Aug 7Liked by Alex Ilex

It's all so tiresome. I have to agree with you that most of the people I know and meet have either fallen into a deadly slumber or perhaps were never really conscious to begin with. On my charitable days I tend towards the later. Most people just want to belong and will believe the most ridiculous things to enable that. I sometimes feel like it must have been like to be an astute Roman in England after the legions had withdrawn. I can see everything slowly getting worse but its a slow slide.

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Yeah, agreed. As long as most people can belong to a 'community' and have basic pleasures, their 'bread and circus', they would accept anything, literally anything, no matter how ridiculous or evil.

What's your solution to it though?

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Aug 7Liked by Alex Ilex

Solution. There's the rub. When I first discovered this damning phenomenon I felt like I was living on the edge of history--able to watch it real time but outside its grasp. I have spent a few very unsatisfying years trying to lift the veil under which my friends and family seemed to want to live. I have had VERY limited success, if any at all. I have had people begin to avoid me and even ridicule me, however. It's one thing to say, "Well, they weren't real friends after all." But it is still painful. I find myself keeping my own council when I meet new people. Luckily, I've made a few new friends as well. It's almost like being in the closet. I suppose I find myself waiting for a champion, a Spartacus figure.

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I feel you about people - despite all this 'they weren't real friends', it's still painful. And I also met new ones.

But I don't think we should wait for Spartacus though. We should become one instead, each of us.

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Consider yourself the Spartacus!

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Thanks, that's flattering.

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Although I have suggested this, at times half-joking, I think that stupid people should not be allowed to vote. How stupidity is determined is just a detail. As a policy, I can't think of a better way to improve the quality of politicians and government. Dumb voters get dumb government. We're flush with both.

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Aug 11Liked by Alex Ilex

Our only saving hope is the Electoral College. The Founding Fathers were definitely divinely inspired. May it work as it was intended this election. One can only hope.

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I agree with this very much, people will do anything to feel loved. What they don’t realise is how much Jesus loves them that he gave his life. I teach my kids to be brutally honest in any circumstance unless they are being hurt. Still I see them lie trying to fit in, it says a lot when you look at the big picture from that angle but they don’t at least not yet.

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Well, maybe later they will understand that in the end lying to fit in is doing more harm than good, including to themselves.

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Aug 7Liked by Alex Ilex

Ohhh Alex - you express my frustration so well. I have been pondering on this for quite a while. I think my awakening has been along the same timeline as you. I've decided that it is actually a curse to have a combination of a high IQ (I did the Mensa test when I was a teenager, but it has probably declined a lot) + a high degree of natural scepticism. The consequence being that I feel I'm trapped on a planet of stupid, gullible people and I have to live with the consequences of their stupidity and gullibility and worry for the future of my children and grandchildren.

Definitely Brave New World territory, as you say. I don't even know any longer who the good guys are - if there are any. The bad ones - including the ones you refer to - advertise themselves, but if we can't save ourselves (because we have no power and nowhere to run to) - who can save us? Maybe there are some freedom-loving states within the union that will decide to secede from the union? (and accept refugees from the UK 🙏🏻); then those who are happy with their brave new world slavery can stay in their totalitarian hell holes and the rest of us can live free.

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Aug 7·edited Aug 7Author

Yeah, I've been cursed with high IQ, natural scepticism and developed intuition (especially on bad things) as well, so I feel you.

Your solution with few free places in a Brave New World is tempting but I doubt that our dark overlords will let it happen. Just like Sauron, a Dark Lord from another great novel against tyranny, The Lord of the Rings, our fascist elite won't stop until it will have conquered the whole world, even small unimportant Shire. That's why I'm afraid no retreat is possible - either we will win or them.

I envision another option though - parallel structures and parallel societies. That is, there would be grassroots movements and parallel structures within the Brave New World. Example - if global fascists will ban any farm food, people would start growing vegetables at home illegally and share it with their friends. If they will ban anyone from entrance to public transportation without digital ID, their friends would provide their cars as a public transportation for them, and so on. Ofc, if they'd go totally totalitarian and will ban both petrol and private property and ownership completely, that won't work but we aren't quite there yet luckily and won't be there while Americans still have guns.

P. S. Thanks for your pledge by the way, I do really appreciate it!

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Aug 7Liked by Alex Ilex

Cheers to both of you 👏

I resemble your remarks

Stupidity has run amok and unfortunately the stupid believe the non stupid are stupid

I feel as if there is no escaping this…we’re trapped…and possibly doomed 😕

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Thanks. Yeah, the dumb sheep believe their much smarter fellows to be dumb - that's even ironic.

