May 4Liked by Alex Ilex

It just infuriates me how many gay men STILL continue to cheerlead for the trans Taliban/Nazis and insist they/them are our ‘allies’ and have zero clue as to their true sick agenda to erase the gay! I’m listening to KGAY from Palm Springs on streaming radio right now and every other advertisement is ‘trans this, trans that, we love our trans community!’ I’m sick of it.

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Yeah, those gays are either brainless idiots or are benefiting from this shit. Either way it astonishes me to see those suicidal trend - they're openly being transed away and cheer it. Imbeciles.

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I wish more spoke up like you Alex. G-d bless you!

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May 7Liked by Alex Ilex

Don’t send your kids to any of Americas shit schools.

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May 6Liked by Alex Ilex

I spent five years writing a semi-autobiographical fiction novel about my crazy experiences as a ten year old girl in the early 70s. We lived in a neighborhood with many gay men and drag queens. There were no other children in the area, so these people were my friends. They looked after me, as I was neglected by my parents. Never ONCE did any of them molest me. I was, however, molested by straight men that liked to “cruise” the area.

I was 99% complete with my novel when this LGBTQ+++ crap started, and I abandoned it. I didn’t want my story to be politicized in the event it was published (although quite unlikely, but still).

My heart goes out to the REAL gay community. These “activists” turned it into an utter clown show. It’s disgusting.

So glad to see people fighting back! 🙏🙏🙏

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May 6·edited May 6Author

Actually, your cool novel not getting published because of those sick cultists is one more example of irreversible harm they're doing to all our society, sigh. And yeah I know gays and drag queens aren't child molesters, Woke gender cultists and actual pedos, Epstein clients behind them, are.

You know, as a gay man, I used to like some androgynous public images blurring the lines between sexes because it might have looked cool like in Tilda Swinton or David Bowie cases for example but now after all this insanity started, I renounced that too. One more tragic loss.

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May 6Liked by Alex Ilex

Right, the harm done is far reaching. Almost every family I know with multiple school aged kids say one or more of them is “trans”.

All of our institutions have been infiltrated by Marxists.

I guess, for them, we had all become just too accepting of one another in recent years. Can’t have that, can we (eye-roll).

The people I knew back then were glamorous as hell! The queens took pride in their presentation, and many were paid performers before it was even popular. And they experienced REAL hatred and violence. I worry also, that this recent circus show will thrust us back to that kind of sentiment.

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That's my concern also, that's why I'm standing against this Woke Marxist crap too.

Yeah, gays and drag queens of old also had great sense of humor unlike those Woke humorless permanently outraged assholes.

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May 9Liked by Alex Ilex

Here’s a thought boycott all the pride parades, if all that’s left is the groomers and weirdo’s then at least you’ve moved away from shielding and protecting them from public view.

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Yeah I think decent gays and lesbians should start boycotting 'Pride Month' altogether and moreover campaign to either reform or cancel it altogether as well.

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Yes, this lesbian has also been saying this to anyone who will listen for years now. Unfortunately that’s almost no one in the “community”. The groupthink is unbelievably strong there. In my opinion, this doesn’t have so much to do with the stance of most LGBs (or even Ts) as it does with the psychological characteristics of those people who feel the need to loudly declare they belong to a “community” based entirely on who they sleep with. In other words, I’ve noticed that most LGBs are not actually involved in the “community”….we are just living our lives while the least psychologically-healthy claim to speak for us. That’s why it’s so important for the sane among us to speak out. I do this whenever I can when talking to my straight friends. I warn them to watch out for what their kids are being taught and not to feel it’s homophobia to not want their children to be taught about sexuality by strangers. That’s just standard safeguarding.

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May 5·edited May 5Author

You're making an interesting point. Yeah, perhaps it's the most mentally unstable and attention seeking even among LGB who are drawn into a 'community'. Most of us didn't have any need of 'community' after gay marriage was legalized. I believe LGBT movement should have disbanded right after that because it fulfilled its ultimate purpose, but because they wanted more funding, they got along with trans bullshit to get it, and this is how all this shit started...

I personally don't want cringe minority of 'activists' speaking on all LGB behalf. They never should have been allowed to do that. Their purpose was just to win legal battles against discrimination of gay people (yeah and trans people too sigh) and for gay marriage, and that's ALL. No one gave them permission to speak on our behalf.

Yeah, I also don't like it when adults speak to kids of sex and sexuality in details - doesn't matter of gay or straight sex actually, it's equally unacceptable. Sex ed in order to teach teens HIV prevention and such might be necessary but very carefully monitored, taught by actual experts and not activists, and ONLY for high school graders, and NEVER for primary school pupils like they're trying to do now.

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May 5Liked by Alex Ilex

Totally agree with everything you said.

To your point about the movement seizing on trans “rights” to keep itself funded…I have a memory from circa 2014, right before gay marriage getting legalized. I was in San Francisco in the Castro. My girlfriend at the time and I saw an HRC store front and went to check it out. They had soooo much merchandise in there. Good quality, expensive stuff in a massive beautiful storefront in a prime location in one of the the most expensive cities in the country. At the time, I thought it was cool and we bought a few small things we could afford. Looking back, it sends chills down my spine when I realize that of course an organization taking in that much cash had every incentive to cast around for another cause after they won a year later. Even though that cause has turned out to be destructive in almost every way to the country and people who have most accepted LGBs into mainstream society and is literally mutilating a generation of LGB children.

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Don't feel bad about buying their merch, I was doing it even back in 2017. I mean it looked cool and was kinda in support of my rights. Trans corruption wasn't that obvious back then - it became alarmingly obvious later, in 2019. Also for example in Russia where my adolescence was spent there was no such things and gay rights at all, so was cool for me. Though with hindsight I also think now I should have known better that to trust someone who is making shit load of money on me.

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TY! G-d bless you too for it!

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If you are looking for a reason to believe in a living Devil roaming the earth weaving evil webs look no further than Islam and the various homo perversions now being entitled by OBiden et ilk.

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Not homo perversions mind you - queer pedo perversions. Gays have nothing to do with that, and we're appalled by this shit no less than regular straight people.

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