I think you’re overstating the “Trump is a diety who will save us all” mindset of MAGA supporters. I feel many in this group believe Trump exposed the deep state and uniparty machines during his first term, which would never have happened absent his election. And they have hope that he will be more ruthless in paring it down in his second term. His election and Covid opened lots of eyes and ears and brains.

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Maybe I'm overstating it but only a little bit because some MAGA people can't tolerate any criticism of Trump however slight and fact-based.

But my overstating serves its purpose - I want to prevent our side to develop a cultist mentality and a hive mind like on the Left, and to retain sanity and critical thinking.

Also, relying on any Big Daddy however good one instead of ourselves is harmful irresponsible and delusional imo.

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Sep 17Liked by Alex Ilex

Agreed, there are some ppl like that...they would have been in the "Moral Majority" back in the 80s (long story, I do not miss those days). But most are just over the stoopids the Democrat party has had the last 8-9 yrs. I grew up Democrat, that party blows now, not in the fun way. Won't do anything that benefits the US long-term, cause they despise what made this country the envy of the world. But they'll fix that.

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Yeah, I am also disappointed with Democrat Party and I don't suggest to vote Denocrat. My point is to do more than vote and not just hope for Trump to solve everything.

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I agree absolutely. We must every one of us stand up and do whatever we've been given to do to fight this battle, no matter how small and insignificant it may seem. Whatever we are given each day to do, do it with courage and love, stand firm in speaking the truth, be a good steward of the gifts we have been given. For some of us this may just be speaking truthfully to friends and family members who are still blinded to what is going on in this world and country. For others it may be harder and scarier, risking our jobs or our reputation to stand firm for the truth. Every one of us has a responsibility now to stand up, to fight this fight alongside Trump and those others who are leading the charge. Thank you, Alex, for so faithfully doing you part.

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You're welcome, and thanks for your inspiring passionate comment too!

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As for this Trump supporter it’s not that I “can’t tolerate any criticism of Trump….” It’s that publicly doing so undermines his campaign by giving fodder to the cabal against him.

Seeing those GOP names lined up opposing him is the wall of shame Deep State/Swamp he opened our eyes to. As disgusted as I am seeing them actively attacking the one person standing for Americans against open borders & the rest I’m glad we now have a (partial) list of just who they are.

With deep state Republicans, mass media, globalists, corrupt courts, et al against Trump we don’t need more.

Plus I don’t believe anyone I know who supports him thinks he’s our savior; everyone in my circle already has our Savior.

We just believe Trump is the only one who has the courage & guts to stand up against this cabal of destruction & he needs all of us in his corner. Not worshipers, not dependents, but activists on every level promoting his polices & leadership.

(Also clear…. we are thinking folks who research & are informed - not robots - so ewe will disagree with each other & with him at times. I’m saying major on the majors! MAGA & MAHA on Nov.5!)

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Perhaps you shouldn't think in terms of 'any critics of him feeds the other side' - it's a toxic way of thinking which stifles indeed any fact-bases critics. It's how the Left became how they're, hive mind, or mindless cult - because they were afraid to critisize their own not to feed us. Do you want us to turn into the same cultist shit?

Also, one man can't possibly win against the whole system even if he's good and genuine. If you believe Trump could, it's a harfmful delusion I'm fighting against here. Trump already tried to drain the swamp back in 2016 and failed to do so. What makes you think he'd be more successful now when the Left have much more power than back in 2016?

You need also to unlearn a toxic concept that voting is the only thing we could do and start thinking of other ways like general strike and civil disobedience.

Again, WHAT would you do if DemoNrats would cheat again or assassinate Trump? Obey their new tyranny or fight? What if Trump would fail again? Why aren't you even asking those questions? Why ALL you think of is just how to elect Trump and rely on him instead of what YOU could do in addition to voting?

I'm 100% voting won't change shit. Most likely Trump wouldn't even get elected and even if he would, the best he could do is to postpone the destruction a little bit but NOT to stop it. To stop it we people need to rise. We should start doing so by abandoning the toxic delusion that voting still works.

