Correct. However I’m going to adjust it a bit and say we all have been mean. Including governments. Even though many of us feel our government is a tyrannical monster, we let them have the power. And they are comprised of citizens - which is us. (Albeit many of them are privileged elite citizens it doesn’t change that fact). Remember that we get the government we deserve. By divorcing ourselves of civic and familial duties and responsibilities we the people have permitted this.

But yes. You’re correct. We are cruel. We get to make the choice going forward if we want to persist in this cruelty.

Cruelty and tyranny ebb and flow. Most times in human history we have been cruel. We have been militaristic. We have persecuted “others.” The exception times of us being more democratic and civic minded are the exceptions.

Had a long conversation with my wife about this on our Easter road trip and her POV is correct - it’s all on us as people to organically make better changes. If that happens then government cannot rule us in this fashion.

They were never meant to rule. They were meant to be stewards. By falling asleep at the wheel we’ve let that happen.

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Yeah totally agreed.

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