Sep 14Liked by Alex Ilex

💯 i,too, thought Trump underestimated Harris. She is NOT DUMB. she is Devious. Lazy. Incompetent. A huge difference. She knows how to cram fir an exam. It's all fake. None of which she believes. She's playing to get a part. So yes I hopo he figures out where ge was wrong. Though his sizeable ego may block that. Still he needs to prep harder. Maybe better people around him. Would help. Now is not the time for yes men.

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Absolutely agreed. And yeah there should be someone like me who tells him the truth, sometimes unfavorable one, for his own good, not just agrees with everything he says.

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Sep 13Liked by Alex Ilex

Good article. Hopefully there will be a 2nd debate! And I hope she will cackle more and smirk less

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Yeah, nervous cackling is a sign of her worry.

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Sep 13Liked by Alex Ilex

AND she needs fact-checking

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From your lips to God’s ears!

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Dr Phill would be a great moderator

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Sep 14Liked by Alex Ilex

She did an 11 minute interview for a Pennsylvania news program. First question “how will you bring down prices?” Same answer as the debates “well, you see, I grew up middle class. With neighbors who were proud of their lawns (laughs)! But then I moved to ….”

Rambles like this for 1 ½ minutes then closes with “tax credit for first time home buyers and another for first time parents”.

She can do scripted. She used the same scripted answer. But when there is no script she gets visibly nervous and starts babbling. Getting her off script is the key, which is why I suspect there will be no more public appearances before the election.

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Agreed. But I pretty much wonder though why it's Trump who doesn't want a next debate while The Cackler is eager for it. Is Trump another fraud after all throwing election on purpose?

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Sep 14Liked by Alex Ilex

Maybe he was ambushed once and isn’t going to go down the same trail again?

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Maybe but he could have demanded debate on another network like Fox News and with other moderators.

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Sep 14Liked by Alex Ilex

Trump is a known quantity at this point he doesn’t need more exposure so people know where he is coming from. Kamala could theoretically use the debate to explain her policies using a better script and this benefit (assuming people aren’t smart enough to see through her proposals) “tax breaks for doing what we want you to do!!”

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Sep 13Liked by Alex Ilex

I think Trump should insist that The Cackler isn't fed her answers through an earpiece next time.

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And she should be fact-checked too next time, as hard as he was.

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Second debate with Joe Rogan moderating. Wouldn’t that be entertaining? Or Tucker would be lovely. We need someone with a sense of humor in Tucker’s case, it a grasp of the absurd as Rogan has.

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Trump must talk about:


Killer jabs

Big farma TV ads

Sovereign borders

Sanctions are ruining the dollars

Sensors are destroying democracy

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Roserambles Al 👍

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It wasn’t a debate. It was a public show trial held by MSM propagandists. Nothing more. To say otherwise is intellectually dishonest and reprehensible conduct toward legitimate debates.

Objectivity, no partisan moderation and righteous questioning without follow regarding fact checks (aka censorship via bias)

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Not fully agreed. After eight years of MSM smearing campaign against him Trump should have been prepared to something like that. He should not have allowed them to provoke himself and get emotional and make unproven claims.

He should have grilled The Cackler based on countless shit she had done instead, and he didn't even bring up most of it - COVID fascist vax mandates, Afghanistan disastrous withdrawal, gaslighting the public about Biden dementia, etc.

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There were no winners of that show trial. Not a one…

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Notice how you always feel a need to defend Trump even when he objectively fucked up?

You worship him like God. It's not great and actually harmful and delusional attitude.

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Lol. Yikes you’re definitely a gay male ? Right? I don’t worship any man or woman (except maybe my mom)

And your standards don’t have to be mine that’s the point. I could care less if you have standards that are close to mine. I live mine every day.

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Sep 14·edited Sep 14Author

How is my gay sexuality even relevant here?

Exactly, my standards don't have to be yours. Yet you advised me to 'develop some standards' recently because my standards didn't match yours. Contradiction, mate.

You might not consciously worship Trump but you take any critics of him even if fact-based pretty hard though.

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Additionally, Trump hired a gay man in his cabinet that I never saw, or read about him getting overworked or overly sensitive on any issues. He was an awesome leader and partner for DJT

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Also, what you're doing is harmful and counterproductive. I'm on your side yet you attack me for different from yours interpretation of this shit show, to the utter delight of DemoNrats and Woketards who would love us to eat each other. Congrats for helping them.

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You provided zero facts for me. My life experience is gay men are overly sensitive. Having lived in NYC for years; having two in my division, one a direct report of mine (who’s an excellent person and professional) it’s always a constant when something happens unexpectedly. In business that’s not a good quality. Remember …NO facts just your subjective opinion on what you saw in the “show trial” that you call a debate.

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I don't see any my 'oversensitivity', it's gaslighting with a slight homophobic touch to it (aka gay men are usually overly sensitive, it's just a stereotype). No one would like to be smugly told 'develop some standards', gay or straight, man or woman.

Whatever you call it, Trump let himself get provoked and emotional and actually overly sensitive, swallowed their bait and didn't bring up important issues. That's facts. Your attitude is emotional denial, in the contrary.

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Wow! If you feel that’s an insult I’d develop a thicker skin bud. I told you to develop standards?

Move along

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Yeah, to claim that I don't have standards or have low ones is actually insulting.

Maybe you should follow your second advice too and develop thicker skin when it comes to fact-based criticisms of Trump instead of exhibiting cultist mentality which is nothing else than TDS in reverse. If Trump can't be criticized in your view, you're the problem just like Woketards.

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I criticize Trump all the time. Still I’m voting for him a 3rd time. His handlers are beyond inept…absolute white trash on full display.

