Just start a campaign, "Islam is right about gay people".

Then watch the drama unfold.

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Would it? Five years ago maybe, but at this point not sure. They don't give a fuck of gay people anymore.

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People on the net aren't most people.

I remember there was outrage about a sign, "Islam is right about women" that appeared in Australia.

The very same vould happen with a sign connecting Islam and gay people.

It'd be glorious if a campaign could be organised.

Such a thing would be career suicide here in this progressive liberal shithole called Ireland.

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Maybe we should try it. Oh, so you're from Ireland? I thought you were from UK..

So did they slaughter 200 million of cows in Ireland to 'meet climate goals' as they planned?

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I'm Irish, sarcasm and being a cynic are ingrained in my DNA.

Thankfully I never went to 3rd level indoctrination camps.

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Anything to appease the anti-western movement.

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Jun 13Liked by Alex Ilex

So agree with you! The generalised wilful blindness to this, as well as the status of women as second class citizens under sharia law - admittedly not as murderous as the attitude towards homosexuals - is beyond bizarre.

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Yep. And don't forget child marriage - legal pedophilia - in Islam, the worst of all.

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Just like jews, gays are on their own. Pink triangle, yellow star. And Jewish voices for peace is barely Jewish and not for peace and gays for Palestine are just stupid.

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Correct. Gays and Jews can rely ONLY on themselves. That's why as a gay man I support Jewish people.

And 'queers for Palestine' are just braindead retards, right.

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Jun 13Liked by Alex Ilex

They don't seem to understand that the Islamic objective is to rule the world and do away w anyone who is not Muslim. By any means necessary. They are uncivilized heathens.

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Yep. They'll be first to die when their beloved Muslims take over.

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Jun 13Liked by Alex Ilex

God willing, that won't happen.

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Jun 13Liked by Alex Ilex


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Gays and Jews should stick together I believe, especially against Islam which hates us both. Muslims would gladly slaughter all gays and Jews if they had a chance, and Western Woke Left would cheer for it just like cheered for October 7th massacre.

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All of the gay men that I know have ditched me for being an Islamophobic Zionist. I think “dirty “ was implied. Pointing out the misogyny, homophobia and antisemitism of the “poor Palestinians “ has really diminished my social life.

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Fuck them all then. They're braindead idiots who would be thrown off the rooftops by their beloved 'Palestinians'.

This is the irreparable damage Woke Leftism us doing to gay brain by the way. Luckily I'm immune to that shit.

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The left is bigoted (those poor brown people,,,,we must save them), antisemitic and homophobic. How did that happen? When did that happen?

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Not sure when and how exactly but I guess when Left began to care of their sick theories like intersectionality and fake narratives like 'systemic racism' more than of real human rights, the Left was lost.

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Jun 13Liked by Alex Ilex

How about the videos documenting the rape and abuse of Israeli women by Hamas and Gazan “civilians”?

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That's too, this post devoted just to extreme homophobia of Islam but there's also sexism, female genitale mutilation, rape and pedophilia - Islamist atrocities are countless.

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Destruction of free societies, plus constant wars.

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Jun 13Liked by Alex Ilex

The reason I mentioned it is because it is leftists who are silent preferring to keep their moslem friends than to say a peep about their behaviour.

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Yeah, it's the point of my post too.

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Jun 13Liked by Alex Ilex

The leftists also blindly embrace the illegitimate government that is currently occupying and destroying our country. They are therefore enemies of the state as well.

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And of its people.

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Jun 13Liked by Alex Ilex

They are notorious for raping women in Western countries they invade. Both historically and currently.

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Not just women, also little girls. They're aspiring pedos.

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13Liked by Alex Ilex

And boys. Let's not forget the innocent animals.

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Yeah, and EVEN dead corpses are subject to Muslim insatiable dicks. Only other men can't be fucked in Islam, literally EVERYONE and EVERYTHING else could. Such a sick homophobic cult. As a gay man I hate this shit so much. Islam should be banned from everywhere and criminalized just like fascism.

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13

I agree. They despise and condemn homosexuality but they like having sex w other men more than anyone else. It seems anal sex is the ultimate prize these days and the vajayjay is just a bonus hole for all men. I discovered years ago that all men are gay and apparently I've been proven correct. 🤦

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If that was true I'm as a gay bottom would have been much more successful in my love life. I agree there are more bisexual men than accounted for, but all? Don't think so, not sure.

Also, Muslims murder gays and fuck everything and everything EXCEPT other men.