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Aug 7Liked by Alex Ilex

Alex, as one who shares a high IQ I understand the frustration of not being able to help others to see what we do. That's what drives the constant need for seeking answers. I just got around to listening to a podcast on Odysee w Francis Leader and Jerm on the Black Nobility. (She has it posted on her SS) She presents an extremely concise explanation of what is going on in the world today. While it is depressing, she stresses the need for the truth of this to be known by all. I hope you and everyone here will listen and you will not give up using your voice and platform. If our situation is to be reversed it must be ASAP.

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Thanks a lot, I appreciate it!

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Alex -I don’t really give a shit about these dumb sleeping Dem sheep and whether they will wake up.

Their weak brain has been captured and all they know is Trump is bad and Dem (no matter how crappy) is good. Can’t fix that kind of mind controlled stupid

I would rather see these asshats die off - I am not spending one ounce of energy or 1 dime to try to “save them”.

Bring on the bird flu or whatever shit they have invented and let them get jabbed - hopefully that jab will work fast and they with die off without me waiting. And don’t worry about your children or grandchildren. If they are in your sphere of influence they will be smart and independent like you

The WEF wanted ppl dead that took up their air and food. Useless eaters. Well, I am OK with ppl who lost their brain and courage. Useless citizens

One thing I am certain of - The Sovereigns will win this war and these asshats will rot on the ground after they collapse.

Let them go - stay clear of them - get in your best health and spirit. This shit will eventually pass

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Thanks, I do appreciate your message. If that's indeed the case, then it might be indeed to the better if these sheeple would be boosted to death. But they're already obedient bots and do all the WEF bidding so I'm afraid the WEF would seek to disarm and kill us off instead.

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Claire, You are so optimistic. I fear they are not dying off. The insurgency is coming from their youth (and across the borders, from MSM onslaught, social media, and in allegiance to "leaders" who sell them snake-oil, and Hollywood, and even Nashville). The US is having trouble breeding independent thinkers.

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Because they continue to abort their offspring, as awful as that is morally. it may not take as long as you think to change the tide back. One can only hope.

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It’s not a matter of saving them, as you say they are happy. They’ll do whatever the Television tells them is right. It’s a matter of saving us from them. Because as you can see what the television tells them is dangerous and evil and they have no discernible conscience.

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Yeah, you're right. But then our task is much harder - save ourselves not just from an evil establishment but from our brainwashed fellow citizens too.

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Yes. That is the difficult task.

The Bible describes this time of massive deception and surveillance. The antichrist system is consolidating itself.

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Not interested in helping them. Watch them rot just like their brains. And I am VERY COMFORTABLE WITH MY THOUGHTS ON THIS

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Aug 7Liked by Alex Ilex

Hey Alex;

I feel your pain at day 1173 post reading of Agenda 21. My fishmometer alarm went off in 1990. The Persian Gulf War. There were many sketchy details there too. When the sweet little Kuwaiti girl was testifying to US Congress, October 10th, 1990 that Saddam's troops were stealing hospital equipment, incubators and the like. Tossing new born babies to the floor to take the machines (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nayirah_testimony)

The story always seemed "produced" to me, a little to convenient given the war had just begun. This made me suspicious. I lost my faith in the government the day it came to light that it was all a lie, she is the Daughter of the then Kuwait Ambassador to the United States.

It's been nothing but a reality show since then, I mean we had four years of Celebrity President where each week a new contested was tossed out of the White house, a circus. the crazier the better. When you start placing all the pieces together since 1990 (The start of Agenda 21) the scope is astounding really. My top 3 players before October 19, 2019 were the USA, Russia & China (obvious I know but it seemed like {keyword 'seemed'} they were about to start having it out, I was prepared for that. I was not prepared for Agenda 21. That an Elite cabal even existed I thought was pure fantasy. I read that diabolical plan in complete disgust that it would even be possible in this day and age. Then things got even crazier with Covid 19 (clear to many it was man made and blown completely out of proportion), then Weather Modification (Chem Trails, severe weather, drought) Directed Energy Weapons (Fires in Canada, Lahaina, Texas, Chile and Turkey) which only proved Agenda 21 was indeed real. Since that day, 1173 days ago, I have been shouting as loudly as I can on Socials with a few hundred followers getting no where. Then I was directed here. Here I feel like I am in a realm of normalcy, with real, thoughtful, people. My hope has been renewed.

