I think maybe it might be accurate to say that one reason for all of that is that their way of thinking is not based on reason.

I think that their way of thinking is ideological, a kind of an ideological fantasy, like a religion expressed politically, so they believe in some sense that they are the “Christians”, the “good” ones, even if they are atheists, and their worldview is the only one that involves really caring about others. I’m not necessarily advocating religion in my comments, I’m just describing something. To the degree that I could be called religious it’s in an unconventional sense, as is the case with a lot of people.

In regards to the question of being people who care about other people, I can’t tell you how many times I have known progressives or liberals or whatever we will call them are always talking about how much they love humankind, but then are completely neglectful as parents and actually don’t really do anything for other people. Of course that’s not always the case but I find it very noticeable and I find that conservatives are less likely to be that way. Conservatives have their problems also but there are usually very proud family, and very involved with their children’s lives. In the case of the conservative, they may be overly strict or repressive, but they are definitely involved!

When I say I don’t think these progressives are using reason, what I mean is that I think their ideological beliefs are a set of conclusions that they have come to prematurely without thoroughly thinking them through. And then they try to make the facts fit their conclusions rather than their conclusions carefully developing based on a series of observations. So in this sense, I believe they are anti-reason, in spite of the fact that they believe they are the ones who are pro-reason and they believe that they know all the facts. But we can see that they are very selective in their choices about which facts to pay attention to.

So I think all this might be a way of explaining why they attack reason itself when we try to use processes of reasoning. They can’t win in a reasonable argument, so their only tool is to try to induce guilt in the other side through condemnation, and the goal is to shut down the other side with that tactic.

In fact, it’s obvious to me that many of us who identify as conservative are actually the true liberals. But we are not communists pretending that we are not communists. We actually believe in liberty! We are the liberals! Some of us are true conservatives as well. But true old-fashioned liberals and traditional conservatives have had to create an alliance in order to deal with the pseudo-liberals who called themselves “progressives.”

By the way, I hate that term, “progressive.” But it shows that they also agree that they are not liberals. They started abandoning the term “liberal“ after Reagan made it an insult to call someone a liberal.

And as you point out, the animosity is right there in them for everyone to see. So it’s a case of “the emperor wears no clothes,” and if you try to point that out, the emperor tries to destroy you.

Reasonable people don’t do that, as you imply and describe. People who understand the truth of things do not need to get aggressive.

It’s only irrational ideas that need to be imposed on people with hate. That’s because there is no other way for those irrational ideal to prevail. People speaking the actual truth do not need to be hostile. They are legitimately secure in their beliefs. The hostility of people with irrational ideals from the fact that they know they are being irrational and anxious and paranoid about that, which then cover up with rage.

If I watch a debate, and I don’t necessarily know all the facts that are being debated, I am more likely to be willing to believe the calm person, the person that speaks respectfully and reasonably about the other side, as you have described here. The reasonable person simply thinks the other side is mistaken, but not evil, as you have written.

Actually, the way I think of it is that the other side has some kind of ideological “illness.” They’re not evil, they are just “infected” with a “mind virus” of some kind. To me that also explains their behavior, the advocacy of hostility, etc. it’s all caused by some kind of sociological and/or psychological toxicity.

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Jul 9·edited Jul 9Author

Thanks for this long and thoughtful response, I agree with you 100%! Yeah, their ideology is political religion or cult indeed, and it's indeed Woke mind virus.

Same for me - I always mire likely to believe calm and rational persons rather than unhinged psychos.

Actually, mate, you could make the whole article out of your comment as well!

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Yeah, I have a habit of doing that kind of thing, count on it!😆 But I’ve already written a lot of stuff like that on my Substack. Actually I try to avoid getting too political, I tried to comment on things in a kind of abstract theoretical way that isn’t polemical. But I indulged myself on your Substack!😆

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Thanks again, and glad to be of help!