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Jun 13Liked by Alex Ilex

As far as I can tell, the Leftist apologists for 10-7 base their excuses on the claim that of COURSE oppressed people are allowed to initiate violence and death against their oppressors. They don’t like talking to anyone who asks them for more discussion, but some of them will. Would love to have these people asked if it’s also OK to rape the oppressors. If so, is it OK if these men enjoy the raping—because how can you square that with having any sort of opposition to misogyny, which I am sure they would claim they do oppose?

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I can't understand how terror could be 'resistance' and even less so rape or homophobic executions. The Left are entirely sick in their heads.

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Jun 14Liked by Alex Ilex

I wonder if in their heart of hearts they know that they too would fall under the knife eventually. What did Churchill say about appeasers feeding crocodile in the hope that it would eat them last?

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Not sure they do, they're too brainwashed for it...

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Jun 14Liked by Alex Ilex

Sadly, I think you’re right. We live in the age of madness.

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It's theater of absurd indeed...

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All extreme groups of people are being used as useful idiots to push one agenda—total control of human beings.

A spiritual war to get people away from God.

Amazing that the more schooling a person has the less able they are to see this.

Says all you need to know about our education system.

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The left will gladly throw their "principles" (and you) aside if it furthers their agenda.

For now, they share the common goal of destroying Western cultures and values.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Having another large group that is easily angered into "mostly peaceful protest" is currently beneficial to them.

I think the unacknowledged (by them) threat of violence is the real attraction.

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Jun 14Liked by Alex Ilex

Thank you. As the hard core lefties themselves say, it’s all about power. I think they believe they can control the chaos to their own benefit.

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Perhaps they even create the chaos on purpose...

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Jun 16Liked by Alex Ilex

The revolution is always and everywhere solely about revolution itself. To paraphrase Lenin, “you have to break some eggs to make an omelette.”

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Jun 13Liked by Alex Ilex

Alternate universe

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The left is anything but silent.

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What do you mean exactly?

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It's not a dog whistle. They are loud, obnoxious, disruptive and overtly violent. They certainly aren't silent.

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Jun 16Liked by Alex Ilex

Yes very true . And the Dutch Gay leader ( very intelligent , great dresser as the best Gays tend to be ) Pym Fortuyn publicly pointed this out . He like his fellow Dutchmen Artist Theo Van Gogh publicly named Islam as the greatest threat to Western individual liberty , threat to basic freedoms for women, gays .

Both Pym Fortuyn and Theo Van Gogh were murdered in response for their courageous opposition .

A few honest liberals Gays and others notices this and spoke against it , most did/do not .

The heard “go with the flow” thing Liberals did and do is to double down that they are “ liberal “, “ progressive “, vote Lib Democrat in USA , New Labor in UK, or Green Party in Europe .

These ( cowards ) do virtue signaling that BLM - BlackLIESmatter and embrace the narrative that the death of some street opioid drug dealer Fentanyl George Floyd is the moral issue of our day ,

Once funny and honest Doonesbury comic artist Garry Trudeau really doubled down on this dishonest Left BS when he defended the Algerian Islamic terrorists in France who slaughtered Charlie Hebdo French cartoonists . Trudeau reasoned that these Algerian Arab Muslim terrorists were victims of French Racism and an artist like him should never punch down. Trudeau did similar cowardly lying when he championed the obvious lie of the University of Virginia fake fraternity rape hoax that was pushed by Rolling Stone magazine ,

And my experience has been to just notice that all these Lib Leftist lies denying anti Gay murderous Islam , Islam bringing back slavery , BLM doing obvious hoaxes like Jussie Smollet - all these sins get washed away in a national presidential election to put in a Lib President like Obama & the Prime Minister of Canada and push everyone to support terrible Woke Hollywood movies .

Those are my observations .

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Well here I 100% agree with all your points, and I appreciate your observations.

What do you think could be done about it?

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Jun 16Liked by Alex Ilex

“ what do you (I) think could be done about it? “

I respond : I ll share some IMO advice from sone men who were/are far wiser and even more experienced in these matters in similar or even worse times again IMO the times we are in are bad and getting worse Kali Yuga

Here s a quote you might like , advice from Gandalf to Frodo as Frodo is starting to despair :

“ Frodo: I wish the Ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened.

Gandalf: So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.”

J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings

True knowledge , Eve giving the Apple from the tree of knowledge to Adam is dangerous and troubling . Adam and Eve were perfectly happy being carefree and unaware like children in the Garden of Eden.

Or look at a guy like Mike Tyson ~ 21, Mike didn t waste much , anytime worrying about the state of Western Civilization , radical Islam or just Islam until he was put in prison for rape .