I say let's Love Bomb the Socials, starve the Elites of Money (they are using to kill us) by not "consuming" what do the Younger's call it these days, Quiet Quitting? We see what happens, reverse brainwashing so to speak. Think of it as an experiment in psychological engineering, its working for the enemy. :-)

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Thank you for your message! In 1990 I was a lil baby and had no idea of all that xD Also I lived in Russia back then and we had totally different problems back then.

But I think Ukrainian war was the first waking up sign for me as for a Russian, there was something shady about it all along. I mean I understood Ukrainian people desire for integration into Europe which led to Maidan protests in Ukraine, and Putin's desire to keep Ukraine under Russian orbit. But when Maidan protesters violently overthrew legitimate Ukrainian government with a little help from American Victoria Nuland? And when Putin further escalated by immediately seizing Crimea in an illegal way (when he might have bought it out) and provoking Donbas people to rise against Ukrainian new government but NOT taking Donbas into Russia back then like Crimea for which he was criticized by Russian patriots? I knew it was a two men con already.

I moved to Finland then and there in Europe mass Muslim immigration opened my eyes to another con. And when as a gay man I expressed legitimate concerns over proven by facts homophobia of Islam and was called 'racist and Islamophobic' for it, I was sure. And then TDS and Brexitophobia came....

Agree with your solutions though.

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Aug 7Liked by Alex Ilex

I don’t know much about Crimea, but this time Putin went into Ukraine because Zelensky gave NATO permission to set up a ‘small’ 2000 troop base above Crimea along the Russian Border. That broke an agreement between Ukraine and Russia not to invade each other, I believe it was created after Crimea.

So Putin of course came back and said Na Uh, nope, niet, NATO wouldn’t back out so Putin went in. Can’t blame him for protecting Russia. I am still on the fence with Putin however as he is a graduate of the WEF Young Global Leaders program way back in 1993. Ukraine IS a Proxy war for the WEF’s takeover of Russia which is why the rest of the WEF Loyalists keep propping Zelensky up.

While this is all happening NATO was waiting out the induction of Finland and Sweden into NATO, the day after Sweden signed in, NATO launched the largest Allied military exercise EVER with over 600,000 troops participating. They are hanging in the Baltic sea, practicing for what? Gee I don’t know, invasion?

Then of course we have the middle east. Syria is NOT a part of the WEF which is why the USA is in there terrorizing them and won’t leave. We have Israel fighting Palestine and Iran (all 3 are WEF loyalist countries) those wars are planned to cause as many civilian casualties as possible.

We no longer see news of what is happening in France, Germany, the UK or anywhere else, divide and conquer, they don’t see whats happening here, we don’t see whats happening there. You, as I, can see the big picture but the sheeple aren’t putting 2 and 2 together.

Of course you must have relatives and friends still overseas to keep you in the loop? Any information from overseas please pass it on :-)

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Heh, why even smart WEF aware people are buying Putin's lies. He's 100% WEF puppet and double agent in the Kremlin, as a Russian I'm 10/% sure of that.

Putin knew Klaus Schwab since early 1990s and Schwab installed him into Kremlin. They were ALWAYS in contact since. Putin attented WEF gathering in Davos on 13th of October 2021 just before attacking Ukraine, and they coordinated their actions here.

Putin still didn't opt out of WHO and scamdemics shit. Putin launches arsons in Siberian forests to push for climate scam. Putin and Sberbank are launching digital ruble and digital ID in Russia too. All WEF agenda is being implemented here safe maybe trans shit but that's only because Putin knows Russian conservative society won't accept it, hence he's not forcing it here, same as EU doesn't force it in Poland because they won't accept it either.

Putin attacked Ukraine 100% under WEF order and against best Russian national interest. US and WEF needed this war, not Russia, and it solved nothing.

In the contrary, it served WEF goals. If Putin didn't invade, Finland and Sweden would never have joined NATO. If Putin didn't invade, Germany would never have frozen Nord Stream 2. Also, over 300 thousands of Russian young men died in Ukraine, and Ukraine regularly bombs border Russian regions like Belgorod, sends drones all the way to Moscow, launches terror attacks in Crimea. This war drains Russian economy and military. Putin destroys Russia under WEF orders. He's 100% traitor and WEF puppet and every his word is a lie.

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Aug 9Liked by Alex Ilex

Israel has right to exist. And was attacked by hamas ( iran) so no I don't agree with you thar you think Isreal fight to survive in negated because of WEF.

