Jul 21·edited Jul 21Liked by Alex Ilex

Yes, Alex, it's gone beyond willful ignorance to willful INSANITY. We definitely do need a culling. They all must be vaxxed.

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Jul 21Liked by Alex Ilex

It seems they are. The leftists in my family are sick all the time and so are the boomer conservatives that believe everything their doctors say. Duh, duh, duh…what has happened to these people who were once brilliant people! One BIL found out what was in them (nano particles) and stated he’s not getting no more. Then the other day he stated he got three shots (Covid, pneumonia, shingles) cause his doctors said he needed them🙄


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Jul 21Liked by Alex Ilex

Mankind has hit a new low.

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Jul 21Liked by Alex Ilex

😢 sad too.

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The left have always twisted the truth to make the aggressors the victims, look at what’s happened in Gaza, Hamas attack and kill hundreds of Israelis , then the left take the side of the Palestinian “freedom fighters”. Their hypocrisy is obscene

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More than obscene even, downright criminal.

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Jul 21Liked by Alex Ilex

I was driving home on Wednesday and listening to a popular afternoon radio show in my local area. The host was interviewing a State Representative and they were talking about the upcoming Presidential race. The Rep is a Democrat so of course is biased for Biden. But when he started on Trump it was lie after lie after lie. First he said, "Trump has said he will be a dictator on day one, hold tribunals against those who he feels are his enemies and begin executions." The host said, " Now you don't really believe that, I mean that's something they've told you to say, but really come on. You can't believe Trump is going to execute people". And the interview went on like that for about 15 minutes. "Trump is going to ban abortion. He's going to ban birth control. He's going to deport ALL immigrants". The more the host would try to counter with facts, the more agitated the rep would get. Now mind you, this is an elected official, 4 days after an attempted assassination on the former President's life, speaking on a show that is probably heard to about a million listeners. I was so upset when I got home that I texted one of my friends who is a captain in the county Republican party and told him about it. His response? We'll see if we can get some time on the show to counter back. That's all fine and well, but I think the state legislature needs to discipline this guy. First of all, he owes more to his constituents than to act like that in a public forum. Secondly, he needs to focus on local issues he can fix for his district, which he's done nothing for. But this is the kind of crap we are going to see for the next few months, and if Trump is elected it's only going to get worse. It's got to stop.

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Yeah exactly, it was certainly disheartening to hear that and we need to hold people like that accountable. Your Republican friend response isn't satisfactory - they need and ought to do more as an opposition.

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Jul 21Liked by Alex Ilex

I agree. But I'm in Ky, the home of McConnell and the RINOs. I got the copy of the transcript from the entire interview and I'm trying to decide which one of the State legislators to send it to or contact to see if anything can be done. We have a pocket of America First Senators and Representatives, but of course they are the outcasts of the group. I volunteer for Convention of States so I'm actively involved with some of the politics at the state level. McConnell has his boot on the neck of most of the legislators and it's disgusting. He can't leave politics soon enough.

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Yeah, McConnell is disgusting. Did you try to contact senator Rand Paul about that though?

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Jul 21Liked by Alex Ilex

I contact Rand about a lot of stuff and he's really good about responding. But he stays out of state politics which he should. McConnell is another story. There isn't a Republican in the state that can stand him. Except the ones who are getting their palms greased with his dirty money. If something is coming up for a vote, and he doesn't support it, doesn't matter if 95% of the voters in the state want it, he will tell the legislators if they pass it they won't get any money for their campaigns. So it won't pass. So why does he keep getting elected? Because the state Republican party will make sure he does. If we get a strong candidate to run against him in the primary, and we have from time to time, they make sure to recruit a few more candidates so the votes get diluted and he's assured a victory. Then the Democrats will put up the most radical, progressive candidate they can find which doesn't have a chance on a conservative state. We have to hold our nose and vote for the best of the worst.

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Yeah, that sucks. Republican establishment is corrupt as fuck.

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Sep 12Liked by Alex Ilex

New party is needed at this point. The current Dem-Rino party should fess up and rename itself Demrep. We need The CommonGround Party for people who know how to agree to disagree but stand together on base issues that establish our rights as citizens. Uniparty, CoreRights Party…whatever-there are still SANE people in this country and we need a united platform to work from. If Kennedy, Musk, and Trump can form a united front to combat the evil that our govt has become, when one believes in climate change, one in electric transportation, and one in old fashioned energy. BECAUSE THEY ALL BELIEVE IN FREEDOM OF SPEECH, FREEDOM OF SELF REGULATION, and FREEDOM FROM GOVERNMENT - then the rest of us can. Enough of this bullshit.

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Jul 21Liked by Alex Ilex

The anathema I call the Enemedia should be right after bribed leftists DC pukes in the great purge when the citizens show up with pitchforks and scythes to purge the lot.

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Fox couldn’t do it, Newsmax hasn’t done it, OAN has tried but unavailable to many. The only media that consistently gets conservative values is AM radio. Rush started a wave of intelligent journalists looking at the realities of life. Even then people roll their eyes if you listen to clay and buck or here in Houston Michael Berry is very good. Of course we are having to fight to keep AM radios in cars and trucks. Emergency broadcast in my opinion is one of the major reasons to keep AM radio in automobiles across the board. You think once we could get a nationwide network of some kind to blast the truth about the gaslighting of the MSM. But I’m not holding my breath

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Jul 25Liked by Alex Ilex

Unbelievable! July 24th! The first mention of SJL in Congress with a bouquet of Lavender Lilies at her chair while Christopher Wray testifies before the committee.

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Jul 23Liked by Alex Ilex

Being that you mentioned Houston, I moved from there in 1996. Upon hearing that Sheila Jackson Lee ( a Maxine Water twin) died… why hasn’t it hit our National News(any MSM) last week? I found this very odd! Did she really pass? Just wondering….

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Clown Woke world.

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Yes, she passed from cancer but was able to take a shot at Trump before going. Suddenly Sylvester Turner is in the news running for her position in congress. The ordained plan was for SJL to win the mayor race in Houston and Sylvester would slide right in to keep all the kick back money flowing to Houston democrats and all their friends companies. Good luck in Ohio

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Thank you for your kind response “off topic” but I’ve been curious. I’ve been peeking in on C-Span and there also has been no “Congressional comment”. Strange I think.

NW north of Dayton is farm land for miles. Our county is a strong community.

Blessings to you as you continue to live in the Big City! 🙏🏻🇺🇸🙏🏻

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Actually are you a trucker? Just curious.

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Only in spirit 😀 sales for most of my life and was in automobiles a lot!

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Yeah, you were just talking of trucks and cars a lot so I got this impression but since you were in automobiles it explains that too.

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FFS 🤦‍♀️ MSM are a corrupt puppet nightmare

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Jul 21Liked by Alex Ilex

The left, liberals, progressives, creepy crawlers, call them what you may, have two things in common. They all think they have a license and an obligation to lie. It's in their blood line.

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You seem to be a good citizen concerned for our country

I am new to your column so your language took me by surprise

I have a low tolerance for profanity and regret to have to stop viewing your message because of the this issue


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Too bad for you.

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Have it your way

I wish you well and God Bless you

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