Mar 30Liked by Alex Ilex

I don’t know who you are or from where you speak, but none of us have a solution to this ongoing stupid problem of conflict.

Regardless of titles and ideology, in the end, we all have far more in common than we have to fight about. It’s a shame we can’t see it.

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Yeah that's indeed. I also believe that aiming for peace negotiations is anyway better than endless warmongering and demonization of the opponents.

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You fucking mongoloid far right parties had less than 3% in the last election.

PRobably there are many more nazis in the US than Ukraine not to mention the Baltics.


Most Ukrainians dont even know who he was.

You know nothing.

You are a joke.

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Have you ever heard of Azov Battalion? Clown.

And yeah Bandera is widely known and celebrated in Ukraine, now even more.

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You know nothing.

Now you, who doesn't even know where Ukraine is on a map, will lecture people who has been traveling there forever about it.

hahahah how pathetic you are.

Gee I must have missed all these bandera celebration parties!!!!



You are pathetic and nobody like you.

You have no balls, probably literally, to ever speak to a real human being about your hogwash.

You are a coward with a keyboard.

Just that :)

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Traveling but still not fighting there despite all your loud warmongering words? How very very sad, cowardice, cynical and hypocritical.

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Hahaha you know nothing. Nothing.

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Or is it just your coping defensive mechanism? But you started to attack me first. Drop your attacks and I won't be attacking you either.

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I dont give a fuck about your "attacks".

You are an intellectual midget with no arguments or life experience.

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How often did you repeat that phrase? It's creepy already. Seek help.

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You know NOTHING.

As I sad many times: try to get a passport and travel a bit, will maybe allow you to become a less bitter and shallow person, with arguments that are original instead of the tired conspiracy bullshit you seem to recycle as oppose to creating anything with merit. That's why you have little credence, followers and respect.

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Total Russian propaganda —

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Right, everything which contradicts your false narrative however fact-based is 'Russian propaganda'. Democratic braindead bot is exposed.

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Everybody who disagrees with you is a bot.

Only you, the special snowflake, can ever be right.

I am sure you have a lot of friends in real life.

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You keep pursuing me? Are you really secretly gay or bi? Can you say truth for one second at least?

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Is there anything wrong if I was? Are

You also a self hating gay?

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Apr 23·edited Apr 23Author

No, there's nothing wrong with it and I'm a proud gay. It just explains your pursuing of me.

Still, I fail to understand how you could seriously defend Islamic countries if you're gay. Is it like Blacks for Ku Klux Clan, Chicken for KFC or Lambs dor Wolves?

Also if you really like me and want to communicate but just think I might be wrong on something, insulting me and ignoring all my arguments isn't best tactics here. Civil argument always works better you know? And it's not me who started insulting part. Though I continued it fair enough.

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Where did I defend anything? I just said that the majority does not behave like you think they do. I know this because I traveled to many countries and saw everything firsthand. You on the other hand think you know having had no other experiences than CNN.

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deletedMar 29
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But it's wrong. The world isn't Black and white, it's complex. To simplify complex conflicts leads to deranged perception of reality, and, hence, wrong actions to end this conflict.

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And you know this from traveling all over and reading extensively about it, right?


That from the guy who didn't even know about the Budapest Memorandum.


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