I am anti WEF. BUT I will not at all support genocide of the news and Israel. And then would be usa jews and Christians. That is not a guess. It is their stated goal. Right out in the open.

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Aug 10Liked by Alex Ilex

No one has ever said Israel doesn’t have a right to exist. Were you physically present to witness Hamas attacking Israel? We can’t believe anything we see or hear via the media (TV, internet, socials). All of the Media/Internet Corps are loyal to Agenda 21 and exist to spread the Elites propaganda and subliminal brainwashing.

Agenda 21’s purpose includes disrupting Society globally and they will do whatever they have to to make that happen. If you don’t think lying is on the list your sadly mistaken. As I mentioned Israel and Palestine and IRAN and most of the countries on this planet (176 of them) are aligned with Agenda 21 and a Global Fascist Regime.

Genocide was committed in Gaza full stop, terrorism is just a word to strike fear into our hearts a word that didn’t exist until the Gulf War in 1990 the first salvo in the Elite plan Agenda 21.

Terrorism is part of the Disrupt Society plan. Make the people terrified for their lives and they will fall into line when the time comes. The new world order is going to offer safety from Terrorism, food and water shortages (because of the Drought they have created) as incentive to join their regime at least those of us they don’t de-carbonize right off the bat.

Support Israel by all means, innocent people live there too but to claim that anyone attacked anyone when we have only the Elites word for it is shortsighted in my opinion.

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Oh I do not recall I said anything against Israel here.

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Israel and Palestine are working together. Humanity seems to have forgotten that the Palestinians took in the Jewish after World War II and cared for them, NOT ISRAEL.

Israel is Loyal to Schwab and Agenda 21 and always has been. Do the innocents in Israel deserve to be protected from a terrorist group? Yes they do. However, do we know for sure Hamas actually attack Israel or is Hamas an excuse to go into Palestine and commit Genocide unimpeded? Can you believe what you have seen and heard on the News and Socials? Is there any Proof that any Terrorist organization even really exists outside of an excuse? Or could it be Plausible Deniability for Agenda 21 activities?

The world knows that the Bin Laden’s had ties to the Bush Family and were involved in Halliburton the big $$$ winner in the second gulf war. Nothing is as it seems and hasn’t been since 1990 when the United Nations officially adopted Agenda 21 with the first gulf war.

Today the 99% are facing a cabal consisting of 176 Countries (maybe more now), over 300 Corporate Partners and all of the Global Acronyms. If you think this is BS take a look at the WEF Global Future Councils structure: https://www.weforum.org/communities/global-future-councils/ then look at Israel and Palestine and Hamas and Terrorism etc. again.

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Aug 7Liked by Alex Ilex

It doesn't even take a high IQ. I don't have a high IQ, but I am highly curious and I'm still one that believes that reading and research is a good way to discover hidden treasures of knowledge. Unfortunately, I only know a couple people in my circles who are even interested in sitting down and thoroughly reading something other than a headline or a bumper sticker.

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Curiousity can actually increase the IQ because curious people constantly learn unlike smug ones. Unfortunately, most people are the smug ones.

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Aug 7Liked by Alex Ilex

Thank you. That's encouraging! :)

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You're welcome!

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I was saying this exact thing to a friend yesterday. It is as if you read my mind. The totalitarians have taken UK, Poland, Germany, Australia, Canada, France, and I’m probably missing a few, and they still promote Russia as the ultimate communist threat. If you listen to the news you would think you are in the Reagan era before Mr. Gorbachev tore down that wall. I feel like I am fighting to preserve liberty for my grandchildren. Their parents seek debt slavery and have no clue that there is a connection between their vote and their pain. Trump is their bogeyman and I am “brainwashed.” Sometimes I think I should just go fishing and let them have the world they are dead set on creating, I’m a boomer so I won’t be around for the worst of it. Then I look at the precious faces of my grandchildren. J.D. Vance was 100% right when he said “if you don’t have children, you have no skin in the game.”

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Well I don't fully agree with Vance - I don't have children yet I have more skin in the game than all blue voters with children. It all depends really. Generally, kids make people care more but not always - there are a lot of careless Democratic parents, and bad parents who trans their kids, and there are a lot of childless and gay conservatives too. So it's not just about kids, it's about basic human decency.

Agreed with the rest you said.