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Sep 19Liked by Alex Ilex

Are you sure he’s up against the Cabal? I believe we are right on path … NWO and Mark of the Beast is written. No one can stop what has been written.

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What do you and your Maga friends think of Trump complaining that Israel doesn’t control the US enough?

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Sep 15Liked by Alex Ilex

I absolutely agree. Trump is not the/my Savior. He is the monkey wrench in the government machine. He can stop their progressive progress for a time. But like Alex says, we must pick up the mantle and move it forward. Having a consortium of big name people like Elon, Joe Rogan, RFK Jr, Telsa Gabbard, and more. Who are on the side of thwarting the left and their agenda. I’m all in with this idea of organizing a new movement away from the 2 old parties. But it would certainly help if Trump gets elected. But if not 😬😬, it’s not the end of the fight!!

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Well said and so true. What if we could get rid of the Executive and Judicial branch, and revise the Constitution to mirror the intent of America’s original Constitution, the Articles of the Confederation? The Executive office could be “Office of the Figurehead” – a diplomatic post with no federal agencies governing domestic affairs that should be in the hands of sovereign states. The Judicial branch could be more like a 50-state council for the few interstate/intrastate issues that come up. Basically, we would be united for national defense and foreign affairs, but all matters domestic would go to sovereign state jurisdictions. Let like-minded people live amongst like-minded and blue states might find that they are running out spending other’s people’s money with the federal funding gone and need to change. And, we would have no presidential elections! And, no federal elections since all Congressional delegates are governered/paid for by their state.

What were the big deficiencies of the Articles of Confederation? A common money supply and lack of communication among the states – not issues today. The problem is, too many politicians and people want to be dependent on the government. As historian Alexander Tytler noted, dependency is the last cycle of any democracy (or Constitutional republic that doesn’t follow its Constitution) before tyranny.


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Absolutely, I'm in for it. I think we people can organize and operate on States level just fine, and let the blue states run out of other people's money and get a fair share of their illegals and crime as well.

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I agree with you, even though I have voted for Trump twice and will definitely vote for him again, I have never considered him a “savior”. I do, however , consider electing him as a means of slowing down and hindering those who are trying to make the country into a communist country.

Having said that, I agree with you that we must fight for our freedoms in this country. It is becoming increasingly obvious that we are way behind in this contest. We have allowed the communist to take control of our most vital institutions and we have allowed them to destroy the divine institution of marriage and the nuclear family.

Now we are in extremis and now we want to know what to do.

I would not want to publicly discuss resistance plans, but simply suggest that we must refuse to consent to be governed by any federal administration that was not duly elected and that does not follow our constitution, even if they were duly elected!!!

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Sep 15·edited Sep 16Author

Yeah, that's my point. It's not that we shouldn't vote Trump, it's about the fact that voting doesn't work anymore, and we should do something else as well.

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We can vote ourselves into the slavery of communist tyranny but we will have to fight our way out of it. We had better make sure that we do not vote our way into it. That is why we better vote for Trump and hope that the election is not fraudulent.

We are on the precipice of communist tyranny. A vote for Harris is a vote for communist tyranny. It is not just that she is a communist. The ones who have been pulling Biden’s puppet strings are communist and they will be pulling Harris’s puppet strings as well. She is a communist but not a capable one. The puppeteers are definitely smart communist. They have successfully fooled the American public for a long time.

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When voting doesn’t work because our votes were either not counted or canceled by a large number of fraudulent votes we have no alternative but to go beyond voting.

Nothing is more important than the integrity of our elections. We have wasted the last four years hoping that we can vote our way out of this mess that was the result of , what many of us believed was a fraudulent election. Even if we were wrong , and I do not think we were, we should have insisted upon making absolutely sure that this election would be fair beyond a reasonable doubt. But we did not do that, did we?

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Nope, people were intimidated by Capitol Hill 'insurrection' shit show and political prosecution. No doubt DemoNrats would prepare something like that now too but we should NOT be intimidated this time.

