Part of it, on a lower level, is that FEAR has been pushed for 20-30 years. We have a generation raised on fear, and the idea you can get through life without any bumps and bruises. Protection at all times, at any cost, for the slightest of painful possibilities.

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Yes. Our government rulers create "emergencies" and "crises" to scare the sheeple. Governments say that they will protect us from attack by other nations, while the governments of those nations say the same thing to their people. Governments create wars and most crises

"Sheep spend their lives in fear of the wolf, only to be eaten by the shepherd."

It isn't climate change or overpopulation or foreign governments that will eat us, it is our government and politicians. The rich people are mostly evil; but they too are subjects of the government. No, it's the government and politicians "shepherds" who will be the death of us.

"Man is born free; and everywhere he is in chains. One thinks himself the master of others, and still remains a greater slave than they. How did this change come about? ...view of Hobbes [that] ...the human species is divided into so many herds of cattle, each with its ruler, who keeps guard over them for the purpose of devouring them... As a shepherd the natural superior to the sheep of his flock, so the shepherds of men, i.e., their rulers, are naturally superior to the peoples under them."

Jean-Jacques Rousseau, The Social Contract (1762)

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May 25Liked by Alex Ilex

When the government fears the people, there is Liberty, but

When the people fear their government, there is Tyranny!

Thomas Jefferson

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Very well said too, both of you guys! Proud of such subscribers!

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So the next few tiers down fell into place easily.

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That's too. Fear and gullibility were instilled in people together.

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May 25Liked by Alex Ilex

Money talks to crooks ready to take a bribe. How much to buy a mandate from that den of scum and villainy?

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To actually see how this is malevolent, you would have to admit to a conspiracy and then suffer being called an insane fool and probably ostracized by your friends, family and colleagues.

Who is willing to risk the end of life as they know it to point out what is considered foolish.

But, yeah, the world is finally seeing the connection to one malevolent group and they use money to get their way.

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May 25·edited May 25Author

Luckily my family supports me, I don't have an official job anymore and don't care of retarded opinions of treacherous 'friends' who were erasing me from their lives because of politics any longer too, when I have my family support and my Substack and X community support too. So could tell the truth unlimited lol.

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Having steered my husband away from the 💉, I now have a lot more credibility for my alternative views on reality.

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My former boyfriend unfortunately got the vaccine sneakily behind my back and had his immunity decreased and suffered from flu 5 times a year after he took the shot, before he didn't suffer from it for two years in a row despite a 'raging pandemic' around. Poor fool just was afraid he couldn't get to his favorite music gigs without a vax...

He's not my boyfriend anymore. He betrayed me in some other personal more serious ways but it's ironic that if he was treacherous and dishonest about the vax, he was then treacherous and dishonest about other things too...

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May 26Liked by Alex Ilex

What is foolish is caring what people think about you. You have no control of what others think.

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May 25Liked by Alex Ilex

Perhaps this was the thrust if all those meetings in Davos??

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It is said that what a person thinks about you is none of your business.

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May 25Liked by Alex Ilex

The old phrases and maxims have stood the test of time.

“Follow the money. “

“Everyone has their price. “

“I am so deep in sin that sin doth pluck on sin. “

“The only thing to fear is fear I self. “

“Fact is stranger than fiction. “

“The love of money is the root of all Evil. “

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I always follow the Money - the best advice ever!

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May 25Liked by Alex Ilex

A strong majority of murderous thugs.

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It has always been easy for me to believe all the insanity is from shear malevolence because I know my bible, and I understand completely what is happening and what is to come. It is not good, but also if you are on the right side, it is very good.

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Actually there are some benefits of being a Christian over us agnostics, didn't think of it, thanks for your comment!

Well, luckily my intuition and natural suspicion and mistrust of the authorities helped me to put 2 and 2 together too.

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Big money may buy “ everything”, but it won’t buy me. It won’t buy my soul. I won’t lie for you, harm for you, or murder for your dirty money. I won’t. Those that will, won’t be judged by me. My forgiveness is all I owe the worst of the worst. God expects nothing less than what HE gave us. GRACE. Your love toward others will bring these evil Satanists to their knees. They can’t fathom this with all the divisive propaganda that’s been thrown in our faces.

Race, religion, politics, & gender in question, are just a few examples. Open borders, gov. waste, corruption of all agencies, more stage 4 cancers, bad economy, more crime, more lies on tv news, and more sudden deaths, are almost normal now. Almost.

Mistakes were not made. Everything was premeditated & planned, probably longer than imaginable. Fauci has a note near the back of Kennedy’s book; The Real Anthony Fauci, that is titled “ Dr. Fauci’s March Madness Bracketology Picks”. After 2 decades of mostly fake diseases, the global pandemic that is doodled in the center, CORONAVIRUS. The word Champion , under that, signed T. Fauci 3/20

This is a game to the planners. I will forgive them of their ignorance & evil. I WILL. I haven’t yet, but I will. Truth & love will conquer all. Yes, we need to acknowledge the crimes & yes, we need to work together against these immature, power driven globalists. The spiritual war has begun.

Protect your soul & get with God. HE has never lost a battle & wont lose this one. HE is not cowering, either am I. Love God, & love others.

The elites hate that! 😇🇱🇷💕 Truth wins.

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Thanks for a thoughtful reply. I didn't actually think about forgiving those monsters but perhaps you're right, then our hearts would be clean from their malice.

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May 25Liked by Alex Ilex

Clifford, Arlington, Buckingham, Ashley, Lauderdale. CABAL. A clique (often secret) that seeks power through intrigue. This occurred in late 17th century England/Scotland Under the reign of the debouched and devious Charles II. It was in effect the first rule by a cabinet ministry. The word cabinet is itself interesting. A small secret/ private closet - an inner room of a palace or aristocracy house as opposed to the public state rooms. Ideal for intrigue and plot and conspiracy.

Just one illustration from history. It also illustrates that Evil always likes to show off its cleverness with the first letter of each of the members spelling out the word CABAL they couldn’t keep in a secret they had to show off to let others know how superior they were and this is the way Evil always undermines and subverts anyone who touches it.

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If they were incompetent they would be fired not promoted. Promotion means they did the job they were hired for.

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I'm not convinced by this. After WW2 there was Vietnam, Iraq, Iraq again. And we lived in constant fear of nuclear annihilation from the Soviet Union. The world is made of competing elites who form shifting alliances. There could be more to covid than we were told, but I don't think there is one single organisation controlling everything.

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USSR is gone for over thirty years and we live in unipolar world since then.

I'm sorry but I'm sure you're wrong, I've done enough research to say this with confidence. There IS organization controlling our everything, and it's called World Economic Forum which gathers in Davis annually to plan their shit. They gather in the end of January and global shit like COVID or Ukrainian war usually start straight after.

WEF elite has enough money to buy all media and international organizations. For example Bill Gates controls WHO via funding it with two funds - of his name and Gavi.

All our governments are infiltrated with WEF agents. Trudeau, Macron, Putin, Zelensky - almost everyone has WEF ties and either a current WEF member or former one. There's also WEF Young Global Leaders program which trains their loyal leaders - Putin and Merkel were first to graduate from it. Hence Putin isn't really our enemy, he's just one more WEF puppet.

It might sound insane to you but it's all facts Google and fact-check. Putin knew Klaus Schwab WEF leader since Early 90s, and it's Schwab who installed Putin in Kremlin to begin with. Google WEF and our politicians WEF connections. Also, always follow the Money, and thus you will find the truth.

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