Jun 18Liked by Alex Ilex

Whether it's 'racism' or any other word used to accuse, intimidate, denigrate, control, or manipulate another person by inference it's bullying . No matter how often used to try and slander another it is not necessarily the truth. It's a word that has been WEAPONIZED and thus should hold absolutely no weight. It has never bothered me that someone who will sink so low as to throw around accusations can and will use any other number of unfair tactics to gain an unfair outcome. The only control we have over this bullying behavior is not to give any credence to it, just ignore it. It follows that what someone incorrectly accuses you of is usually an indication of their own failing.

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18Liked by Alex Ilex

As these words are over- and misused they become more meaningless and nonsensical. This process takes some time but we're already at the point where being accused of 'racism' barely matters to 60% of the country. It seems to mostly matter to comfortable professionals and knowledge workers (graphic designers, teachers, professors) and I would argue that this is because many of them have guilty consciences. While I do not believe that progressive values help black people, if I DID I would feel like a hypocrite! Complaining about white privilege while benefitting from one's background and education? Complaining about policing while one lives in a safe neighborhood? Complaining about academic inequality while one jealously guards the quality (and exclusiveness) of one's children's schools? Complaining about racism in mortgage appraisals and economic inequality while one benefits from high property values and good credit scores? On every single point the rhetoric of progressives demands radical and urgent action: redistribution of wealth and privilege and opening up of institutions, like workplaces and schools.... but they don't want to do this.

On some level they know that they're full of shit but they DESPERATELY want to be seen as allies. This is why they care so deeply about language and petty, manipulative insults like this. It's a reflection of their own hypocrisy and insecurities. Incidentally this hypocrisy exists on almost every issue: the rich Westerners worrying about emissions, the married feminine women complaining about gender norms, etc.

This is where progressives should be attacked. Call them hypocrites and they will have nothing to say. Do it enough times and they might actually reckon with the inconsistencies between their worldviews and their actions!

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Very well put too, thanks for your comment!

I do hope you're right and that if we'd expose their hypocrisy often enough, they'd finally reckon with their countless inconsistencies but I'm afraid they're too narcissistic for that and completely lack any self-awareness.

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Jun 18Liked by Alex Ilex

For me, it is a fear, similar to what you write of. I want to put a sign in my window, supporting the candidate I will vote for. BUT, I will not. I fear my window will be broken by a stone, thrown by someone, who dislikes my choice.

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Yeah, I understand. Even I with all my bravery don't reveal my personal details and don't put my photo here.

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Jun 19Liked by Alex Ilex

You’re cracking me up…Dick calling out Pussy!!! 😂

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I don't see yours here either.

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Right, cause I'm a pussy racist, like you.

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Own your racism and homophobia!

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Racist, transphobic, etc., etc.. Divide and conquer is working for tptb who are perpetrating this woke nonsense. Great article! ⭐⭐⭐

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Thank you for reposting this. I needed to read this- after being called all sorts of names by some lefties because I don’t march in lockstep with them. They keep using words they don’t know the actual meanings of, it’s just meant to quell any discussion or dissent.

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You're welcome. Just ignore those assholes, they're just manipulative bastards whose true goal is to control you and to submit you to their ideology.

You know in your heart you had done nothing wrong, so stay true to yourself sad say loud and clear Fuck Off to Woke bullies.

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Maybe it is age, but I truly don’t care anymore. My people know me. If they don’t, they are not my people.

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We see you, fellow racist.

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I am not proud to be called a racist. But, I do know when I am debating someone and they start to resort to calling me racist, homophobe, transphobe, xenophobic, or any other word that rolls off their tongue, I have won the debate. It's over.

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I'm proud to be called a racist!

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Jun 19Liked by Alex Ilex

Exactly what I'm weighing up. The word has been drained of meaning anyway.

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Jun 19Liked by Alex Ilex

I am THIS close to just walking round in a “Yes I'm a racist, so what” T shirt.

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Maybe you should even do it although might be unsafe, depending on your neighborhood.

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Great post. Remember the words of the late, great Andrew Breitbart when someone calls you something..."So?"


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Great words indeed, thanks!

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Jun 19Liked by Alex Ilex

Thanks Alex…I’ve been called racist because I often use the word Retard…what the hell does that even mean? How is retard a racist word? My answer is usually, go look it up in the dictionary or google the word, and then I walk away…laughing!! People can be so RETARDED!!! 🤣🤣

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Bringing "retard" back.... I love it!

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Jun 19Liked by Alex Ilex

James…Well Said

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I think I am racist…I’m racist about ignorant people and the ones who ACT stupid but you know they aren’t

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They keep on using that word (racist)…I don’t think they know what it means!!

…Inigo Montoya

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Oooh, I'd love to hear your definition!

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It’s not exciting…it’s really boring and slow 🤣

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