It's always fun to see someone talk about people who are easily deceived and then pivot into saying the most batshit stuff imaginable. You've been conned by the anti-pharma narrative into thinking a marginal vaccine improvement that saved lives, is actually "much the opposite". Ever since the vaccine rollout people have stopped dying as much and no one cares about the new variant cable news is hyping up except a very few Twitter neurotics. This isn't even similar to your initial example because there is no one protesting in favor of vaccines or pushing for any further changes. Why bother? You either got the vaccine or you're not interested, and either way it's not my problem.

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Feb 22·edited Feb 22Author

You either didn't read my piece properly, or on purpose twist it's meaning. I haven't said anything against vaccines and vaccination per se. I was exposing COVID plandemic and Pharma fascism, based on facts. By framing me as an 'anti-vaxxer' instead, you lied to demonize me. Not cool.

And what is that I had said is not fact? That COVID 'vaccines' never actually were even designed to stop the spread of the virus (and that was written in such respectable magazines as Lancet, not in 'conspiracy bulletins'!) and yet our authorities illegally and pointlessly forced it down on anyone doing away with our mere bodily autonomy! If that's not medical apartheid and Pharma fascism, then WHAT is it?

Or maybe COVID lab leak theory was 'conspiracy'? Or Fauci gain--on-function funding? And Bill Gates funding WHO via two of his funds - his own and Gavi - had nothing to do with it? I'm not sure about you but I'm not Ok with Epstein friend having a disproportionate amount of influence over our health.

So my article is fact-based and scientific. Your view is batshit crazy bullshit though. You di NOT follow the science. I doubt you even read Lancet magazine ever. You just listen to your TV and politicians and corrupt 'experts' like Fauci, they had conned you, and now you're unwilling to admit it and are angry at me for exposing this con rather than at those who conned you. Classic Ponzi scheme.

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This entire comment is just an unhinged rant.

"I'm not sure about you but I'm not Ok with Epstein friend having a disproportionate amount of influence over our health."

So because Bill Gates was friends with Epstein, or at least went to his pedo island, you don't trust him with your health? That's fine, all he did was give money to an international organization. I think you're just mad most normal people got the vaccine, didn't curl up and die, and have now moved on. I'm sorry people tried to make you take a life-saving medicine against your will. In future I will stand with your right to increase your chance of death to fulfill your belief in ideological ponzi schemes. No sarcasm by the way, that should be your right in a free country.

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Note also how you people call a rational and logical argument based on facts, data and actual scientific research (not Bill Gates and Fauci sponsored bullshit), an 'unhinged rant' just because it contradicts the mainstream false narrative you were fed so often that began not only to uncritically accept it but to get pissed off at anyone disagreeing with it. Again, classic Ponzi scheme victims. Great analogy I used. No wonder it pisses you off so much - truth hurts.

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It's an unhinged rant because you wrote four paragraphs of run on sentences with a bunch of unsupported points. The part where you wrote two responses to the same message...whew. (Also, someone giving money to a group does not control them. Huh?)

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One more lies. All my points are supported by facts and data, hence its not 'unhinged rsnt'. I even elaborated it.

And nope, top sponsors 100% control those whom they fund. If you don't understand that, you don't understand how capitalism works.

P. S. And yeah, your last claim was the one unsupported by both evidence and logic.

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Yes, you say "it's supported by facts and data" and then don't provide any. I had sex with your mom last night and that's supported by facts and data too!

PS: charitable donations are not part of capitalism bozo

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I'm sorry but you are just an idiot with an immense blindfold. You clearly don't understand how capitalism works. Those who have the most money control everything. Bill Gates is not just 'giving money' to WHO, he CONTROLS it with them. You must be cool not to realize. Those who pay order the music. And Bill Gates has a very clear agenda which he pushes down on us via WHO. The size of your blindfold and gullibility never fails to astonish.

And nope I'm very glad I didn't get this fake vaccine shit which gives people blind clots - and that's research too. I'm happy I withstood incredible amount of propaganda and pearl pressure from such gullible idiots like you, and will keep doing it, and waking more people up to this great fraud.

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