HUMAN BRAIN, n. : a near oxymoron, this term refers to the unused gray mush inside people’s skulls that is apparently best applied when combined with spices and served with crackers

-- DDR

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It’s great to see I’m not alone in what I’ve heard, thought and believed has been plaguing our country. It’s pathetic what has been done the past few years since the LGBT community was accepted. I think it’s been taken so far off track, it could eventually backfire on the civil gay and lesbian community. The whole acceptance of children being groomed into being sterilized (I mean convinced they’re trans) at such a young age is absolutely wrong. I wasn’t sure if I was truly gay until after a few “relationships “ and being 23 years old. If I was a kid today, I probably would’ve easily been groomed into the wrong decision for me.

Also the whole pedo grift is sickening! It is pathetic how they try to reclassify and relabel it something different to try to normalize child molestation. That is beyond disgusting and I can’t even believe how that isn’t going to tarnish the whole LBGT+ alphabet soup community and cause extreme resentment towards the average (civil) community that rejects the whole acceptance of this madness.

Thank you for confirming thoughts on this nonsense! Glad to not feel so all alone as a gay republican.

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You're welcome. Yeah, it's already harming civil gay and lesbian community. Old religious homophobia resurfaces, and sick conservative comparisons of gays with pedos circulate again. No wonder taking into account trans activists groom kids into medical transition, and pedos are lurking behind with their 'minor attraction' shit.

If we'd gays break free from this sick pedo cult we might still save ourselves and our marriage. But the damage already done would take years if not generations to undo still.

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.Well said. Thank G-d for groups like Gays Against Groomers.

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No small number of people think this is just great. Some don’t believe it’s really going on. When I was young a teacher told the class that during the Holocaust the Jews were easily gassed by the guards promising them warm showers. IDK if that’s true but I look at our modern day world and a scenario like that’s definitely possible again. Just look at the COVID scam. Most people don’t want to wake up. My brother is one. He really thinks he’s just untouchable. Until the day he no longer has a bank account because he wouldn’t give up his guns.

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Well, at least your brother realizes the importance of having guns, so not all is lost for him.

But yeah I agree that many people don't even want to wake up because that would mean leaving their comfort zone of living in 'best democracy in the world' and facing the dark reality which they are not ready for.

I think I was ready for it because for me material comforts mean nothing when my basic rights and personal freedoms are directly and brutally violated (like with COVID), and also I never really fully trusted the government and overall media and authorities to begin with.

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I think most of them see it, but break into two camps: the radicals pushing for anarcho-communism, and those who still believe that the Government is the only solution ( as opposed to the cause) Give them more money, and they’ll give us more “equity”.

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Right, big daddy government will save us all, heh.

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I think a lot of this stuff we discuss here , while it interests us... we are in a minority to be sure. most people don't want to go deep... sure, they might think something is off, they don't think gender ideology is a good thing, they think the government is somehow corrupt, in the general way that we always used to describe.

But really waking up to the truth (or at least searching for it earnestly) requires effort, and it requires your mind to be open to break all the norms and the assumptions.

Most don't want to go there.

This kind of talk scares them.. That's truly why they ridicule and/or dismiss it. This is psychological fact.

if you don't really go there, all you see is sort of "the tip of the iceberg", right.. like "yeah that guy is nuts", or "that's not right - what a freak!" , or "yeah this military spending, I don't like it but what are ya gonna do".

They have no idea that FISA legislation just got extended. means nothing to them because for now, they aren't targets.

They compartmentalize these things as "crazy activists", "one-offs", etc. it can't be the entire system. They protect themselves this way.

Left-wing capture of academia and gov/NGO's? "ohhhh kaaayyy.. put some more tinfoil on"

"RFK is crazy". "have you heard what he talks about?" "no, I got a soundbite and I'm told he's crazy".

or "censorship is bad but nobody is censoring me"

it's the Titanic, right. you see the tip of the iceberg, and that's about it.

If your mind is thinking clearly, you know that when you see a tip, there's another 90% below surface.

by the time they feel it, it's too late.

They don't wanna go there. The majority does not want to go there.

All we need is them to wake up enough. They will, eventually, it's just "will it happen in time."

Because what's happening is kind of unprecedented. It's happened before, but never at this scale and with this reach, and technology. it's too much.

For me, I'll read Jacob Siegel on Tablet magazine and it will blow my mind when he writes about "the hoax of the century." (great article btw) Many of my friends will look at me sideways for even sharing such writing. Forget about sharing Taibbi's substack madness.

I only share when I think it's safe, and can make an impact.

We're still tinfoil people to most. They do that to protect their own sanity. plus.. they have their instagram, TikTok, and Netflix.. all the addictions and comforts are there.

We like to debate, and learn. sociology, psychology, group-think, what makes people tick... we love it... most aren't..

all us humans want to conform, too. it's a basic human nature , even for us freaks online here. We all want this.

I think of substack as a censorship-free safe space, conversations are enlightening here. I appreciate an open Twitter/Xitter for example, but I don't like much, it's a train-wreck - but it's good that stories can break over there, and I appreciate Musk for what he's done

Like there's family members that I don't even share with them that I'm on substack. it's crazy.

But in truth substack is probably highly targeted. FISA be damned! Fuck them anyway, I believe in this site. It's an incredible town square.

I think here in the US, our constitutional protections and gov't guardrails are durable. the most durable of any constitution of any nation on this planet. I think they'll hold up. It's ugly right now, but I think they will hold.