That s always an option - live for the day , accept what comes your/our way - make the best of things until ….

( this will come in later posts :-)

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Yeah, I really liked the LOTR quotation you cited, you guessed right.

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P. S. You started to get to know me better, Chicago boy!😉

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Jun 16Liked by Alex Ilex

Well , I m 62. IMO a bit older and wiser than … “a boy” :-)

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Well, it's said on your profile that you're Chicago City Boy, I just read it xD

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Jun 16Liked by Alex Ilex


Well done !

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Jun 16Liked by Alex Ilex


Ok as I promised to introduce you to some intelligent , responsible gays ( I m going to include many that are dead now , some just by old age , others because various $&@“ Islamists , anti Western Civilization types took offense etc .

I take it you are familiar with “ Milo Y “ . This one was back in the day when he was a movie reviewer for Breitbart News and something of a David Bowie type rock star in Conservatives circles who are always looking for some ANY artists , rock stars , magic Negroes .


Milo used to be cleaver , funny and had some courage to Wade in to PC Woke violent places like U Cal Berkeley where Antifa would riot attack people who wanted to go see him .

Sadly IMO Milo kind of flamed out , his 15 minutes of fame ended ( did you get that reference ? )

Milo and other “ Gay Conservatives , anti Islamists “ often try to really flaunt their gayness as proof that “ look , I m not a right wing Racist NAZI . I m Gay and part Jewish and my boyfriends are mostly all Black or Arab “

Pym Fortuyn did that some , but apparently it didn t work on the guy ( not a Muslim , just someone that didn t like immigration restrictionists) .

Others who gave dared to discuss the taboo subject of “ noticing “ Islam tend to double down on 100 % support of Israel and all things Js. Tommy Robinson founder of the EDL - English Defense League do that .

I sense you are leaning that way

I hope you are in a good place . It s getting really hot here in Chicago .


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Thanks a lot! You meant Milo Yannopolis? I know him actually, used to like him, but not anymore also.

You forgot Douglas Murray from UK - he's gay and also openly speaks out against Islam and mass Muslim immigration.

Yeah, I believe Jews could be our allies against Islam.

What's getting hot in Chicago though?

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deletedJun 14
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I still believe it's pedophilia between adult males and boys and teens which is more widespread in sick Islamic world, not voluntary homosexual relations between adult men.

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Jun 14Liked by Alex Ilex

I imagine the adult sex has to be very very clandestine. There’s probably a whole hidden world we know nothing about. And probably danger makes it that much more exciting.

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Well, there surely must be gay and bi men in Islamic world regardless of their sick fascist law, do probably you're right.

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Jun 16Liked by Alex Ilex

The worst forms of Islam then and now are like Black prison gangs - they rule by violence , sexual domination of smaller , groups or just smaller people - White jail house sexual punks .

It s not a fair , honest intellectual debate using classic Greek rules of logic .

Islam has always translated as “ submission” .

Are you familiar with the history of the “ Jannissaries “?

These were the elite warriors of the Turkish Muslim Ottoman Sultans .

The Jannisarries were White European men , taken as small boys from Ottoman Muslim Turkish occupied Greek and other White European Christian villages . They were taken as slaves and forced to convert to Islam but prohibited from marrying and having slaves .

They were thus a religious order of supposedly celibate , White Jannisary warrior slaves to the Muslim sultan .

So when the hordes of Islam were battering down the walls of Constantinople and directing the hordes of Islam to sack ( rape, loot and kill as was the conquering Islamists custom when taking a non Muslim city be it Christian , Buddhist , Hindu such as Old Deli India ) the Greek and other European Christians on and inside Constantinople could see , sense those Blue eyed Jannissary warrior slaves directing the attack , conquest .

Being a highly level Jannissary warrior slave back in the day was apparently something to be proud about - sane as being s. F16 fighter pilot “ Top Gun” in the USA Air Force or Navy ( exactly why dies our Navy need their own Air Force ? Does the air force need their own navy ?)

So , IMO in a time of near universal “ Submission” to Islam and other cults , at a time where most everyone is a slave if some kind of. Lot s of people will choose some form of “ submission “ slavery that gives them better food , nicer clothes , opportunities for wealth and travel .

What s the alternative then and now ? Working at Wallmart ?

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The alternative is to fight for our freedoms against Islamic slavery.

I'm familiar with Janissarries and I read they might have been either raped as teens or allowed to have sex with other men but not women as adults.

Either way, it was horrible to use those white boys against their own kin. Not surprised though, Muslims can be very cruel.

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