Sep 10Liked by Alex Ilex

I've been in the military for 23 years and served my time in HELL in Viet-Nam. I have learned much about that war and how it started in 1946 with letters to Truman, Churchill, and Stalin by the leader in North Viet-Nam at that time. I have fought many battles in my mind over this but at the same time I loved this country and still do. I believe in free speech and that an individual has the right to this and many others. I will fight to provide the atmosphere for this right and many others to all people even though I might not agree. But what is going on in this country now is a take over. Lets be careful of what we ourselves believe and the following of what is right. If what you view is right but you take violet means to enforce this on others then you are wrong. Thats all there is to it. Believe what you want but do not use violence to push it on others.

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There's also a sex dimension to this... young WOMEN are the wokest generation; young men are not. Harry Potter is mainly beloved by females (who tend to read fiction slightly more anyway, I think). Millions of people enjoyed the books and films, but if I had to guess I would say 65% or so are female...

We're seeing this divide across a number of platforms and mediums. Tik Tok and IG (the ladies' room) are woke. YouTube (the man cave) is not.

Reddit is just full of deeply mentally ill people-many of them seem confused about the entire issue. Lol

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Not sure of that but might make sense too.

What's about Substack, whose domain is that?

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Sep 9·edited Sep 9Liked by Alex Ilex

What goes around comes around. Especially if it goes around to the left, I guess. Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.

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Well said.

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Sep 11Liked by Alex Ilex

THAT is an ‘interesting’ take on matters Alex. One I had not previously considered. Keep UP the Good Work Brother!


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Never read an HP book or viewed an entire HP flick ... So, if you say the one character's Hitler and another is someone else, that's good enough for me. The things they do with the words ... Anyway, as I'm finishing this piece, Head Clown comments: Poor thing ... she shot herself in the back ... couple o' things along the way ... something about cancelling a dead author made Dr. Seuss say Hello... and the Narnia guy did stuff with characters for reasons for sure... and from nowhere The Wizard Of Oz, the book I was told had State Of Affairs messaging with the characters and plots ... fits with the JK being a modern author thing... if the Head Clown's right about the Wiz book... And the reply from the book club ladies about the good and evil was, I guess, good enough for me too... Now if I ever read one...

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That’s why you can’t ever align yourself with left. Because at some point if you disagreed with their lunacy and evil they will turn against you.

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I have been a Conservative for 50 years and I am very tuned into the agenda. And angry about it. I really don’t see what you see. HP is very anti establishment. The establishment is full on Left now. HP is pro quirky misfits. If I had to say anything it would be more individualistic and therefore less left.

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Sep 9·edited Sep 9Author

Lord Voldemort with his 'pure blood' agenda is a clear symbol of Hitler and Death Eaters are 'far right' Nazis. Analogy is crystal clear. Also, there's classic Leftist class agenda when poor working class people (Weasley) are heroes while rich old families like Malfoys are villains. I'm not saying it's bad by default but it's Leftist though.

Also take note that the Left became establishment ONLY during last decade. When HP books were written in the beginning of 00s, the right were the establishment actually.

As for Hogwarts kids fighting Nazis, it's extremely naive and dangerous idea and a direct prototype of Woke college kids. All of them were inspired by Dambldore Army in HP books by the way, and they openly equated Trump with Voldemort and Republicans with Death Eaters as well.

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I get the Voldemort = Hitler. But I don’t see that seemingly being Trump. I still see it as being a story, first and foremost, and not political. But if I had to read anything into it It would be a typical kids best the adults story.

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Well, she might not have meant it politically but her Woke fandom politicized it. Due to the Leftist class struggle in her books too (and JK comes from a poor family actually so she's a self-made millionaire) HP books attracted primarily Left-wing Readership.

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Wouldn’t the Dursley’s be considered left though. Little house. Lower middle class. (I think that was their name. Harry’s relatives.).

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Yeah I know whom you're talking about but they're rather right - Uncle Vernon was reading Daily Mail, they're more upper middle class, and their own son went to a privileged school actually.

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Sep 10·edited Sep 10

I disagree with Voldemort (Trump) and his Death Eaters (Republicans). I read the series with a group of 30 and 40 year old moms. All conservative. And we loved the series. Still do. We saw Voldemort as Satan or elitism, and Death Eaters as the liberal left. 🤣 Never for a second did any of our kids equate the bad guy as Trump or the Death Eaters as Republicans. They really did just see good and evil as equated to God vs Satan, even the kids without an active faith. I think most kids saw it that way.

Also around where I live JK gets a LOT of support during this current issue from both adults and kids. I’m not seeing what you are at all. Online social media is not always a good reflection of the masses, and it’s often more frequented by the mentally immature and disturbed. And radical democrats. As always, the radical ones are few but very loud. They give everyone else a bad name when people assume it’s a reflection of everyone. Like the most radical republicans absolutely do not represent the majority of republicans. Same with democrats. Same with gays. Same with Christianity. People like to find the most disturbing example of any group and try to make them the poster child for the whole group so others will hate them. It’s a facade and not a truthful representation at all.

JK Rowling will be just fine. I can see it in her own confidence she carries herself with, and new generations are born every day that will grow up with her books and love them plenty. Just a radical few have deserted her. It’s no where near as many as the media would like everyone to believe.

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I guess every reader might interpret HP books as they want, and sometimes those interpretations might be the exact opposite... Does it mean the author meant any of those interpretations? Not sure.

Voldemort with his pureblood agenda was a clear Hitler analogy though and Death Eaters - Nazis. I think JK even confirmed it. Trump and Republicans are Woke interpretation, HP books were written before Trump. Similarly, Devil and DemoNrats is your interpretation.

You confuse things. JK gets a lot of support now grim conservatives because of her stand on trans shit. I do support her for it too. Doesn't mean her HP books were conservative though. You're making a mistake of idealizing person you like for some reason and assume that if she stood against trans shit now, she always was conservative. She wasn't.

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Wrong. It goes to show how little you truly understood what conservative was and is. Her books are more conservative than liberal. Heck maybe I’ll be willing to say “equal” handling of the best of both ideologies. This never had anything to do with the ”trans shit” because that wasn’t in the mix when we first enjoyed her books and they set up shop in our brains. We liked her long before that crap was even on the radar in a significant way.

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Sorry but I disagree and believe you're JK fan and as such as biased in her favor. Facts disagree with you though. Primary HP readership was and STILL is despite trans shit is Leftist one it's just stats. If you visited any HP convention, you would have been appalled at how Woke it is. Yeah, because her books were great they attracted some conservatives and older generation, but her PRIMARY readership was and still is young Leftists. It's just a fact.

Her overwhelming conservative support now is a direct result of trans shit. It might not be the case with you, but with many.

Mind you I wasn't condemning JK Rowling in this article. I even said I believe her intentions were good, but she still made some mistakes which attracted a wrong kind of audience to her books.

And nope, she wasn't conservative. She was a classic old school feminist with religious upbringing. It's not bad, I'm myself a classic old school liberal but it's just fact to which your bias blinds you. She also was a vivid hater of both Trump and Brexit and a celebrity darling of the Left before she dared to question their trans dogma.

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Who is JK?

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Rowling, Harry Potter author.

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