Excellent essay, the democrats have been planning their decent into tyranny for 110 years and the Republican Establishment is joining the woke leftists and leaving their conservative grassroots. Together, they have formed a suicide pact to destroy the Constitution. There are great people on the right and left but their leadership has betrayed them. Rand Paul, Sen. Hailey

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Thank you!

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Disagree. I'm a Republican & my party hasn't changed on freedom or human rights. We supported both for decades. The Democrats however, have changed & for the worse. They used to support both & now they don't

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Sorry, but I disagree. Republicans opposed gay rights and gay marriage out of their religious fundamentalism, and thus they were against human rights and freedoms, because gays are human, and have a freedom to love and marry each other.

Republicans still didn't take this shameful stance off their platform even if they are not against gay marriage anymore and Trump even hosts gay weddings.

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There is no right to be a sexual deviant. You have a twisted idea of human rights w/ all due respect. .

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P. S. Luckily Trump whom you claim to support doesn't share your barbarian prejudices and hosts gay weddings at Mar-a-Lago instead. So you're a fake Trump supporter and will have no place in Trump America. Go to some Muslim Shariah shit hole instead, they share your barbarian homophobia just like other barbarian sick shit and terror.

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I'm sorry but gays aren't 'sexual deviants', their sexuality is natural snd widespread among animals. Your barbaric sick homophobia is deviant and won't be tolerated.

And yeah you just proved my point - you're a sick fascist tyrant refusing basic human rights and freedom out of your sick fundamentalist ideology. You're a fucking hypocrite too who had no moral right to speak of freedom and human rights when you deny them to those whom your sick ideology doesn't like. You also force this ideology down our throats. So fuck off, tyeant.

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LOL. The only tyrants are those who are shoving their perversion onto the rest of us & forcing us to accept it as normal. There is nothing normal about it. I'm not a so called ''fundamentalist anything. You seem to be nothing but just another woke leftist. PS. There is no such thing as ''homophobia.'' Nobody is afraid of gay people. & no, I don't hate gay people either. Good day sir.

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It's you who is forcing your sick ideology down on everyone. I don't care what you think of gay people, your delusion is your problem, but I won't let you take the basic gay rights away from me. Because if you're trying to do that, you're infringing on basic human rights and freedoms. So stuff your ideology down your arse snd don't force it down on others.

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I don't give a rip what your sexual proclivities are, sir. I'm not against you people. If anything, you seem to have a problem w/ people of faith disagreeing with you. Nobody is trying to take anything from you.

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Fuck off

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Whom are you addressing?

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So to be clear Democrats are Anti-Abortion, Anti-Gay Marriage, Anti-Environment, Anti-Labor and Anti-welfare. Republicans are Pro-abortion, Pro-gay marriage, Pro-Environment, Pro-Labor, Pro Social Security, and Pro Welfare. I’m not sure “exact” works in this context.

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Democrats are pro vax mandates, pro climate mandates, pro child sterilization, pro online censorship and pro war. That's enough for me to condemn this party as fascist tyrants.

Republicans are not against gay marriage those days, Trump hosts gay weddings and supports us. Democrats have no right to say anything on abortion when they denied us bodily choice with regards to fake and harmful Pfizer 'vaccine'. Democrats are pro billionaire and not pro labor, and their 'social security' is totalitarian control.

Also Democrats are anti gun but pro crime.

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So to be clear they are not the “opposite” in any major way that’s discernable to the naked eye. L

Republicans are against abortion, a central issue in the last 20 years, and democrats are pro-choice. True or not? Simple question.

Democrats support environmental regulation, true or not - and republicans oppose it. Simple question.

Republicans were against gay marriage, and were forced across the country in different judicial contexts to recognize it - true or false?

Democrats still overwhelmingly favor gay marriage. True or False? Simple question.

Democrats support expanded voting capability, hours, mail-in voting? True or False. Republicans support more restrictions on voting, true or false.

I can go issue by issue if you want; but the claim that Democrats and Republicans are their “exact opposites” becomes shakier and shakier.

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Apr 8·edited May 13Author

You really wanna get into that?

Democrats are anti-choice because they are pro vax mandates while Republicans are against them. Your abortion example hence means nothing.

Republicans aren't anti-gay marriage anymore so your argument goes down the drain too.

Climate carbon fraud pushed down by WEF billionaires has nothing to do with environment but with their billions they get out of fraudulent 'green energy' - Davos gets 50 trillions dollars out of it, I could share the link.

Democrats are chief warmongers now and are pro perpetual genocidal war in Ukraine while Republicans are pro peace.

Democrats are anti gun and hence anti freedom.

Democrats are pro censorship and anto freedom of speech.

Did I miss anything?

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In summary: I asked a simple set of questions based on the headline of your article “exact opposite”. You couldn’t provide a single case of “exact opposite.”


With respect to a variety of topics which are the headline issues for both parties for at least the last 10, 20, 30, even 40 years, you haven’t provided a specific answer to how on the primary topics the parties support which is their “exact opposites”. Your assertion is unsupported by obvious facts.

In the case of



Gay Rights


Voting Rights

You cannot provide a scintilla of evidence that democrats are “the exact opposite”.

Further, with respect to:




Gun Control

Civil Rights

Minimum Wage


Infrastructure investment

Financial Regulation

Social Security

Immigration Reform

Your statements would imply that Democrats oppose all these various goals.

Factually stated, they don’t.

