It was always left wing, totalitarian, oppressive government.

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Absolutely true. If the leftist totalitarians take control of the corporations (as we now see in the US) that doesn't suddenly make the leftist totalitarians free-enterprise loving capitalists. It makes the people running the corporations leftists.

What makes the left the left is the desire for more government control over the rest of us. The right aren't the right because we defend "rusty old" rules. We defend freedom when it is attacked by the left.

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Agreed. Well, I mean if the right goes extreme, it seeks just fanatical defense of the 'rusty old rules', but the Left seek totalitarianism.

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Yes. As Barry Goldwater said (and was severely trashed in the leftist media for saying), "Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice."

If it weren't true, there would have been no American Revolutionary War, of course.

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The goal of socialism is to subdue the individual in favor of the group. This is why the left is always putting us into groups.

The individual comes from within while the group-think comes from without. We are either masters of our own fate, or subject to outside forces.

This is the main different that I see.

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Im currently reading the Rise and Fall of the Third Reich which explains in detail the socialist foundations that made up the group originally. Promises around social programs were one of the reasons they came to power. The Left did a masterful job of identifying the Nazis with Skin Heads and “Far Right Wing Extremist” even though there is not much connection at all.

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Exactly! Even on later stage, Nazis kept some Leftist anti-capiralist agenda but initially they were 100% Left!

We need to expose the Leftist fraud and to call Nazis by their proper name - National Socialists - again.

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Jun 11Liked by Alex Ilex

Calling someone “ you re a Fascist” is IMO the same as other ad hominem attacks “you re a Racist”, “ you re a NAZI”, “ You re a liar” , “ you re an as& hole”. If you oppose these mobs , oppose the system and the Powers that be , they will call you names . Get used to it - just an ad hominem attack.

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May 25Liked by Alex Ilex

This was demonstrated during the Scamdemic, when the Left imposed lockdowns, mask mandates, vaccine mandates, vaccine passports, and mass censorship of any dissenting opinion or information. Neil Young proposed putting the unvaccinated into camps. But as Neil Young prophetically sang “We’ve got a kinder gentler machine gun hand”.

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Yesh, COVID scamdemic illustrates my point just perfectly, thanks for bringing it up.

Was really disappointed with Neil Young by the way although used to like his music in my teens.

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May 25Liked by Alex Ilex

It was an amazing psyop they used on the Left. They should have been the ones against experimental vaccines. Traditionally the Left is opposed to big corporate control and opposed “the man”. They are against Monsanto, fluoride, GMO’s, and putting non organic foods into their bodies. So how do you get them to put 10 experimental jabs in their body? Very simple actually. You appeal to their ego and arrogance. You say “You Lefties are the intellectual, educated, smart people. You believe in science, and those ignorant hick people on the right believe in God, and don’t believe in the science of Evolution. They’re just ignorant, uneducated, trailer trash. But you’re so much more educated and intelligent!” And just like that, the very people that should have been the most wary of what goes in their body, rushed out to demonstrate how intelligent and superior they are. Checkmate!

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I was wondering the same during scamdemic actually - how come the same people who used to speak up against the system and state overreach had turned into 200% system simps? You explained it just fine.

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May 25Liked by Alex Ilex

Read about Edward Bernays. The father of “public relations”. He helped the tobacco industry get women to smoke. Appeal to the ego. “You’re smart, independent, and sexy”. And just like that he doubled their market.

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Didn't actually know, thanks.

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Yeah, 100% accurate as well. Tells us everything we need to know of rotten Leftist (in) human nature.

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This is a good write up on the origin of totalitarianism as it does permeate from the efforts and established institutions of the left.

However, I would add that here in the United States the problem with the so-called "establishment" (excluding MAGA) conservatives is that they may not be rolling out the totalitarian leaning policies within the halls of congress, but at the same time they sure haven't done anything in order to stop the implementation of such policies either.

In fact, many of the Republican establishment have merely been the "controlled opposition" where they may not be advocating for the terrible totalitarian ideas of the left, but they're sure not doing anything in order to stop it either.

Since 1980 Republicans have won more presidential elections than they've lost, yet we've still lost the country. Additionally let's not forget that it was the George H. Bush that encouraged the China-U.S. trade negotiations with his paper to the House of Representatives in September of 1992. Keep in mind this was only three short years after Tiananmen Square.

To your point the totalitarianism and authoritarianism has existed with each side of the political spectrum. Each side has always preferred their own flavor, but it's the staying power of what our founding fathers put forward with the Constitution that should be the only thing that matters in terms of the principles of a foundational government.

The problem is that with human nature we're always trying to reinvent the wheel, but the wheel is perfect for what it's designed to do.

It should be the example that the founders demonstrated with their fight to birth the greatest country in all of history that should serve to be the guide for both the right and the left instead of trying to reinvent the wheel by constantly trying to create more laws, bureaucracy, and taxes to drain the citizens dry until there's nothing else left to take.

This is an excellent write up and you pointing out the origins of how the totalitarianism originates from the left is spot on.

I just felt it was also important to note that even though those horrible tendencies of totalitarianism come out of the left it's always the right's lack of resistance and fight that allows it to take hold resulting in some of the most horrific moments in history that we all currently have the luxury of reading about rather than experiencing directly, but in observing the last four years that has been changing.

Thanks again for this excellent write up. Godspeed to you my friend and keep up the great work.

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Oh, thanks for your detailed and insightful comment, I really appreciate it! Also I'm happy that people appreciate my work!

Yeah I do agree with you that sadly majority of Republicans are just controlled opposition too. They do nothing to stop all the shit yet justify themselves by saying 'we're not the ones pushing this shit'. Doesn't make a big difference and rather pathetic, spot well.

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Because the Left defined the parameters by which the Nazis and their atrocities were defined. Which is why there is little or no discussion in schools (in the UK at least) as to the atrocities carried out by those to whom the Left were sympathetic.

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May 24Liked by Alex Ilex

Totalitarianism comes from the President. Period.

Who has almost complete control already but lusts for that sliver of power not already possessed.

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Do you think that senile old man is capable of control.

I believe he is and always was under the control of others.

Personally I believe it's devil worshippers.

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