Great summation. ‘Their’ objective is not to create happiness but engender division that leads to ‘revolution’. Woke is really just Marxism on that analysis!

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May 19Liked by Alex Ilex

I’ve always said that based on this paradigm, the grand wizard of the KKK would be oppressed if you dropped him the middle of Beijing

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In you view what is the purpose of this "uppending of normalcy"? What is the end goal?

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There are two end goals. For the Woke Marxists themselves, the final goal is always revolution - cultural revolution in this case manufactured via chaos out of destroying normalcy.

But Epstein billionaire friends funding the Woke want to use this 'queering' to de stigmatize pedophilia as an end goal, and that's even worse than Woke cultural revolution.

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While I see those contributing, it still doesn't quite satisfy me. Chris Rufo breaks down the Marxist agenda really well but I struggle to see that the elite really believe that as opposed to just seeing it as a means to an end. I wonder how much of Yuri B's "demoralization" is playing a role here. I also wonder if some of it could be an emergent phenomenon that nobody is really intentionally pushing, kind of like pluralistic illusion.

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And why aren't you satisfied with those explanations?

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May 21·edited May 21Liked by Alex Ilex

I suppose the main reason is I just don't see these as meaningful enough end goals. My instinct is that these are features of a larger phenomenon.

I struggle to see the complete re-engineering of society just for the destigmatizing of pedophilia. I imagine many pedophiles with influence are quite content to operate in the dark while the uninfluential ones are just hanging on with their mental health concerns. While this may be a less functional example, heroin addicts never made much progress towards the legalization of heroin, modern day (non-addict) liberals are doing all the work there.

In terms of the Marxists, manufacturing chaos and destruction of normalcy don't really seem like goals. I am happy to accept that these Marxist types may be more process driven than goal driven. I am not sure the they are even in control though; I feel like they are probably the useful idiots.

Clearly I don't have answers myself, which I why I am interested in others' view on the subject. In my mind @cjhopkins, building on George Orwell's work, has probably painted the most plausible big picture. The western totalitarian state after conquering it's only real external enemy is universalizing it's ideology internally. The ideology itself isn't even that important, much of it may be transient (or even random), the important thing is that all must adhere to the doctrines no matter how absurd. The important thing is not actually what we are being asked to believe (Marxism/ pedophilia etc.) for next week we may be asked to believe the exact opposite. The important thing is that we believe. Rinse and repeat multiple iterations (each time shaking off the non-compliant) and what you are left with is a populace that follows in perfect unison.

One thing I always wonder is how much of this is deliberately being orchestrated by human beings and how much of what we experience are part of emergent phenomena, driven by a variety of more vanilla incentives such as politicians doing whatever they need to to get re-elected, echo chambers forming in response to censorship etc.

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A scary ‘end game’ that you’d think is not possible. But pedophilia was normal’ during ancient Roman times.

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Back when I was growing up, I’m only 57 by the way, the word queer meant something like, “oddly weird”. The word gay still mostly meant “happy”. I don’t like this co-opting of words to mean something they weren’t originally meant to define. I think this is partly the reason for why many if not most people have problems with the alphabet squad. Unless it directly harms us, others, or our children, most normal conservative types of people couldn’t give a damn what others do. We are tired of the co-opting of what we used to like. For instance, I come from an old family in that my great-grandfather served in the US Civil War. One of my favorite songs is, “When Johnny comes marching home.” I can’t sing it because the younger generation doesn’t understand that we’re all going to be happy when Johnny comes marching home. Sorry that this seems a bit disjointed. I have a bunch of thoughts that I can’t seem to put in a decent order.

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