Democrats have failed to support gay rights and women’s rights in existing legislation with their support of “gender” and “trans”, but in doing so they are following terrible statements made by conservative institutions such as the AMA.

Democrats have chosen poorly to support “equity” rather than “equality” via new forms of racism, and that’s entirely their own doing.

Similarly, a simple examination of the Republican party’s position on the same topics is roughly the same as far back as the Eisenhower administration.

The two parties overlap to a degree on international free trade; national defense; national security.

The Republicans have several areas which are not congruent to Democrats among which are; Energy Independence, “Law and Order”, national debt.

Last I checked Republicans are not against reducing the national debt, energy independence or law and order, though.

Republican federal administration has proven able to dramatically increase debt.

Seem to have elected officials and self-identified party leaders presenting criminal activity in ways which seem to ignore the rule of law, the constitution, and local law force.

War requires a special callout, challenging your writing. Factually, for the last 40 years the US entry into hostilities against foreign governments has been solely due to Republican administrations and usually halted at the hands of Democratic administrations.

Reagan and Bush I entered into three conflicts in our hemisphere, And Regan entered into a conflict with Lebanon in the 80’s additionally.

In the 90’s Bush entered into the Gulf War, and the Somali conflict, which Clinton closed only to enter into engagements with Bosnia, Haiti, and Kosovo.

Since 2000, Bush II entered I to a 20-year-long engagement in Afghanistan which was ended under Biden, the longest armed conflict in US history. There was also the Iraq war, 8 years, begun under Bush II and ended under Obama. Obama supported air strikes against ISIS and intervention in Libya, and support for the Yemeni conflict. Trump supported conflicts in three theaters his entire administration, while Biden still has active anti-terrorism efforts ongoing against ISIS and has ended Yemeni support.

In short both Republicans and democrats have supported conflicts, Republicans in total far more years of active war than democrats including war efforts without precedent in US history. The shortest conflicts imitated by Democrats, the longest by Republicans and ended by Democrats.

I don’t see many Democrats entering into 28+ years of armed conflict.

I’m not a historian, I have a long memory and can look up facts easily. I have read party platforms, and read a few hours a day across many subjects.

Your statements aren’t factual, and while you dislike COVID era restrictions, comparing them to Nazism is hyperbolic and ludicrous since it implies the same for all of Europe and China, which are hardly Nazi-like, Democrat controlled or influenced. The major COVID restrictions occurred equally among Democratic and Republican strongholds at the onset of the pandemic, and all interstate covid restrictions (flight, hospital) were structured entirely under a Republican administration.

Do read.


There you go - pro-labor, civil rights, women’s, lgb rights, financial regulation…


It’s all there - anti-gay, anti-abortion, pro-gun, anti-regulation, anti-healthcare

Just stop a moment and consider how what you write is supported by facts.

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I provided countless exact opposites, you just ignored them all because you wear am immense blindfold.

Democrats used to be anti-war - now they're chief warmongers.

They used to be pro freedom - now they're pro mandates and pto censorship.

Used to be pro choice, now pro bodily intervention.

Used to be pro gay, now anti gay because they're pro trans, and trans movement is homophobic.

If there are not enough exact opposites for you, I dunno what's wrong with you. Ignore my points just one more time and I'd stop replying because talking to a person with a blindfold ignoring everything you say is useless.

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Alex, if I can call you by first name, the Republican Party publishes in easily readable form they are anti-gay marriage, the defining gay rights issue of the last 30 years, after having sex was decriminalized. Please read their platform and the Democratic platform. It couldn’t be clearer.

I’ve supplied more than 16 instances where the Republican and Democratic Party position is exactly the same as it has been for the last decades, and in fact supplied documentation as to that effect.

You need to do detailed reading.

Lastly one can be both for X and Y, where in some cases X and Y can seem mutually exclusive.

Y doesn’t cancel X.

One can be for Gun Control and for Law and Order.

You can be for labor and for free trade.

You can be pro-business and pro-regulation.

You can be for women’s autonomy and for trans care.

You can be pro religious freedom and for gay rights.

You can be pro minimum wage and pro-business.

Again, hyperbolic rhetoric and black-and-white statements don’t serve your arguments well.

I’ve adresses 16 platform points, and pointed out that there has been no change in those specifics which are the Majory of the projected Democratic model of governance.

I invite you to address 10, or 5, or 3, and cite exactly what the platform is, what it was, and how it has “exactly reversed” for both republicans and democrats.

Democrats are strongly pro gay rights, stated precisely in their platform (fact), their actions are consistent with pro-gay for the last several decades, the secretary of transportation is a married gay man with a child celebrated in federal circles, yet you claim they’re anti-gay. Your interpretation is your own I tethered to reality of facts. Hillary Clinton: “Gay rights are Human Rights”.

Republicans at a minimum are anti-gay marriage in their own word (fact), have consistently been hostile towards gay rights for decades, support religious extremists which would happily re-criminalize gay existence. Republicans have actively passed laws limiting gay speech (fact) in just the last 12 months.

The current speaker of the House has stated “homosexuality is a ‘inherently unnatural’ and ‘dangerous lifestyle’ that would lead to legalized pedophilia and possibly even destroy ‘the entire democratic system.’

Your interpretation of this as “exactly” pro gay is nonsensical.

And I’m only speaking gay rights.

Guns. Abortion. Taxes. Regulation. Healthcare. Voting. Environment. Labor. Social Security. Welfare. Minimum Wage. There is no “exact reversal”.

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deletedApr 8Liked by Alex Ilex
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Thank you so much!

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