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Exactly. This time we must resist and refuse to be intimidated. We can shut things down. They know it. It is time for American people to intimidate the government. We both know that the “shit show” you reference was not an “insurrection”. Those fools could not stop a real insurrection.

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Exactly! Stop reading my mind by the way lol.

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I agree. And today it is going to be difficult to discuss the different things we are going to do because doing so will give those fraudulently elected people inside information.

I will state that anyone who has ever done any kind of leading other knows that the success of their leadership depends upon the consent and cooperative willingness to follow.

Any and every administration depends upon our obedience whether it is willing obedience or forced. We do not have to consent to be governed. We can and must exercise civil disobedience.

Take COVID as an example. We could have rejected the vaccines and we could have refused to obey the “mask Mandate” and we could have gone to church in defiance of the orders to not gather for worship.

What would the feds do if practically half of the nation refused to pay taxes until they investigate election fraud?

What would they do if we had elected enough courageous representatives that would refuse to finance the government until our demands for legislation were met.

There are many way to refuse to be governed and I will not discuss them all. But we, in my opinion, should be prepared to refuse our consent to be governed by any one fraudulently elected. They depend on our obedience and I suggest that we not willingly obey them.

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Yeah absolutely, you're reading my mind. We people are majority and they can't do shit if we'd all disobey. They'd have to make some concessions to us at least then. Sadly, most people still can't think beyond voting.

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Sep 15Liked by Alex Ilex

I ask myself this question everyday. Trump can’t be the only one. If he wins, he needs to build a coalition FAST. That is what I was hoping Project 2025 would be used for. The DeepState beat him to the punch and made it radioactive. He’s losing before he even wins. If he loses, it’s over anyway. The feckless republicans will never win anything again. Like Dan Bongino likes to ask: “Is it bad enough yet?” People will only act when things are bad enough. Not yet, but we’re getting there. Keep your powder dry. 🇺🇸

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No, it's not over if he loses. People could rise. General strike or grassroot movement.

By the way, Trump distanced himself from Project 2025. Might be strategic but what if not?

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Sep 23·edited Sep 23Liked by Alex Ilex

MAGA, which Trump claims to be the greatest movement in the history of the Republic, all brimming with personal can-do confidence, is strangely lacking in self-confidence as a people. Many with real combat experience-- those we expect to set and enforce boundaries, borders, and standards-- are simply standing down, paralyzed to fight back against the massive invasions of rights, security, privacy, elections, and autonomy unleashed by the Harris-Biden Regime. And those who claim to be leaders simply lead us to their next rally, podcast, book, interview, etc. Both the regime AND its putative opponents have succeeded in "atomizing" citizens, turning us into a mass of isolated individuals, unable to work together, to confide in each other, or do much of anything at their own initiative.

The result is predictable: the population becomes weak, lacks self-confidence, and is incapable of resistance. As Americans, we need to confront our WEAKNESS as a people who have been outsourcing their fighting to our elites and their professionals since VietNam, get up and take a few punches. Because all we are doing now is getting kicked while we are down.

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Why don't you lead us, Harvey?

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That is the Achilles heel of MAGA: forever looking for The One. We have no lack of self-proclaimed Ones from afar. What we lack is the Many who we know, like, and trust from nearby. I can only lead in my own sphere of Know-Like-Trust; you must lead in yours. Hopefully those spheres will grow and connect as you find your unique leadership role in this great cause. Gene Sharp’s Little Red Book— “From Dictatorship to Democracy” helped me get started. I encourage you to check it out… All the best!

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Sep 23Liked by Alex Ilex

It feels like the only way out of this mess is to ditch the electronics and live as simply as possible. Interact with the local community and lead the charge from there at a grassroots level. Older citizens are already doing it because they remember when it was actually like that. Younger folks are going to have to learn the hard way

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Sep 24·edited Sep 24Liked by Alex Ilex

MAGA thinks of the Left as a kind of Medusa that its hero (Perseus /Trump) is going to behead with a single deft blow. It's more like an infestation of weeds that started out in a corner of the backyard and has now infested the front lawn. You've got to get in there and yank them out one by one, and then build a turf that keeps them from coming back. Fastest way to do that in your community is to defeminize your male friends and neighbors. Guys are sick of Woke BS ordering us to raise our boys as defective girls, and are dying for company to say it in. Start a Toxic Masculinity Tribe that gathers at your place to watch sports, barbecue beasts, build things, and play cards. Great place to reconnect, support, mentor... and plan greater things!