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OMGosh…this, 100%!! Alex, I had an “incident” with my 27 year old niece back in 2020. She is the only child of my oldest brother (I’m the youngest of 4 siblings). My niece has always been a radical liberal. I never realized just how radical until I had posted a funny picture meme one night on fb. The meme was a photograph of a cement wall with spray painted graffiti on it that said “Black Lives Matter”, but someone had added an “o” before “lives”…so it said “Black olives Matter”…it just struck me as funny and so I posted it. Got a few LOLs and funny comments and that was the last I thought of it. A couple weeks later, I noticed that there was a conversation going on (with a mutual family member) and I could see that they were talking to my niece, but I couldn’t see any of her comments. When I searched her name…nothing came up and it was pretty obvious she had blocked me. At this time, I had no idea why or what I had done to warrant her blocking me. So, I reached out to her (via text message) and received the most scathing reply. She called me every name in the book (racist, bigot, etc.)…I acknowledged that we most certainly saw the world and all its issues differently, but we were still family and perhaps we could just “agree to disagree” and I was told absolutely not and was cancelled right then and there.

I have never said a word about this exchange (with my niece) to my brother as I love him dearly and would never want to create a wedge between us. He, too, is quite liberal which is shocking to me and my other siblings. We were all raised in the same home with conservative parents…though my brother’s wife (along with his daughter) is also very liberal and radical. My niece did phone me in April of 2021 after my brother suffered a heart attack to let me know he was in the hospital (he did survive with a stent inserted) and amazingly, she did attend a small dinner party last December that I had hosted for my nephew (sister’s son) who was visiting Colorado from Texas for the first time in about 10 years. I was actually happy to see her and the evening went well…though we’re still not fb friends lol and I haven’t spoke since. I will do everything in my power to make sure none of this ever comes between me and my brother.

So…there is my story that confirms everything you wrote about! There is just something wrong with the liberal brain!

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Horrible story. Proves that's it's indeed a mind virus just like in totalitarian sects when they turn family members on each other. The same rulebook. Democratic Party is a otalitarian sect at this point stealing our kids, a destructive cult.

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I don’t want to try and understand the progressive anymore. It’s a dark dead end and those people are generally unhappy no matter what.

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They do remind me of the hopeless in “ Where dreams may go “ Robyn Williams movie …. Uncannily yes a particular type of pessimist.

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Jul 10Liked by Alex Ilex

I believe Rush said it best when he explained that conservatives believe liberals are good people with bad ideas but liberals believe conservatives are bad people.

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Exactly, he nailed it.

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I like what Frank Zappa alluded to, paraphrasing him , that Politics was the entertainment arm of the military industrial complex. The puppet show to keep people from questioning unity and keeping them divided. Arguing over which puppet is making more sense when the basic truths of reality and the energy of money is completely redundant, as are borders with unlimited free energy and propulsion being given to everyone. Money becomes redundant if people realise we are all one soul in different avatars being ran by psychopaths who believe they are above their other avatars as they are still unconscious to the true reality and fed big spoonfuls of horse shit narratives about “ who things are in the status quo . We are in a war , a the biggest psyop ever pulled off to emasculate men, confuse women , demonise everyone who doesn’t fit in their tight little role plays and basically keep you from getting to know your inner child, your inner Para brahman , your atman is also Brahman and we are arguing about who has drunk the koolaid and who hasn’t when we are immersed in the koolaid and need to wake the fuck up . Band together in true knowledge of the real life not the manufactured competition and division. We keep arguing about things within the confines of the matrix and not fix it at its roots . Disclosure is key to the true nature of reality then the games cease .

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So you are also Buddhist it seems? I'm Taoist and familiar with those ideas and agree we are all one soul in different avatars, moreover, this soul us also in animals and even plants.

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Absolutely Alex , but you gotta start somewhere and your somewhere is pretty interesting bro

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Yours too:) So you're a Buddhist? Or Hindu?

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I would philosophy fit into a Hermetic Daoist x following Vedanta as well as Lao Tsu , Basho, Rumi, Khahlil Gibram , Yeshua , Buddha . Hard to slot into a particular team :)

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So you're familiar with Lao Tzu, I sensed a familiar spirit:) I like many things from Buddhism too, also what Jesus said (but ONLY Jesus, not genocidal homophobic Old Testament or corrupt Pauline theology) and from Hellenic and Hermetic mysticism too.

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Bang on ! Hit the nail ! Nazarean Essene Yeshua aka Jesus of course . Quote I heard something along the lines of we are all one soul and the law of 1 applies as he was a mystic alright , a bodhisatva or enlighted being we all want to be really

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Jul 9Liked by Alex Ilex

Well said!

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Wetiko mind virus is an Native American concept. They believe we have it us settling clans because we aren’t in harmony with our ancestors knowledge allowing entities to create wedges and divisions because we don’t acknowledge our guide’s existence and draw on their knowledge thus allowing mischievous entities from causing trouble and fear which they feed off . Bad spirits are a reality. Rulers can’t measure this stuff nor instruments other than your beliefs.

