I’m a retired ER doctor and I promise you George Floyd was already fixing to die before the police even came. Remember him sitting in his car complaining of shortness of breath; that’s his respiratory center in his brain stem being knocked out by fentanyl.

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Actually I watched some documentary on it, only don't recall its name... Thanks for commenting.

Then it makes it even worse. They divided us for naught, and condemned this police guy Derek for life for naught as well.

Those people are monsters.

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May 15Liked by Alex Ilex

100%. I was going to write something similar when my phone flipped out.

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Thanks. About phone - happens.

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Preach it Brother! Uncommon common sense is refreshing.

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Thanks! Common sense indeed became uncommon in this age of mass formation psychosis and hate.

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I hate everyone in the intel community, they’re scum.

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Indeed. Truman in his later years regretted signing off on establishing the CIA

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He shouldn't have done this indeed.

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And we know their intentions by what they achieve. Black communities still boarded up. Business gone, and they won’t come back. Ukraine, destroyed. An entire generation either killed, if male. Or, emigrated if female. Ukraine will never recover.

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Yeah, exactly, that's the worst of it. They make money on suffer and death. Ukraine will never recover, and Russia would be stained for long too.

The same furry rulebook they used against unvaxed or Israel - to bring hate and division and to put society into mass formation psychosis state.

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The reason they hate Trump is Trump is non war. First non war President of my lifetime. No war! Can’t have that. Grifting pols and the MIC demand death from war.

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God I love the English.

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You mean English language? Why did my post make you think so?

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No. The British usage of the word cunt versus the American usage.

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Hm, and what iits British usage? Asshole instead of pussy?

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In England, when you would call your buddies an asshole, you use the word cunt.

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Well said

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Great post! I’ve always believed that “united we stand, divided we fall”. If we can come together against anything, we would be victorious. That’s their greatest fear.

That we help each other when they want us to fight. That we keep pushing back, when they want us to give up.

That we research ourselves & learn the truth, instead of listening to their lies & paid propaganda.

BLM did a number on my city in 2020. Many businesses that were burned & destroyed were black -owned businesses. It didn’t make sense from the start. Every time media would give a protestor a microphone to explain their side, goals from damaging businesses, or important protesting objectives, there were crickets. Nothing.

Same with the pro- Palestine protestors now on campuses here. It’s like they hire all these kids to cause chaos & ruckus, and the fact that they don’t really know what they’re fighting against, is a non-issue. Otherwise, why wouldn’t you want the media time, etc.?

You see it on news apps that allow opinions of the readers at the end. I go on NewsBreak & read an article about a “sudden & unexpected”death of a young athlete. There’s always the same 4-5 trolls claiming it’s NOT Covid vax, related & they work really hard to normalize these growing number of deaths. I know the sleazy fake writers by name. They sold their souls for money by defending these poison vaccines. They have blood on their hands too, just like the mainstream media puppets. Why else would you continually defend the Covid ( fake) vaccines??

It’s so obvious & we all call them out on it. It’s been a joy to see others wake up, about the paid trolls, and watch the push back. They will NOT normalize any of this, on my watch. And we shouldn’t let money & power hungry leaders pay others to try to cause division between citizens.

Some have said that the open borders are going to incite civil unrest & hatred against the immigrants. ( along with possible increase in Biden voters, if they’re allowed to vote). That alone could cause civil war against more election fraud.

That’s what the global elites would LOVE. Any excuse to swoop in and create

police states. ( for our own safety, of course.)

United Nations Agenda 30 is alive & well, and moving forward in most cities. Check your

“ master plans” of development in your town.

Then, research Rosa Koire, & learn what you can do to push back. And you’ll want to get involved with this. It will affect everyone. 🙈

- sorry this got so long.-

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