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Nailed it !! Save yourself weak-willed people ! WAKE UP!!!

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Actually no, most of us who are voting for Trump don’t have a savior complex. We’ve just been around long enough to know ( when I was born Truman was president), that he gives us the best chance to change the direction of the country’s Progressive march off of the cliff. Life can often serve up some challenging side dishes of irony with our entrees. We’re well aware of Trump’s character flaws, but for fucks sake he’s clearly our last best electoral chance to save the nation. And do I come to this because I’m a slavish devotee in a personality cult? No, just a wizened senior citizen who somewhere along the line learned to separate wheat from chaff and has learned there is no perfection. But in the spirit of cheekiness and irony, and in my zeal to ‘get out the vote’, I will borrow some slick rhetoric from a two term former president who still has his legions of brain addled devotees. “ We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.”

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Well, Trump had his chance to save America already back in 2016, yet he failed, why? Note that first two years from 2016 to 2018 he had BOTo Republican House and Senate at his disposal - a unique opportunity to bring a change! Yet it didn't happen. Why?

My point is that we perhaps should unlearn the old concept that voting is the only thing we could do. Nope, voting doesn't work anymore. All system us completely hijacked by the WWF billionaire elite and Big Corp like Black Rock and one man even if he's genuine can't possibly defeat all that.

Hence we should stop looking up to Trump and take our future into our own hands. General strike. Grassroots movement. Civil disobedience.

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Seems to me Trump had some good ideas but he was ill-advised by bureaucrats of and agents for the alphabet government departments, eg Fauci. The minions of these departments refused to follow Trump's explicit directives (as they had previously done for other presidents) and hence the Swamp had to be drained. Hopefully if he gets a second chance he will be better advised by experienced and capable persons such as RFK jr and many others. Maybe he will also receive better support from the core of the Republican Party.

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What if not? What if he'd fail again? Or even won't get elected?

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If he fails again USA is in deep doo-doo's! ...and so will be the rest of Western World. - for some maybe that will be a good thing. Here in Australia there is a saying "... when USA coughs Australia gets pneumonia.!!.." Our politicians (Left and Right) have allowed US influence to pervade, if not invade, every aspect of our governance to the extent that now USA. has gained sovereignty over several Australian military bases (naval, land and air force) that may house nuclear weapons - we don't know exactly because the US military has a "...neither confirm nor deny..." response to any enquiry.

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Didn't know this about Australia. That's sad. Almost no sovereignty then.

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Some regard Australia as the 51st state of USA.

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Not flattering to Aussies I guess. What's about New Zealand, is it 52nd second state too?

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NZ belongs to Pfizer because the US and NZ are the only countries that permit pharmaceutical advertising on TV.

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I have to agree with you on many points!! I keep saying this to many of my Christian friends that no matter what happens, only Jesus Christ is our ultimate power and strength! Whether you believe in God or not, we have to come together as people and see through the division that the elites want for us! We have to realize no matter who gets in office, they cannot save us from everything and maybe not from anything! We have to rely on our communities by helping and supporting each other and get actively involved not just sit on sidelines waiting for someone else to save the day!

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I was really confused about this article and I agree with you (and subsequently the original poster). community is our strength

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Speaking from the opposite side of the pond, we don't have a Trump figure to love/hate, but the question is still valid. How do we live in a world that increasingly does not allow deviation from an imposed narrative that is bent on our destruction?

I think the answer begins at home and works outwards: yourself, your family, health, fitness, education, debate, connection, and a certain amount of fearlessness in asking difficult or even apparently stupid questions.

