Jul 28Liked by Alex Ilex

Speaking as a former atheist, I appreciate your account of the recent history of satanic motifs in our culture. I differ a bit from your “rebel yell” interpretation, although I would have agreed in the past. Looking back from our current full on satanic displays, I see the earlier portrayals as incremental steps in a progression to a complete inversion of morality, humanity, love, and goodness. Satan is out in the open now. Years ago, I would have laughed at that statement.

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P. S. But yeah I also feel you, ten years ago I would have laughed at my current sentiment. Now, it's not that funny.

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Jul 28Liked by Alex Ilex

It's inappropriate, at the very least at anytime in history.

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Well, I still believe in the past it was a rebel yell because it was not mainstreamed also but underground, but our evil Satanic elite might have picked up on it. That is, they saw that many young people accepted satanic imagery as a part of rebel culture, so why won't people accept them as a part of mainstream culture too?

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The ‘rock and roll’ sign is also the ‘thank you Satan’ sign. I am with Lone Star on this. It was baby steps roping in rock bands to promulgate this belief. If there is a Satan obviously he takes the long view.

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I still love rock music though and disagree with you both. Rock music was genuine, it was from the bottom to the top rise. What we are seeing now is pushing of satanic agenda from top to bottom. Quite the opposite.

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Jul 28Liked by Alex Ilex

Just wondering, about Rock being from the bottom up, have you seen the articles about Laurel Canyon and the connections between Rock and the US Military, for ex. Jim Morrison’s father, David Crosby’s family, Timothy Leary and the San Francisco LSD experiments and Charles Manson?

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Nope, didn't heat, but that's disturbing. But the Doors isn't all rock though.

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Agreed. But once rock approached the top it was co-opted.

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Yeah, here might be. The same was with gay activism - it was genuine and cool and from the bottom to the top rise. Trans shit is being pushed from top to bottom in the contrary.

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Jul 28Liked by Alex Ilex

Not all of it.

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One of the reasons I love sub-stack is that most of the writers question. Love all the questioning here. I think they are not hiding it anymore because they don’t have to. Just like no one is hiding their anti-semitic agenda. It is the safe? They have caught us with our guard down. The question is what do we do next?

Did you ever think that we would hear Hitler’s agenda so freely on display?

To even add to the distraction they say Trump is anti-semite. If you look closely to the white supremest movement. There are several very organized groups they blame Jews for everything they are a world order ( a matrix that runs the world quoting). It sounds insane but even they admit that Trump is part of this matrix he loves the Jews. His daughter is married to a Jewish man and converted.

Love your questions! My father said question everything. My children have been raised to continuously question.

Thank you for questioning. Religion or not Satan has always represented a consistent agenda of death, destruction and lies. He is a master deceiver we can see this running theme in various global organizations. Satans story is he wanted to be God and could not be. I such a parallel in the middle east.

When we question we unravel and we reveal.

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Jul 28Liked by Alex Ilex

Christianity and Judaism are powerful, but also more peaceful in their reactions, as long as it isn’t out-and-out actual armed aggression. You certainly cannot say that about Islam/Muslims. Are Buddhism and Hinduism, etc. too far removed from the global powers thought processes? Displaying Satanism/Devil worship I think is an attack on Western cultural values. Very popular right now and, of course, supported by leftists and globalists.

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Jul 29Liked by Alex Ilex

The divide between those who truly believe and follow the gospel of Jesus Christ and those who worship the world has never been more clear. We who follow Jesus know the world will always stand against us, but in the end, Jesus will triumph over all evil.

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Jul 28Liked by Alex Ilex

It will persist until Christians and others of good will change the channel and stop patronizing businesses and entertainers that mock and hate them. For some very odd reason this seems to be a big ask for many Christians, even evangelicals. It would help if their preachers would find the courage but many are afraid to risk offending or challenging for fear of losing “butts in seats” on Sundays. Quite pathetic.

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The evangelicals are zionist chills.

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Jul 28Liked by Alex Ilex

Satan would be bloody embarrassed by this piss poor display

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Good point too, they fucked up even that. Maybe it should give us a hope.

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Jul 28Liked by Alex Ilex

I think this has opened many eyes and sponsors are dropping out at a rate of knots,fuck them all,I'm so over this crap I really am!

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The overlords have always told us THERE IS NO GOD AND RELIGIONS IS FOR RETARDS. We then became godless or never stressed our faith. Now, the overlords openly admitted to us that they worship Satan? And I go WTF? IF THERE IS SATAN, THEN THERE IS GOD! I will chose God, and will fight the satanic pieces of Sh't.

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Jul 28·edited Jul 28Author

Yeah, they kinda contradicted themselves. Satanism is quite a leap from atheism.