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I'm not knocking people without kids, warriors for liberty come in all flavors. I think the point is that having kids and especially grandkids gives you a generational view. The focus on what you are leaving to future generations is more real when those progeny are right in front of you. People without children who take a generational view are more the exception than the norm. Narcissists also bear children, but it is easier to maintain narcissism when you aren't waking every 3 hours to a screaming infant. It's also true that married women are more likely to be conservative than unmarried women, but many married women with children are crazy woke. Generalizations are used to make a broad point, but are never going to accurate on the individual level. I appreciate your talent for starting the conversations that need to be had.

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I don’t think they are asleep, they are divided, I like to run around and talk openly with strangers about current events and their feelings on said events. For the most part everyone is sick of what’s taking place. I could be wrong but I think the problem is simply this, people are to busy, we are kept busy so that we do not organise ( so many choices that keep us from coming together in person ) also talking on the internet does absolutely nothing, we get on here and rant about a number of issues ( so many choices) a few people agree and like our rants but ultimately the internet is keeping us apart. Please if anyone disagrees let me know, but I believe the only answer is talking about these issues in person?

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That was the FBI's plan, well whoever is pulling their strings. They have rounded up even Grandma's who went to the Capitol on Jan 6th, and some people who've been arrested never even went to the Capitol. They have scared enough people shitless, that no one goes out to protest anything, there are no in person rallies about any of this! That is our right and always has been, but they took it away w/o any legislation…well, they mentally took it away. No one wants to do to their families what has happened to those rotting in the DC gulag!

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FBI should be investigated and heavily reformed too.

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Aug 9Liked by Alex Ilex

No Alex! The fbi should be totally disbanded! They are a corrupt politicized stasi organization arm of the demonic party. Totally unacceptable and unreliable now!!

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We need to get together in person to talk about the big picture not all the trickling subcategories. We need to start small with in our own communities, then plan larger events. Basically we need to start our own campaigns that are completely separate from politics. This is what I see, I know I’m not the person to make this happen or at least I’m not that confident! any other ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated?

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You have a point in a way that in a real life Woketards aren't as aggressive as on the Internet, I had even written another article on their split personality before.

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Ya something isn’t right, it’s the numbers, I have a feeling if someone could do a real survey to see where everyone stands there would be a lot less woketards than we think. There using the internet to keep us apart, throwing out leftist ( I hate the whole left and right thing but I’ll use it for this post) stories that are staged or just not true, then lying to us about the numbers assuming will never go any further then complaining back and forth online. Just a thought but a thought with a very high probability!

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<iframe src="https://archive.org/embed/docs-15-08-2020-adreno-army-facilties" width="560" height="384" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen="true" mozallowfullscreen="true" allowfullscreen>

Check this out, apparently child detention centres where they dispose of children to make adrenchrome. I need help finding out how authentic this is?

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Adrenechrome is real they sell it on Alibaba.com 😈 👉 💥 🐀 🐁 🐁 🪤 Support Todd Candeller's clouthub.com to get all the Satanic Ratts arrested Nuremberg 2.0 style globally 🕺 🎶 https://rumble.com/user/Vaxxchoice

share this to save the world 😏

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Ok, I will try, thanks.

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Search CYM Adrenochrome scroll down to the archive.net info then scroll down to the tags and click on cym there’s about 12 files on it some. It in English some are, it gives a list of children by age, disposal date and Id number, it gives the dr / undertakers info. Also gives contact info for Hillary Notar of California. It’s supposed to be showing that these are detention camps for kids that are being used. If this is real it’s so unbelievably not ok. I’m going to keep digging on this as well, spread the word if you are ok with that, the more people the better.

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Also look at the address on Google Maps…it says it's in Trump Tower!

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Also what CYM stands for is really bad so heads up

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Aug 8Liked by Alex Ilex

Agreed. The Internet has been used to amplify the Woke’s messages. The people are waking up to this fact however slowly but waking up nonetheless.

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They're also using Woke bots I believe for this purpose.

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Aug 7Liked by Alex Ilex

I share your frustration.

They just can’t overcome the denial.

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Well said. Wake up sleepers who are woke!! Even kamala brags about the woke being more woke.

If you ain’t awake now your ain’t in your right mind.

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Aug 8·edited Aug 8Liked by Alex Ilex

It is a fact that some people are simply stupid, or willfully ignorant. The left doesn't own them all, but they do target them. They have to.

I've tried to engage a lot of left-leaning voters, including on this platform, in intellectual discussion. They typically have one of three responses: 1- Run away/hide, 2- Call names, then run away/hide, or 3- Spout a talking point or two, call names, then run away/hide. That's as intellectual as they can get, and they are often easily upset. And I'm not a republican, or a traditional conservative.