As Matt Thornton says, the martial art BJJ works because it is 'live' -you can't fake it, you can't rehearse it, and you can't pretend it. So endeavour to live life in the most immediate, authentic and scrupulously honest manner you're capable of. Be 'live'.

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The millions of followers Trump claims to be the greatest movement in the history of the Republic, all brimming with personal can-do confidence, are strangely lacking in self-confidence as a people. Many with real combat experience-- those we expect to set and enforce boundaries, borders, and standards-- are simply standing down, paralyzed to stand up to the massive invasions of rights, security, privacy, elections, and autonomy unleashed under the Harris-Biden Regime. This happens when a regime succeeds in "atomizing" its citizens, who through the institutional psyops have been turned into a mass of isolated individuals, unable to work together, to confide in each other, or do much of anything at their own initiative. The result is predictable: the population becomes weak, lacks self-confidence, and is incapable of resistance. As Americans, we need to confront our weakness as a people who have outsourced their fighting since VietNam, get up and take a few punches. Because all we are doing is getting kicked while we are down.

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Couldn't agree more, deeply appreciate both your comment and sentiment, and thanks for your support!

It seems we're minority here - majority can't think beyond election even if directly asked what would you do in case of another stolen election.

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Absolutely. You have reached a point many of us are at, but you have stood up at the right time and sounded the trumpet. God is using you as a Gideon to this generation, and if you want to know what REALLY being in the minority is like, read Judges 6-8. But DONT just say you're going to "pray about it" like these milktoast megachurch evangelicals, or I won't believe you. Everybody's praying, nobody's doing shit. And grab everything you can by Gene Sharp before the regime figures out it's about them. Start with Dictatorship to Democracy. You'll see this has happened before and what to do. Thanks again!

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I'm not even a Christian, man, I'm a Taoist and agnostic. And I also hate when people say 'I pray for it' and 'God will protect us all' - yet another excuse to do nothing and to outsource their agency to another Big Daddy, this time a supernatural one. I'm fed up with this. We're really similar in this way.

This being said I do not dismiss the Bible prophecies especially in the Book of Revelation - I take them as some kind of code which hacked the reality. An interesting approach Christians told me lol.

I take seriously your comparison of me with Gideon and am honored too, thanks!

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God uses the most unlikely people, including you. I'm pretty sure he is not using Mike Johnson, Mike Pence or Jim Jordan.

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Lol me too, and I'm not fully sure of Trump as well at this point.

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Everybody's time comes and goes... don't miss it!

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Praying one thing (and it's important for sure) but action is another thing (equally if not more important then prayer. God will give you everything you need, you just have to act on those gifts)

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You can't think your way to right action. You have to act your way to right thinking--David Milch

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Thanks for writing this. MAGA movement's lack of agency is appalling. On every front-- border invasion, lockdowns, vaxx mandates, trucker convoys, debt ceiling, Trump Trials, Ukraine-- opportunity after opportunities to grind this dictatorship to a halt has been squandered by a generation whose fathers and grandfathers crushed Naziism, who themselves gave lives and livelihoods to defend other people's countries, but are paralyzed with fear to defend their own country. MAGA leaders are no better. Fixated on monetizing their subs, book sales and hawking physical gold, they have forgotten that with thousands of followers comes the responsibility leading them.

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You're welcome. Yeah pathological unwillingness to do shit and hope Trump will do everything for them is a problem.

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"Whenever people need a hero we shall supply him" Albert Pike

No one is coming to save you.

Start at a municipal level and work your way up is my strategy.

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Exactly! You're my man, feel exactly the same.

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They are going to rezone my municipality and tax is off our land with these WEF NWO plans.

We have warned our elected officials the old farmers are sharping the pitch forks up.

We stated we are not renting in some 15 minute getto shoe box.

Everyone has to organize on a ground level and work their way up.

In my community case the elected officials have caved and agreed that each region will form a group. These community members to look at the areas and we decide what we want our taxes set at and any zoning changes. This is up to us now.

Hopefully they stick to their word.

If not they better have thick hides and know how to degrease their nice cars and homes

We are collecting barrels of used motor oil and🎈s

Everyone has to do the leg work.