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Agreed about psychological factor too. Many people might be scared to lose the grounds they're standing on, hence they desperately cling to all the media lies to keep it. They're willing to allow that maybe some BLM or trans activists went nuts or Fauci went corrupt but NOT that the whole system is both nuts and corrupt at the same time...

For the same reason of psychological comfort it's easier for those people to believe in external threat (Russia, China) or threat out of their control (like virus or climate) rather than to realize that their main enemy is within, albeit ironically in the latter case it's easier to fight this enemy. But it requires to acknowledge this uncomfortable truth first.

I only disagree that all people want to conform. I believe I am an inborn rebel - not to brag, but as a statement of fact. The mere fact when someone ORDERS me to do something I immediately wanna do the opposite (even if I was ordered to do an objectively good thing!). Also when someone pushes down any agenda on me, I immediately wanna reject it even if it's actually a good agenda.

Ironically, I believe with people like me elite would have succeeded in their plans if they tried to force REALLY GOOD things down on me - then out of my inborn rebellious nature I would have done the opposite (e.g., the bad thing, the thing they REALLY wanted me to do all along). It's like in Edgar Allan Poe short story 'the Imp of the Perverse', have you read?

Ofc if I learned there's scam behind that I might have learned to resists it too but it would have been much harder for me to do then than now. Now when they push this shit down on us so massively, they invoked my inborn rebel to the fullest and it's pretty easy for me to reject all their shit lol.

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more of a general point. humans are wired to be part of a team and share their beliefs. even rebels. I'm just making the point in general. there's always exceptions like Ted Kazinski. in Star Wars for e.g., the Rebels had their own tribe and they shared a common goal and perspective, but they weren't forced or ordered to do that, nor think it. Conform doesn't always mean a bad thing, like "conform to groupthink". conforming with like-minded folks usually means it's not based on orders and top down authority. Democracy should be a positive thing that drives conformance on things that are good for the general citizenry. just a general statement. We don't have that today, and we want to rebel, but as you note, it would be nice if people 'wake up'.

haven't read Poe in a while, used to really enjoy them. Not sure if I've read that one.

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Not sure all people are wired to be part of a team. Some are wired to be leaders who lead the team and create beliefs others follow, like political, religious or cultural leaders. Some are wired to destroy old or false beliefs. It's more complex.

What you're saying is not conformity in my view but a pure joy of meeting a soul mate, a like minded person. Difference with conformity? You don't conform to anything here, just agree, of the same mind on issues naturally. While conformity means changing one's own mind to adhere to the groupthink.

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people have absolutely evolved to work in relation to groups, and teams, and social bonds, including common goals and thinking. This is just a fact, been documented in sciences psychology, sociology, geneology, etc. This explains why there are 8 billion of us living in a technologically advanced world. Without this social drive we all share, we'd be hunter gatherers still and probably mere millions of us on the globe.

agricultural revolution, Industrial Revolution, etc. all required this human wiring.

We are hard wired to be social. of course there's always exceptions.

definition of conformity?

here's one of them: "behavior in accordance with socially accepted conventions or standards."

we all do this. 999/1000 of us do this. take a drive on any busy highway and this is evidenced. most times we walk down the street, and we don't see people assaulting others. people greet one another in the store as they checkout.

Groupthink is not the equal to conformity in any true sense or definition,

Having said that, yes, you can use the term conformity in the context of groupthink, and in that context, I agree with you.

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I'm probably an exception then. I never aimed to be a part of a group. In my childhood I liked to read books and live in my own world. Loneliness never bothered me.

Later I wanted to get a boyfriend and few trusted friends but now after world gone mad I don't care of social bonds either.

'here's one of them: "behavior in accordance with socially accepted conventions or standards."

I disagree even with that. I think it's stupid to conform to any standards just because they're 'socially accepted' if you yourself don't find them good or right. For example if it would be 'socially accepted' to eat shit or each other, would you do it too?

I don't think people conform out of 'inborn conformity'. Mostly they conform either out of ignorance and stupidity - because it's easier to follow certain established 'norms' and 'conventions' than to think for themselves, or out of fear of legal punishment for non-conformity.

Anyway, you're making too overconfident conclusions about complex issues which even social psychologists don't agree upon.

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That is so cool! I'm glad you're your own man. Indept. free thinking, ETC.

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basic societal rules are conformity/compliance. laws are conformity.

humans are social animals.

this is not overconfident to state, and I'm really not that smart but that's just basics.

without social relationships and team building drive, we dont' have civilization, at best we're hunter gatherers.

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Yeah I agree, while people still have their basic comforts and can enjoy their lives, they won't wake up and won't rebel even if they realized something is wrong. The problem here is that when they would be deprived even of their basic comforts, it might be already too late to change anything.

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it will be too late.

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I think I love you. This is awesome! You totally nailed it!

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Thank you so much!

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You are VERY welcome! It's just utterly fantastic. I could not [in a million years] put this better. I pray more wake up, or we are doomed as a nation🙏

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deletedApr 24Liked by Alex Ilex
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The same. The only thing I did during 'pandemic' was washing my hands but then I was doing it all the time all my life for basic hygiene.

The more they tried to scare us with this shit the less scared I actually became.

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Same here!

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deletedApr 24Liked by Alex Ilex
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Yeah I know about Scotland, totally insane.

With regards to the jabs though - wtf? Despite scamdemic being even officially over? Despite all the emerged evidence of vax side effects? Wtf? What's wrong with people?

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deletedApr 24Liked by Alex Ilex
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Yeah and I bet for many Californians there's still no problem whatsoever apart from what their scam media are telling them like 'systemic racism', 'climate change', 'transphobia' and 'Islamophobia'...

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