Mostly spot on, but with the caveat that the media also minimize the actual important issues or claim that they don’t exist.

Usually in this order:

1. “That’s not happening, it’s a far right conspiracy theory.”

2. “Ok, yes it’s happening. But to such a small extent that it doesn’t matter.”

3. “Ok, yes it’s happening a lot. But, it’s actually a good thing.”

4. At this point they’re usually out of excuses and are unable to logically defend their insane positions and resort to fallacies: appeals to emotion: “but the children?!”

Appeals to authority: “but Fauci said!”

Ad hominem: “racist!”

And red herrings. Like trying to get you to argue about definitions while ignoring the real issue. Such as trying to get you to argue over the definition of “woke.”

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Very good points, agreed with everything!

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Don't forget DEI and "diversity hires" The current WH spokeswoman (the first black lesbian in that position Hallelujah praise the Lord Allahu Akbar)

Soon 50% of pilots will have to be black and 20% of brain surgeons Asian - or whatever the right percentage is. Insanity!

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Yeah, DEI is a mother of all Woke sins as well...

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Close, but the woke cult doesn’t like Asians. Since Asian people in America are more likely to be successful than other groups, the woke cultists hate them almost as much as white people.

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Well, I did not say the Woke do like Asians, they don't like every minority. They don't like Jews and gays too.

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Oh I agree with you Alex completely. I wasn’t suggesting that you said the Woke like Asians or every minority. I was just responding to George’s comment about Asian brain surgeons.

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Oh, got lost on the threads.

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We are seeing a bipolar world. The left is all emotion without any critical thinking.

The right uses logic in the hopes that the left will see reason.

If both sides would come into balance we could see our world coming into balance.

The narrow road is the balance of the middle.

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Yeah, I actually had written a note on Leftist unhinged emotion today as well so we have some synchronicity now!

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The right wants logic used in decision making. How you feel about things is something that shouldn’t be part of decision making. I have been a boss for a long time. I make 1000s of decisions a year. Big ones, small ones. Non-stop. If I couldn’t separate my emotions from reason I would have been bankrupt 20x over. We don’t need to meet in the middle. We need rational thinking applied to political issues and economic issues.

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Agreed. So you were a CEO? It seems my subscribers are great successful people indeed.

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A company owner. I am a real estate developer building concrete high rises in Victoria BC. RE development is challenging. I have owned various businesses. Being a developer requires the broadest skill set. A good sized project takes 10+ years. You need technical skills, a good sense of design both interior and exterior. You have to anticipate marketing conditions 8-10 years out. You need to understand interest rates, financing, complicated legal and accounting. And you need to work with both pols and the bureaucracy, who are USUALLY at odds with each other. But most of all you need to be able to problem solve. Over and over and over. By far the most challenging industry I have been involved in. I also have an alternative health practice. Which is infinitely more complicated really. But it is so complicated it almost is easier. I can only help as I can. But with my high-rises I have to solve the problem. No ifs ands or buts. I go bankrupt if I can’t.

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People HATE developers. For forty years every bad guy businessman in every cop show was a developer. Always portrayed as a $5000 suit guy driving up in a limo. The fact is most developers don’t fit in anywhere. Weirdly most, not some, most are dyslexic. When Trump came on the scene people were horrified. He’s a developer! What does he know about government? Actually lots. It is a big part of our job. And most of us are on job sites daily. I wear jeans 320 days a year. Jeans, tees, safety vest, hard hat. Nobody wears suits. You’d rip them once a week. Paint smears. Etc. Most are misfits. And usually pretty bright. Bright as they are they didn’t end up in corporations because they really don’t fit in anywhere.

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Good point about Trump being developer knowing a lot of government, makes sense.

Actually if it would make you feel better, in Europe (based on my Finnish experience) people hate landlords much more than developers, I hated my landlord myself for not wanting to give me my deposit back (which he must do according to the law) after I moved out.

And in Russia people hate corrupt government officials who launder money via real estate development a lot.

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I am a landlord, after I develop. But I am liked usually. I have had people leave where they are living when I sold a building, and move into the larger one I had just bought. They trusted me. One building I sold some tenants lined up on my last day and hugged me. A couple of older ladies were crying. The only tenants who didn’t like me were a small group who objected to me putting in a daycare on the ground floor!! Women!! Childless and post menopausal. It was weird.

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Cool. I don't have technical skills but appreciate people who do. Must have been challenging for you to switch to health practice though?

