.

Healing ourselves takes courage—we need to see what part we played in the trauma and own it. Even if we were totally innocent we have to see the shadow in ourselves that could turn into a monster if we let it.

A strong woman understands she can be dangerous and yet keeps it under control. Maybe she uses her shadow in righteous anger to protect the innocent instead of using them to give her a false sense of power.

In the end, a mature person is one who recognizes they have both the capacity for good, and the capacity for evil.

This is exactly why the Left hate guns. They refuse to admit they have the capacity to be dangerous. And so they are the most dangerous of all.

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Oh, I got your point now. Thanks for this message, it's actually very deep. I love this conflation of psychology and politics, I believe in collective psychological traumas too (Holocaust, Black slavery, etc.)

But yeah, then Leftist attitudes could be seen in a new light. The Left hate guns because they realize that unlike us they couldn't restrain themselves from unhinged gun violence, so they want to ban guns not to tempt themselves. Makes sense even.

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Look at the pink-haired woke crowd. They can’t resist their mental issues and are now the ones to start indulging in their hate with violence.

The left knows this will happen because they invented psychology with the ‘father’ of psychology being the very sick Freud.

They study human behavior to use it as a weapon against us. It’s common knowledge in the field of psychology that people go into to heal themselves(I was a major myself). They are already pushing their trauma outside of themselves.

Now we have the generations studying Freud handing out pills for trauma that could be healed by seeing that it’s a spiritual problem that needs courage to face not ‘a chemical imbalance’.

Trust me, the people in power know exactly what they’re doing in giving power to weak damaged people.

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Yeah, it explains weak leaders like Biden and demonization of strong leaders like Trump perfectly.

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Agree also that we need you go within to heal, not outside.

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I would like to recommend a book by Loren Easley, “ALL THESE STRANGE HOURS.” In this autobiography, he fleshes out the dynamic you adroitly presented, “ In the end, a mature person is one who recognizes they have both the capacity for good, and the capacity for evil.” Having accepted the reality of this quandary, we all as responsible and ethical beings need to have the courage to accept these realities in our being, and move beyond that understanding to seriously entertain that ethical question, “ What should I do?”

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Thanks for recommendation, and I absolutely agree. We both have capacity for good and evil but it's hard for people to accept that (even for me sometimes), so it's easier to idolize some people and demonize other ones, and both equally wrong.

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Weak people lack a moral compass and hence a backbone to support their own edifice and the edifice and direction of ethics personally and corporately.

Ethics is the answer to the question, “What should I do?”

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Very insightful because it’s true . Operation Artichoke and Operation MK Ultra are actually 5th Dimensional warfare . People need to wake the fuck up from woke .

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Wake up from woke - even sounds cool!

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Jun 8Liked by Alex Ilex

"Wake up from woke" is worth sharing. Thanks for posting it.

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"They know that their views are bullshit. They do not believe what they're saying themselves."

I say this all the time but no one believes ME! "Trans Genocide! Men can really women!" "Socialism works better than free enterprise." They know it is lies. Leftism is not an ideology - they don't believe their issues and "beliefs" are real. Leftism is a social group with a shared goal: Increase the size and power of government and use it to control the rest of us.

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Great points!

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Jun 8Liked by Alex Ilex

Truth is self supporting. Falseness requires external support.

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That’s why I drink coffee

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Sadly I'm a tea person but I guess that is also 'racist' since it came to us from China and India.

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