Bitching and complaining on a keyboard isn't going to solve the current problems we are facing. NO ONE is coming to save us!

They will sell us out for a few pieces of silver or the promiss of being promoted if we don't stop them this time.

My X president the WEF young global leader escaped and given a crush job in a foreign university.

VP now a paid UN member and spokes person.

Health minister a WHO advisor and board member.

You can't make this shit up!

We have learned a few things and not taking a knee this time.

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Yeah, great, a huge win for your community! Which state is it by the way? In Europe farmers are also rising same as in Canada but in US people are still looking up to Trump to save them, it's delusional I believe.

X President, did you mean Elon?

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Latin America.

Ex president, Vice president, Health minister and others all fled the country after the plandemic. They all have high zoot, chushy positions all over the world for the roles they played.

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So it's not better in Latin America with this regard. Sad, very sad.

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Sep 17Liked by Alex Ilex


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Sep 16Liked by Alex Ilex

Yes - good observation . The Left takes the long view , the long March through all our local institutions . (White) Conservatives put all their tine , money , hopes and prayers in to electing some Presidential savior riding in on a White horse to …

Save them, us .

This is especially true for Christian religious right folks .

Even in landslide Presidential victories like Nixon in ‘72, Reagan in ‘80, ‘84 not much changed . A US Conservative ( White) President doesn t control any media , academia , not really the Central Bank or high finance ( Larry Fink , Soros, Goldman Sacks )

The Washington Post Woodward and Bernstein negated a Nixon 49 out of 50 state landslide victory in ‘1972 counties versus IMO a trivial Watergate scandal where no one was killed or raped . Mire people died in the back seat of Ted Kennedy s car than died in Watergate . Roman Polanski personally drugged and raped more underage girls than were raped in Watergate .

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Yeah, exactly, you're spot on. My article is against this Messianic religious attitude when people believe just one man would save them all and all they need to do is to elect him into an office. That beats me. It didn't teach them that Last time the same nan failed to do so. It doesn't occur to them that it might not be in the power of one man even to defeat the whole corrupt system funded by trillions if dollars. They still can't think beyond voting, and it's just sad.

Had you seen comments to my article? Most comments are like 'what do you propose, to vote DemoNrat?' So people don't even PRETEND to think beyond voting and to at least consider what are they gonna do if Trump is assassinated, not elected or failed again. Nope, all they think of is 'Trump 2024'. At this point it's just tragic.

And how are we gonna save America and the world when most people aren't ready to do anything but vote? Apparently if Trump isn't elected they'd just despair and give up because they put all their hopes in him.

Perhaps it's religious thing indeed. As not a Christian, I'm not affected by this toxic kind of thinking. I'm not waiting for 'Savior' or 'Messiah' and take my future in my own hands. I wish more people were like me. But when I try to wake them up, they misunderstand me and react defensively and defiantly because I dared to suggest that Trump can't save us all, sigh.

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I think it’s a good shout out Alex and you raise a good point. Thank you!

However, I see it more as a choice between total darkness and total darkness with a ray of light. I’d go for the latter….! Makes one stumble less along the way?

Yes the whole process is about people becoming autonomous and independent, mature, self-regulating people within the collective, but because of what the system is you do need to vote to choose a lesser evil.

See it as a stair step on the way up, allowing yourself and the collective a better launch pad into greater autonomy and independence.

There could be a stair step in Trump reforming the binary voting system into something new for example. Kennedy endorsing him was a stair step into that direction. A new council of Elders - call it what you will. Just no more bipartisan American election madness. Evolving into something higher, better, more rounded. But it won’t work without having someone in office who would be open to enabling that... Someone with enough of a “ya why not…!?” attitude with some balls to try something new. And I can guarantee you that Ms Cackles and Mr China sure as fuck won’t do that…!

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Yeah, sure, I don't discourage people from voting for Trump and he's definitely a lesser evil compared to DemoNrats.

My point is we should start thinking if something more than just voting at this point - e. g., civil disobedience in case DemoNrats cheat, assassinate or brive Trump, etc.

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