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I didn't say we shouldn't vote for Trump because of this 'debate' failure either.

His handlers? See, you again shift the blame from him onto others.

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How about you just don’t have my standards. It’s not universal but your insecurities sure are? Overly sensitive is your middle name. That’s an insult!

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Why should I develop YOUR standards then if I have my own? Pushing your standards down on me? That's even worse.

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I’m not talking about preparation on Trumps part. You and anyone that believes that’s a debate have low standards regarding blatant bias. Man up kid! I’m calling it out ! Just because it’s expected doesn’t make it right?

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It doesn't matter how you call it. Trump might have won even that if he had prepared better and was less smug.

And now it's not helping to ignore his mistake and to focus on how 'unfair and biased' debate was when nothing else could have been expected from these people anyway.

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Adios bud. Develop some standards and then we’ll chat.

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If you can't even respectfully disagree and feel need to insult people disagreeing with your view, it's YOU who should develop some standards, sorry.

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On substance, I think Trump won. Her over-the -top facial expressions were a turnoff!

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Hi, I wonder if you'd be willing to tell me why you support Trump. I'm honestly open to understand. From my perspective, he's only out for himself and his brand, not for the American people. But I'd be willing to hear your perspective.

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Sep 14Liked by Alex Ilex

The Anerican People? Really. Half the country backs him. We are Americsn too. The democratic party does not care about the people. Their policies caused inflation and high energy prices. Not to mention. Gov subsidizing salaries of illegals. So Americans are losing jobs.

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I wonder what specifically Trump did for all of us? The rich got lower taxes. My taxes went up. The response to Covid was to deny the problem until we were in crisis and lockdown. We're still working to come out of that. Inflation has been bad partly because of Biden's financial support of workers during Covid--that caused inflation, but seemed necessary at the time. But it's been down this year and is still dropping. I'm not anti-Trump. I'm independent. It just seems to me that Trump is mostly out for himself.

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Sep 14Liked by Alex Ilex

Low inflation. Low energy prices. Middle class got tax breaks.

Covid response. Vaccine eua. If you like that. What kind of response were you looking for ? Mandatory lock downs? Destroyed business? Harris Biden did that. Inflation and energy mess is theirs because of all their huge spending to force going electric. And shutting down gas production. Yes now it's election year again. They planned savings abd open temporarily. Just like 2022. But in Jan. Will all be high again.

I''m Independent too. And a scientist. And Biden Harris LIED LIED about covid and their fda really sold out so Congress ( both parties) could become millionaires on Insider trading.

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Guess we just disagree. I don't hear any facts here, just accusations without foundataion.

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Actually there were facts here. Inflation and gas prices were low under Trump. They skyrocketed under Biden. It's data and stats.

COVID was WEF and Big Pharma scam. Lockdowns and mask mandates never saved any lives new research proved it, just hurt economy and public mental health. Big Pharma nRNA genetically modified 'vaccine' never stopped the spread of the virus - even Pfizer CEO admitted it, yet they still forced useless drugs down on people which is medical fascism and violation of Nuremberg code. Fauci is a monster worse than Mengele who lied to Congress about gain-on-function research and COVID lab leak.

Everything COVID was a scam - you were lied to by corrupt Big Pharma bought politicians, fake 'experts' like Fauci and propagandist media. What's really tragic is people like you still believe this grandest medical fraud in history despite all emerged evidence because apparently Mainstream Misleadia still didn't tell you, sigh.

COVID criminals should be prosecuted on new Nuremberg for their countless crimes against humanity and Pharma fascism.

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I'm really not going to engage this. I know three people who died of COVID. As for lies, "The woman behind an early Facebook post spreading a harmful and baseless claim about Haitian immigrants eating local pets that helped thrust a small Ohio city into the national spotlight says she had no firsthand knowledge of any such incident and is now filled with regret and fear as a result of the ensuing fallout.

“It just exploded into something I didn’t mean to happen,” Erika Lee, a Springfield resident, told NBC News on Friday." This lie, has now led to violence in Springfield. If nothing else, it's moved me to vote for Harris.

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While he is definitely egotistical, he is genuinely a patriot and ran for president because he was frustrated by the weak Republican response to our problems. Although he gets personal gratification as President he has suffered a loss of much of his former popularity and certainly not gained financially.

I primarily support his world view and resistance to war mongering; his support for US industrial resurgence and his widely successful border policy.

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Sep 14Liked by Alex Ilex

He’s lost hundreds of millions of dollars in running for president. He’s attracted frivolous lawfare charges that seek hundreds of millions more. He was shot, and then stood right back up and yelled “fight!”

No profits he’s allegedly going to make out of public service compensate for what he is giving up to run for office.

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I simply disagree. He seems to me to be only out for himself. I'm sorry when anyone is shot, but I have yet to see any signs of real manliness, which involves admitting mistakes, supports others and doesn't demean people publiclly. That's the kind of man I'd vote for--much more like Walz than Trump, I think.

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I think you are partial to what we generally call wusses

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Walz? Creepy guy with pedo vibes who actually believes women have penises and men mebstruate who put tampons in boys' bathrooms, seriously? Walz who lied about his military service? Gosh. I didn't believe someone even on the Left did actually like this guy but here you go.

And what Trump gets out of it? Unprecedented sky high amounts of hate and assassination attempt? Is it that how he's here 'for himself'? Have you tried thinking before arguing?

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I wa. hoping to have an actual conversation. This is what you call civil discourse? I'm disgusted and signing off.

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I see, the facts and truth which you don't like offend you. I said only facts. If you're offended by facts, you're the problem. Bye.

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Typical thin skinned Libtard

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Not sure how much it moved the needle. I think the TDS is deep in this country but I also don’t trust the polls.

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Me neither.

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