But I appreciate your phrasing - 'it's so much harder it almost easier', its actually very deep and has a Taoist flavor to it. Which kind of health practice is that? Of healthcare I have more knowledge.

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I had a serious car accident in 1987. I had to almost retire. Which sent me on a quest to get healthy. I eventually was helped by Ayurveda, out of India. My specialty is working with people’s mental patterns that support their disease, negatively. I use simple herbs and homeopathy to jog mental changes. Usually, or at least often, change the mental state and the body can fix itself. I have been doing this since 1995.

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Feel sorry for your accident! I also had and still have health problems, and surgeries, that's why my interest in healthcare too. I know what Ayurveda is too. For me leech therapy was helpful against arthritis, funny enough, and saved me from becoming a Pharma drug addict which arthritis patients usually become. I used to joke of it that I was healed by vampires lol (and leeches are vampires in a sense), sucking my bad blood away.

But seriously, already then I got that doctors would help if you need an urgent surgery or antibiotic therapy but if you have a chronicle disease, you need to go into alternative medicine or you're doomed.

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Okay, let me edit my comment--when you get home from work, I'm sure you apply your emotional self to your family--but yes, there's a time for each type of thinking and things of the world--need rational thinking while things of the spiritual side, need emotions. Which is why the Left puts women in jobs that need a rational mind. Which a woman can have, for sure, but usually later in life. Emotions are needed to nurture the family so we have hormones to make sure we do it.

Here's an esoteric secret: men have a female soul, while women have a male soul. The controllers know this and exploit our children with it by making them think they are miss-gendered. Because we've left the spiritual out of life, we're now going backwards.

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Robin! You shock me. I thought I was the only one who knew men were more feminine inside and women more masculine! You know this too?

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Once we get old enough for the hormones to stop having such an influence on us, men start cuddling the grandchildren and women start leaving the house—at least this has been my observation as I watch my friends age. We switch roles.

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Jun 23Liked by Alex Ilex

They're working my last nerve.

I agree with you, Alex.

Conversely, if women and young girls are being sexually brutalized and murdered by illegal aliens, it's only anecdotal and the Republicans are Fear mongering (like "Trump's going to end democracy-that kind of fear mongering, Jayapal??)

Or Joe Biden's obvious dementia is just your eyes lying to you and the Republicans are exaggerating and using cheap fake (whatever the fuck that is) to deceive you. "That didn't happen"

Yes people better wake up and soon!

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Jun 22Liked by Alex Ilex

No Surprise

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Hear, hear!!!


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Jun 21Liked by Alex Ilex

I think that what's also mind-blowing are the topics MSM choose NOT to cover. The real shit that matters more to any single person than all the nonsense they spend countless hours and dollars to brainwash us with. They are systematically destroying our food sources intentionally!! The tens of millions of migrants in the US are being catered to and something terrible is going to come out of that mess..

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Yeah, they distract public attention boy meaningless shit but ignore really important matters, well spot.

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The one that gets me the most is the backlash of J.K. Rowling and how many trans/activists have re-written her work to reflect their political beliefs. How is that not alarming? If you have to re-write anything to fit your political agenda, you're wrong. Period.

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Well, they all get me with different regards, but what's so bad about JK Rowling case is that it's mostly her OWN HP fans and actors like Daniel Radcliffe who owe their entire career to her had turned on her. That tells you all you need to know of human loyalty and gratitude.

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Jun 21Liked by Alex Ilex

Well said‼️

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Jun 21Liked by Alex Ilex


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Alex, you can always do what I did; sell your television or give it away. Never read a paper published in a blue area

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Good advice but I believe in importance of understanding an enemy, and their propaganda doesn't affect me.

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I agree, it’s gotten to the point that MSM propaganda pisses me off. A year ago I made the decision to get rid of my television and I am so much better off. I wish that I had a movement to get behind. If you want to free America, get rid of all of its televisions. Maybe I’ll start that movement.

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Good movement, I'd become your follower! Go ahead!

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At last someone is talking sense. I don’t want to change, I want to adapt as people have done for millennium’s. We have voted in governments who have mismanaged for decades following their own stupid agendas and we have gone along with it. People are starting to wake up and I pray we all take responsibility for what has happened and meet the future with hope and integrity.

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Thank you for this message!

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deletedJun 21Liked by Alex Ilex
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Love your irony by the way.

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