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The same. I'm classic old-school liberal and gay, and yet they resort to name-calling even with me.

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Aug 11Liked by Alex Ilex

Alex, define old school liberal! Curious

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Well, it's a complex question. A free speech and human rights absolutist I guess who is against all kinds of censorship and tyranny. A rational human being who values reason, logic, facts and objective reality above any subjective feelings, ideologies and yeah faith. A person who values individualism over collectivism and who's for equal opportunities for everyone not equal outcomes. A human rights defender too who protects the weak and helpless like kids, animals, gays, disabled and old people.

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Aug 12Liked by Alex Ilex

Damn! With that definition maybe I’m an old school liberal too without knowing it! lol

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Lol. I think every true American is.

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It seemed that the writing was on the wall in the year 2000. That's when, as a country, it was obvious we had thrown in the towel. The twitching and convulsing that is now observable is simply death throes. I haven't given up because I still think our founders had a good idea. But I'm part of a shrinking minority.

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Perhaps it started even earlier, in 90s, when US and NATO began to invade the Middle East and even Serbia at fraudulent pretexts.

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Aug 8·edited Aug 8Liked by Alex Ilex

I could have more accurately stated "BY the year 2000." It wasn't sudden, in any case.


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Aug 7Liked by Alex Ilex

Most of us come from some sort of trauma..... "they" know this.... we have a hard time believing that even though we got duped before that it won't happen again..... most people need gov't because it's the loving parent they never had...add in the Stockholm Syndrome with a sprinkle of a cult following and there you have society....

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My awakening was in 2000 with the SCOTUS Bush v Gore ruling. I remember saying to myself, anything that happens from this point forward is not supposed to happen. You can just imagine where I am at this point in 2024. I am in the twilight zone.

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Aug 7Liked by Alex Ilex

I remember watching presidential election on Election Night in 2000. Gore was winning in Florida and then suddenly Bush was winning. Of course, Bush's brother, Jeb!, was gov of Florida but that had nothing to do with it, am I right? From there on it just continued to get worse, as they showed us exactly how they stole that election. Gore caved like a tired old lady and didn't contest that election; meanwhile Supreme Court illegally declared outcome, which they had no right to do. I knew then something horrible was afoot and sure enough less than year later we had September 11, 2001, another day that will live in infamy. It was all downhill quickly from there.

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Back in 2000, I was part of the CommonDreams chat group. I started a thread called “12/12/00: A Date Which Will Live in Infamy”

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Aug 8Liked by Alex Ilex

Gore is a blithering idiot! Be thankful he lost and quit crying over Dem spilt milk.

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I can imagine indeed.

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Aug 7Liked by Alex Ilex

I live in a country where state-issued QR codes were required to enter public buildings or use transport. People were ecstatic about it, of course, and it was mainstream to want to live under QR code and niqab mandate literally forever. They saw their QR codes as their reward for being such nice people, and were delighted that the not-nice scapegoat was being tormented. It occurred to me then that if one of the enthusiastic supporters’ QR codes were switched off by the government at some time in the future for any reason, he would not then realize the horror and injustice of living under a regime that picks and chooses who can go where, but rather, he would believe, at best, that the totalitarian system should continue even if the government had made a mistake by targeting him. Not to be dramatic, but people in another time and place went to their executions saying “Long live comrade Stalin!”

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Aug 7Liked by Alex Ilex

BRILLIANT reply, thank you!

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Yeah, it's indeed horrible to see ordinary people doing that. Which country are you from though?

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Aug 7Liked by Alex Ilex


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Oh, I see, Trudolf, my condolences.

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Aug 8Liked by Alex Ilex

Thought u were gonna say Australia. Yeah watching Canada go to hell under your dictator is very very sad! Heard from a lot of Canooks they wish they had Trump for a leader! You truckers protest was valiant a while back, but quashed by your commie China loving WEF brainwashed tyrant! Sad

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Dee, which country!??

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What country do u live in?!! Curious!

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Alex, if the DemoNcrats are elected, the USA is in danger of becoming a soviet socialist state like Britain is becoming.

It’s too late for us but the American people have the chance to stop it happening there too.

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Not sure they do I think billionaire bought DemonRatic establishment won't let Trump take office no matter what.

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Aug 9Liked by Alex Ilex

Rod, it already is!

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Aug 7Liked by Alex Ilex

Hear hear! 👂

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