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I wonder is it coincidence Wetiko mind virus sounds a bit similar to Woke mind virus, and their meaning are kinda similar too...

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I believe so ! Hard nosed reductionists , Cartesian Malthusian disconnected people from source is a frequency or as Ken Wilber stated in his book Spectrum of Consciousness a low level of awareness of self in connection with all the field .

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Jul 11Liked by Alex Ilex

Sort of a broad brush used here. While many progressives are exactly what you described, many are evil and would step on your neck to get their way. Did you forget the George Floyd riots and the Chinese style tactics? Dude, I came from Cuba. Wake up.

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No, I'm well aware of what you're talking about if you didn't read my other articles and notes where I'm indeed discussing how evil they are too.

Here I wanted to show that even better part of them is still a problem though.

P. S. I'm coming from Russia too, so I know.

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Jul 10Liked by Alex Ilex

Yes, it is terrifying.

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Your calling a frequency out that is ubiquitous in humans who’s worship gene is still intact . Critical thinkers and feelers are in short supply, but growing fast .

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That's good actually!

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I often think they may not be souls but artefacts of the head set of this headset simulation we are actually in . A very serious game , to stay connected to the higher self , under more frequency weapons employed to stifle thinking in a focused fashion . I am not infatuated with knowledge or over infatuated with fitting in , but truth it the top card of the game , Heart of diamonds, not the joker , none of my children will ever be Mazare in this game .

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I don’t want to try and understand the progressive anymore. It’s a dark dead end and those people are generally unhappy no matter what.

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I prefer the term “pseudo-liberal” to “progressive.” I understand that there is a history to progressivism and that they literally are progressive in the political historical sense. But I hate using that word because in reality they are something else, but they are not actually “progressive” because this shit isn’t progressing anywhere! The only way for the human race to make progress would be based on reason. I think that some kind of blend of classical liberalism and some kind of conservatism is the way to go.

Conservatism have the wisdom to know that culture needs to progress through a slow evolution, usually not revolution. As we know, most revolutions wind up with a situation that is far more repressive than the system that was rebelled against! Anyone who really understands human nature knows that people change very slowly if at all. Same thing applies for societies. Overly rapid just is not healthy unless it’s absolutely necessary. Usually the people who are in a hurry are ignorant or delusional.

Leftist ideology is in a sense always are almost always based on a belief that a new kind of human being could be created by a new form of government. And of course, the classic example is the Russian Revolution, which started with ideals that may have had some degree of validity or at least idealism. But then the whole society was transformed into something far worse that actually brought out the absolute worst in people. They killed all the capitalists expecting that would improve society but society became far more destructive and corrupt and descended into a sadomasochistic nightmare.

I highly recommend watching the 1965 movie “Dr. Zhivago,” directed by David Lean who also directed “Lawrence Of Arabia.” It illustrates this descent from idealism into sadism better than anything I’ve ever seen. One character starts out as a sympathetic idealist and becomes a monster. That’s why I think of it as a psychosocial illness.

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I'm a Russian and read a book 'Dr. Zhivago' by Pasternak upon which the movie was based but thanks.

Yeah, I agree, there's nothing progressive in censorship and pedophilia, I often call those people 'regressive' instead.

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I couldn’t agree with you more.

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To quote my father. "I wish I was sure about one thing the way you are about everything." You might think conservatives never do anything wrong or bizarre. They never talk about the rampant sex abuse "20 million cases" in America and what could be done. Eg. Catholic Church & Southern Baptist convention. Conservatives convoluted argument against abortion. Is it killing or murder? Where it was put on the ballot even in red States that the populace voted in favor of choice. On January 6th conservatives see nothing wrong with pardoning everyone. If this was antifa Trump would have gunned them down in the streets. And the transgender issue they're just against it in general. The boxers in question in the Olympics are not transgender. Yet, most of the vicious vitriol it's conflating the transgender issue. They should only know the original book burnings in Nazi Germany was one the first acts of violence again sexual minorities and Jews. But conservators should be happy to know that could not be taught in Florida. In Florida like they call that preserving the innocence of children. #pathetic

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We are kindred :)

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Indeed, it's always nice to meet your spiritual kin especially here in the West among Christians, atheists and Muslims.

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