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Jul 28Liked by Alex Ilex

Great balanced article. I just ask myself is this the new French culture, EU cultural diversity everyone must recognize? The WEF Great Reset defines itself with this imaginary? Macron praised the director. Darkness is darkness, it’s not Light.

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Exactly. No matter whether we're Christian believers or not, evil is still evil, and what was shown on the Olympics was evil, and an ugliness too but no wonder since evil is usually ugly.

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Wow, I’m very pleased to know that there are others out there in cyberspace who recognize the WEF, CFR, UNSC and the like as the globalist elite who wish to exert their control upon our lives.

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For many decades the culture, philosophy, education, science founded the idea of THERE IS NO GOD. Accordingly most of us who wanted to fit and be accepted by the society at large DESIDED to comply. They simply deemphasized their faith or even rejected God. Then, covid came and the woke Marxists openly revealed to us that THEY WORSHIP SATAN. We therefore decided we forgot God for many years, but now IF SATAN EXISTS THEN GOD MUST EXISTS. Hence, wemust chose side? I chose to go back to god.

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I think it's otherwise, it's more of powerful ideas of good and evil. Satan represents evil and God - goodness. In this sense, they do exist. I might disagree with some parts of what is attributed to God in the Bible (like homophobia, condemnation pf homosexuals) but there's no doubt that OVERALL God still represents goodness. And, if they had openly chosen to worship evil, we should oppose it with goodness indeed.

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There is surprisingly little in the Bible that is anti gay. In one sense there is nothing anti what we know as gay in the Bible. One line, possibly.

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Most of anti gay stuff comes from the Old Testament snd Leviticus and was then recycled by Paul. Jesus himself said nothing against gays. Sodom and Gomorrah story was a misinterpretation - it was about raping an angel, and angels are sexless in Christianity, not male, and rape isn't a voluntary sex acts anyway. To judge gays based on Sodom story is the same as to judge voluntary gay love by prison rapes.

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Jesus says surprisingly little against sin. Lots about not judging others. And forgiveness. The stoning of the adulteress woman was about not judging. Not really about adultery.

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I only say ‘surprisingly’ because of the emphasis on it in modern Christianity.

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There’s actually a lot of stuff in the Bible against homosexuality. It was a rampant practice in ancient times and led to a lot of problems and many of those pagan societies were either conquered or failed. There were other reasons too of course but it happened time and time again. It’s definitely in there.

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I have found five statements. One should be translated as pedophilia. One deals with male temple prostitution. Two deal with Christian communities who strayed away from Jesus. God made them

Go crazy and women began to sleep with women. The fifth was ‘a man sleeping with a man is an abomination’. But, the word abomination had a different meaning at the writing of the KJV. It meant ‘something others do, not what we do’. It has come to mean something else. The only other thing is the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. And that really isn’t about Sodomy.

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Jul 28Liked by Alex Ilex

Bravo 👏 What you wrote is the greatest analysis I’ve read! Thank you 🙏

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You're welcome!

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Jul 28Liked by Alex Ilex

Don’t be too ready to disassociate Marxism from satanism. May I refer you to Paul Kengor’s 2020 book The Devil and Karl Marx. A bit of an eye opener.

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Ok, thanks, but Marxists still preach atheism mostly, not satanism.

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Atheism is a tool to make Christians leave Christianity and become godless. Just as geouze continue to believe. The Bolshevik burned churches, and never synagogue or mosque.

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Jul 31Liked by Alex Ilex

They love evil and darkness because Satan is their father. They hate Christians because they hate Christ and anything good. Darkness hates the light because it exposes truth. What is happening in the world today was foretold long ago in the Bible.

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As a single white fifty something Jesus believer, my Muslim friends agreed that God is LOVE!!! The Sam Smith demonic looking fantasies and Olympic stunts are meant to divide us!! We must stand firm in God not allowing any distractions (including political flaunts) to lower our guard!!

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Jul 28Liked by Alex Ilex

The answer lies in Romans 1:18-32. Please ‘Seek the Lord while He may be found: Call upon Him while He is near.’ Isaiah 55:6 😇

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Jul 28Liked by Alex Ilex

Kudos to you. I'm relatively new to Substack, for me it's your best post so far.

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Thanks, I really appreciate it!

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The occultist/Satanist and the totalitarian look very different on the surface, yet there are strange similarities. Both groups use their own types of propaganda to get their messaging out. Both groups will try to shock you into fearing them. The both aspire to eliminate or remove the ideas of the family and practicing of faith that is not of their acceptance. Both of these groups want others to live in chaos and declining values, to push their own agendas. Both groups desire agendas that are unharmonious to others. In my opinion, they serve the same master.

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You might be correct.

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